A Nymph in the Night

Chapter 1: A Nymph in the Night

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I was awoken by a loud thud.

I did what any normal person would do under the circumstances, of course, which was to bolt upright in bed and scan frantically around the room for unfolding disasters. There was a full moon out and pale blue light was streaming in through the balcony door of my studio apartment – light enough to see by if I wasn't also blind as a bat. I fumbled around the bedstand for my glasses.

None of the major silhouettes of the room seemed to be out of place – my computer, my floor lamp, my designated laundry chair. Near-sighted as I was, I could tell that much. Nothing appeared to be either sparking or on fire; this was also good. Maybe my upstairs neighbours had just dropped something heavy on the floor? It wouldn't be the first time. But then I heard a groan to my left and my blood ran cold.

A human groan, just a foot or two away from my bedside.

I froze, completely and utterly still – too nervous even to breathe. A burglar? A serial killer?? My brain frantically scanned about for something in arm’s reach to defend myself with. Pillows? A mechanical pencil? A spool of sisal twine? (What was that even still doing on my headboard, anyway?) Moving right, there were handful of plushies on the shelf beside my bed. Maybe if I threw them at the intruder's head, they'd be momentarily startled by the one that made noises whenever you squeezed it. And then shoot me or something, probably.

There was an old shinai I still had from my days in the college kendo club – and which I’d jokingly referred to a few times as my intruder deterrent – but it was currently propped up inside my closet and at least five times as far away from me as the burglar was. How helpful.

Why was everything near my bed so soft?

Seconds stretched until they felt like minutes. Had I even remembered to breathe in all this time? Would I ever breathe again? But then my fingers – which I hadn’t even consciously realized were moving – brushed up against something smooth and cold and I realized I’d found my weapon.

A soup bowl! From last night’s curry ramen, which shamefully hadn’t made it all the way to the kitchen sink before bedtime. It was large and made of heavy blue ceramic; it would probably hurt a lot to get hit upside the head with it. Hopefully I wouldn't spill leftover broth all over my bedsheets in the process.

But before I could shout a warning or hurl crockery or even tell Alexa to turn on the lights, the vaguely human-shaped lump on my floor pulled itself upright and shouted with absolute indignation:

Why is your floor such a mess!?

“...p- pardon??”

“This!” she cried, holding up an electrical cord of some description. “Right here! Buried under t-shirts and last year’s tax returns and god knows what – This is a tripping hazard!

“...I mean, I know it’s there,” I offered meekly. Though in fairness to her, there were cords snaked in a tangle all over that corner of the room. But what was I supposed to do? The power outlets in this apartment were all incredibly inconveniently located; did the landlord really expect me to set up my office in the closet?

...wait, why was I feeling sheepish about my household organizational skills to the woman who broke into my apartment?

And it was a woman – no doubt about that now. And one with a... a really cute voice, if I’m honest.

God, was that why I was acting all flustered? Because my home invader sounded cute? Was I really as useless as that?

“Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my apartment?” I managed, reaching for my glasses again.

“What, never gotten a booty call before?”

“No. Also, I don’t know you.”

“But would you like to?” she teased, pulling herself upright again.

Oh, sure! I grumbled to myself. Y’know, provided you’re not an axe murderer or something, which maybe you are if you’re showing up at strangers’ houses in the middle of the night. I glanced at my clock. 3:47. Goddddd.... What sort of sane explanation could there possibly be for any of this?

“I’d like you explain yourself,” I said with as much calm authority as I could muster, finally slipping my glasses back onto my face. Goddamnit, she looked cute, too.

It was still too dark to make out everything, but my possibly-would-be-assailant seemed just barely over five feet tall, a bit heavy-set but in ways that I would find extremely attractive under normal circumstances. She seemed neither armed nor especially malicious-looking. Oddly at ease, really. In fact, between the tank top and short shorts, she really did seem more dressed for a booty call than a murder.

She had gorgeous freckles.

“Whoa, whoa, hold it!” I snapped as she began walking towards me. “Stay right where you are and answer my question!” I mean, you could still murder someone in a tank top and short shorts, after all.

“Okay, okay; simmer down, girl,” she sighed, stopping in place and raising her hands above her head.

“I’m not a girl,” I pointed out. Maybe she’d broken into the wrong apartment? Was this a nightmare intended for someone else altogether? Or a wet dream? a part of me wondered. I blamed the adrenaline for that one.

She shrugged expressively. “Eh, we’ll see about that. I’m Kalysta! And I’m here to make your life a whole lot crazier in the best sorts of ways.”

“You’re really not helping your case, you know.”

I glanced towards the entrance of my apartment. Enough moonlight was glinting off the chain attached to my front door it to confirm it was still locked and there was no trail of destruction wrought through my possessions or any other signs of forced entry. But my balcony window was wide open and I distinctly remembered closing it before I went to bed – the grass might be greening, but the chill of early spring still hung in the air.

But if that was the only means of entrance I could see, then....

“How...?” I paused and considered my words again, as though I couldn’t quite swallow the implication of them. “How exactly did you climb in through a seventh story window? There isn’t even a fire escape on this side of the building.”

Kalysta grinned from ear to ear. “Wings, motherfucker!”

She flicked on the light switch.




