A New Perspective on Life

Chapter 5: Hamilton: Phillip gets threatening messages Part 1

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Why do people do this?

Modern AU where John and Alex are married. They have three adopted children. Phillip (14) Angelica (10) Martha (6). 


Phillip smiled at Martha, she was complaining about homework. In kindergarten. He chuckled, wait till you get to high school, he thought to himself. He had just started his freshman year. He opened up his computer and logged into his email when John walked in. “Phillip!” He said, smiling. “Can you babysit Martha for an hour? Alex is working late and I have to take Angelica to her lessons.”

Phillip nodded, “Sure, Da, but I have to be at Theo’s house at 6:00 (Not a philidosia story) 

John put his coat on and grabbed his keys, “Okay, but you have to convince Alex to drive you.” 

“Fine. Bye Da!” 

Phillip looked back to his email and started scrolling through the new ones. Most of them were normal notifications from school websites like Google Classroom, but there was one from ‘Anonymous’ and he opened it curiously. 

Are you scared?

He snorted, what a bad opening line.

Are you hurt? Are you afraid of living with those faggots for so many years? You don’t deserve this. Email me back. Tell me how you want to get rid of them.

The entire letter was badly written but it made Phillip angry. Who could possibly be so homophobic they would Email Phillip and ask him if he wants them to kill his parents? He responded: Do me a favor and go to English class, learn how to write, then re-send this email

He got up and went over to Martha, who was coloring “hey Mar! What do you wanna do while Pops and Da are gone?” 

Martha looked at him and smiled, “Movie!!!” 

Phillip smiled back, “Sure!” they had a movie night, just the two of them, once a week, while both of their dads and Angelica were gone. 

He grabbed her hand and led her to the living room, where he turned on the TV, and opened it up to Disney Plus.

At 5:30 Alex returned home with Angelica. “Hi Pops!” he said, hugging Alex, “And Angie!” 

Alex smiled and hugged him back, “Why are you so happy, Pip?”

“Do I need a reason to be happy?” Philip asked, trying not to smile as much.

Alex laughed, “After spending an hour with your little sister? Phil. What do you want?” 

“Can you drive me over to Theo’s? Philip asked, “I babysat Martha!’ 

“Sure Pip,” He checked his phone,” What time?”

Phillip grabbed his shoes, “Now.” Then he winced, “sorry I didn’t mean it to sound like that!” 


As soon as his car pulled up in Theo’s driveway, Theodosia ran outside, “Hey Philip!” He called as he got out of the car. 

Phillip waved to Alex as he left again. “Hey Theo, listen I want to show you something.” Theo nodded and they raced up to her room. 

Theo flopped onto her bed and beckoned to Philip to do the same, “So…. spill the tea…” she grinned teasingly, “Is it a girl?” she wiggled her eyebrows, “or perhaps… a boy?”. Then she glanced down and said, “um- I was actually planning on telling you something like that- but that can wait!” The grin returned as Phillip sat down next to her. 

He pulled out his phone, “Some idiot emailed me this.”

“Scared…. Hurt… faggo-?!!?? PHIL WHAT THE FUCK!” Her eyes were wide as she glared at Philip’s phone, “We needed to fuc- I mean- we need to figure out who the hell sent this email so I can kick their as- arse.” 

Phillip turned off his phone, “I was just going to tell them to get their filthy nose tip

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out of my business, and hope they leave me alone.” 

“No!” Her eyes were filled with fire, “You can’t just let them call Alex and John such things!!” 

He twitched uncomfortably, “Yes- but- Da wouldn’t want me to get into a fight to defend his and Pops’ honor-”

“With the amount of fights one Alexander Hamilton gets into?” Theo, understandably, snorted at this. 

“No…” Philip shook his head, “Let me just wait for a reply… anyway, what was it that you wanted to tell me?” 

Theo suddenly blushed and looked down, “I hardly think this is the right time for this- as it is hardly part of the subject.” 

“Tell me, Please? I want to be dragged away from this subject!” Philip pleaded.

She fidgeted nervously with the hem of her shirt, “W-w-well…. I- I think I’m no- non-binary. And my pronouns are they/them-” 

Philip smiled at her, “Theo! That’s amazing! Are you still going by Theo?” 

“Yeah…” Theo looked up at him and smiled, “Just Theo now though- not Theodosia. I just don’t know how to tell mum and dad…”

Phillip took her hand, "Just tell them! I'm sure they'll accept it! They love you!"

Theo rolled their eyes, "Yeah, easy for you to say. Your parents are gay. Your coming out probably includes a party decked out with rainbow unicorn poop." 

"...What the fuck did you just say....??" 

Theo smirked, "Aww, c'mon Phil!! You haven't accepted your very homo self??" 

"I mean the rainbow unicorn shit. Seriously." Theo never ceased to amaze him. 

Theo laughed, "Yep! Rainbow unicorn shit! Perfect! You think Lexi-"

"Don't even go there." 

The nickname 'Lexi' had been given to Alex after an um- uncomfortable- encounter with his parents once in the middle of the night when he started middle school. Needless to say- he had heard too many names John gave Alex, not at all limited to, 'Daddy'. 

That both had them in stitches- laughing uncontrollably on the floor, when Theo accidentally knocked over a lamp on their desk- scattering shards of glass and paper all over as the lightbulb shattered. 

They laughed even more. "we're idiots!"  Theo suddenly yelled, "Ha! Take that Anonymus!" 

Phillip rolled his eyes, "YOU'RE the idiot. Not me."

"Nuh-uh!" Theo pushed him. 

Phillip gasped, "Theo! how dare you!" 

Of course, that was when Aaron opened the door. He surveyed them, one eyebrow raised as he saw Theo sitting on their bed, and Phillip lying on the ground near the shards of glass. 

"Theodosia. Clean this up, Phillip, John is here," Aaron beckoned for him to stand. Phillip did.

As he walked out, he called over his shoulder, "Bye, Theo!"




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