A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 283: Lupus Sapiens (II)

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A/N: Muhahahaha...!!! Finally 500K+ words, praise me more!!


[POV Reo]

"Nemuri, don't be like that" I said during breakfast the next day. Nemuri was still sulking and playing with her food.

"Yeah, Nemuri, it isn't the end of life you know. You still got your business and all" Momo said soothing words to Nemuri who nodded her head with a solemn look on her face and started to eat her food.

The rest of us were having a really hard time holding back our laughter. All of us somehow finished our breakfast without bursting out laughing.

Last night I thought about who should I deal with first. Romulus or the Hand, I finally decided to deal with Romulus after all, the Hand cannot do anything to Elysium but Romulus had already tried.

Nemuri can keep the Hand busy for the time being while I deal with Romulus. Romulus isn't anything special though, from what I remember his only known weakness was Muramasa Blade but I don't think he could survive if I Fiendfyre his ass.

So, after breakfast, I decided to visit Momo's lab. "So, what are you currently working on?" I asked Momo while we were on the way to her lab.

"Something you wanted me to make" Momo said cryptically and smiled. Something I wanted her to make?? Recently I have only asked her to make a spaceship for me… which means she is making me a spaceship.

"You are making a spaceship for me?" I asked her in an excited tone. Momo nodded her head and we were finally in front of her lab. The door opened with a swish and both of us entered and I was awed when I saw the chassis of the ship.

"It is far from finished… I was just dabbling with some designs and I chose this design because of aerodynamics" Momo said and waved her hand and a hologram appeared in front of us. It was a hologram of a finished model.

(A/N: I will post the picture when Momo finally unveils the finished product)

"From what you have told me you want a ship that is capable of hyperspace jumps. Currently, I am working on that" Momo said with a sigh and sat down behind her computer.

"Until I find a way to jump through space the project will be stuck here" Momo said and leaned back in her chair.

"Why don't you try magic?" I asked Momo who shook her head in disappointment.

"The method we used back in the HP World is obsolete now… it won't work because it wasn't made for ships that would be going into some other galaxy… well, I just have to make something new" Momo said with a smirk and pulled up some simulation scenarios on her screen.

"Of course, you can. You are the smartest person I know" I said with a smile. Momo smirked hearing the compliment…

"Mr. Itsuki, flattery will get you everywhere but not now… I have to work now. Why don't you come over here and help me with all these magical formulas" Momo finished with a smirk and handed me a notebook filled with complex magical formulas… well, it won't be a problem because it was magical formulas.

So, I Accio'ed a chair and sat down on a nearby table. Momo created an empty notebook and banished the notebook into my hands. The magical formulas were the most complicated formulas I have ever seen in my life but nothing I couldn't solve… I liked challenges which involved magical theory…

I helped Momo throughout the day and solved most of the problems she had… during the evening we decided to take a small break when I finally handed back her the notebook she looked really impressed.

"I knew that you are the right person to ask for help… I had asked Fleur but her specialty are charms and enchanting" Momo said in a cheerful tone.

"Pleased to help you Ma' Lady" I said with a smirk on my face and bowed down. She swatted my shoulder and started to chuckle…

Momo called a house-elf and asked him to bring us some snacks. The house-elf returned after a few minutes with some snacks and popped away. Both Momo and I ate the snacks while laughing and having fun… suddenly Momo's phone started to buzz.

Momo stopped and checked her phone and smiled at me. "Looks like the guy you were looking for is on Muir Island" Momo said and pulled up the live feed and as soon as I saw the man on the screen, I knew it was Romulus.

From what I remember Muir Island is where Moira MacTaggert opened the world's first Mutant Research Centre… Moira chose the place because of its remote location.

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"What's on that island?" I asked Momo who turned towards her computer screen. Even though I knew a lot about that island from my memories but I have changed a lot of shit and finding out more about the island won't hurt me.

