A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 312: Old Crowd...

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[Somewhere Unknown]

An extremely beautiful woman could be seen sitting alone on a giant asteroid sailing through some unknown part of the Omniverse. The woman was dressed in a very skimpy set of draconic armor. Even though her armor was completely black… it was still shining like it was made of gold.​​

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The woman's complexion was somewhat pale… but she looked like any other normal human. If she wasn't in space nobody would have known that she was not a human. Well, not exactly normal after all, the woman had demonic horns on top of her head and the woman's eyes were glowing red… even her sclera was glowing red. The woman had ash-colored hair, but her hair looked really slick and silky.

The woman's body was surrounded by a crimson aura. All of a sudden a frown appeared on the woman's face. The woman stood up and crimson smoke started to ooze out of her body. Her frown transformed into a small smile and with that, the woman's body started to morph, and the next second the woman transformed into something that could only be seen in nightmares… then the woman slowly dissolved into crimson smoke…

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A crimson smoke cloud appeared on a semi-molten planet… from the smoke cloud the same woman walked out in her nightmarish form. Even the ground on the planet has turned into lava but the woman didn't even flinch when her feet landed on the ground. The planet was extremely hot… any normal being would have burned long ago.

The woman slowly transformed back into her human form and started to walk on the lava. This was an absurd sight but the woman still managed to make it a beautiful and enticing sight… the woman finally stopped and she licked her lips seductively. Finally, a sick smile appeared on the woman's face...

"Ardat, you know, you should knock when you enter someone's house" a feminine voice was heard and a naked woman floated out of the lava. This woman was also extremely beautiful and this woman had silver hair along with two draconic horns on top of her head. The woman's eyes were slitted in the middle like a reptile and her pupils were glowing red.

"Kukuku…" the first woman, now known as Ardat chuckled. "Hydriana… I have already seen all of you and we have done more than just seeing each other naked… there is nothing to hide" Ardat purred in a seductive tone.

"But you should have knocked… it is called manners you bint! Being lovers isn't an excuse…" the second woman now recognized as Hydriana said proudly and started to get out of the lava exposing her naked body to Ardat. Ardat grabbed Hydriana by her waist and pulled Hydriana into her arms and Hydriana smashed her lips on Ardat's. After a passionate kissing session, both of them separated.

Hydriana's body started to glow and a skimpy silver and black armor appeared on her body. "I wanted to do much more but I think we have much more pressing matters at this moment" Hydriana said with a scowl on her face.

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"Kukuku… my thoughts exactly" Ardat chuckled. "So, you felt it, right?" Ardat asked her lover but before Hydriana could answer a knocking sound was heard.

Hydriana smiled that the newcomer had some manners and decided to knock. "Come in…" Hydriana said looking into thin air and the next moment another woman appeared in skimpy armor.

The woman had white feathery wings behind her back and in one of her hands, she had a lance. The woman's auburn hair was flowing out of her helmet. The woman had a metal halo floating on top of her head.

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Along with the woman, a blond man also arrived. The man was in a blue Chinese-styled dress and he was carrying a trident with him. The man's eyes were glowing blue… it looked like he could shoot lightning out of his eyes.

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The woman gave Hydriana a friendly smile but as soon as her eyes landed on Ardat, she gave the woman a disdainful glare. The woman's eyes returned to Hydriana and she smiled once again.

"It's nice to meet you again Hydriana… and I loathe myself for seeing you once again Ardat" the woman greeted Hydriana politely with a sweet smile on her face but as soon as her eyes returned to Ardat, her voice turned from polite to clear disdain.

Ardat sneered at the woman "Don't worry the displeasure is mine…" Ardat greeted back in a similar disdainful voice.

"It's nice to meet you too Gotzone… how have you been?" Hydriana greeted back the woman politely.

"I have been nice till now… but now that I have seen her, I am feeling sick…" the angelic woman named Gotzone answered but once again shot a jab at Ardat.

"Will you two stop fighting?" the only man asked in a defeated tone. Both Ardat and Gotzone started to glare at the man.

"Lars, you better not be trying to take that demoness's side" Gotzone growled while looking at the man. The man was now recognized as Lars simply shrugged it off like nothing.

"I am not taking anyone's side… I am simply stating the facts… both of you know that you can't fight so why do you even bother to hate each other" the man said in a dismissive tone.

"Sorry to burst your bubbles, thunder bastard but there is no way I am going to be civil with this slut!!" Ardat snarled at Gotzone and the man sighed once again.

"See… such a mouth could only be found on a demon… I don't know why you are still with her Hydriana?" Gotzone asked Hydriana who smiled and pulled Ardat into her arms. Ardat's anger vanished into thin air and a smug grin appeared on her face.

"Love is just like that Gotzone… you can't choose who you fall in love with…" Hydriana said proudly and pecked Ardat on her lips.

Gotzone scowled at the sight in front of her. "Damn Pegion… you said that I have a dirty mouth but it was you who was screaming like a slut when Lars was fucking you… let me remember what you were screaming" Ardat said with a smug grin and Gotzone turned red like a tomato and started to growl in anger.