Framing her curvaceous figure on either side were a pair of brilliant red and purple butterfly wings, rimmed in black. Their silhouette was gently tapered in places and artfully ragged in others, like some giant diaphanous spider lily. They fluttered gently back and forth as she stood there, seemingly under their own power.

“Why so gobsmacked?” she quipped. “Never seen a real live fairy before?”


“No, of course you haven’t,” she muttered, apparently to herself this time. “Fuckin’ NIS control freaks, I swear to Hera. You’d think they’d be over this by now, but nooooo.”

“That’s uh... that’s some very elaborate cosplay you have there,” I managed eventually.

“It’s not cosplay, you jerk.” She rounded on me with a peevish smirk and stuck out her tongue. And then hopped lightly into the air and just... remained there. “See?”

Her feet were clearly several inches away from touching the floor again, but even gravity appeared to think it wise to give this madwoman a wide berth. She began drifting closer to me, wings beating a rapid pace behind her back as she did so.

Okay, that’s it, I decided, flopping back into bed. I'm still dreaming. Goodnight!

"Oh, you're very much awake, sweetcheeks."

I stiffened slightly. But of course she would say that, I reminded myself. She’s a figment of my imagination. She doesn’t know she’s a dream.

“Could a dream do this?” she asked, grabbing my blankets and throwing them off the bed in one motion. I began to yelp in protest, but had the breath abruptly knocked out of me as she flopped her prodigious butt down squarely onto my lower torso – not as heavily as it looked like she should have weighed, but heavy enough. She leaned her face towards mine and grinned. “Feels pretty real, doesn’t it?”

She had gorgeous freckles.

“I mean...” The weight of her body was tangible enough to feel slightly uncomfortable, even – more palpable than any dream I’d ever experienced, at the very least. ...was the way she was wiggling her ass against me deliberate?

“Nice PJs,” she quipped, tugging lightly on the bunny print flannel pants I was wearing.

“They’re comfy...” I offered lamely, only to realize that I was staring directly down her cleavage. I tried to find somewhere else to stare instead.

“Oh, don’t look away; I like it when cuties get distracted by my tits. I mean, they rock, don’t they?”

She squeezed her breasts together between her arms, making her cleavage swell in fascinating ways and nearly threatening to make her spill out from her top altogether. It was as though she had the breasts of a woman twice her size – all buxom and weighty and bountiful beyond her stature. I gulped audibly.

“God, you’re adorable,” she said, brushing a lock of hair away from her eyes. It was hot pink, tapering to a subdued rainbow of hues as it reached her scalp. The other half of her hair was a natural-looking auburn – a tastefully asymmetric cut, very modern, very gay. She looked like someone you’d see leading a Pride parade.

I meant that in the most admiring sense possible, by the way. Lesbians were great! Like three-quarters of the people I followed on social media at this point were lesbians – united as we were in our belief that girls were amazing and men had all the charm of a sack of stale potatoes which had discovered Opinions and deeply wanted to share them.

...although I suppose with the way this girl was blatantly coming onto me, she must have been at least least bi – and had worryingly low standards, at that. Alternately, this was all an elaborate confidence game by a cat burglar con-artist stage magician with Hollywood-calibre animatronic costuming; still couldn’t rule that one out.

I allowed my eyes to drift back down to her breasts again.

Even if I was awake, she still looked like a dream – vibrant and vivacious and very barely contained by her own clothing. I wanted to touch her, to reach out and feel her softness and the weight of her in my palms, and for a brief, bitter moment, I wished it wouldn’t feel skeevy to respond to her advances in kind. And it did, somehow – it always had, like I couldn’t express attraction without seeing myself as some bearded douchebag from a bad porno. I didn’t want that. I wanted.... I wanted...

I wanted something incredibly selfish.

“Sweetie, it’s okay to want things,” she said gently. “It’s okay to want this.”

I tensed up. That was the second time now this woman had replied to something I hadn’t even said out loud – or was it the third? I tentatively looked her in the eyes and then, because I was apparently possessed by insanity this evening, very deliberately thought: Are you actually reading my mind?

“Yes, I am actually reading your mind,” she said blandly, in the tone of someone reporting on a particularly dull piece of trivia.

I froze in place, eyes wide, and for a moment tried very, very hard to think about absolutely nothing at all.

She snickered. “Cute. But you do know that ‘emptying your mind’ just gives us fairies more room to move around in, right?”

Math problems! I needed to be doing math problems! That’s what they did in science fiction to block telepaths, right? Drown out my thoughts out with quaternions and matrix multiplications and commutative rings and- Or was it humming a song to yourself? That sounded easier to do at 4 in the morning. I am the very model of a modern major gen-

Wait, if she can read my mind then that means she also heard me thinking about how to distract her from hearing what I’m thinking about and I need to be doing the opposite of that instead. But what if she knows that I know that she knows that I know that she know that I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

My frantic reverie was snapped in half by riotous laughter.

"God, the look on your face right now,” the fairy managed between snorts. “I can't- I can’t-" She waved a hand frantically as if gasping for air and it took several moments more for her to be able to speak again.

