A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 137: Quidditch World Cup (III)

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[POV Reo(Edgar)]

While walking away from the crowd I kept wondering why Fleur was watching me like that. I am pretty sure that she didn't recognize me as Magneto. To do that you should be able to see Magical aura and I am quite sure Veelas lack that talent. Yes, she could have that ability but if that was the case then her eyes would have contained fear or something similar but that wasn't the case.​​

Her eyes contained interest and curiosity. So, a Veela only becomes curious... yep, when they find someone who isn't bothered by their Allure and I am pretty sure that I wasn't affected by their Allure. So, I guess she became interested in me as she saw I didn't become a drooling fool. Well... I will care about all that stuff later and I am sure I will have this whole years time to think about all this because she is going to be in Hogwarts through the whole year.

I have other important stuff to do... like how can I cause several accidents to cause death here and there. I still haven't heard anything if there is going to be an attack or not. I have changed the timeline by a huge margin so there isn't anything sure if there is going to be an attack or not. But it's better safe than sorry.

I found some nice places where an accident could easily happen and decided to inform the girls about this later. I am not naive to think that the girls wouldn't participate in this... yes, Nemuri or Momo might not kill someone but they would easily maim someone and Dora... I ain't sure about her. But I personally think that she will kill if it's needed. Rumi has already killed so I don't think she would mind a lot. But I am much more worried about Luna. Well, Momo can help her getting away if something happens.

I finally returned to our tent and found that the crowd has already dispersed. I entered our tent and found everyone laughing and talking along with each other.

"Where have you been?" Momo asked me with a smile while gesturing me towards them. A smile appeared on my face and I quickly sat beside Momo where she was patting with her hand.

Nemuri pointed her wand in my direction and a bottle of butter beer shot towards my hand. I easily grabbed the bottle. Only now I noticed that the adults had a glass of Firewhisky in their hands and everyone else had a bottle of butter beer. They were also making barbeque... well, I won't ever complain about barbeque and drinks.

"I was looking around... found some interesting people and Harry it would be really good of you stay away from those Weasleye... especially Mama Weasley and the two youngest" I said to Harry who grimaced at the mention about Weasley.

"I honestly don't want to anywhere near that redheaded fool. Because of him I had spend most of time answering questions... hah! I am sock him in the face if he calls me his best friend one more time" Harry said while frowning.

"Arthur is a really nice guy but his only mistake was to let his wife take the helm of his family... I sometimes pity the man" Amelia spoke looking slightly disturbed.

"Well... boss, you are a woman too. Don't you think women should hold the helm of family?" Dora asked... her eyes were slightly galzed and she had the ever present mischievous glint present in her eyes. It was clear that she was planning something.

"Don't get me wrong... I always wanted to hold the helm of my family" Amelia said while glaring at Sirius who looked sheepish "but I want someone who had the guts to tell me when I am doing something wrong" she spoke still glaring towards Sirius. Sirius just cowered in fear... well I guess if he is like that then Amelia should hold the helm of their family.

"Aww... don't worry mutt I will take care of you" Harry said while patting his dog father. Everyone burst out laughing after that. Sirius huffed and pouted.

"Well, jokes aside... I seriously don't know why Arthur let's Molly lead his family" Andi spoke and took a sip of her drink.

"Well, it might have to do something with the Love Potion she had fed Arthur" Sirius chipped in.

"Isn't feeding Love Potion to a Lord of pureblood family a crime? Even if Weasleys aren't a prominent pureblood family but they still should be treated like pureblood family, right?" Dora asked, clearly confused.

"Well... there is a matter of line theft if it's caught or reported" Momo answered but this made Dora frown even more.

"But she openly accepts that she gave him Love Potion?" Dora asked looking even more confused.

"Like Alice said... it's a crime if caught or reported. Nothing happens if she accepts this right in the middle of Wizengamot now... no one would be able to touch her... she would just walk out" Andi said while nodding her head.

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"What!? Why?" Susan asked completely bewildered. I noticed Luna from the corner of eye and found her happily humming and listening to the conversation.

