A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 212: Plot Changes (I)

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[POV Reo]

Slowly my eyes fluttered open and an unwilling groan escaped my mouth. Like expected I was tangled in female flesh… both of my hands were feeling slightly numb. I carefully pulled out my arm from Momo's and Fleur's grasp who were hugging my arms like a teddy bear.​​

I waved my hand and casted tempus to check the time… thank god, it was still early. I didn't expect to wake up early after all of our adventures last night. I pulled myself out of their grasp carefully, I didn't want to wake up the girls, at least not now. After extracting myself from the bed I directly went to the bathroom to complete my morning rituals.

When I finally walked out of the bathroom I found the girls were already up. "Good morning, how are you feeling?" I greeted them and asked with a smile on my face. The girls returned the smile…

"Sore, but a good kind of sore" Momo said while pouting but she was still unable to hide her smile. I leaned down and gave her a kiss.

"Oui… though I wouldn't mind another go" Fleur spoke up next. I smiled and kissed her next.

"You know Fleur I have a lot of work to do today… even though I want to but I can't spend my day with you girls" I said with an apologetic look on my face. I know that the girls miss me a lot and in the last few months we weren't able to spend time together but there was nothing I to do… I have a lot of stuff to do…

"Unfortunately, he is right. He will have a lot on his plate today" Luna said with a dreamy look on her face. That immediately rang several bells inside my head.

"Luna, care to tell me what that was about?" I asked Luna while staring at her intently, the girls also did the same but she wasn't even fazed with all those piercing stares.

"You will get some information you didn't know about. That's all I am going to tell you, meanie!!" Luna said and pouted cutely while puffing out her cheeks. I didn't know how to react to that… I understand that if she tells me about the future… then she might unknowingly change the future.

We all know that time is a fickle thing… even something small like dropping a nail could change the future. Even a small thing like a nail could result in someone's death after all, I still remember the Final Destination movies… I have learnt one major thing from there… even minor things can lead to severe consequences.

"Ok, I guess. I will be expecting the information then" I said with an awkward look on my face. This just proves my theory that the future is changing… I have no idea what kind of information I would get. Would it be about something that never happened in the original timeline?? Or some villain showing up suddenly? Or something entirely different?

"But can't we have a quickie?? You can even do it from the behind" the offer was rather enticing and I had to use all of my willpower not to jump on the bed and take Nemuri up on her offer when she started to shake her beautiful and sexy ass in my direction.

"*cough* No, Nemuri, you heard the seer… I will have a lot on my plate today" I said trying to divert her attention.

"But your one-eyed snake seems to have different idea" Nemuri said while giggling perversely. I looked down and found that I was already semi-hard… even after so many years… I can't say no to that ass.

"Nemuri, I think you should stop. Luna has never been wrong" Rumi pointed out and Nemuri huffed and started to pout.

"Fine… I give up" Nemuri said in an irritated voice. I just chuckled after hearing her and went to kiss Luna, Nemuri, and Rumi respectively. I told the girls that I was going to make breakfast and they should get freshened up and join me on the table. The girls happily agreed and with that I left the room.

I arrived in the kitchen and decided to make ramen for breakfast… it has been a long time since we have enjoyed a traditional Japanese breakfast… now, I know some might say that it isn't traditional but it was traditional in the MHA world. If you want to complain then go to that world's author.

I started to prepare the food and noticed two women coming in my direction. A small smile graced my face… I won't say that I don't like them but we can only be called friends, at least for now. They finally arrived in the kitchen, I turned around and greeted them. "Good morning both of you" I greeted Jean and Ororo, Ororo looked much better today.

"Good morning Reo" Jean greeted me back with a smile on her face but it looked slightly forced.

"Morning to you too" Ororo also greeted me and sat down.

"I hope you don't mind some ramen for breakfast, do you?" I asked them while I went back to work on the food.

"No problem… I haven't tried something new for a long time" Ororo said and Jean hummed in agreement.

"Ororo, how are you now?" I asked Ororo, my head slightly turned in Ororo's direction to watch her expressions.

Ororo frowned when she heard my question. "I have no idea how can be someone so shameless?" Ororo said with a worried look on her face. "I am sure that I am scarred for life" Ororo said while pouting. It was clear that she didn't hate Nemuri, rather she just felt irritated and frustrated because she wasn't able to hold her dignity in front of Nemuri.

"Yeah… she can be like that, the others had gotten used to it" I said in a dismissive manner and went back to work on the food.

"So, Jean, what's on your mind?" I asked Jean but this time I didn't even need to look at her to see that she was frowning. My eyes were still on the oven…

"Nothing specific… a lot of things" Jean answered but she herself wasn't confident by her answer.

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"Does this have something to do with killing Charles?" I didn't need to hear her answer to know that I hit the nail right on the head. That must have been worrying her, after all, from what I have known about her from the movies and now in this life, she has never taken a life and this must be scaring the shit out of her.

