A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 238: 238

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[POV Reo]

I released a huge sigh and finally slumped on the couch in my room. That was pretty tiring… I know that I have been good at acting but addressing the whole world at a time puts you under a different kind of pressure.​​

"Reo, that was marvelous" Fleur exclaimed in happiness and handed me a bottle of beer.

"Glad you liked that" Momo said dryly. She never understood the appeal of being a bad guy.

"Oh, Momo. Don't be a spoilsport, even I have to say that it kind of makes me hot" Rumi said and licked her lips.

"Ugh… I expect something like that from Nemuri, not you Rumi" Momo groaned in annoyance and slumped down beside me.

"Reo definitely had a huge impact with this broadcast. The human nations will be pretty cowed after this and a lot of changes will happen around the world" Luna said with a dreamy look on her face. All of us nodded to her statement, with the expression on her face it was quite clear that the future was looking quite bright for now.

"Everything aside, that was truly hot. It made me tingle all over when I saw the reactions of people around the world. This earned you a special reward mister" Fleur said with a classy look on her face, the prospect of a special reward obviously excited me… hearing about the special reward Luna started to giggle, it must be quite special then…

"Oh… in that case, I must say that I am very interested to hear about this special reward" I said in a cheeky tone. Now, that everything was over with the meta-human front, I could relax and enjoy my time with the girls.

"Not so fast mister… you have to wait patiently" Fleur said with a smirk and walked away while adding a little more sway to her hips than she normally used while walking.

"Sure, I guess it could be fun" Momo grumbled and got up from the couch. Luna started to giggle once again.

"Weren't you complaining only a few moments ago?" Rumi asked Momo and gave her an incredulous look.

"Yeah, I might not understand the appeal behind being a villain but I won't be missing a special night with Reo" Momo said with a determined look on her face and left the room while swaying her hips.

"Don't worry Reo, you will get that ass tonight" Luna said between her giggles. I didn't say anything and took a sip from my bottle. Rumi sat down beside me with her own beer bottle in her hand. Luna had a butterbeer in her hands, she preferred butterbeer more than normal beer.

"So, what next?" Rumi asked me and laid her head on my shoulder and cuddled closer. Luna saw that and scooted on my other side and laid her head on my other shoulder.

"I haven't planned anything specific for now. I will take a break and spend as much time as possible with you girls while training" I said with a faraway look on my face. I have some things to do but they weren't that important. Even though Sublime didn't know about it and he thought that the Tesseract was still buried in the snow but it wasn't… I don't know how Sublime never found out about this but it was good that he didn't…

I needed to get my hands on that thing, from what I know from the original movies, according to the timeline the Tesseract should be in the possession of SHIELD but there is no record of where it is being kept. But I think it would be much better if it stays with SHIELD, after all, Loki will be bringing the mind stone for me with the Tesseract remains with SHIELD.

So, it's decided that I will leave the Tesseract where it is… now I also got the location of Wakanda from Sublime but I don't think I want to go there. I have no problem going there and taking what I want but I know how protective they are of that Vibranium, they would rather die than part with that metal… I am currently too happy for slaughter. Maybe if my mood changes on a later date… I will rip away every last ounce of Vibranium from their dead hands.

But something happened in 1992, I could still get my hands on a quarter ton of Vibranium, it will be perfect for tests. Ulysses Klaue, is definitely free game, I know hunting him down will change the future plot but fuck the future plot. I will definitely getting be the Vibranium from him within the week.

Hah! I still need to search for Strucker, it has been two days since I have saved Logan along with 13 other meta-humans from that place. They were planning to use them to lure me out but I ruined their plans before their plan was even finalized but the problem was that I missed a chance to get my hands on Strucker.

It has become quite clear to me that there are several places that are outside my surveillance zones. And there are several people who are using those exact places to hide from me. I know that Momo is making a satellite for surveillance now and the situation will definitely improve after that.

Now, there is still the matter of En Sabah Nur, I want to check out his tomb… I felt someone poking me and this broke my train of thoughts…

"What are you thinking about?" Rumi asked me while poking my shoulder. "I have been calling for you some time but you didn't answer me" Rumi continued poking me.

