A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 143: GOF (VI) & The True Dark Lord

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A/N: From now on most of the chapters are going to be from Rumi's perspective.

I have also decided to keep the events same. Dragons, Black Lake and Maze.​​


[POV Rumi(Roxanne)]

Thank God, my name came out... or I would have gone on my own to pick up a few fights. The world is really boring like hell... of course I visit fight clubs or rings from time to time but they can only give me some fun as normal humans can no longer give me any challenge even when I am not using my Quirk or Arnament Haki.

Yes, sure, magic is awesome and I find it really nice but this world is reather dull. Here everyone is busy with politics... Reo uses most of his time plotting and planning. Why can't we just blast everyone away with brute force? Now, don't get me wrong, I love Reo, and I also like to spend time with my sister wives... but I really don't like how they play politics. I always liked exciting things... like fighting and I have come to love our sexual sessions... oh... I kind of wonder if we can have those more.

I was brought out of my musings when someone called my name. I turned and found it was the star of Hufflepuff and he was standing on McGonagall's other side... so that means he was selected from the Senior section.

"Congratulations, miss Ravenclaw. My name is Cedric Diggory... I am from Hufflepuff" the dude introduced himself and extended his hand towards me. I was about to shake his hand but the Great Hall became silent again. I saw that everyone was looking towards the old fool.

"Harry Potter" the old fool said and the silence ensued in the Great Hall. Wow... I pretty sure that now he would spout some bullshit about how Harry Potter still had to participate even though someone else put his name in the goblet. I wonder what Reo has to say... my eyes immediately found him and he wasn't quite surprised with this... looks like he knew something like this would happen.

Well... who cares?? As long as I get a good time in this tournament... I won't care who is in it on their own or who is being forced by someone else.

After a few moments of complete silence, the Great Hall erupted in shouts and clamorings. Ompf...!! So fucking loud... I kind of wish I can kick their collective asses. We were quickly led to an antechamber by the side of the Great Hall.

"Dumbledore what is the meaning of this?!" the tall woman screamed as soon as she entered the room. I heard from Momo that she has a giant-heritage.

"That's what I also want to know Dumbledore? How is Beauxbatons allowed to do this?" the guy who Reo called a coward also asked Dumbledore. The old fool didn't seem quite bothered.

"What are you accusing my school for Headmaster Karkaroff?" the tall woman's attention was turned from the old fool towards the coward guy. The woman hissed dangerously towards the Karkaroff. I finally found his name.

"Nothing extraordinary... I am just pointing out how someone decided to have another bite of the apple. If Beauxbatons are allowed to have three participants then Durmstrang should also be allowed to get another participant" Karkaroff said glaring at the tall woman.

"How dare you?!!" The tall woman screamed and was about to jump on Karkaroff.

"Enough!" the old fool shouted the stopped them from throwing blows.

Damn the bastard... he ruined the show! I was waiting for the first blow then I would also be able to jump in. I was highly disappointed.

"But I still don't understand how another name came out of the goblet" the old fool said with a pensive look on his face. If I didn't know any better then I would have seriously thought that he didn't have any hand in this. Before anyone could say anything... Alastor Paranoid Moody decided to enter the room. I gave him the middle name with his personality of Constant Vigilance and all that.

"I have checked the goblet... someone have confounded that artifact and made it think that there is another school and put the boy's name under that school. It must have been someone powerful to be able to confound such an ancient artifact" Moody said... his magical was looking around the whole room. The chewed out auror knew what he was doing.

"So? What that means? Are we going to allow this boy to participate or not?" Katina asked in an arrogant voice.

"There is no question regarding that... since his name came out of the goblet then he has to participate in the tournament or lose his magic" Barty Crouch Snr. said while nodding his head. His mustache looked kind of funny.

"Then I demand to that one more participant from my school is allowed to enter!" Karkaroff screamed in rage.

"You don't demand anything Death Eater! Say another word and I will make you wish that you rotted in Azkaban!" Moody exclaimed and pulled out his wand. Yes... yes... please let the battle start. Let the curses fly!