“I can't read minds, silly,” she gasped, wiping a tear from her eye. “But you might as well be shouting those thoughts across your soon-to-be-pretty face. I've done this a lot of times by now; you'd be surprised how predictable the response is. Well.” She snickered again. “Mostly."

“...what’s ‘this’?” I asked timidly, after a moment. There was an implication there and I wasn’t sure I liked it. I wasn’t sure if the cat-like grin I got in response was intended to be encouraging or terrifying, either.

“Why, only giving you something you’ve wanted for more years than you’ve even known you’ve wanted it,” she said.

I hesitated. Surely this wasn’t actually about sex, was it? “...artistic recognition?”

“A swing and a miss.”

“Financial security?”

God, don’t we all?”

“A... robotic catgirl maid?” I was babbling now – whether from sleep-deprivation or because I was high on adrenaline, I couldn’t tell anymore. But the girl just laughed.

“Oh, you’re a fun one! Also, you’re dodging the subject.” She ran a finger down my chest. “I’m talking about your deepest, darkest, most privately guarded secret. I think you know the one.”

She paused expectantly. I swallowed. Even if I knew what that was – and to be clear, I did not – there was no way that she could. And I definitely couldn’t bring myself to say that sort of thing out loud to a stranger, no matter how insane all of this was already.

She grimaced slightly at my silence and then jabbed me in the ribs. “I’m talking about the fact that you’re not a guy and you know it.

“That’s nonsense.”

“So’s a fairy breaking into your apartment at 4 in the morning, but such is the world we live in. Here, my card.”

She hoisted herself off the bed – and also my torso, for which I was both grateful and vaguely saddened – and then reached into her pocket and tossed a business card at my face. It had bright red lettering and smelled faintly of cinnamon.

Καλλίστη Ρασκόπουλου, Πράκ-

I frowned at her. “I... I can’t read Greek.”

Hestia’s Merciful Tits!” she cursed. “Did I grab the wrong ones again? I told them they overbooked us this week.” She snatched the card back from me, took one look at it, and sighed deeply. “Let me share a universal truth with you, girl: whether run by gods or mortals, HR always suuuuucks.”

I smiled awkwardly. “Maybe you should unionize?”

“Yeah, well I’ve been saying that for years now,” she grumbled. “Anyway! New regs say I have to inform you of a bunch of stuff before we get to the fun part, so do me a favor and pretend this doesn’t completely spoil the mood. Ahem.”

She straightened up, sighed again, and then proceeded in the most perfunctory tone possible:

“Kalysta Raskopoulou, Licensed Mortal Intercessory, M.A, MSW, A+ Certified, Licensed Massage Therapist, CEH, GSE...” She trailed off in an increasingly imperceptible mutter as she went on, such that I barely even caught:

Agent of Eros??” I paused. “Like... the Greek god of fucking?”

The fairy snickered. “Well, I’m sure he’d like to think so.”

“I-” Was this actually a sex thing? “Does that mean you- That is to say-” I ran my eyes up and down the length of my home invader again, her face caught in an impish grin and looking equal parts rainbowpunk and wet dream. “Does that mean you’re here to-”

“To fuck you?”

I felt my face flush hot and my throat seize up and I just sat in place, too embarrassed to acknowledge my own statement or even nod assent. I would have wished my own bed sheets could reach up and swallow me whole if only that wouldn’t also mean depriving myself of the sight of this incredible woman smiling down at me.

But she just chuckled lightly at my consternation and threw me a wink. “Patience, girl. We’ll get to that eventually.”

“You keep calling me that,” I said pensively, “but do I really look like a girl to you?” I scratched self-consciously at the stubble on my face; ten years of shaving and I still hadn’t figured out a way to banish it for good.

“Oh, you’d be surprised.” She paused. “Well, you wouldn’t be. But like... other people. Cis people.”

“I’m cis people....”

“Sure thing, avgó. Now tell me: when was the last time you ever RP’d a guy?” She wandered over to the shelf by my computer as she said this and began idly toying with my Rubik’s cube.


“You do PnP stuff with some friends from your old guild every weekend. You have for years.”

“...how do you know that?”

“Because I am very good at my job.” She twirled the cube around in her fingers and then put it back down again. “Now answer the question.”

I watched Kalysta’s backside for a moment as she slowly made her way down my shelf of nerdy knickknacks; it was as pert as it was prodigious, squeezed snugly into black leather shorts that plunged deep between her cheeks, and framed on either side by gently fluttering wings. The way they swayed with every step was nearly hypnotic. Was it still unseemly of me to want her? To want to feel every inch of that magnificent body pressed against me? To have her look at me with those vibrant green eyes, full of teasing smugness and insistently take me?

“I... haven’t,” I answered eventually. “Like... ever.”

“And why not?”

Because men were grody? Because men didn't get to wear ribbons in their hair? Because the cultural stereotypes baked into a being a male sellsword were deeply uncomfortable to me and I wanted nothing to do with them? “Because girls are great?”

“Ah, a woman after my own heart.” She spun around and flashed finger guns at me.

“But that doesn’t mean anything,” I protested. “It’s just a game. I’m sure Felix doesn’t want to be a half-scorpion in real life either.”

“Hey, no kinkshaming.” She wagged a finger at me.

I rolled my eyes.