For a few minutes, nobody said anything and I continued to work on the ramen without looking towards Ororo or Jean. Jean finally released a defeated sigh "*sigh* I want to kill him and it's not because of the Phoenix inside me… believe me, what he had done to me has made me feel really violated… but for whatever reason I find myself lacking the resolve…" Jean finished, I finally turned around to take a look at her and found her staring at the table.

"I kind of understand your feelings… you should talk with Rumi, I think. She might be able to help you" I said in a solemn tone… I still remember my first kill, it wasn't something life changing for me… and I didn't even feel anything when I thought about that but I only remember Magne because she was my first kill. The first life I ever took…

Jean just nodded her head in understanding, I have never felt any feelings like that. Never cared anything special about taking lives… it was just a neutral matter for me… they attacked me so they died, plain and simple.

After that, we didn't talk much and my girls finally arrived in the kitchen. The girls greeted both Jean and Ororo. Ororo was afraid of Nemuri it was quite clear with how Ororo was scooting away from her.

The food was finally prepared and the girls helped me set up the table. I don't have a single fucking clue about how they can all be abysmal at cooking. I have planned to deal with Scott today and maybe Charles if Jean is prepared… I don't want to force her and I am sure that the Phoenix will throw a tantrum if I kill Charles. Even if the Phoenix won't be able to hurt me but the others around me won't be so lucky…

When the breakfast was finally over, Jean asked Rumi if she could talk with her. I recommended Rumi because she was the only person who might have felt something when she killed for the first time. I know about Nemuri… I still thank my lucky stars that she didn't go around the bend and pull an Obito. Even though the similarities between their conviction was uncanny. 'This world is completely rotten' does sound really ominous when you have seen Naruto.

Since Jean wasn't ready, I decided to wait… I needed Jean's help to find out if Scott was alone on the mission or not. I could do it myself but it won't be practical, after all, I can't go around using Legilimency on all of them to read their mind. And passive Legilimency won't work as I might miss their mission if I only read their surface thoughts… I would need to dive into their memories.

All the girls left for their own tasks… Fleur went with Jean and Rumi. Nemuri dragged away both Ororo and Natasha with her. Luna took Attila for an adventure on the island, Momo decided to return to her research and studies.

I decided to check up on Eric, so I went to find him. He was currently inside his office… quite surprising because nowadays he liked to run around talking with all the meta-humans. I arrived outside his office and knocked on the door…

"Enter" I heard Eric's voice from the other side of the door.

I entered the room and found Eric was contemplating something while reading some files. "So, what got you so worried?" I asked and sat down in the chair.

"The brainwashing serum… I would have never thought that someone would be able to make drugs like these" Eric said and rubbed his temples… well, if I was in his shoes then I would have worried too.

"So, how are those mutants? Did they get back their own will?" I asked him curiously. In the movies Stryker never mentioned how long he would be able to control a meta-human using that serum.

"Yes, they are back but they are not doing well with the coping… they had done several disgusting things when they were under that bastard's control!!" Eric spat out in anger. He took several deep breaths to calm himself down "But Kurt Wagner is still knocked out… he had multiple broken bones and fractures" Eric said releasing a sigh… I felt Mystique coming in this direction along with another woman.

"So, how long are we going to wait to make the announcement?" Eric asked me changing the topic. While I was paying attention to what Eric was saying, I was still interested to find out who that woman was… for whatever reason the woman looked kind of familiar… it's like I have seen her in some movie or something.

"Just three days have passed since we have made the first announcement… I think we should wait for a few more days" I said and Eric nodded his head in understanding. Now, Raven and the unknown woman were just outside Eric's door. Before Eric could say anything… the door was knocked.

"Enter" Eric said and sighed once again, Mystique and the woman finally entered the room. Now, I know why the woman seemed familiar… it was Emma Frost. If I remember correctly she was dead in the original timeline.

"How have you been Eric? Long time no see" Emma greeted Eric who was completely taken aback.

Eric was horrified when he recognized who the woman was "You were dead!" Eric almost screamed.

"No, I never died. Only Azazel and Angel were killed and due to some reasons, the rest of us decided to go into hiding" Emma answered Eric who was still peeved.

"Then why didn't you approach me before?? I thought you were dead… Raven thought you were dead. We all mourned for you… Raven even killed Bolivar Trask" Eric continued with a betrayed look on his face though Emma didn't look too happy too… for now, I decided to sit back and watch the drama for now.

"Eric listen to me… Azazel and Angel weren't even killed by Bolivar Trask. Our group found out something we shouldn't have found out… that is the reason we went into hiding" Emma said trying to explain. I have to say I was interested to know what she has found out. Luna must have been talking about this information… I can't be sure until I hear her out. I turned my eyes towards Mystique she was also interested to know the reason.

"So, why show up now? And might we know what was the reason?" Raven said with a mixture of a sneer and a scowl on her face. She must be really angry.

Emma looked down at the table "I decided to come out of hiding because of him" she said pointing towards my direction. "I didn't know how long we would have been able to hide with everything happening outside so I decided to take the chance and here I am" Emma said while shrugging.

"And the reason we went into hiding was because…" Emma began to say.

("Subarashi" Lord-Cliff said and grinned evilly)

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