"Enough Alastor! We have more important topics to discuss. Madame Maxime I recommend that you inform Harry Potter regarding this matter" Dumbledore started to speak.

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"He needs to be present here within 48 hours or he will lose his magic" Barty Crouch Snr. said while nodding his head. That guy seems to nod to himself... he must think that he is too important.

Maxime looked grim but nodded her head. "Then, we can hold this meeting again when all the participants are here" the old fool said and was about to dismiss the meeting. Oh... no you are not doing that!

"Wait Headmaster Dumbledore... I want to ask something" I said, this made everyone stop in their tracks.

"Of course miss Ravenclaw" the old fool gestured to continue.

"I wanted to know who are going to be the judges?" I asked innocently. Dumbledore looked slightly surprised but still decided to answer.

"Well, it would be me, Madame Maxime, Headmaster Karkaroff, Ludo Bagman, and Barty Crouch Snr" Dumbledore answered.

"Then I ask all of you take a magical oath that you are going to judge everything without bias and you won't interfere in the tournament" I said and looked around the room. If Dumbles was angry he didn't show it unlike the coward Karkaroff.

"How dare you asking us to do something like..." Karkaroff began screaming but I cut him off.

"It's clearly said in the rules of Triwizard Tournament that if any participants ask for the oath the judges must take the oath and since this is Triwizard Tournament..." I didn't need to finish what I was saying and left it hanging. Everyone in the room were quite surprised that I knew about the laws.

"Miss Ravenclaw... I don't think there is going to be any need for that" the old fool said with a gentle smile on his face. Like I am going to let him...

"Yes, there is" I said with full seriousness in my voice. It exactly wasn't my idea... Reo said that this was going to make Dumbles unhappy so I happily agreed.

Everyone except Karkaroff reluctantly took out their wands and took the oath. Then everyone's eyes turned towards Karkaroff.

"I refuse to take such an oath!" Karkaroff stated while gritting his teeth.

"Then you won't be allowed to sit on the Judge's panel and Durmstrang won't have a judge" Barty Crouch Snr. stated.

Some moments passed in silence until Karkaroff pulled out his wand and took the oath. With that we finally left the room. I decided to introduce myself to Cedric as we were distracted by Harry's name coming out of the goblet.

I finally arrived in front of the Ravenclaw dorms, the doors opened and as soon as I entered I found a celebration in my honour. Everyone was waiting for me. I stayed there for an hour until I headed towards Reo's room. We also spent the night celebrating with a sleepless night.


[Next Day] (Headmaster's Office)

Albus was quite pensive... he would have never imagined that someone would ask him for the oath. Yes, he could have chosen to not become a judge but that would show badly on his reputation. And if he had refused to take the oath and interfered with the tournament then he had no idea how the goblet would react.

This has happened several times since the tournament started. He didn't want to challenge something like the Goblet of Fire. He spent the last night making new plans. He can no longer influence the tournament directly or indirectly... this ruined many of his plans. He didn't even notice the time. Suddenly an owl flew in with an edition of Daily Prophet. The owl dropped the paper on his table and flew out. Dumbledore picked up the paper and quite oddly... the paper was heavier then other times.

Dumbledore opened the paper and almost had a stroke when he read the headline of the first page.

'Albus Dumbledore The True Dark Lord', Albus decided to read the article after all something like this cannot be ignored. His face became paler and paler by each moment and his heart beat rose up. All of his crimes have been listed with details in the paper. The whole edition was just filled with all the crimes he did. It started with how he made Grindelwald become a Dark Lord then went on describing his crimes in the last war against everyone died.

He had no idea how was anyone able to dig up all his crimes but he knew one thing... he needed to run. He was sure that if Amelia was able to get her hands on him then he would never be able to leave Azkaban.

"Fawkes!" Dumbles shouted and his Phoenix flamed above him and flashed away with him. He even took the edition of Daily Prophet along with him...

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