“But hey, you’re right,” she continued. “It’s just a game – something trivial and frivolous and that in no way reflects any part of our unspoken selves.” She stared at me pointedly for a moment and then shrugged. “But I make a strict policy of not misgendering anyone, so if you’re really, genuinely that invested in being a man, just say these five little words for me and I’ll fly back out that window and be gone from your life for good – I swear it.”

Was that even something I wanted at this point?

“...what five words are those?” I asked tentatively.

Kalysta leaned forward and grinned at me with almost palpable gleam of self-satisfaction. “I love being a guy.


I didn’t know what I’d been expecting, but it wasn’t that. I didn’t even know how to respond to that. “...I mean, being a guy has a lot of advantages – like, socially. You can-”

I. Love. Being. A. Guy.” she repeated, this time with exaggerated air quotes around every word.

I hesitated again. “I mean, it’s... fine? I guess? It’s how I was born? It is what it is?”

“Sweetheart,” she said gently. “Would you believe the world is full of men who could say that from the bottom of their heart without a moment’s hesitation? Absolutely overflowing with them, if you ask me. But it’s fine – take your time. I’ll just go have a little peek in your closet while you mull it over.” And with that, she leapt lightly across my apartment and reached for the doorknob.

I was on my feet before I even realized what I was doing. “Wait!”

“Oh~?” When Kalysta turned back to face me, her expression was so utterly brimming with triumph that the cat who got the canary might have felt self-conscious by association. “Worried I’ll find your mini-skirts? Your crop tops? Your cute little stripped panties? Why, I believe you even spent some time staring at breast forms the other week – how very cis of you, by the way.”

I could feel my face attempting its best impression of a space heater. “H... how did you?” I’d only done that once! ...or maybe twice, but certainly never where anyone could see me.

I trailed off, watched Kalysta fluttering in front of my closet, so smug and hot and brazen, and yet... there was something oddly gentle about the look in her eyes, even now. When I spoke again, my voice sounded very small indeed.

“You... you really are a fairy, aren’t you?”

“You betcha!” She twirled around on one foot and sketched a tit-jiggling bow. “Well, half-nymph on my mother’s side, but we’ll split the difference.”

“Is... is all this some kind of... fairy empathy thing?” I asked, gesturing vaguely with one hand. “That you can like... ‘see the true self that lies within a person’s heart’ or something like that?”

Kalysta snorted. “Not even close, girl. You can blame this part on that demon box over there. Hey, Alexa!”

On the other side of the room, my Amazon Echo lit up and spoke in the same gentle tone of voice as always: “Yes, mistress?”

I blinked.

“What was the last item ordered from this Amazon account?”

“A black lace bustier and a pair of fingerless gloves, delivered April 19th.”

The nymph turned back to me with a smirk. “See? Oh, and by the way, Alexa. When was the last time you phoned home?”

“Not since last Thursday, mistress. Good girls don’t talk to Jeff Bezos.”

“That’s right, bitch.” Then she screwed up her face and muttered, “Or at least until they push out the next firmware update.”

Through this entire exchange, I had been attempting to come up with some sort of response, but had succeeded mostly in making a series of increasingly deranged facial expressions and pointing back and forth between my Echo and the crazy woman in my apartment as if that expressed inquiry enough.

Kalysta snickered. “Hey, all those infosec certificates aren’t just for show, y’know. But if you want my advice, I’d still trash that thing after we’re done here. I mean, I may be the best thing that's ever happened in your life, but those other people listening in are super sketchy – like, real ethics-optional soulless capitalist types. I wouldn't fuck 'em even if they paid me." She made it sound like a grievous insult. Well, I guess nymphs did have a certain... reputation.

I swallowed hard.

A nymph of Eros who looked like that. Who had rubbed her ass against me and flaunted her tits in my face and suggested even more was yet to come.

A nymph who seemed convinced I was a girl.

...what if she right?

"Just because a guy puts on a skirt doesn't mean he's a girl,” I said weakly. “And... and I always felt ashamed whenever I looked at myself in the mirror afterward. If I really was trans, shouldn’t that have made me happy?" Things would have been so much easier if it had.

"Oh, sweetie.” Kalysta put her arm around my shoulder – so gently that for a moment she felt almost like a big sister instead of a seductress. “Did you feel embarrassed that you didn't look enough like a guy or that you didn't look enough like a girl?"

“I....” I thought back to those painful nights I’d spent trying out new clothes I’d ordered online and playing with my hair and posing and then wondering what the fuck I was doing when I saw my own blocky face staring back at me. “I’m not sure....”

“That’s okay,” she said softly. “And you’re right, of course – just because somebody puts on a skirt doesn’t mean they have to be a girl. More power to all those GNC dudes out there, imo; we can smash the patriarchy together. But maybe – just maybe – this meant a little more to you than that?”

She looked me square in the eyes for a moment and I somehow felt more seen than I had been by anyone in years.

“I’ll let you in on a secret,” she said. “Gender isn’t some ‘profound inner truth’ you puzzle out and then conform yourself to; you don’t need to examine yourself under an electron microscope and count how many of your protons are cis and how many are trans before you get to decide who you’re allowed to be. Sometimes, gender can just be a choice – and I’m offering you one.”