"Because they are married now... and the effected person Arthur won't complain... whatever anyone says won't matter" Andi continued while Ted handed her a plate of barbequed beef.

"Mum... how do you know all this stuff?" Dora asked.

"Well... I was a Black before I decided to run away and marry your father... so I was taught about politics and pureblood rules till I was 16" Andi said proudly.

"Well... I say it's good that they don't hold any power politically... or they would have been worshipping the old fool everytime he entered the Wizengamot chambers" Amelia said with disdain clear in her voice.

"From what I have seen... they are also a staunch pureblood family. They might support the old fool but they support the pureblood supremacy" Nemuri suddenly said.

"Yes, the old fool and his whole voting block on the Wizengamot behaves like that they support the muggleborns but they don't... they discriminate muggleborns more subtly though, unlike the dark families.

"At least Magneto killed that pink toad... I hated her with my whole being. She was a disgusting human or toad whatever you want to call her... she had single-handedly passed several bills that had made muggleborns second-hand citizens" Amelia spat out in rage.

"Um... boss who are you talking about?" Dora asked.

"She is talking about Dolores Umbitch... oops Umbridge" Andi said and chuckled sheepishly when she said Umbitch.

"Yeah... before she died... she was trying to pass a bill that would make it impossible for the muggleborns to work in the Ministry" Amelia said looking in her glass.

"Well... it's good that the toad is gone now... let's forget these disturbing topics and have dinner" Momo said suddenly and everyone immediately agreed with her in an instant. It was quite late and everyone was getting hungry and the meat was also prepared.

After dinner, we put out the fire and went to sleep like arranged beforehand. My tent was the biggest with the biggest bed as Nemuri, Momo, Rumi were also there. Because Andi and Ted were here Dora decided to sleep separately for tonight to Andi would tease her endlessly.

Like it happened recently... Luna sneaked into our tent in night and joined our group. I have asked several times about what was going on but didn't receive any answer. And Luna is like an angel... I tried but I was unable to bring myself to say anything to her.

The next day was much more crowded, Albus feckin Dumbledore finally decided to show up and greeted Harry. Sirius stood beside Harry like a guard watching Dumbles like a hawk. Ol Twinkles didn't even looked bothered with this. Dumbles didn't try anything now... of course he isn't stupid to try to pull anything especially with all these foreigners here. Reporters from other countries were looking at the situation with microscope... obviously not a literal microscope it was a metaphor.

After acting like a caring grandfather he walked away but not before giving Sirius a disappointed grandfatherly lecture about how disappointed he was. How disappointed Harry's parents would be in him since he didn't allow their son to study in Hogwarts. Sirius was about to punch the whiskered fool but thankfully Amelia hit him with a stinging hex and stopped him.

The rest of the day was quite normal... like I had guessed, the Minister... Moron Cornelius Fudge appeared before Harry like a kid on sugar rush and treated him like a God before dragging Harry into his VIP box. Harry was begging his dog father to save him but alas it looked like it wasn't going to happen as Sirius was rolling on the floor in laughter.

Almost every men in the whole stadium became a bumbling fool when the veela cheerleaders entered. I again noticed Fleur staring intently at me... with interest clear in her eyes. Delacours were also in the VIP box as Jean Delacour had become the new head of DMLE of French Aurors.

The match was quickly over... I wasn't interested in the match. I was keeping my eyes around for any sign of the attack or Winky the house elf. Unfortunately I didn't find anyone or I would be killing some peoples and Rumi would have been able to fight someone too. Loss... and I couldn't blame anyone for this as I was the one who changed the timeline while killing dear old Lucy and Lord Nott... with them gone I don't think anyone would have the courage to do anything. Maybe Parkinson... but I can't say anything for sure.

After returning to the tent, I decided to stay up so that I could react quickly to the attack but again unfortunately nothing happened. No attack happened... I stayed up the whole night. In morning we finally decided to gather everything and leave. After getting everything all of us decided to return of Castle Ravenclaw... we also invited Sirius and Harry as they didn't have anything special to do...

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