A New Hero in MHA

Chapter 9: Chapter Eight – School Life

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          I didn't eat or sleep much that night, my dad was probably worried but I just couldn't wrap my head around what I had heard. 1st Midoriya said he got his quirk from someone else. That in itself should be impossible and normally I would have just thought that Midoriya had made it up but from what I have heard from Bakugo's complaints during the quirk test on day one Midoriya never had a quirk before UA so that added to Midoriya's claim. 2nd and what really had me spiraling down was what All Might had said after Bakugo left, "Young Midoriya! Kid! What did you exactly say to him? Did you tell him?" Does that mean that All Might gave Midoriya as quirk or was he just curious about what he and Bakugo were talking about or was it about something else. I just felt so confused.

After getting no sleep and barely eating breakfast I rode the usual train to school meeting up with Toru during the trip.

"Hey Adeline, how ya doing we didn't talk much after school yesterday what ya up to...Are you alright you look terrible!?"

"Oh hey Toru ya just didn't sleep much last night got a lot on my mind so that's probably why I look tired."

I gave a smile to her but one without teeth.

"No its not just tired, you look like someone ran over your dog or something are you sure you are ok? We are best friends remember you can trust me."

"Thanks Toru...I just heard some stuff after school that has caused me to kinda spiral out a bit made me not eat or sleep so I am just tired but I'll be fine I promise."

"Well ok but I am here just remember that."

Toru gave me a hug wrapping her invisible arms and hands around me, it felt nice.

"Thanks Toru"

"Hey Adeline, HEY ADELINE WAKE UP!!!"

I awoke to Toru shaking me and yelling.

"Huh what's wrong, what happened?"

"We arrived at our stop you fell asleep when I was hugging you, maybe you should call in sick or something."

I felt embarrassed that I fell asleep being held but it's not all bad if its Toru...

"No I am fine Toru you were just so comfy that's all, I could probably sleep in your arms all day and night!"

I tried to pass it off by some playfulness but I couldn't tell if it worked, damn it's hard not seeing her face.




          Once at school first period was homeroom and as Aizawa entered he looked like he was probably the closest in tiredness and looks to the current me right now and he even gave me a hard look when he walked in with his sleeping bag in hand.

"I looked over your hero training yesterday and it looked good, we now have something to work on and compare to for future classes, however today we will be doing something that supersedes that at the moment."

The entire class was silent at this, I just hoped it wasn't a pop quiz or something I couldn't concentrate if it was.

"You will need to pick a class President and VP today."

The class cheered at that, I didn't however. I had seen this in anime shows but American schools didn't have class presidents at least not the ones I went to so I wasn't excited at all, I just wanted to go home and attempt to sleep. Coming to school and the tiredness of my current being has helped cleared some of my issues from yesterday out, they are still there but with how tired I am I cant focus on it enough for it to matter.

The class was silent when Aizawa used his quirk to scare everyone to shut up.

"I don't care how you do it but use the rest of homeroom to figure it out and let me know when it's decided."

With that he went into his sleeping bag and fell asleep, oh how I envy him right now.

As I envied our sleeping teacher the class was in debate on who should be class president, there were a lot of people wanting the position. If I wasn't so tired I would have probably thrown my hat into the ring I mean it sounded kinda fun at least. Ida however got everyone to be quite and connived everyone to vote on who would be the President and VP.

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I voted for Momo, she not only was smart and had a good quirk but I also liked her and of course if she was president I could stare at her when she was infront of the class hehe. The results came shortly after all votes were cast.

  1. Yaoyorozu - 4
  2. Ida - 3
  3. Midoriya - 3
  4. Kobayashi - 2
  5. Ojiro - 1
  6. Bakugo - 1
  7. Koda - 1
  8. Todoroki - 1


Who the heck voted for me? Mhm...maybe Toru? I will have to ask her later but who is the second? As I was trying to figure out who else voted for me, Momo and Ida went to the front, Midoriya refused the position and since he and Ida had the same number of votes Ida got the position of VP, I swear I could see him holding back tears of joy but maybe my tired eyes were playing tricks on me.

We all clapped for our class President Momo and class Vice President Ida. After that homeroom ended, we had some regular classes that were a blur, I paid some attention but I was mostly trying to not fall asleep. Some of my class as well as some the teachers were worried but I assured them I was ok. After that was lunch, I hadn't had much to eat this morning and nothing last night so I (with the help of Toru) hurried off to eat. After I scarfed down my chow I decided to take the rest of lunch to close my eyes or I would have if not for the fact that right before I put my head down the school alarm went off.


The cafeteria was in chaos, it seemed like everyone was all rushing to exit at once like a Black-Friday sale. I couldn't handle the noise as I just wasn't to get 5 minutes of sleep, I couldn't care what the alarm was right now, so I took my used spoon and wrote a quick rune on it and threw it in the air.

Spoon Rune - 'Emit a calming light to get all available attention in current room'

As a calming light pulsed throughout the room the chaos subsided and everyone stopped running and just stood still only to be awoken by Momo's voice shortly after.

"Attention students, were are UA students please proceed calmly to your classes, the teachers will handle this emergency we just need to remain calm and not act like animals."

This seemed to work as now everyone started leaving in a calm manner or at least that's what Toru told me later because as soon as I threw my spoon I fell asleep.




The alarm was due to reporters breaking into the school grounds, they were there when I got to school that morning but I ignored them and didn't really realize they were there. Due to this classes were cancelled and students were sent home for the rest of the day. Toru who was an invisible Angel skipped her train stop and walked me home. Apparently she was worried ide fall asleep on the train and be there until she got on it tomorrow morning, I couldn't refute her reasoning so I let her walk me home.

"Dad I am home and have a friend here."

"Oh really, you must be Toru Hagakure, my Adi has told me about you, thank you for being here friend."

"Oh of course Mr. Kobayashi the pleasure is all mine, Adeline is a great best friend to have. I am actually here to make sure she got home safely and not fall asleep on the train."

This was like a backstab as I felt my dad's piercing eyes into my skull.

"Oh really, she wouldn't happen to have done something to warrant this behavior of yours or anything right?"

Please Toru be on my side!? I willed Toru in my mind.

"Well she fell asleep multiple times today including once on the train this morning so as here best friend I was worried about her but she says she is fine so what else could I do."

I felt like collapsing at the moment, my best friend betrayed me like that, oh the horrors of the world.

"Well thank you Toru I'll make sure she eats and sleeps well tonight so you don't have to worry about her. Would you like me to drive you home? Or would you prefer to stay here awhile?"

"Oh no thank you I gotta get home myself and the train is coming so I'll take that."

"Very well if you wouldn't mind texting Adi that you made it safe ide feel much better."

"Of course, thanks for having me and Adeline... Please take care of yourself better, I don't wanna see you tired again tomorrow without an full explaining as to why alright?!"

"Of course Toru, I'll get food and sleep and be right as rain tomorrow, you can count on me."

As Toru left and my dad scolded me for an hour, I had an early dinner, got Toru's I am home message and was sent to bed early, I didn't need any help with that because as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

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