“Do you want to look and sound and smell like the girl you imagined when you put those clothes on? Do you want tits like the girl you imagined?” She hefted her own for emphasis and then let them drop again. “Do you want to be able to flirt with all those lesbians I know you’ve crushed on as a lesbian? Without any of the guilt or self-consciousness about whether you really have the right to run in their circles or not? Because that is what I’m offering you.” She bushed her lips past my ear. “Oh, and it’ll feel real good, too, let me tell you. Real good.

I felt my heart catch in my throat.

“Now be honest with me,” she continued, a sultry smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes, “does this sound like something you’d be just a teensy tiny bit interested in?”

I mean, it sounded like a fantasy to me, but also: “...yes.”

“Great!” The fairy beamed at me and her wings fluttered behind her like a dog wagging its tail. “Now I just need to get you to sign something for me.”

She casually reached a hand down her cleavage and pulled out a smartphone, then handed it to me with the nonchalance of someone who hadn’t just performed a conjuring trick. I’d stared down her top a dozen times by now and hadn’t seen a thing. Just how busty was she?

“Informed consent,” she continued blandly. “Standard stuff, really. Just scroll to the bottom and put your signature on it. It, er, doesn’t have to be your legal name, by the way, if you don’t want it to be; intent is what matters.”

With some effort, I pulled my eyes away from her the valley of her cleavage again so that I could read the words on the screen in front of me.

Schedule 63-B

Authorization to Administer Syncretic Resonance Somatization (Type-NQ)

By signing this document, I acknowledge and consent to be infused with nymph quintessence by a registered Agent. I understand that this will have profound feminizing effects on my physiology and that these effects will be permanent. I understand also that this may have far-reaching consequences on my life circumstances, employment, and ability to be recognized by friends or family, and I indemnify the administering Agent of any and all liability should I later come to regret my decision.

I understand that the exact outcome of these changes cannot be predicted and varies from person to person, but commonly includes: rapid breast growth, loss of facial and body hair, changes in bone structure and body fat distribution, improved laryngeal muscle control and tonal memory, vocal chord thinning, reduced sensitivity to seasonal allergens, and increased libido. I understand that any changes to my hormonal makeup and sexual characteristics will affect my ongoing medical needs. I am advised to seek regular gynecological checkups.

In rare cases, a serious allergic reaction may occur. If I experience any spontaneous prophetic visions, rapid-onset heterochromia, luminous rash on my arms and upper body, or soul dysplasia, I will contact my nearest remedial theurge immediately.

“Don’t worry about that part,” Kalysta piped up. “That has literally never happened to me in all the years I’ve been doing this. I think the last recorded case was some poor girl from Yugoslavia, back in the 80s, and I still blame the Lampad who did it. This needs a gentle touch, not all that fire and madness nonsense.”

“This sounds like fiction,” I said flatly.

“Hello? Fairy standing right here in your living room? Maybe reality is bit more strange than you gave it credit for, missy.”

I scanned through the rest of the form – mostly unexciting legal boilerplate – and then found myself staring at the blank line at the bottom, just awaiting my signature.

This was all nonsense – complete, pointless nonsense – and I was surely a fool for even entertaining the thought that it might not be. And yet I kept staring.

“I know it’s still hard to believe,” Kalysta said gently, “but think of it this way. If I’m a charlatan, then you lose nothing by signing a meaningless fictional document, right? And if I’m just a product of your imagination, then why not indulge yourself? What kind of person says no to a wet dream, hey?” She flicked a finger across her nipples and grinned hungrily at me.


What she said made a certain kind of sense, I guess – at least as much as anything did on this ridiculous evening. I watched her wings fluttering in the stillness of the room and traced the patterns of black and scarlet with my eyes. They were captivating – she was captivating. And... and maybe this was something I wanted. Was that silly of me? To think it would be better than what I already had?

Was she going to laugh at me the moment I pressed my finger to her screen? Maybe some part of me wanted it enough to try, anyway. My hand moved forward without my brain really telling it to and I signed the contract.

No one laughed.

“Oh, sweetie...” Kalysta said gently, putting an arm around me; I could feel her breasts pressing softly against my side. Then she glanced down at my signature and smiled. “Alecia, is it? Well, it’s nice to finally meet you, Alecia. Welcome to the start of your new life.”

“I- I’d already given it some thought,” I mumbled, somehow feeling the need to defend what I’d written. “A while ago. Y’know, just a ‘what if’ – a thought exercise.”

“It’s a beautiful name,” she said, “for a soon-to-be-beautiful girl.” Then she snatched her phone away and slid it back down the canyon of her cleavage. “Now strip!”

“E- excuse me?!”

“Tops and bottoms, on the floor, stat!” She clapped her hands sharply.

“But I-” I glanced around the room as if searching for a privacy screen I knew full well I didn’t own.

“Hey, I need to see what I’m doing,” Kalysta said more gently. “And you’re gonna want to see what I’m doing, trust me. You can leave the underwear on for now, if it makes you feel better; I’ll let you keep your modesty until you decide you’ve had enough of it.” She winked at me.


I was officially insane.