"Wait let me take a look" Momo said and started to search the archives. "Well, Moira MacTaggert chose that island to make the world's first Mutant Research Centre but later she handed it to the CIA so that they could train Meta-Humans as Agents but after Elysium was built… the Meta-Humans kept there revolted and came here" Momo said and kept looking.

"Since that place has been empty but CIA has been running some tests. Since it wasn't being done on Meta-Humans the AI didn't act" Momo finished her report and turned around.

For starters, I knew Moira MacTaggert was a bitch, she was the one who wanted to kill Eric when he decided to attack the human ships when they launched missiles on them during the X-Men: First Class movie. But she ended up crippling the old fool, Charles… ah, may God bless his poor soul.

Humans would always help humans… no matter how they act otherwise. Humans would always try to stay superior and they simply can't swallow the pill that they are inferior to someone.

"What are they experimenting on?" I asked Momo, I can understand that it was nobody's fault that this thing went completely unnoticed after all, they weren't experimenting on Meta-Humans.

"Something called Inhumans. Not much is known about them but they are somewhat similar to Meta-Humans because of their powers" Momo said and shrugged. Shit!! I didn't think that I would find Inhumans in such a manner.

I will deal with Jiaying when the time comes and if it necessary… she is currently inconsequential. If she decides to still butt heads with SHIELD in the Future then I might even help her.

"Where is this Moira MacTaggert now? Did she kick the bucket?" I asked Momo who shook her head.

"After the Elysium fiasco, she was transferred back to Muir Island" Momo said and I shook my head in disappointment.

"Momo, good work. I will be out" I said happily and pecked her on the lips.

"Be safe" Momo chirped in before I Flash Stepped into my room. After wearing my armor, I Flash Stepped right outside Eric's office. I have decided to take Eric with me… after all, Meta-Humans are his responsibility.

I could have taken Nat but she tends to go overboard and bury everyone alive. I have seen her handiwork when both Nat and I were destroying the Trask Industries. Well, it was quite natural for her to do that after all, it wasn't long since she got her powers.

Rumi likes to fight, she won't find anyone worthy of her time there. She would just get bored and blow up the whole place with a punch or a kick. Jean was already in the infirmary, her passion was there and Ororo didn't like missions like these. She didn't care much for humans but she wasn't going to kill them.

I knocked on his door and with a swish the door opened. "Reo, from your getup it looks like someone is going to die" Eric said and gestured me towards a seat. Eric was busy with paperwork.

"Yes, I did find someone to kill… you see I found what happened with Logan" I said and Eric shot out of his chair.

"So, foul play was involved" Eric said and contemplated.

"Yes, there is a guy named Romulus out there… the guy is ancient and probably the progenitor of Logan's family, he has the ability to manipulate Logan and make Logan dance on his tunes" I said and Eric didn't say anything for a few moments and digested the info I gave him, when he was finally done he looked completely enraged.

"How can a Meta-Human do this to his fellow Meta-Human?" Eric growled in anger.

I just shrugged in a dismissive manner. "That is the person we are going to hunt. But do you remember someone named Moira MacTaggert?" I asked Eric, his eyes went wide, but didn't say anything.

"Yeah, the CIA Bitch, I remember very well. How is she involved in this?" Eric asked in a cold tone.

"Well, you would be surprised to find that after the fiasco with Sebastian Shaw ended, she opened a Mutant Research Centre, on the front, it was a place where they helped Meta-Humans but in reality, she was helping the CIA recruit new Agents for them" when I finally finished Eric looked murderous.

"You are here to invite me, right?" Eric asked and I nodded my head. "Then, tell the rest after Emma joins us. You don't mind if she comes with us right?" Eric asked and I shrugged once again. Eric sent a message to Emma and only after few minutes Emma arrived.

"So, what's happening?" Emma asked curiously when she saw me dressed in my armor. Everyone knew that when I was in my armor there was a good chance that someone was going to die.

"Emma, we are going to hunt down a wolf" I said in a cheerful tone and clapped my hands. Both Emma and Eric gave me weird looks…

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