A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 235: Sublime's End (I)...

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[POV Reo]

"Fuck" I groaned in annoyance when I was forced to wake up by the alarm clock on Dora's bedstand. It was annoying as hell… I had to force myself not to blast that damn thing into smithereens.​ ​

"Bugger it to hell!" Dora woke up and cursed loudly in annoyance. Dora pulled herself away from my arms while grumbling and turned off her alarm. She used slightly more force than needed, as soon as she was done she returned to her previous position and I pulled her into my arms… from her facial expressions, it was clear what she wanted.

"Stay like this… we don't need to get up" Dora mumbled and pulled me even closer to her.

"Not that I am complaining but don't you have training today?" I asked her in a confused tone, my hands snaked around her and I started to caress her back lovingly.

She liked it, she squirmed slightly and tried to pull me even closer to her. "Yes, but I only have theory classes today and they don't start until noon" Dora said in a low and content tone and remained unmoving in my arms.

My thoughts immediately went towards the last night… I have to say that I really missed Dora. The first three times, we had sex, hot, steamy, hungry, mind-blowing sex… then the two of us moved back to the room and after that, we made love, completely sensual and passionate. Both of us enjoyed it quite a lot…

"So, how is your training going?" I asked Dora who slightly hummed while thinking.

"It's good, I am at the top of the batch. I expect that it will stay that way…" Dora finished and started to run her hands through my hair.

"…Now, shut up and let me cuddle" Dora chided me with a mock outraged tone.

"Sure, my lady" I replied with a smile and laid there without saying anything while caressing her back. The both of us spend the whole morning in complete silence, laying in the bed. We were completely content with that… after all, we had each other in our arms.

We didn't even notice how quickly the time passed, it was almost noon which meant Dora needed to get ready. After last night, she needed a nice and long shower, after all, both of us smelled like sex. Thankfully the hickey I gave Dora was near her shoulder and she won't have a problem hiding it but I wasn't that lucky. The hickey she gave me was impossible to hide without a scarf…

Thank God for glamour charms, I don't know what I would have done without them. Even though we took a shower together, we didn't go beyond some caressing and stroking. Dora had to attend her classes and it would be really bad if she went out of her room walking funny.

"I will miss you" Dora said in a caring tone, she was sad that I had to leave, her hair was a dead giveaway, unlike her usual bright colors her hair was mousy brown.

"I will miss you too. Don't worry, I will try to pup up whenever possible. After a few days, I will be mostly free" I said to Dora and leaned down and sealed her lips with mine. After, a long and passionate kiss both of us separated… and I pulled her into a hug.

"Bye, stay safe" I whispered into her ears and pulled myself away from her.

"I will be waiting, bye" Dora said and waved at me, with that, I Apparated back to our room in Elysium.

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The room was completely empty, the girls were busy with their own stuff. Fleur was training Jean, Rumi was training Ororo, Nemuri was away for some business deal in New York, yesterday morning she was saying that she found an interesting group and she wanted to invest in them. Momo was busy in her lab, God only knows what she was making along with Natasha and well… Luna was Luna, she must have taken Attila on a walk… yes, I know it should be 'slither or slithering' but Luna insists that it is a walk.

I should ask Momo what she is making, the only thing I know is that, it is something related to meta-humans. I can do that later, today I have something important to do. I will kill Sublime today… there is no use in keeping him alive anymore, I don't know who he asked for help but I have felt him moving around some countries. I should at least pay him a visit… I know that he knows Strucker but I am not sure if Sublime went to him or not.

I pulled out my phone and texted all the girls that I was going away and I had no idea when I will be able to return. All of them replied to stay safe one by one… a gentle smile appeared on my face and I Flash Stepped right outside the barrier of Elysium, I appeared in mid-air and started to fly towards the mark's location. I had no idea in which cave Sublime was hiding so I don't want to teleport to that place without any idea of my surroundings…

After a couple of hours in the air, I arrived in some godforsaken place on Earth. From whatever I knew from the world map this place was somewhere near Chile. It was some small hilly area in the middle of nowhere… and here I thought that Earth was populated everywhere.

But since the mark has led me here that means Sublime must be in here somewhere, I flew to the location exactly above the mark and landed on the ground. As soon as I landed on the ground I found a huge metal building stuffed underground, well, I didn't find it, I was able to feel it.

I felt several more life signs in there along with Sublime, there are no U-Men in there. I could only feel humans and meta-humans. Is this some kind of last stand?? Quite possible... when he found that I was hunting his U-Men, he could have done that. After all, when he felt that his life is in real threat, he decided to hide...

But why does he have meta-humans in there? Yes, he could be experimenting on them, that's quite possible. Now, that I have accomplished that Sublime is hiding in some underground base... I needed to look for an entrance. Since the whole place was made up of metal... I didn't have to look too hard.

Feeling the metal, I found myself in front of a small cave. I could feel the metal path starting from here or ending here... this was the only opening the whole place had... yes, there are some vents too and I found them but they were not big enough for a human.

I expanded my senses to cover the whole place and I found several traps throughout the base. The entrance was completely rigged with motion sensors and proximity sensors... even though this whole place was made up of metal, there were some parts from where Sublime could run away if needed. Now, I can't have him running away, can I?

To stop Sublime from running away I needed to kill him first, quite simple. I casted a strong notice-me-not on myself followed by disillusionment charm, scent masking charm, sound masking charm, and body heat masking charm. With all of my preparations over, I temporarily disabled all the sensors on the entrance and entered the cave. There was a mechanical metal gate in front of me... if the doors are opened forcefully then everyone inside the base would be alerted, I can't have that.

I casted a charm on the door to make it transparent, as soon as I saw what was past the door, I Flash Stepped in there and canceled the transparency charm on the door. I started to walk in the direction of where I was feeling Sublime was. The mark led me to a laboratory, thankfully it was a glass door and I didn't have to cast the transparency charm on the wall or door. I saw Sublime was leaning on a table with his hands rubbing his forehead.

I Flash Stepped inside the room and completely froze in surprise and shock. So, this is where Logan was sent. From Drix's memory, I remember that she handed Logan to Strucker which means Sublime is working with Strucker... there is a chance that Strucker is in here. Since I haven't met Strucker before now, I was unable to sense him through my metal sense.

Logan was strapped with an oxygen mask and he was stuffed inside a tank. Thankfully he had his whole body and he wasn't just a brain and spine. I saw that Logan was awake and he was staring towards me... I was pretty sure that he wasn't able to see me... which can only mean that his sixth senses or his beast senses were telling him that someone was here...

I decided to ignore Logan for now and started to fire wards on the walls. I don't want Sublime notifying anyone in here before I get to deal with them. Now that the room was completely warded, I needed to find some way to stop Sublime from running away. That is definitely going to be something complicated...

FUCK!! I have been so fucking stupid!! How the hell, did I miss something so simple?? I berated and cursed myself for my stupidity. I sneaked behind Sublime and activated my Aegis Shield engulfing both myself and a depressed-looking Sublime inside it. This time I used my Aegis Shield in the form of a complete sphere and voila!! I have successfully captured Sublime.

As soon as Sublime noticed the translucent barrier surround him, he shot up from his chair and turned around and he saw me. I saw that his eyes grew completely wide and his face lost all color. For a moment, I thought that Sublime was a metamorphmagus with how fast his color changed. Sublime took a step back in fear but found he can't... the barrier was stopping him.

"Leviathan?!!" Sublime stuttering in fear. I saw his whole body was shaking in fear... oh... I am going to really enjoy this...

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