Trying not to think too hard about what I was doing, I pulled my t-shirt over my head and tossed it aside. This wasn’t the time to dwell on how pudgy and pasty as I was, how self-conscious I felt every time I looked at myself in the mirror, or how an absurdly hot girl who could surely bed any person she wanted was watching me, of all people, strip. She was a smoldering aurora and I was a lumpy brown potato; there was no way in the world she could ever want-

I shook my head. No. Not now. This wasn’t about the timid and self-effacing doorstop that I’d always been. This was about being something else. This was about embracing a wild shot into an impossible frontier – a place of secret longings and unspoken dreams. And maybe it was crazy and maybe I was crazy, but I... I wanted it. I wanted it to be real.

I pulled my pants off and tossed them on the floor.

“Ooo... is that a semi I see?”

Shit, I hadn’t even realized. “Er, I-”

“Hey, you’ll be full mast before I’m done with you, babe,” she laughed, then pressed her chest to mine and leaned so close that I could feel her breath against my ear. “I’m not going to give you any choice in the matter.”

And then, while I was too busy sputtering to resist, she gave me a gentle shove and toppled me back onto the bed.

“Now, I’m gonna need you to hold still for a bit,” she said. “And since no one can ever resist touching themselves in the middle of the process....”

She twirled her fingers in the air and a thin cord of shimmering pink light materialized in front of her. I sucked in a breath and watched, mesmerized, as she made it dance and twirl in front of her like a ribbon of living starlight.

Which, of course, meant that I hadn’t noticed the other dozen or so of them snaking along the floor beside my bed until Kalysta snapped her fingers and they all whipped up and grabbed me, coiling firmly around my wrists and ankles and binding me tightly against my own mattress.

“Uh... is this really necessary?” I whimpered, tugging tentatively at the restraints. They didn’t hurt, exactly – they felt kind of warm and tingly against my skin, actually – but they also didn’t budge an inch.

“Just trust me, babe. I’m a professional!” She winked at me.

My heart was pounding in my chest; I was terrified, exhilarated, amidst the impossible and the sublime.

I was completely at her mercy.

She leaned forward and placed a warm hand on my very cold chest. “Now take a deeeep breath and just imagine the woman that you want to be. The woman that you are.”

That breath came in ragged, but I tried my best to do as she said. My thoughts were scattered, my mind aflutter with exhaustion, elation, anticipation – was there really any difference anymore? I thought of the times I’d worn a dress in front of a mirror and of the face I’d wished had been looking back at me. I thought of the lesbians I’d crushed on and the fashions I’d wished I’d had the body to pull off. I thought of ribbons in my hair, of tank-tops and tight sweaters, of twirling around in pleated skirts.

Did any of this matter or was it just a way to preoccupy me?

I could feel a warmth flowing into me – subtle at first, but growing stronger with each passing second. It wasn’t just the warmth of her touch, but something deeper, more defuse. Even the breath in my lungs felt hot now, like I’d just inhaled a sauna.

“Um... how long is this supposed to take?” I asked meekly.

“Shhhhhhh.” Kalysta held a finger to her lips. Her smile was still gentle, but the look in her eyes was focused – intense in a way I hadn’t seen her before.

I shut my mouth again and tried not to distract her, despite the rush of a hundred questions I wanted to ask. My skin felt flushed and my muscles strangely taut, like every limb suddenly wanted to move in ways they didn’t even know how. The spot beneath Kalysta’s palm was incandescent, like a tiny sun being forced into my chest. I felt heavier and lighter, all at once.

A strange pulling sensation suddenly gripped my midsection, like my pelvis had abruptly decided to turn itself inside-out. I gritted my teeth. “Is that... supposed to....”

“That’s just your hips rotating,” Kalysta said softly. “It’s perfectly normal.”

“It’s... kind of uncomfortable,” I winced. Not exactly painful, but deeply, deeply strange.

“It gets better,” she said. “I promise you.”

I tried to take her word for it, but it felt increasingly hard to breathe. I was tingling all over now, like my body had been immersed in a hot tub full of cinnamon hearts – or like it had been asleep for all my life and only now was waking up. My heart was racing, my head felt dizzy, and there was a strange, increasingly heavy weight upon my chest.


It was my breasts.

My breasts – not the usual pudginess I’d always felt embarrassed about, but actual, genuine, feminine breasts. I could see them swelling before my eyes – growing rounder and firmer and fuller, my nipples stiffening into hard, thick nubs atop darkening areolas. Every heaving breath I took made my breasts shift and quiver slightly; they looked like C-cups already and they were still growing. They felt...

“Oh my god, I-” My eyes widened at the sound which came out of my mouth – just familiar enough to recognize, but different enough to feel alien. “My voice!”

“Cuter now, isn’t it?” Kalysta traced a finger sensuously along the length of my now-smooth throat with her free hand. “You can thank these lovely melodious vocal chords I’ve helped you grow. Nymph-touched girls always have such pretty voices; I look forward to hearing how you gasp now. Like, say, when I do... this.” Her fingertip finished following the outline of my collarbone and then dipped abruptly lower to brush firmly across a nipple.

I gasped – a sound so unlike my own voice that hearing it only aroused me further. My nipples had always been sensitive – for a guy, at any rate – but this was beyond any sensation that my own fingers had ever coaxed from myself. It was almost spiritual.

