A New Eden

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: TRILLION – We Need to Leave Mars

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“We must leave Mars today,” one of the holographic heads shouted.

Trillion von Nichol found herself disagreeing with the floating head, although she knew his opinion didn’t carry much weight. It was Peter’s opinion that mattered ultimately – he was the one footing the bills. “Peter, what do you think?”

Dr Peter Atreus was almost ninety – but he didn’t look it. She secretly wondered if it was because he was rich enough to afford any type of cosmetic surgery he wanted. Or because his dark skin also gave him an advantage over some of the other team members whose lighter skin meant they looked twice his age, despite being half his age. Trillion thought he was living proof of the saying, ‘black don’t crack’.

Peter looked down, as if he was unsure about what he was about to say. “Just because Earth elected a luddite doesn’t mean we have to leave Mars today.”

Trillion shook her head at that comment. It always amused her when her colleagues used the word ‘luddite’. She found it ironic that earlier today she had to wheel in a large screen to project Peter’s face onto just because he refused to have a holographic projection recorder installed in his home office. “Peter, let’s not call them luddites. I’m sure, to them, we’re the luddites.”

Atlas turned his head towards her. “What should we call them then?” he challenged.

She shrugged, not wanting to get into this argument again. “Never mind.”

Atlas was one of the four people physically present in the room with her. He was almost as old as Peter; the two of them had worked together for almost a decade, bringing this project together. Atlas spent years in AI research, writing systems and interfaces for interacting with artificial intelligences. But something caused him to leave that line of research and he had switched to mechanical engineering. Ever since then he’d been cranking out inventions that Peter commercialised.

She watched Peter’s mouth move, but no sound was coming out. “You’re on mute, old man.”

The red mute button disappeared from his screen. “There is nothing to fear in the Fermion Party. As with all political parties. They had to use extremist language to please their voter base. They might be the biggest political party on Earth, but this is Mars.”

She could understand half the group’s fear. Everyone on the conference call would eventually become a von Neumann probe. And stopping them was one of the campaign promises the Fermion Party had made.

It was true that they all hated the Fermion party. But there wasn’t much they could do. Besides, she didn’t want to leave yet. She hadn’t said goodbye. She wasn’t ready.

The arguments began to get heated. Even Icarus started yelling at Peter. “Those are not extremist beliefs anymore, Dr Atreus. We must accept the fact that these views are now mainstream political views on Earth. Killing Mars is now a mainstream talking point.”

Icarus was a short Japanese man. He was one of the others in the room. Seated beside Trillion was Icarus, Atlas, and Angelique – all four of them were scheduled to monitor the Isaac Arthur Mars base over the weekend. They were called Beta Explorers. They would be one of the first explorers out of the solar system.

Peter raised his hands, quieting the room. “Calm down everyone.”

The atmosphere in the room was getting intense as different people began yelling on the call. Trillion tuned out, only hearing bits and pieces of it.

“I won’t calm down. Yes, it’s unlucky that they can’t afford to visit another planet. But that doesn’t mean they have to stop us from travelling!”

“Atlas, don’t get prejudiced.”

“Peter, I’m not prejudiced. I’m just honest. This is exactly why we need to launch the colony ships asap. If we don’t have independent colonies of humans then we are at risk of lunatics like these destroying us!”

Trillion suddenly stood up. She could see Peter speaking but she wasn’t listening to his words. A guy had appeared in the background holding a gun. Trillion pointed at the screen with urgency. “Dr Atreus! Dr Atreus!” 

The room went silent as everyone noticed the man, helpless to do anything. They could see everything. Hear everything. 

The gunman was unaware he was on camera. “Peter, you are breaking multiple treaties outside of the metaverse,” he said darkly. “You left us no choice.”

Peter spun around. “You have no authority here!” he bellowed in surprise.

How did he have a gun? Trillion thought to herself. Guns weren’t allowed on Mars. “Dr Atreus, the gun isn’t real. There are no guns on Mars.”

Peter must have realised it too. He was slowly walking towards the man, hands raised slightly as if surrendering.

The man had quite a speech, but she had heard it before. All those crazy Fermions believed the same thing.

“Life isn’t meant to explore the stars,” he continued. “If life was, we would have been visited by aliens already. You know this, Peter. You know the answer to ‘Where are all the aliens?’ is they’re in the metaverse. There are an infinite number of virtual worlds. Why the obsession with this one?”

