A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 141: GOF (IV) & The Delegations

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[POV Reo(Edgar)]

Another month passed in a blink... nothing major happened in the two months since the school started. Everyone was really excited about the Triwizard Tournament. Even though I know that they are adding a new twist to this tournament and there are going to be six champions instead of three... shouldn't it be called Hexa-Wizard tournament or something similar to that??​ ​

Well, magical people always lack common sense... I honestly don't know how can they be so stupid. Of course what more can you expect from mindless sheeps. Well... all of this aside there was another thing which nobody noticed, honestly nobody could because how subtle and sudden it was but I only noticed it because I was consciously looking for it. Not even the girls have found anything about this.

It was about how lax the Professors have become in giving out detentions. Yes, the bullying had been mostly stomped out of Hogwarts but there were still someone who tried to do it from time to time. Even if someone noticed that the Professors have become lax but all of them thought that they must be busy and stressed about the tournament and forgot about it.

So here we were standing outside of Hogwarts in front of Black waiting for our guests to arrive. The sky was filled with fog and it's a rather chilly morning. I was kind of annoyed being pulled out from the bed by my lovers.

"Are you excited?" Luna asked with excitement clear in her eyes.

"Um... no, not exactly... I am kind of annoyed though" I grumbled, Luna took pity on me and patted on my head. Ah... my angel.

"Don't be such a baby Edgar, it's not that early" Rumi spoke while shooting me a glare because she had to work very hard to pull me out of the bed.

"I guess, I kind of understand why Edgar feels like this... after all we was cuddling" Momo said making a gesture with her hands. Rumi gave her a blank glare for a few moments then both Rumi and Momo burst out giggling.

"Hush... hush... they are here" Luna hushed us and pointed us towards the sky in the direction of Forbidden Forest.

(A/N: I am gonna use depictions from both the book and movies so it might seem kind of odd)

A gigantic black shape skimmed over the treetops of the Forbidden Forest and as soon the lights hit it, we saw a gigantic, powerblue carriage... a horse drawn carriage, floating in the sky. It was big enough to be called a large house... of course it would be big or where would the delegations be living? It was soaring towards us... pulled through air by dozen of winged horses... all Abraxans, and each were the size of an elephant.

The carriage landed right in front of the black lake. The carriage door opened slowly and the Headmistress of Beauxbatons... Olympe Maxime exited the carriage followed by her students. Maxime scanned the crowd and immediately found Ol Twinkles and a smile graced her face. Ol Twinkles was standing along with all the Professors behind him. I quickly scanned the crowd of Beauxbatons's students and I was really glad that Harry wasn't here. I should feel bad for doing this but honestly, I don't. I was never a good guy.

Maxime walked towards Ol Twinkles followed by her students and greeted Dumbles.

(A/N: I am gonna ignore their accent. I would write as they speak English clearly)

"Good morning, Headmaster Dumbledore. It's nice to meet you again" Maxime said with a smile and extended her hand. Ol Twinkles accepted her hand and kissed the back of her hand.

"Madame Maxime, what can I say it's been good and welcome to Hogwarts. I hope you and your students have a nice time here during the Tournament" Dumbles spoke with a smile on his face. I noticed him subtlety scanning the crowd of the students for something. Obviously it was Harry... he was slightly disappointed to see that Harry wasn't here that meant if someone entered his name then Dumbles won't be able to make Harry take the fall.

The Beauxbaton's students and Maxime decided to wait for the arrival of Durmstrang. Well, we didn't have to wait long for them.

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Slowly, magnificently, a ship rose out of the water, gleaming in the moonlight. Well, it was definitely morning but it still felt like moonlight was lighting up the ship. It had a strangly skeletal look around it. It kind of looked similar to the Flying Dutchman ship from the Pirates of the Carribean. Well, it did rose out from the water. It looked also similar with the resurrected wreck, and the dim, misty lights simmering at the portholes looks. It kind of looked like ghostly eyes. Finally with great sloshing noise, the ship emergered entirely, bobbing the turbulent water, and began to glide towards the bank.