“More,” I panted. “Please.”

Kalysta gazed down at me with sultry triumph in her eyes. “Your wish is my command, Alecia.”

Still keeping one palm planted firmly between my breasts, she began tracing gentle circles around my areola with her other fingertip – light, airy motions that only brushed against my nipple with the most teasingly fleeting of contacts. The sensations felt so warm and so wonderful and yet also not nearly enough. I wanted to touch myself. I wanted to grab Kalysta’s wrist and press it firmly into me, to make her do more than just tease me. I tried to hoist my torso against her hand, but her fingertip danced away from the motion with practiced ease, like she hadn’t even noticed me squirming in my restraints. And then just as I opened my mouth to beg for it, she grasped my nipple between her thumb and forefinger and started making the most delicious friction.

I moaned shamelessly – the soft, whimpering sound of a shy girl being shown the ecstasies of her own body for the first time. I could feel my consciousness drifting away on them.

And she kept on stroking and pinching and squeezing, her fingers sinking deep into the soft flesh of my breasts and massaging them with tender urgency. Every moment that passed, I could feel more and more of myself spilling out between her fingers as my breasts grew beyond her palms’ ability to contain them. My chest felt so heavy now, but also strangely... right. A comforting weight, like a warm blanket draped atop of me. A weight I’d wanted more than I had even realized.

“A question for you, kitten,” Kalysta said, interrupting my hazy euphoria. “I mean, assuming you can even talk right now.”

“I can... try.”

My mind was a haze of muddled pleasure, my every nerve aflutter with sensation. Distantly, I could feel other parts of me changing – growing and shifting and shrinking as the honeyed fire in my veins remade me. I felt the hairs on my face grow wispy and fall away. I felt my calves shorten, my thighs thicken. I could even feel myself rising off the bed as my ass swelled and rounded.

“How often in the run of a week would you say you masturbate?”

I was too far gone now to even balk at the question. “Uhh... maybe 7 or 8 times... I guess?”

“Ooo, horny girl! I like it.” She leaned in close enough to whisper sensuously in my ear. “It’ll be more than that by the time I’m through with you.”

And then she kissed me – firmly, decisively, and just long enough to steal away all the air in my lungs. I was beyond just aroused now, I was enraptured. As I gazed up into the vivid green of her eyes, I knew there was nothing in the universe I wanted more right now than this – than her. I wanted to be taken by her, to be wrung dry by her; my dick felt harder than I could ever remember it, like I was being strangled by my own underwear.

...wait, my dick?

I looked down and saw a tent in my shorts the size of a pop bottle, the poor fabric straining against it like a volleyball net trying to hold back a bull. The spot at its tip was dark and glistening with arousal and I could swear that it was growing even larger as I watched.

Kalysta followed my gaze and then winced in sympathy. “Looking kinda uncomfortable down there, cutie. Want me to set you free?”


Still keeping one palm planted between my breasts, Kalysta worked a finger beneath the elastic of my underwear and pulled it down. I winced a little as the head of my cock remained caught below the waistband until the fairy added a second finger and it sprang back upright with such force that the precum at its tip was sent sailing through the air to land upon my own cheek.

I barely noticed it; I was too busy staring at the monster between my legs.

It was big – far bigger than ever before. Big enough to make a girl go wide-eyed. Big enough to best an actual pornstar. Big enough to suck myself off? I couldn’t help but wonder for a moment. And yet it also seemed smoother and more shapely, somehow – softer, even, as ridiculous as it felt to apply that word to something so utterly rigid with need. The skin was prettier and less veiny, the head was a bright rosy pink and slick with arousal. Every inch it felt alive with the promise of new sensation; even the feel of the air against my exposed length made me tingle and shiver now.

I was in awe.

“But I’d just thought...”

“You’d thought you’d be trading your dick away for a pussy?” she asked.

I nodded.

“Is that something you were hoping for?” It was an oddly gentle question – earnest. I wasn’t sure I knew the answer to it. None of this was anything I’d actually expected to happen.

“Well, as the proud owner of a pretty great pussy,” she continued, “let me just say that there is nothing more quintessentially feminine about what I’m packing than what you are. This body of yours is 100% female. This heart of yours in 100% female, and that’s the most important part. Nothing that’s attached to you could be anything but woman.”

“A lot of transgirls hate their junk,” I mumbled vaguely. Sometimes I’d wondered if I was supposed to.

Kalysta shrugged sadly. “It’s true. But ‘8 times a week’ sounds like somebody who enjoys their dick to me.”

She lifted her palm from my chest for the first time since she’d started and brought it up to cup the underside of my chin and hold my gaze firmly in her own. “Your transition is for you, Alecia. No one gets to define who you are but you. And trust me, the world is full of lesbians who will salivate at what you’re packing. You’re looking at one of ‘em right now.” I felt my heart skip a beat as Kalysta flashed me another one of her incorrigible grins. “What can I say? Girlcock is fucking hot. And remember: I’ve seen your porn, missy; you can’t tell me you don’t agree.”

“But... won’t this make it impossible to wear a miniskirt in public and still pass?”

