A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 150: GOF (XIII) & Minister Of Magic (II)

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[POV Nemuri(Vicky)]

After Amelia walked away from me and Tonks, I decided to talk with Reo about this. I have to say... Minister Vicky or Ravenclaw have some appeal and I always wanted to hold some authority over the government and if I become the Minister... I will hold huge amount of power.​​

"Vicky... you are kind of scaring me" I was finally brought out of my pleasant thoughts by Tonks.

"What do you even mean by that?" I asked with a sweet smile and voice.

"Your smile... it's scary" Tonks stuttered. Hehe... she knows me so well.

"I don't know what you are talking about" I said and pulled out my phone to call Reo. Becoming the minister won't just help me... it would help Reo too. After a few seconds of ringing Reo finally picked up the call.

'What's up Nemuri?' I heard Reo's voice from the other side.

"Honey~, are you busy? I need to borrow some of your time... I need to discuss something with you, it's quite urgent too" I said.

'Yep, I am free now' Reo said.

"There is going to be an emergency meeting in the Wizengamot for the vote of no confidence for Fudge, has Amelia told you about that?" I asked, I wanted to know how much he knew, so it would make it much more easier.

'Yeah, she gave me an earful for the change of plans... I don't know anything more than that' Reo said.

"Well, I just met with Amelia and she told me that candidates for next Minister will also be selected during this meeting. She wasts me to stand in the election" I said at once... always rip the bandage at once.

'... I would like if you became the Minister, it would be good for our future endeavors. But I won't ask you to become Minister, the decision completely lies on you. So, I want to know... what do you want?' Reo asked me in an cryptic voice.

Well, what did I expect? Reo never made any decision for us unless it would harm us. He had always encouraged us to make decisions for ourselves since we have been together... lets see, I really want to become the minister but it would definitely cut off my sexy time with Reo and my porn... but sex on the Minister's table is really enticing. Just thinking about him pounding me from behind while his hand playing with my tits made me wet.

"Ok, then I will stand in the election if you don't mind" I said with determination clear in my voice.

'Good luck then, I will ask Harry to support you and the Black voting block would also support you' Reo said in an excited voice.

"It's just nomination today you know?" I asked him.

'I know, but we need to prepare for the elections, as sooner we start, the sooner we would get results' Reo said... well, I can't disagree with that.

"Fine! Fine! Do whatever you like, honey~. See you this weekend" I said and decided to cut the call.

"So he supports your decision" Tonks asked me. Dumb girl... didn't she hear me speak on the phone with him?

"Duh! Didn't you just hear me?" I asked her while shrugging my shoulders.

"No! It's not that! I heard you clearly... it's just that I still find it hard to believe that you are going to be the Minister" Tonks said while her hair started to change colors. She must be feeling various emotions.

"It's not decided yet" I said in an dismissing manner.

"Yeah, right" Tonks snorted. "You are really famous if you want to know. Majority of the votes came from the half-bloods and purebloods till now. But you gave the muggleborns jobs... giving them the right to vote... who do you think they are going to vote for?" Tonks scoffed and said. Now, that I think of it, Tonks is right.

"You are not liked by some of the pureblood families because you are a damn pervert, but it won't matter if other pureblood families like Bones, Black, Greengrasses support you" Tonks continued her rant even after she had sold me the idea that I was surely going to be the next minister.

"Fine! Fine! I get you, but how do you know all these stuff. I never pegged you for someone who knew her politics" I said, I have never seen Tonks hold up such a intelligible chat.

"Hello! Daughter of Black here!" Tonks said dryly. I guess that kind if makes sense. Of course, even though Andi was thrown out of her family... that didn't mean that she would forget everything Blacks have taught her. She must have passed on that education to her clumsy daughter. And Tonks must have to re-learn them after she became an auror.

"I guess..." I said and decided to leave towards the Wizengamot chambers.

"Wait for me" Tonks said and started to fumble with her paperwork that was stacked on her table. She wasn't able to do anything with them except scattering them around.

"Fuck it! Shit!" Tonks cursed loudly when she scattered her paperwork all around. I sighed and pulled out my wand and waved it two time and all the paperwork she had scattered were stacked nicely.

"What spell was that? Did you make it yourself?" Tonks gasped seeing me perform the spell. This spell is a must required spell for someone like Tonks.

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"It's a household spell, you can learn it from any common books" I said dryly. Tonks mumbled something grumpily under her breadth... it sounded quite similar to 'I should have learned them when my mum tried to teach me'.

"Come on Miss grumpy let's go" I said to which Tonks just glared at me. I chuckled, Tonks walked by my side.

It didn't take us long to arrive in front of the Wizengamot Chambers. Tonks was a junior Auror so she won't be able to enter the chambers unless she was guarding a criminal or some guests. Only senior Aurors can be present inside as security or something... but they have no rights to speak until specifically asked. We decided to celebrate tonight by drinking until we became stupid so, I bid farewell to Tonks for now and entered the chambers.