"I am back now so you can stop poking me" I said dryly and gave Rumi a blank stare but the mirth in her eyes was quite clear. But unfortunately Rumi didn't have enough amusement and Luna decided it was fun and she also started poking me.

I released a frustrated sigh but didn't say anything. I finally gulped down the beer and vanished the bottle. I extended my arms and grabbed both Rumi and Luna by their shoulders and pulled them even closer to me. They finally stopped poking me and were content with just cuddling for now. With a sudden pop, a familiar figure appeared in front of us.

"Oh, honey~, I loved your speech…" Nemuri purred and nullified the illusion around her. Finally, her ears and tails appeared. Nemuri stretched herself and walked up to the fridge. She conjured herself a glass and put some ice-cubes in it from the fridge.

"Can you get a glass for me too?" Rumi asked Nemuri in a tired tone.

"Yeah, sure" Nemuri said and conjured another glass for Rumi and put some ice-cubes in that glass too. Nemuri waved her hand and both glasses landed in front of us at the table. Nemuri opened the cupboard and pulled out a bottle of Fire Whiskey. According to Nemuri and Rumi, Fire Whiskey was the best whiskey they have ever tasted even after they have tried whiskeys from all over the world, they loved a nice drink after a long day.

Nemuri Accio'ed a chair from nearby and sat down on the other side of the table and poured the drink in the glasses and set the bottle down at the table. Nemuri leaned back on the chair and her glass flew into her hands, she took a sip from her glass and released a huge sigh. All three of us kept staring at her… it was quite odd, that she looked really tired. I worried that sexual innuendos weren't already flying around… it was really worrying!

"Long day, Nemuri?" I asked Nemuri and she gave a tired look. Rumi also picked up her glass and took a sip.

"You have no fucking idea" Nemuri said and gulped down the whole drink and burped a small amount of fire from her mouth. She picked up the bottle and poured herself another drink. "You remember the group I mentioned?" she asked and I simply nodded my head.

"Well, I found that they already have another investor but the thing is with the recent collapse that investor lost most of his money and is currently unable to spend more money" Nemuri said and took another sip of her drink. "Now, the problem is that the guy has already invested a shit load of money and denying to back out now" Nemuri said in a frustrated tone. I know how she is… she is throwing a tantrum because she will have to share the glory with someone else who has lost his use… if I would have been in her place I would have also thrown a tantrum.

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Let's see who the guy is… I might have to completely remove him from the equation. "What's his name?" I asked Nemuri.

"Victor von Doom, you are free to deal with him if you want, I would really appreciate it" Nemuri said in an excited tone. Damn! She is investing in the furure Fantastic Four! Wow… I never thought that things would turn out this way. I felt Luna shift in my arms.

"No! You can't kill him, he must live now" Luna said in a no-nonsense tone. It was really rare to see Luna become serious like this. She mostly becomes like this when the pudding is involved. Well, I didn't care a lot about him after all, he is a future villain so if he got shafted then it wouldn't have bothered me but now that Luna had decided to put her foot down, Doom will live, for now.

Nemuri, Rumi, and I stared at Luna with a flabbergasted look on our faces. "Uh, yeah sure. Whatever you say, Luna, I won't kill him now, at least, not yet" I said while nodding my head. As soon as she heard me a huge beaming smile appeared on Luna's face and she happily returned into my arms to cuddle.

"Right, then we will not be killing the Doom guy" Nemuri said and took another big sip from the glass. "But can we kill Jonathan Lowell Spencer?" Nemuri asked in a hopeful tone. This is something I have to deny… for now at least, I don't care if he becomes a hero or not but if killing Doom could be bad then killing Jhonny would be worse.

Just as I had expected before I could deny her request Luna spoke up "No, he needs to live too" Luna said once again back in her serious mode.

Nemuri looked really disappointed but she didn't lose hope "Can I curse him with Dire Misfortune Curse, that won't kill him?" Nemuri asked in a desperate tone.

