A New Hero in MHA

Chapter 17: Chapter Fourteen – Storms Analysis

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        Today there was no school due to the attack. This morning I talked to a detective Tsukauchi and explained what happened from my point of view: how my fight went, etc... He seemed content with my words, so it wasn't long before he left. After this annoying mess was done and over with I went to my room to check out my costume and the runes I put on it.

          When I originally designed my costume, I had two things I wanted in it. 1: Look cool, 2: Protect me. Until I look at the runes that were used up healing me, I can't say it did its job or not but that's what this check is for. Normally when a costume is made, it's made with a material that is good for defense but usually focuses on looks as well as making sure your own quirk doesn't destroy it, if not then the #2 hero Endeavor would be naked all the time from his fire quirk. The company that handles uniforms usually does their own research based on similar quirks recorded as well as any notes from teachers, parents and the user themselves. For me I requested that the entire outfit be made from a Kevlar like mesh for added protection as well as to make sure my runes don't eat away at the material to quickly.

My quirk aside from working based off of how much information I write on the object, the other factor is the material it is written on. The cards I requested for my costume are made a more study material than run of the mill playing cards. If I used paper then certain effects like my cement barrier I used on the Nomu wouldn't last long even on a normal civilian let alone a monster. So for my costume using boost on my shoes over and over degrades the material. In my life I have lost count of the amount of shoes, shirts, pants and underwear I have had to replace because my runes made them degrade to the point of almost falling apart. 

My current costume which is pretty messed up and will have to be replaced due to that stupid Nomu is made from a composite fiber of Kevlar fiber, nano mesh and cotton all to help protect me from attacks as well as prevent my quirk from degrading the material to much.

          As I sit at the desk in my room where I would do homework or work on my runic scripts I had my costume laid out as I inspected it. Here are my findings so far.

  1. Boots - Slight deterioration, no issues with further use. Boost and Acel runes are still intact and can still work.
  2. Tights/ Socks - Were not inscribed but does have slight damage from fighting. Some tearing.
  3. Shorts - Similar damage as tights, weight reduction rune seems fine.
  4. Overcoat - Unusable, sleeves are fine but back is gone aside from a few threads, all runes (defense, stealth, heating/ cooling) are all destroyed.
  5. Undershirt - Fully intact, no damage
  6. Vest - ...

So far things weren't too bad, if needed I could reuse all other components aside from my coat which was good in case it takes longer than I want to get a new one but I think I'll redesign my coat to be more defense oriented, I'll have to work with someone on that though. As I was checking through my costume I got to the Vest, this held the majority of my extra cards as well as several runes inscribed on it, especially healing runes. In the back of the verst I had the costume company place a titanium and tungsten alloy plate for me to inscribe permanent runes as I call them, these runes are always on whenever I wear my costume, since they are always on they make the material deteriorate faster however the titanium and tungsten alloy deteriorates at such a slow rate I can have this always on for a year without worrying about it, however if any of these runes activate the plate gets weaker and weaker much faster. It is designed so that there will always be enough mass to allow for all runes to activate multiple times before it wears out completely, this is so I can do multiple hard battles without worry my life will be in danger. These runes are as follows:

  • Monitor - Monitor body and activate runes when necessary.
  • Pain Relief - Send pain relief to effected areas based on monitor rune.
  • Set Bones - Set bones to align based on monitor rune.
  • Blood Supply - Increase blood replenishment based on monitor rune.
  • Scab - Scab over superficial wounds based on monitor rune.
  • Antibiotic - Send antibiotics into bloodstream in case of illness. Based on monitor rune
  • Resuscitate - Send electrical pulses to heart to get it back into rhythm based on monitor rune.
  • Expel - Expel and foreign gases or poisons from body based on monitor rune.
  • Lung - Control lungs in case breathing stops. Based on monitor rune.
  • Revive - Send electrical pulses to brain, heart. Activate all runes until monitor rune deactivates.