The chambers were almost full, I didn't bother with the others and walked upto the Ravenclaw chair and sat down. Soon, the whole chamber was filled and Amelia finally walked in. Fudge also followed her... he looked really downcasted, he looked resigned.

Obviously, he would be resigned because most of his supporters namely Lucius Malfoy, Lord Nott were gone... dead in a ditch. Their money and political clout made it possible for him to stay the minister for this long or he would have lost his position long ago when Harry left Britain.

But now, most of the dark families would want to wash their hands away with him. They would want someone from their side to become the minister which is simply impossible. After all, only because of this reason there were no ministers until Fudge who supported the Dark Families. Fudge didn't do it knowingly... it was Lucius who gave certain ideas to the minister. He was only smart enough to find out why there has been no minister who supported the dark families.

Soon the meeting started and many didn't have the patience and started to call for Fudge's removal. Amelia used this chance and used their voice to get rid of Fudge as quickly as possible. Since Dumbles was ousted from his positions nobody took over them. Because of that Amelia was leading the meeting... because of after Chief Warlock and Minister of Magic she held the highest position in the Ministry. There were other department heads too but their status would never be equal to Amelia's.

Amelia soon called for the vote... both me and Amelia were speechless with the result. The vote for ousting Fudge was completely unanimous... there wasn't a single person in the room who didn't vote for him to be thrown out. I knew that Fudge was moron but this... this is gold! This also proves what I have thought everyone wants to nominate their own candidates.

"Now, let's begin the nomination for the next minister. Please put forward the names" Amelia stated and banged her gavel.

"I put forward the name of Pius Thicknesse" Lord Parkinson stood up and nominated Thicknesse. Not a few seconds passed and Lord Flint stood up. "I second" well, they planned it quite nicely upto this point...

Pius Thicknesse is another slimy bastard... I have clearly heard about him from Reo and Amelia. Reo had only allowed him to live because he doesn't have any power... he will only gain power if he becomes Minister. The point is 'if'.

"Candidate Pius Thicknesse, please step forward" Amelia said and a man with long hair and goatee stepped forward.

"I nominate Madame Amelia Bones" someone said from the light side. Before anyone could second it Amelia decided to speak up.

"I am sorry but I am happy being the head of DMLE. My passion has always been there, so I would have to decline it" Amelia said and nothing else was said.

"I nominate Amos Diggory" someone from grey side stood up and said. I should try to learn their names... but most of the times they are quite unimportant...

"I second it" another dude from light side stood and said.

"Candidate Amos Diggory, please step forward" Amelia said and Amos Diggory walked forward and stood beside Pius Thicknesse.

"I nominate Vicky Ravenclaw" Lord Greengrass stood up and said. Lord Parkinson and Flint stood up in rage.

"Propesterous! She is too young and has questionable attitude!" Lord Flint shouted.

"Lord Flint, anyone who is old enough to sit in this chambers can become a minister. It is a written law... are you challenging the laws written by founders of Wizengamot?" Amelia asked calmly but everyone in the chambers knew how important the question was. Lord Flint immediately became pale and started to sweat heavily. There was no way he can say anything about my age now.

"Please forgive me... I spoke before thinking" Lord Flint finally gathered himself and said.

"Then, please think clearly before speaking" Amelia said in a dangerous tone and banged the gavel.

"Lord Flint, you said that I have an questionable attitude... are you slandering the house of Ravenclaw? Then I would have no other choice than to challenge you with a duel to death. After all, it's a matter of my family's honor" I finally spoke up and diverted his insult towards me towards my family name. Hehe... I have learned this political games from Reo. I clearly saw Lord Flint gulped loudly before turning away. There is no way someone would accept this... because if they agree then I could openly declare not just a duel but blood fued between families.

Lord Parkinson also sat down without saying anything more. Even though they were stupid they were well versed in pureblood laws and they knew where I was pushing this. No, matter how strong you are... nobody wants to get their family in a position where blood fued could be declared.

"If there is no more interruption then I would like to continue this" Amelia said and looked around. Nobody said anything. I could clearly see some Lords were not happy with this development... but with my last statement they weren't able to say anything. If they do... I could initiate a duel to death or blood fued... either of them if I wish.

"Then, if anyone wants to second Lady Ravenclaw?" Amelia asked, I could clearly see the amusement in her eyes. She liked how I dealt with Lord Flint and everyone else in the room.

"I second her" Sirius Black stood up and declared. Amelia has already planned this... because I could already see Lady Malfoy and several other Lords were also ready but Sirius was the fastest to react.

"Candidate Vicky Ravenclaw, please step forward" I got up from my seat and walked forward.

After that, no one else was nominated. The election was going to start next month. Amelia would act as interim Minister until one of us was elected. With that done, this meeting was finally over.

I left the chambers and met with Tonks, her duty was already over so she decided to leave with me. Both of us left together after that... it nice to have drink nights with Tonks...

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