Luna looked thoughtful for a few moments before a huge smile appeared on her face and she nodded her head. "Sure, you can do that" Luna said in her usual dreamy tone and squirmed in my arms making herself more comfortable.

"So, what did this guy do to get your ire?" Rumi asked and leaned back on the couch.

"Don't even start… that guy is a menace!! The guy simply doesn't understand the meaning of 'NO'… throughout the whole day, he kept pestering me for a date and don't even start with his terrible sense of humor" Nemuri finished with a frustrated groan.

"Met your match Nemuri?" I asked her with a smirk on my face. Nemuri glared at me with an annoyed look on her face.

"Oh please… I was completely business today, now, I think that it was a mistake on my side… I should have been in my usual personality" Nemuri groaned once again and finished her drink.

"The worst part! I wasn't able to do anything to that stupid smug-faced fucker because I am really interested in the project and his sister is on the group too… I could have Imperiused them but it takes away all the fun" Nemuri finally finished her case.

Suddenly all of our stomachs rumbled in hunger "I think dinner would be good" I said and everyone in the room unanimously agreed. We decided to head towards the kitchen and when we arrived there we found that food was already on the table. It looked like takeout food… Momo or Fleur might have arranged it. Well, who cares, we quickly dug into the food. We weren't worried that the food was for someone else as we were the only ones who live in this part of the base. Others don't even come to this area if someone came here then I would have noticed.

As soon as we were done with the food we decided to head towards our room, I still have no idea what Fleur and Momo were planning but I felt them standing right beside the door of our room.

I opened the door and completely froze because of what I saw. Both Momo and Fleur were standing at the doorway wearing just an apron. Both leaned forward at the same time with a pout on their faces showing off their impressive cleavages and side boobs.

"Honey~, welcome back. Would you like to take a bath first… or eat us?" both spoke at the same time in complete synchronization. Now, how can I reject a cute and lovely offer like that?

"Of course, eat you" I said with a proud smile on my face.

"Fuck it! I need an apron too!" Nemuri exclaimed and stormed into the room. Without saying anything both Luna and Rumi followed her. Fleur and Momo giggled when they saw the other girls following their lead.

"Now, honey~ why don't you enjoy us while they get ready?" both Fleur and Momo asked in synchronization while making a pout.

"Of course, how can I deny such a delicacy?" I asked with a confused look on my face and with a wave of my hands I disappeared all of my clothes and with another wave, I closed the door and activated the wards. Nothing too surprising happened after that… only that, the room was drowned in moans and screams of ecstasy.


No matter how much I tried I wasn't able to fall asleep even after all the sex I had throughout the night. I leaned my back on the bed and kept looking at the girls. The girls were sleeping with a satisfied and content smile on their faces. I kept watching them with a caring smile on my face… from the corner of my eyes I noticed that it was almost sunrise.

I felt someone shift in the bed, I turned my eyes and found that Momo was staring at me. She carefully pulled herself up from the tangle of female limbs.

"What's keeping you up?" Momo asked me in a caring tone. She was careful to keep her voice low, not wanting to wake up the other girls.

Well, I wasn't particularly thinking about anything, I was just thinking that I haven't decided what to do with En Sabah Nur… oh… I was still looking at Momo when my eyes grew wide in realization. I should take her with me… she was going to love it… I know how much she loves to read about historic things.

"Momo, I want to take you somewhere today" I said with a smile on my face and grabbed her hand.

"I don't know… I still have a lot to do, you know?" Momo said with a tone that made it clear that she wasn't sure of herself.

"Oh, don't be like that, it will be fun. I know you are going to love it" I said and squeezed her hand slightly in a reassuring tone.

"Ok, but can Natasha also come with us?" Momo asked me with a hopeful look in her eyes. I thought about the risks for a few moments, well, it wasn't completely safe for her to come but her life has always been full of danger and I am confident enough to protect her if needed.

"Yeah sure" I said with a smile and Momo happily nodded, both of us looked towards the rising sun with a smile on our faces.

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