A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 317: Nemuri's Rage (II)... (R-18)

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A/N: This chapter doesn't have a lemon. It's rated R-18 for the graphic torture scene. If you don't feel comfortable with it then I will put a mark before the torture scene so you can skip it.


[POV Nemuri]

After I finished dressing in my best tuxedo, I took at myself in the mirror. Hmm... now, I am ready to go on a killing rampage. Now, that I was finally done with my clothes... I Flash Stepped back into my parking lot.

My car was still burning and till now... Nobody was here, I didn't expect anyone to be here. After all, this is my private parking lot and I don't have any kind of surveillance in here... After all, I can't have cameras here when I am always popping in and out whenever I want.

From what I know... I am pretty sure that my car won't be discovered by anyone else until tomorrow morning when the cleaners come here but I can't be sure... After all, the culprit might come back and take a peek to check if he succeeded or not...

But that brings me to another problem. I don't know who was responsible for the destruction of my shiny car. Since there is no surveillance in here... I don't have any way of deducing the identity of the culprit but is only the tip of the iceberg.

I have so many enemies that it isn't funny any longer and I am continuously making enemies too. Business rivals, governments of several countries, criminal organizations and I can keep going on. I wonder if there is some spell that could allow me to see the past??

I pulled out my phone and called Momo, after all, she is the one who possesses unrivaled spell knowledge. Momo finally picked up the phone. 'Moshi~ moshi~ how may I help you?' (Japanese)

Is she kidding me right now? Or she simply wants to talk with someone in Japanese. Well, now that I think of it, I also miss the feeling of speaking in Japanese. "Momo, I needed some help. Do you know any spell which can allow me to see the past... Or find someone who had tried to cause me harm?" I asked her in Japanese.

Momo didn't answer me for a couple of seconds. 'I can't tell you for sure but as far as I know, there isn't a spell like that and I wouldn't recommend using a Time-Turner at this moment... They have deteriorated a lot due to overuse and they are somewhat obsolete too' Momo answered back in Japanese.

I wanted to curse so badly but I held myself back, after all, we were all responsible for the deterioration of the Time-Turners. We used it every time we had sex with Reo... So now, I had no way to find out the identity of the person who placed the bomb on my beloved car.

'By the way... Did something happen?' Momo asked in a worried tone. She was back in English... it was clear that she was genuinely worried.

"Yeah... Someone placed a bomb in my car and tried to kill me..." I trailed off and Momo seemed to choke after she heard me.

'You are talking about your shiny car??' Momo asked and I hummed sadly in agreement. '...Now, I feel really bad for them...' Momo said in a sad tone.

"Don't worry, they will also feel bad for themselves when I am done with them..." I said while gritting my teeth.

'Hey!! You can ask Reo for help... He gained some Time Powers a few hours ago... I think he will be able to help you' Momo said and I released a relieved sigh when I heard that.

"Thanks, I will call him now... I will call you later, bye and thanks" I said hurriedly after thanking Momo and cut the call. Then I called Reo, after the phone rang for a few seconds Reo picked up the phone. I could clearly hear someone screaming in the background.

'Hello honey~, what can I do for you?' Reo asked me in a sing-song voice. I wanted to flirt with him so badly but I could do that later... Maybe, give him a reward and do a role-play with him. Dora told me about her latest adventure with Reo where Reo was a bad guy and she was big bad Agent Tonks.

"Umm... I heard that you gained some Time Powers, will you be able to see the past??" I asked him and the scream in the background intensified.

'Yep... I can do that. Did something happen?' Reo cooed. I know when Reo was like this... It was when he was annoyed and angry. It was pretty clear who he was angry at.

"Yes... Someone tried to kill me but ended up blowing up my car..." I reluctantly answered him. After all, I knew how protective he was and I wanted to kill the people responsible with my own hands.

'...I am on my way... Avada Kedavra' after a few seconds Reo said and AK'ed the poor fool who was screaming in the background. He must have been a fool... He should have known that he should have never angered Reo... Well, he can ponder it in his afterlife.

Reo Flash Stepped beside me and he finally cut the call. As soon as Reo arrived, his eyes went towards my still burning car... after a couple of seconds, his eyes turned back towards me. "I almost feel bad for the guys responsible for this" Reo said dryly.

"It's good that you don't feel bad... Now can you find who blew up my car?" I asked him desperately and he simply nodded his head. He raised up his left hand and a green ring appeared around his hand and a green hologram rose up beside my car.

A hologram of myself appeared beside the car dressed in rags. I immediately understood that it was past me, Reo paused the video and stared at me blankly... I simply shrugged my shoulders. He shook his head and resumed the hologram... In the hologram, I went back into my car and it finally exploded.

After the explosion, I walked out of the car with completely intact clothes. Soon, I disappeared from the parking lot and after a few seconds, a man appeared in the parking lot. I immediately recognized him... he is the head of my digital security team. Since I was also in the digital business, I needed a digital security team but he was a guy I never expected to betray me.

The hologram video continued to play and I saw how that motherfucker placed the bomb in my precious car. He is going to pay... Jim Hardy, you are going to pay. Reo didn't need to continue the video so he finally stopped.

"It looks like you know him?" Reo asked and I simply nodded my head. The green ring on his hand disappeared and another similar green ring appeared on his hand but this was slightly bigger than the previous one. My still burning car was covered in a slight green glow and soon the fire started to increase.

