A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 285: Life Of Moira MacTaggert

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[POV Reo]

I silently crept inside Moira's lab, entering someone's room without raising an alarm is a child's play for me with all of my powers. Eric and Emma were waiting outside the lab.​​

Moira was working on some kind of serum and her back was turned in my direction so she failed to notice that her door opened on its own… sometimes I wonder if these people willingly make it easy for me to break into their rooms.

I still remembered the time I had spent in the HP World breaking into places. Ah… such marvelous memories. I pointed my finger towards Moira's back and stunned her but I didn't allow her body to fall down.

I levitated her body and placed her on her chair and placed a body-binding curse on her. I dropped the disillusionment charm and used my power to open the door… Eric and Emma got the signal and entered the room. I dropped their disillusionment charm too.

"Did you kill her?" Emma asked when she saw how Moira.

"I already said that I need answers from her so there is no way that I am going to kill her" I said and started to cast silencing charms on the wall. As soon as I was done, I revived Moira.

For a moment she looked around with surprise written on her face. Her eyes finally landed on me, Eric, and Emma. Her face turned completely pale and her eyes grew wide in fear.

"Leviathan" she stuttered out in horror.

"I am flattered that someone from a different Universe also knows me" I said in an amused tone but Moira wasn't amused at all… she was already pale since she saw me but now her face lost all color…

"I don't know what you are talking about" Moira stuttered out trying to show a brave front. When we heard her lie all three of us burst out laughing.

"Moira, you might be a lot of things but it seems that you are not a good lair" Eric said and laughed.

"She is definitely a terrible liar. I wonder how she was able to fool those Meta-Humans to join the CIA?" Emma asked with a confused look on her face.

"They were coerced into joining… as soon as I announced about Elysium, they revolted and ran away" I deadpanned. The three of our eyes turned towards Moira who shuddered.

"Now, Moira, you might not know about me but I am someone very generous. So, I will give you one chance to speak up before I start motivating you" I said in a gentle tone and Moira shuddered once again.

"You know I can read her mind, right? It saves a lot of time" Emma chirped in.

"I know but we are not in a hurry… but like this, I am giving Moira a chance at redemption, now everyone deserves a chance at redemption. Won't you agree Miss MacTaggert?" I asked Moira who was now shaking in fear and she was looking anywhere other than my eyes.

Eric immediately understood that I was simply playing a game with Moira and decided to go along with it. "I also agree with Leviathan here… everyone deserves a second chance" Eric spoke out.

Emma shrugged her shoulders "Sure, why not" Emma said and all of us turned back towards Moira.

"Now, I want to know why are you trying to kill off all Meta-Humans?" I asked Moira and she looked really confused and I used Legilimency and found that she didn't really know that her cure was going to kill off Meta-Humans.

"You seem to really confused, then let me rephrase my question. Why are you trying to cure Meta-Humans?" I asked her this time she did understand the question but a thought of defiance appeared in her mind.

"I don't know anything about any cure" she lied but this time her lie was way better than her previous try.

"Miss MacTaggert, you shouldn't have lied" I said and pointed my finger towards Moira. "Crucio" As soon as the word left my mouth, Moira's screams echoed throughout the room. Both Eric and Emma flinched.

I stopped the spell only after 10 seconds and Moira leaned back on the chair and started to breathe heavily. "Like I said, I will start motivating you. I want answers" I said in a cold tone. "Now, should I repeat the question?" I asked her and now I was back to using my gentle tone with her.

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"No… no… wait, I will answer you" Moira said between her breaths. I shrugged and decided to wait. After a minute, Moira finally caught her breath. "I wanted to heal the Mutants… a lot of harm has been caused to humans because of mutants" Moira said with anger clear in her voice.

"Oh… and you aren't doing this because you hate that you aren't normal?" I asked, hearing me Moira was completely stunned. She didn't say anything for a few seconds before she reluctantly nodded her head.

"Mutants aren't natural, when I found my powers, I thought that I wasn't natural so I decided to find a cure for Mutants but before I could do anything I was transported into this world. That is when I found how much pain you have caused the humans… my determination became stronger" Moira said while gritted her teeth.

"If there weren't any Mutants then everything would have been fine… because of you so many humans paid the price" Moira screamed in rage. She must be from Earth TRN248, I have read about her in the comics and this must be her 3rd life where she was killed by Destiny but Destiny here is already dead.

When she came here and saw what I was doing must have twisted her mind, after all, it could be possible that she was able to meet Charles Xavier in her 2nd life and didn't die in the plane crash.

"Well, I believe you… but you see there is a minor problem, if I hadn't done what I did then the Humans would have chased Meta-Humans into Extinction… your power is Reincarnation with a perfect recollection of your past lives" I stated, Moira was surprised that I also knew about her power.

Both Eric and Emma were surprised to hear about her power. "So, what now? Are you going to kill me?" Moira snarked.

Hmm… I should just kill her but this might cause a problem because her mind is twisted now. Because there is no way to be sure what she would do in her next life. My head snapped towards Emma. "Read her mind… tell me everything that is inside her mind" I said and Emma nodded her head and entered Moira's mind.

Moira started to scream at Emma to get out of her mind but Emma didn't listen to her. Half an hour passed just like that and Emma was finally done. Emma recollected everything she had seen in her mind.

Just like I had thought this was her 3rd life but this time something different did happen. In her original 3rd life she didn't meet Charles because she found him arrogant but this time she did meet him and Charles's philosophy that humans must be protected captured her mind. Her first two lives were exactly like I have read in the comics.

Moira arrived in this world in the year 1999, and the Moira of this world was killed in 1997. This Moira took the original Moira's place and met with Charles. So, when I launched my Meta-Human supremacy campaign she decided to stop me.

"Moira, I am really sorry but I can't allow you to move on like this. So, I going to give you a fresh start" I said and pointed my finger towards her head "Obliviate" I said and her eyes glazed over. For a good measure, I Obliviated her a few more times. When I was finally sure that she didn't have any memories, I simply AK'ed her.

"You killed her painlessly?" Eric asked slightly confused.

"Well, it wasn't her fault exactly… her mind became twisted because of several reasons. What she did was wrong that is why I killed her but I gave her a fresh start so she doesn't cause problems in her next life" I said and I felt a new presence inside the room.

I didn't say anything and two hands covered my eyes. I heard shushing sounds and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. "Guess who?" I heard a feminine voice behind me. I already knew who it was.

"Luna Lovegood" I said with a smile and Luna let me go and started to pout.

"Mou~, that isn't fair. You aren't allowed to recognize my voice" Luna said and kept pouting cutely.

"Next time, I will keep that in my mind" I said with a smirk and pecked her on the lips.

"You know what you did for her was nice. Even though she lost memories of three lives you gave her a better life" Luna said with a gentle smile on her face.

"The decision you took changed the whole course of several worlds. If you would have just killed her then she would have caused a lot of problems in her next life" Luna beamed and smiled innocently.

"You also found a clue for the answers I spoke about. I hope that I could help you more but I can't influence you" Luna said and her innocent smile turned sad.

My hands wrapped around Luna and pulled her into a hug. "I know and I understand, telling me the Future will change the timeline" I said and Luna nodded her head. I let go of her and patted her head.

"Happy hunting" Luna said and waved towards the three of us and teleported away…

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