A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 232: Hunting U-Men (III)

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[POV Reo]

"Hello! How are you? I am pleased to meet you two…" I said looking at them and I didn't need to see their faces or use Legilimency to know that they were scared. At least they were smart enough to make their suits without metals.​​

"Fleur, be a dear and ward the room, we don't want anyone interrupting us now, do we?" using our names won't be a problem now as these two will be left as drooling messes after I am finished with them.

"Yeah sure" Fleur shrugged and started to fire off charms at the doors and the walls. It took a minute to completely ward the room… after all, nothing extraordinary was needed. We only needed the privacy wards and the repelling charms along with the notice-me-not.

I pointed my hands in their direction and vanished their masks with magic. Now, I can't have a conversation when I can't even see their faces, that would be practically rude.

The man was in his early 40s and the woman was also around his age. The man had short spiky black hair while the woman sported short wavy brown hair. I lifted the silencing charm from them… now that the room was warded I wasn't worried about their voices getting out and notifying the others.

"That was rather rude of me… from the look on your faces both of you obviously know me" I said in a mocking tone and both of them looked completely horrified.

"Reo, it looks like they don't want to cooperate… why don't we give them some motivation?" Nemuri asked in an excited tone. I gave the two of them another look and used Legilimency on the man and found out that his power was shockwaves. The man could send shockwaves through his hands but the thing is he needed to touch something with his hands. But unfortunately for Sawyer here, his hands were strapped together… so even if he sends shockwaves it will only travel through his own body which could be a very painful and deadly experience for him.

Then my eyes turned towards the bound and petrified woman, her power was super strength and she was very very strong if nothing else… she wasn't as strong as hulk or she-hulk. Since this universe is different, is there any chance of she-hulk making an appearance? I need to research if Bruce Banner has a cousin named Jennifer Walters or not… since she was petrified she had no chance of moving so her superpower was also useless.

"Yeah, sure. Why don't you give it a try?" I said backing away from them. Nemuri's smile became feral and she pointed her finger towards the woman.

"Crucio" the woman lurched her back and only after a few seconds of whimpering, she started to scream her lungs out. She at least tried not to scream but failed… Sawyer watched his friend with a horrified look on his face. After half a minute, Nemuri lifted the spell and Drix leaned forward, relieved that the unimaginable pain finally stopped.

"Take a few seconds to relax" Nemuri said to the woman and turned towards Sawyer. "I remember you saying that everything was inconsequential, let's see if you are still that determined or not" Nemuri said before she could do anything the man lost his bladder control. Nemuri made a disgusted face and scourgified him…

"That earned you 30 seconds of Crucio… I didn't appreciate that. Crucio!" Nemuri said and Sawyer was either not strong like the woman or Nemuri was really really angry as Sawyer started to bleed from his eyes along with his ears just after a few seconds.

"Is that something like Imperious?" Jean asked Fleur who was happily looking around the room for anything important.

"Yes, but this one causes unimaginable pain… extended exposure can snap someone's mind" Fleur gave her a brief overview of the spell. Jean immediately gave the man a worried look. I can somewhat understand why she is worried. It was clear approving the use of Cruciatus Curse on someone needed a certain level of mental fortification. Some people don't have the stomach to torture…

Like Nemuri had mentioned she, Crucioed Sawyer, for an exact minute. When she finally lifted the spell he was bleeding from several places from his body. This was the first time I saw this effect…

"Did you use something extra?" I asked Nemuri, this shouldn't have happened. Only extended exposure could lead to such things…

"Um… I might have used a little too much juice in it" Nemuri said in a nervous tone. I was stunned, Cruciatus Curse doesn't work like that. You can't just put more magic in the spell and have a stronger effect… the Cruciatus Curse's strength depends on experience and emotion, yes, you need magic to maintain the spell but you can't put more magic in it to make it stronger.

This is something that needs to be researched, it might have something to do with her Nine-Tail, powers. She wanted to cause him pain and she might have unconsciously brought an illusion to reality… does her power even work like that? It could… I remember that the Nine-Tailed Fox artifact in Kill the Hero had several powers… one power for each tail…

But it could be done on a later date, I need to deal with Sawyer first. He doesn't look too good. He is looking like he is going to die… I can't let that happen, at least not before I rip apart his mind for information. I walked up to Sawyer and looked into his eyes…

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"Legilimens" I said and ripped through his barriers. Sawyer started to scream once again but I didn't pay any attention to him and started to look up everything related to Ruler. That was my priority… I needed to know that he didn't have any reality-bending powers like Matthew Malloy from Earth-14923, that would be disastrous… I am also not confident enough to defeat someone like him.

