A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 86: Rumi's Night Out

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A/N: Last time I did a vote about the next world. So... here is the result. 'Marvel Cinematic Universe' won with 81 votes, even though the world you might have voted for didn't win but please don't stop reading the story.

For the next world I am thinking to give Magneto and his harem members some bloodlines. Please comment down here if you have any ideas.​ ​

Also, if you want me to merge together Marvel and X-Men Cinematic Universe then please comment down on my 'yes' or 'no' comments.


Two years has passed since Magneto visited the Tonks residence and asked them to join his merry band. Well at first both Ted and Andromeda Tonks were completely scared but still they held strong, even though they were scared for their lives they weren't scared, they directly denied Magneto's offer. Magneto expected that so he didn't exactly bother that Ted and Andromeda Tonks rejected his offer which he gave them so nicely.

So, after that Magneto told them why he has been doing all this and Andromeda was the first one to accept his offer to join his merry band. She already have a positive impression of Magneto as had already killed Bellatrix Lestrange and beat up Albus Dumbledore. Even though, she belonged to a light family she never completely trusted Albus Dumbledore to blindly follow him and there was something in her mind that told her never to trust him.

She was the first one to become Magneto's ally. TedTonks was slightly surprised that his wife decided to become Magneto's ally so quickly since Magneto was regarded as a raising Dark Lord. But when Magneto continued telling them the reason why he has been doing all this Ted Tonks was horrified and surprised that Albus Dumbledore did so many atrocities. But he also finally relented and joined Magneto's merry bands.

So, Magneto finally returned to Castle Ravenclaw after getting three new allies. Ted and Andromeda Tonks didn't mattered for him much... his only main aim was Amelia Bones who was really happy to become Magneto's ally after he told her the truth. Yed and Andromeda Tonks were just a bonus, he honestly vistied them just for kicks and fun. But if they decide to join him then it was just bonus... Andromeda Tonks were really happy that Sirius Black wasn't the one who betrayed the Potters.

She always believed at least in one part of her mind that Sirius Black didn't betray the Potters, she never believed that Sirius could never do that but getting the confirmation was much better than this and Magneto finally told her that Sirius wasn't the secret keeper but Dumbledore still had has his hands in sending Sirius to Azkaban, she blew a gasket and was about to apparate into St. Mungo's hospital to pull out Old Goat's beard but fortunately her husband was able to stop her.

Magneto didn't made another public appearance since that day. Though he would visit Bones Manor time to time... obviously unannounced behind Amelia Bones's back and would play with Susan. Magneto also liked to visit Tonks residence just for kicks and fun.

It was too much fun for him to let the magical people that their so trusty wards were just shit in front of him.

[POV Rumi(Roxanne)]

It has been 5 years since I have arrived in this world. If I had to explain this world in one word then it would be boring... it is Fucking Boring... I had thought that I would be fighting new opponents and new kind of battles but this is completely different from what I have imagined.

I have never been in any battle since I have left my own world. I have finally taken a decision... and was currently walking towards the place where Reo was reading a book about space and stuff. Honestly, I can't always understand those stuff, I am not someone smart like Reo or Momo.

I finally arrived in Reo's study room and walked upto him. From his expression I knew that he had already noticed me.

"What's up Rumi? Do you want something?" Reo asked me. Well... he completely saw through me. That's what I always loved about him. He was always able to know that if I wanted something or not... well not only that he was able to understand if I was having some problems or not.

"Well... I am bored. I mean really really bored. I want some action" I said with a serious face but I knew that the bloodthirsty smile on my face appeared.

"Ok... go out and have fun but use a mask and take few portkeys on you" Reo said with a smile and pulled me into an hug. I was already happy since he allowed me to have fun.

After that I left the room and picked up three portkeys from Momo's room. I asked Momo to make me suit similar to Reo's but without any metal platings so I could move freely. It took another few minutes... for this whole time I was just pacing around in Momo's room... it was too hard to control the excitement.

I knew where to go for my fun and with Nixy's help I was able to find out the place. With my suit ready I went towards my room and took off my clothes. I might have to learn the magic Nemuri had made to get out of clothes. I gulped down a vial of aging potion and soon turned into my 20 years old form.