"Ah… I remember. 'Plough this sacred garden and plant your seeds', 'Fuck me harder… I want to cum like a waterfall', 'Paint my insides with your essence like I am your cum dump', 'Rub my pus…" Ardat started to mimic Gotzone but before she could continue Gotzone cut her off.

"Shut up!! That was only once and I was drunk!!" Gotzone yelled with an embarrassed look on her face. She wanted to hide in a hole so badly and she would give anything for a hole to hide but this darted planet didn't have a hole.

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"Gotzone… Ardat got you there" Hydriana said and started to chuckle. Gotzone was so embarrassed that she shrunk back in shame and she wanted to disappear out of existence. Lars knew that it was an awkward situation so he decided to keep his mouth shut and he found the situation really troublesome.

The incident happened a few centuries ago when they decided to go for a drink in the mortal world so they had to seal all their powers temporarily or they would have destroyed the world. Gotzone got drunk and became horny because Ardat and Hydriana were already making out… so she ended up doing it with Lars.

They weren't lovers or anything like Ardat and Hydriana but when you live for millennials a quick fuck isn't something frowned upon. At most Lars and Gotzone could be called Friends with benefits, they sleep with each other from time to time to relieve stress and take a break. But that night things got really wild and Gotzone screamed some things which shouldn't be spoken by an angel.

"Enough of that… but I think we have some more pressing matters to discuss now…" Hydriana said successfully changing the topic.

"Yes… since the two of you are here… I think the two of you also felt it?" Ardat asked with a serious look on her face. Gotzone and Lars nodded their heads with a smile on their face.

"Yeah… let's go and meet Ikaggen, after all, it was him who took the responsibility to guide him…" Lars said with a smile and both Ardat and Hydriana nodded their heads in agreement.

The next second the four of them disappeared using their own methods of teleportation. Ardat dissolved into crimson smoke, while Hydriana disappeared with a magic circle below her feet. Lars disappeared with a rumble of thunder and Gotzone vanished with a sound of flutter of her wings.

The next moment the four of them appeared in front of a middle-aged man. The man was staring towards a computer screen. The man noticed their arrival and smiled… the man looked like a real God.

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"Thanks for knocking Hydriana… I can depend on you when it comes to manners" the man said softly and Hydriana puffed out her chest proudly, this made Ardat stare at her lover's chest hungrily.

"Since the four of you are here… may I presume that the four of you felt it?" the man asked politely and the four of them simply nodded their heads.

"Ikaggen, what can you tell us about him?" Gotzone asked the man now recognized as Ikaggen in a hurried tone.

"Everything is going on smoothly… he had just absorbed the second aspect of his power. All of you must have noticed that" Ikaggen said and got up from his chair and the whole landscape changed and they arrived in a huge garden with a tea table and five seats. All of them quickly sat down and tea appeared on the table on its own.

"I can't wait to meet Nemesis once again… I really miss him… it has been so long that the three of us have gone on a destruction and a killing spree…" Ardat gushed out looking really excited.

"Yeah… I really miss those times. I miss the slaughtering the three of us did together" Hydriana said with a gentle smile on her face.

"When he died… I also vowed that I wouldn't bathe in the blood of babies until he returns… I am sick of bathing in the blood of innocents" Ardat said with a scowl on her face.

"I simply can't understand your fetish with baby blood nor do I understand why someone like you should exist" Gotzone said with a scowl on her face and glared at Ardat disdainfully.

"Gotzone… I have said multiple times that she needs to exist because if there is good then there must be evil too…" Ikaggen said in a defeated tone and rubbed his temples.

"Yeah… yeah… I know, there must be a balance between everything" Gotzone slumped back in her chair looking defeated.

"Good that you understand but he no longer goes by the name Nemesis… he calls himself Itsuki Reo now" Ikaggen said with a smile when he saw that Gotzone understood what he meant.

"A human name?? What the fuck??!!" Ardat said with a dumbfounded look on her face.

"…Well… there were some complications with his reincarnation" Ikaggen said with a frown.

"What happened?" Hydriana asked hurriedly. The rest of them also paid rapt attention to what Ikaggen was going to say.

"His soul merged with a human's soul and I had to reincarnate him manually" Ikaggen said and four horrified gasps were heard.

"Please don't tell me that he got those pesky things morals or some shit like that…" Ardat said in a desperate tone. If that happened then it would mean the end of the Omniverse for her.

"You don't have to worry about that… his personality has changed but I think this Leviathan would be much better than the last one…" Ikaggen said with a huge grin on his face.

"Really?" Lars asked looking really unsure of what to make of this situation.

"Yes, if you want… then you can see his life" Ikaggen said and a holographic screen rose up from the table and Itsuki Reo's life started to play on the screen since he was born. It was an abridged version of his life and after a few hours, it finally ended.

"Wow… you were right. He has really changed for the better. He took lovers… I am so happy for him. He has been so lonely since the two of us decided to get together" Ardat cooed like a mother.

"Yeah… his progress is also good but he needs to balance his soul with his body" Hydriana said with a smile on her face.

"Looks like he will be back in full power before the war starts for real…" Gotzone mused.

"Yes… we need to prepare though, Ardat I need you to do something for me…" Ikaggen said in a dark tone and a sick smile appeared on Ardat's face…

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