But what I found made me want to laugh… his power was something similar to Worthless of Belial Clan, but in this case, it works against mutations. But what made me want to laugh more was they thought that I had the power to absorb or copy mutations from other mutations. Even after I had shown that mutant suppression zones were useless to me they were still thinking that I was a mutant.

Now, that I was sure that Ruler wasn't a threat I decided to check Eye. After all, she was the one who told them that I was going to show up. I hope that she doesn't have powers like either Nighteye or a regular seer but I wasn't worried that much after all, The Ancient One was unable to see my future even with the Time Stone so I don't think that normal people could see my future any longer…

And just like I had thought I was right once again. She only got two glimpses of the future… one where I along with the girls arrive in their Russian lab and the other vision where I appear here. So, they decided to set up an ambush for me in here… having Ruler with them made them overconfident. Then, I searched his mind for any information regarding Sublime and found that he was telling the truth.

Since the destruction of their base in Nebraska City, they had no contact. Then, I sailed through his mind for anything important and made a mental note of everything important in his head. I finally pulled out of his mind and he looked much worse now… from his blood flow I could tell that he was about to die.

"Now, let's see what you have in your mind" I said to the woman and used Legilimency on her without any mercy and ripped through her mind too. These two were generals of U-Men, the other general was along with the forces. I got a lot of things from her mind too… a lot of secret hideouts and bases which were completely confidential. I also found that she was a part of the group that captured Logan and handed him over to Strucker.

I pulled out of her mind too but found that the woman was still strong and her mind was still intact. I shot an organ liquifying curse at her, this would assure her death while making it painful. The woman started to scream in pain but I shot her with a silencing charm.

"So, what now?" Fleur asked me when she saw that the man was already dead and the woman will soon join him in the afterlife.

"Kill everyone in here" I said with a straight face and both Fleur and Jean nodded with a determined look on their faces. Nemuri didn't even react because she already knew what we were going to do.

We unlocked the room and walked out, from what I have seen inside Sawyer's and Drix's minds is, that there was no one in this place we should be worried about. So, we decided to stop using subterfuge and use a full-frontal attack. I felt two U-Men coming in our direction and signaled the girls. As soon as the two of them appeared, Nemuri hit one of them with a skin withering curse and Fleur hit the other one with a Reducto to his head.

"Are you ok?" I asked Fleur in a caring tone, after all, this was the first life she took. Fleur nodded her head "I had already made up my mind… I needed to do this and it's not like I am killing some saints" Fleur answered me with a smile. I don't know what Jean would do but I don't think that she will be a liability.

The screams of the U-Man hit with the withering curse alerted everyone inside the base of our arrival and alarms started to blare. I could feel that the rest of the U-Men were already heading in our direction. Only 35 were left now as we have dealt with 4 of them.

Soon the whole group arrived and I immediately recognized Ruler was in the front along with their remaining general. "Do it Ruler" the general commanded and Ruler clasped his hands together but I didn't feel anything different. I used my powers on Ruler's blood and he immediately dropped on the floor clutching his chest.

"Quite useless" Nemuri mocked and shot an organ expelling curse at Ruler. Everyone around Ruler took a step back when Ruler started to vomit his organs. They must be horrified… I gave Nemuri a glare, I wanted to make him feel pain for a few more minutes.

Nemuri smirked at me "Whoever kills the most of them gets something from you" Nemuri challenged. It was clear that she wanted me to stand back. Seeing no harm I agreed with the challenge "Fine".

But as soon as I finished I felt Jean release a massive energy wave and all the U-Men in the building were disintegrated into dust. As soon as she was done she blushed and started to whistle while looking away. The three of us just gave her a blank look…

"What! I also wanted to participate in the challenge" Jean said in a defensive tone while we kept staring at her blankly. It is kind of funny that all the U-Men were disintegrated in an instant… with that, all the U-Men were dead except a few who were not here…


A/N: Ah... finally the U-Men Arc is over and only Sublime is left to deal with...

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