The ship stopped by the bank and a huge plank landed on the bank. Soon Igor Karkaroff walked out of the ship followed by his students. The students of Durmstrang had an air of arrogant young master around them. Well, it could be the case... who knows? They walked upto Dumbledore and the students with similar kind of arrogance. I felt a tingle in the wards... oh... this how the Dark Mark feels. I eyes immediately turned towards Alastor Moody... he wasn't giving a feeling like this. No matter what I am damn sure that Polyjuice can't protect you from wards.

Until now, I thought that the wards might not be able to notice the Dark Mark that is why I kept a close eye on Moody for last two months thinking that he must be Barty Crouch Jnr. but it seems he wasn't. I tried to remember the tingle and found another signature like that... bang. My eyes quickly followed the crowd and landed on Argus Filch. Damn... he did good. I never ever considered Barty to impersonate him, after all, he was a squib. It was the same reason I never checked him with the wards. Guess, my target changed... I have to keep an eye on him... but shouldn't his cat Mrs. Norris should have noticed this?

Now that I think about it... Mrs. Norris the cat has been missing since last month. Nobody bothered with the damn cat but everyone was happy that it wasn't here. Filch made a huge uproar because of that but nobody paid him any mind as everyone hated the cat.

"Dumbledore! It's nice to meet you, again! I hope the best school wins" that was the greeting Karkaroff gave to Dumbledore. Everyone sweat dropped along with Dumbledore hearing the greeting. Moody was openly glaring at the ex-Death Eater. He was trying to stare him to death... Karkaroff noticed the glare and for a moment cowered before schooling back his features.

After that all of us were dismissed. The Head Boy was given the responsibility to show around Hogwarts to the Durmstrang students while the Head Girl was given the same responsibility for the Beauxbaton students.

The rest of the day passed quite normally but I kept an on Filch or Crouch Jnr. with the help of wards. It was easy since he has a magical signature now. Soon it was the time for evening feast and the time the goblets were going to be brought in.

Dumbledore entered the Great Hall along followed by Barty Crouch Snr., Ludo Bagman, Maxime, Karkaroff and several ministry workers who were carrying two massive crates.

"Fristly I would like to welcome the students of Beauxbatons" Dumbledore said using Sonorus.

The doors of the Great Hall burst open and the students of Beauxbatons entered the Hall doing a dance... er... performance.

(A/N: The same thing they did in the movies)

With that done, the Beauxbatons decided to take seats in the Ravenclaw table. I noticed a stare on me to notice Fleur Delacour looking at me curiously. Well, she wasn't hiding the fact as she still kept looking at me even after I noticed her.

"Next I want to invite the Durmstrang students" Dumbledore continued and welcomed the Durmstrang students. The doors of the Great Hall burst open again and arrogant young masters entered the Hall doing their performance with the staff or stick...

(A/N: The thing they did in the movies)

The Durmstrang students sat down on the Slytherin table. Draco Malfoy was looking at Vickor Krum like a love sick puppy. I think I should write a letter to Narcissa... telling about her son's tastes.

"Finally, I wish to impress upon any of you wishing to compete that this tournament is not to be entered lightly... once, a champion has been selected by either of these goblets" Ol Twinkles said and the Ministry workers laid down the boxes and Dumbles shot a spell and the two boxes disappeared leaving a golden goblet on fire and a silver goblet on fire.

"The golden goblet would be used to select the Senior students, if anyone is selected by this cup then the student must participate till the end or they would end up losing their magic" Ol Twinkles said while pointing towards the Golden Goblet.

"The silver goblet will be used to select the Junior students... but if anyone is selected then he or she must participate till the end of the tournament or they risk going into a magical coma for a year. Now, before you drop your name in either of these goblets I want you to be prepared whole-heartedly. Now, with that the Triwizard Tournament had officially began. The name will be selected during the Halloween feast... now, please enjoy the food" Dumbledore said and the food appeared on the table...

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