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I donned my new custume and stretched my body, I have to say this is a nice fit. Momo really knows what she is doing.

"Nixy" I called in a soft voice and Nixy... the small house elf appeared beside me. I have to say it took me some time to get used to them but when I did, they are really nice but I would never understand their obsession with work. Maybe it is something similar to my battle junkie nature.

"Nixy take me to the place" I told the small creature.

"Of course Missy Roxy" the house elf said and grabbed the hem of my suit and apparated. Damn... no matter how many times I have side along apparated with house elves I can't get used to these. These are so annoying...

I finally looked around where I arrived. I liked the ambience around here, it was a muggle building or a common building for non-magicals, apparently an abandoned warehouse. It was a warehouse from the outside but there was something completely different inside... it was an underground fight club.

I ordered Nixy to go back to Castle Ravenclaw and entered the warehouse premises. I had asked Nixy to search for a place where muggles fight against each other and other muggles bid money on them. Nixy had found several places like this but this was the best for my tastes because here even girls or women can enter the fights and they can also bid on themselves. I finally walked up to the door and knocked on the door.

A small crack opened in the door and I could see two eyes. "What do you want?" the man asked me.

"Fighter" I said plain and simple and crack closed and the door opened completely. There were two guards behind the doors, both of them carried revolvers along with them. I didn't pay them anymore attention and walked inside. I was wearing my new suit and a mask like Reo had asked me.

I finally entered a room were several fighters were sitting casually waiting for their chance there was also a girl in the room who was registering the fighters. I walked upto her and registered my name as Mirko. She gave me a number plate and told me to wait for my fight.

After waiting for more than 45 minutes my chance finally came. It was really hard for me to hold back for 45 minutes... the girl led me towards a pit. Several high class men and women were sitting outside the pit bidding on the fights. I entered the pit and for the first time looked at my opponent and cheered internally.

The dude was huge... this guy was even taller than adult Reo and adult Reo was 6 feet 4 inches in height. This guy was not only tall but also muscular like a boulder. I wonder how long he would be able to fight me before going down.

"Attention! This fight will be no rules no bar match!" a guy with microphone announced. This was another reason I choose this place. No rules... for me rules in fights are really restricting. Fighting without any rules is awesome. I could already feel my blood rushing in my veins. I knew it... this fight was going to be awesome.

"Start!" the announcer yelled in his mic. But none of us made any moves. "Are you scared little girl?" the man asked me in a mocking voice and started to laugh. Well... that's rude but I didn't make any moves. Hearing the man the audience also started to laugh.

"Look how she is frozen in the place she has been standing! Haha... don't worry little girl, why don't you suck my dick right here and now.... I might let you wi..." the man continued teasing me but how dare he make a comment like that, the only man I would ever allow to touch me is Reo! I rushed at him with a speed none could see clearly and kicked him on the chest before he could even complete the sentence.

The huge man what everyone thought undefeatable has just flown back about 5 metres with my kick. The audience was completely silent... heck the whole arena was completely silent. No one expected this. The man groaned and finally got up.

"Ugh... you will pay for that little girl. When I would take you from the ba..." Even this time I didn't let him finish what he was saying and landed a high kick on his head. The head slammed down on the concrete floor and sick crunching sound was heard.

"Arghhh... you bitch!! You broke my nose!" The huge man yelled with his head still planted on the floor. I didn't reply and rose my leg and again kicked his head like a football. The man yelled in pain and the next moment he was sprawled on the concrete floor with his back down and legs wide open... legs wide open?? Good... I will take away his any chances of having another fun night.

I crouched on the floor and shot forward and kicked the man's family jewels with all the force I could muster. Every man in the audience fliched. Another sick crunching sound was heard throughout the arena.

"Arggggghhhhh!" the man yelled in pain and grabbed whatever was left of his family jewels and started to roll on the floor. I stood above him with a smug face happy with the ending. I am hundred percent sure that his small brother won't be standing up ever again not matter how miraculous doctor he has.

The huge man kept rolling on the floor while grabbing his crotch while screaming in pain. No matter what... I had fun even though my fight was against a perverted violater. But it was just one fights if the whole night and the night was still long...

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