Peter was enraged now. “You mean the real world!” he shouted, lunging forward. The two men wrestled for a moment, the man with the gun clearly stronger. They fell to the floor and rolled out of view of the camera.

Bang. The gun went off.

Everyone gasped. Trillion’s brain moved a million miles an hour. What had just happened? Was Peter shot? She was in shock. She heard voices shout out for Peter.


“Peter. Peter!”

“Dr Atreus.”

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“Peter Atreus.”


Trillion’s voice was drowned out by everyone speaking at once.

The connection to the video call disconnected and the holographic images of everyone disappeared. It was just the four of them in the conference room now.

Icarus stood beside Trillion, holding his phone up in the air as he tried to get reception. “My phone just lost signal.”

Trillion looked at the three of them in shock. “How did they get guns onto Mars? Guns are illegal here. Who would use a gun, when you’re in the vacuum of space?”

Icarus pointed at his head, as if to say only crazy people. “Someone who didn’t care about the consequences of holes in space. Someone who isn’t planning on being here long.”

“Someone not from around here,” Angelique added.

All three of them looked towards Atlas, all knowing what this meant but not wanting to voice it. They knew those people were from the Fermion Party. They also knew they didn’t have much time. If they had taken out Peter, then the rest of them were next.

Atlas pulled something out of his pocket. “We planned for this, team. Peter did not believe it would happen. But it looks like they are moving in on us.” He handed it to Trillion. It was a key card. “Take this. It will get you into my office. There is a safe in the corner. Behind the seat, embedded into the wall. Open it. You will find twelve solid plastic boxes about the size of matchsticks. Those are the two factor authentication codes. Grab the one with each of our names on them. Open the boxes. There will also be a pair of in-ear buds. Put those on. Then bring the boxes back to me. Take Icarus with you. Meet Angelique and me at airlock F twenty-seven.”

Trillion looked at him incredulously. “What are you going to do?” 

“We’re going to get our spacecrafts ready,” Atlas said with a smile.

Just then the door to the conference room swung open, revealing a man with a gun.

He pointed the gun towards Atlas, Icarus and Angelique, unaware that Trillion was standing behind the door, out of view. All three of them raised their hands.

As the gunman slowly walked into the room, Trillion knew the gun was real. She no longer questioned the need to leave Mars today. At that moment she knew she had to stop the gunman. They had to leave. She steadied herself, knowing she had to do something before he saw her.

She drew in a deep breath and lunged towards his arm in an attempt to knock the gun out of his hand.

She managed to get one hand on the barrel of the gun, her momentum carrying her forward as she slammed into the door. She kept her grip on the gun, but the man would not let go. Somehow she managed to wedge his hand in the door. The man yelled as Trillion’s weight slammed the door into his arm. He finally let go of the gun and Trillion fell, the gun still in her possession.

Icarus and Atlas pushed up against the door, wedging the man’s hand in place. It was most likely broken, given the obvious pain he was in.

Angelique helped Trillion up. “Are you alright?”

Angelique was the youngest in the group, but she was one of the hardest working people she knew which made it shocking when she found out that Angelique used to work in real estate. The only thing Trillion disliked about Angelique was her ginger hair. Trillion had red hair, a much brighter shade of red too. Trillion disliked the fact that having two people on the team with red hair meant every time the two of them walked into a room together it was the first comment people made. She hated that.


A few moments later the team had gathered themselves. Trillion held onto the gun as they opened the door. “Who are you?” she demanded, pointing the gun at the stranger.

He stared blankly, clutching his hand.

Angelique cracked. She kicked his broken arm. “You killed Pete!”

The gunman started talking after that. He was twenty-three. Maybe twenty-four. Young. Filled with hatred. Filled with extremist views.

They interrogated him but he didn’t know much. He was part of the Fermions. It was a full-on attack of Mars. They had hacked into the satellite systems, shut off all internet access.

They learnt that he was to move them into the prison cells and wait for further instructions. The man guessed that they were we to be transported back to Earth.

He wasn’t very useful for learning more about the plan but he was full of derogatory terms, calling them names, trying to argue that humanity had already ruined Earth – it didn’t need to go and ruin other planets.

The team tied him up and removed his phone and watch.

Atlas reiterated the plan. “We need to move fast. We don’t know how many of these people there are.”  

The team took off.

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