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I was confused when I saw that... but quickly concluded that Reo was reversing the time. He was fixing my precious car!! Soon my car returned to its previous state like it was before the explosion. I was so happy that I wanted to jump him right here and now. When the green ring finally disappeared from Reo's hand... I jumped into his arms and smashed my lips on his.

"Thank you... Thank you... Thank you..." I kept mumbling on between the kisses. I only allowed him to go after a few minutes of hungry kissing...

"I would have fucked you right here and now but I have some people to kill..." I said sadly and he simply caressed my cheek lovingly.

"We can fuck all we want after you finish your revenge... Sex after successful revenge is much more exciting" Reo said while nodding his head like a sage... Hmm... Reo must be right... After all, he knew that porn scenes were faked. I nodded my head like a good housewife.

After that, we quickly headed inside the building... Both of us were disillusioned. After all, I didn't want anyone to know that I was in the office. I headed directly towards Jim Hardy's office and Reo was calmly following behind me. We soon arrived in his office and I quickly stunned the dickhead.

Reo quickly prepared a Portkey and gave it to me. I put the Portkey on Jim and activated it. As soon as he was gone, both I and Reo Flash Stepped into the torture room we had in Knox. This was the first time we were going to use the torture room... Until now, only Reo tortured people and he preferred Crucio.

Jim Hardy was strapped in the chair in the middle of the room. But before I do anything... I wanted to confirm if he did it willingly or not. I don't want my first torture victim to be an innocent. Reo was leaning on the wall at the end.

I finally revived Jim and as soon as his eyes landed on me his eyebrows shot up in fear. That isn't a good sign... "Legilimens" I said and dived into his mind. Jim was screaming on top of his lungs but I didn't care. I only wanted to know if he did it willingly or not... I ignored everything else. I quickly found the information and he did it willingly and happily... I completely ignored why he agreed though.

"Hello, Jim... I never thought that you would do something like that... that was really bad of you" I said cryptically and Reo used his powers to float a scalpel in my hand. I raised an eyebrow in his direction... this is an interesting choice of weapon to start the process.

Jim though... He looked completely horrified when he heard what I said. He started to sputter incoherently... I simply walked up to him and slashed his cheek... He squealed like a pig. "Speak clearly..." I said sweetly.

{Torture Scene Starts}

A few seconds passed when he finally gathered back his wits. "Miss... Kayama, what are you doing?? And I have no idea what you are talking about... Agrh!!!" since he was once again spouting bullshit, I snapped his right index finger.

"Hah... Hah... I don't know what you are... Argh!!" I snapped his right middle finger.

"Since it looks like you aren't going to give me a straight answer... Let me somewhat persuade you" I said sweetly and started to run the scalpel on his chest.

Jim groaned in pain and started to trash in the chair. But I didn't stop there... I started to draw with the scalpel on his chest. Only after a few minutes, he had a nice nine-tailed fox playing with a dick on his chest... I would have been happy with the drawing if it wasn't so bloody.

"Do you think you can speak now?" I asked him sweetly and glared at me.

"You don't know who you are messing with..." Jim said in between deep breaths.

"I think you misunderstand something... You are not in control here but I am and unfortunately, that was a wrong answer" I said and threw away the scalpel while I pointed toward a small hammer. Reo levitated the small hammer in my hand and I swiftly brought down the hammer on his crotch. Jim squealed like a pig.

From the corner of my eyes, I noticed Reo flinched and he instinctively covered his crotch... I wanted to assure him that I would never do that to him but I can do that later when I worship his man meat. I threw the hammer too and pointed towards a butcher knife. Reo levitated the knife into my hand.

"This is so much fun..." I moaned breathing heavily. My sadistic side hasn't shown up for a long time... "Now... I want you to continue being stubborn... That way I can skin you completely... please bear with me" I said huskily and skinned his right arm. He squealed like a pig once again... Looks like he is truly a pig under a human guise.

"I am telling you... It's was Bakuto-sama. Some of his pupils came to me and gave me a lot of money to do it" Jim said hurriedly. The fuck is Bakuto??? Oh... Yeah!! He is one of the fingers of the Hand. So, it was revenge for Gao?? I will have fun skinning them too...

"You shouldn't have said it... I still wanted to skin you like the pig you are... You were a bad boy and bad boys must be punished" I said and a spoon of ice formed in my hand. I dropped the knife and grabbed his face. With a swift move my spoon was under his right eye he started to scream and thrash in the chair.

"Don't move... Or I will scoop out your other eye too..." I said but he didn't stop screaming and thrashing. So I slowly pulled out his right eye and as soon as I was done with his right eye... My ice spoon entered his left eye socket. Only after a minute, his other eye was on the floor too.

"Don't worry Jim... We aren't done yet..." I said and picked up my knife once again so I can finish skinning him. Half an hour passed when he finally died. I had killed him by accident when I cut off one of his nerves while skinning him. Pity...

{Torture Scene Over}

I thought after killing a human in such a manner I would feel different but I don't feel anything... It didn't even bother me now that I think about it clearly. My eyes immediately shot towards Reo in worry... He must think that I am a monster now but to my relief, he was still looking at me with care in his eyes.

"Are you done?? You know I can bring him back if you want" Reo asked me and I simply shook my head in denial.

"No... No need. But we still aren't done yet... I am going to exterminate the Hand before the sun rises" I said with clear determination in my voice and Reo simply nodded his head.

"Sure... Lead the way my lady" he said while he extended his arm towards me. A perverted giggle escaped my lips and I took his arm and pulled it between my breasts... Hehehe... After we are done... We are going to do a lot more than that my Reo...

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