I had set these runes based on research I did as to how other heroes had died on various missions and fights, so I thought if anything I was overcompensating. But there I sat in my chair holding a corroded piece of metal, it looked like something you would find in a plane crash. All runes were completely used up. As I sat there, I mumbled something that I didn't think ide ever say. "I died."




          "Adi, your friend Toru is here!" "Sorry Toru she might not have heard me, you can head on up to her room, you know where it is."

"Sure do Mrs. Kobayashi, thanks for having me over."

Toru headed towards Adeline's room, when arriving opening the door she noticed something odd. Adeline wasn't smiling. Normally, she always has a smirk, a grin or something it's kinda her default face but as Toru looked at Adeline sitting at a desk staring at a piece of metal, she didn't see any hint of a smile, she seemed... scared?

"Adeline, what's wrong?" Toru spoke up to Adeline but got no response, she then walked over and lightly shook her. "Adeline I am here, what's wrong"

Adline dropped the piece of metal she was holding but as it only fell a few inches it didn't make a loud noise. She looked up at Toru and with a shaky smile that made Toru extremely worried she spoke to her best friend.

"Hey Toru, sorry I must have lost track of time... wait why are you here, I thought you weren't supposed to come over till tomorrow?"

"I was but I decided to come over early and check up on you, you haven't answered any of my texts or calls today I was worried you were still injured or something."

Oh I must have not noticed due to the runes. Toru then either squatted down or kneeled near me, it's hard to tell.

"What's wrong Adi? You look like you've seen a ghost?"

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I had never heard this tone from her before let alone heard her call me Adi before. She is usually so bubbly the way she talks but never this tone which made her sound almost motherly.

" Well, you're not totally wrong there" 

I tried to smile but I could feel it felt wrong, it felt fake and forced.

"Adi, what do you mean?"

I paused for a while and closed my eyes, what should I tell her? I don't wanna worry her, but I don't wanna lie either, I'm not very good at it, I know I should tell my parents but should I tell Toru? She is my best friend but I am not sure.

"Toru. Are you scared you'll be hurt or killed being a hero?"

"Huh? I mean I guess; my parents are more worried about it than I am since all I got is my invisibility but I don't really think about it much. Why are you worried cuz you got hurt that it might happen again?"

"No, not exactly... listen Toru, my dad was a pro-hero in America so I heard a lot of stories of hero's getting hurt and dying from him and on the news so I did my research and decided to do something about it. I build a sort of safety net into my costume a set of runes that would keep my from getting to hurt or die and well... here." 

I handed the ruined plate to Toru for her to look at. She looked at it for a while before handing it back.

"Um Adeline it looks ruined like how your runes look like when they deteriorate materials."

She didn't understand. Not that I can blame her so I explained what each runes did, the material the plate is made from and what the whole plate being ruined means.

"I died Toru, only for a little bit but I died without doing anything worthwhile, it almost all ended."

I spoke this in shaky voice that I was surprised by, it was hard to not cry. It made it even harder since I couldn't see Toru's reaction, not seeing her face now more than ever hurt, I felt how she felt though as a big hug full of warmth was wrapped around me, the coolness of the tears I felt helped me cry as well. We stayed that way for awhile I am not how long but we separated. I am not sure about Toru but my face felt really hot.

"Have you told your parents about this?"

"No, not yet, kind of scared to."

"Wanna do it with me?"

"Sure... thanks Toru."

We went downstairs and talked to my parents, I showed them the plate of ruined runes and explained everything about it and how it meant that I had died and came back. My mom and dad held me tighter than Toru did while my mom cried harder than anyone. I told them that I was fine now and still wanted to be a hero and go to UA. My mom was against it and if she had her choice ide never leave the house again but thankfully, my dad helped convince her otherwise and was allowed to do what I want. Toru spent the rest of the days and nights we had off with me which I was thankful for. Now it's time to go back to school.

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