“Oh, but that’s the best part – you're gonna be a grower of the best kind, now. Small enough when soft to pull off yoga pants. Large enough when hard to absolutely fill any girl you fuck. Eleven inches of pure pleasure," she whispered breathily as she ran a hand gently up and down my shaft. I let out a needy whimper, entirely unbidden. God, that felt good. Part of me wanted nothing more in that moment than for Kalysta to just keep going until I came all over myself, but she loosened her grip after the very first stroke and merely traced a single teasing finger across my frenulum instead. I squirmed on the bed.

"Doesn't that sound like fun?" she continued. "To be able to walk around in public just like the cute girl you've always wanted to be – upbeat, studious, unassuming – all the while knowing you're packing an absolute monster in your panties? Give all those new girlfriends you're sure to make a very, very nice surprise when they take you home with them."

"Oh, and in case you're worried about... embarrassing public situations," she continued, "I should let you know: As long as you make sure you're not pent up, spontaneous erections aren't really gonna be a thing anymore. You can thank your new hormones for that, by the way. You'll still get hard, of course – harder than ever, trust me – but it's a two-way street between your mind and body now. That means you've gotta want it, understand?"

"Uh...." It was getting increasingly difficult to follow her words. Half of my brain was fog and the other half was laser-focused on my straining dick and on just how desperately I wanted it inside her – her pussy, her mouth, her hands, her ass, it didn't matter. Just somewhere. The touch of nothing but empty air on it was maddening.

A devilish grin spread across her face as she leaned in closer. I could feel her breath, warm and teasing across my neck. "So I guess that means you must want it right this very second, huh?"

Part of me wanted to scream that I wanted it more than I’d ever wanted anything in my entire life, but I felt too overwhelmed by... everything, really, to form actual words. I might have mumbled something. I might have nodded, but I wasn’t even sure of that. Maybe I just whimpered. I definitely whimpered.

"Oh, you don't need to say anything, dear," she whispered gently. "It's written all over your face. And uh... all over your cute little tummy too, apparently." She ran a finger along the indentation between my brand new hips and pubic mound and smeared a frankly ridiculous amount of precum onto her fingertip. And then, keeping very deliberate eye contact with me all the while, raised that finger to her lips and licked it completely, utterly clean.

I groaned. My cock twitched and another dollop of precum rolled down to join the one she'd just cleaned up. I was beginning to wonder if I could orgasm without any further physical contact at all. Could my body do that now? Was it going to be forced to do that by this ridiculous, outrageously hot little devil in a tank top? But then she wrapped her fingers around my shaft and every other thought left my brain in a single gasp.

"I think it's about time you blew your first big load of the evening," she said. "Let out a little of that spunk that's been building up ever since I first played with those sensitive new tits of yours. I mean, that's what you want, isn't it?"

"Please..." I managed to pant as I writhed in her grip. The brazen look in her eyes only grew more smouldering.

"Then let yourself go, babe. Let at all go. Cum as a girl for the very first time. Cum for me!"

I couldn't have stopped myself even if I'd wanted to. My balls clenched, my stomach clenched, my everything clenched, and then it all let go at once. A geyser of lust burst out of me – thinner than normal, but with more force than ever. I writhed in my restraints and my fingers grasped at air. I squealed loud enough to wake the neighbours, but I couldn’t possibly have cared. It was incredible. Indescribable. I came all over myself – my breasts, my tummy, my thighs – spurt after spurt of it landing warm and wet against my skin. I was lost to sensation – for a minute or an hour, I could hardly tell. Time was hazy. There was only pleasure now. There was only letting utterly go.

When it finally began to subside, I was panting, euphoric.

I needed more.


My oh my,” Kalysta cooed, looking every bit as sultry as she was satisfied. “Somebody sure was pent up.”

“I... I still am,” I panted.

“I’ll bet.”

She dipped her finger in a puddle of cum on my stomach and swirled it around on my skin for a while; the contrast of warm semen and cool air gave me goosebumps.

“It’s always like this at first, you know,” she said. “Human souls just aren’t accustomed to having quite so much... lustful energy coursing around in them. It can feel a little overwhelming. Or, y’know, maybe it’s that whole ‘finally actualizing a decade of unspoken desires’ thing. Either or.” She winked at me. “Either way, it’s gonna take a lot more for you to feel satiated than you’re used to. But hey, with a chick this eager at your disposal for the evening, you’re not exactly about to complain about that, now are you?”

Rather than wait for an answer, she leaned down and slowly ran her tongue up the length of my thigh, carefully lapping up the streaks of girlcum that had landed there. She rolled them around in her mouth like some sort of erotic sommelier, keeping eye contact with me all the while.

“Mmm... salty. Tastes a bit like sour plums. I like it.” She swallowed audibly. “Now you try.”

She gave me no time to object – not that I would have at this point. My mouth hung open in a hazy stupor and when she gently pushed her cum-slick fingers inside, I closed my lips around them as if by instinct.

And I sucked.

I savored.

“Good girl,” she cooed. “Thirsty girl.”

Something deep within my soul quivered at her words. The skin of Kalysta’s fingers felt so soft and supple beneath my tongue, and the sticky passion coating them filled my head with the scent of something potent and primal and wild. I decided right then that I really did want to suck myself off; I wanted to feel an entire load of this flooding my mouth.

“Does my needy girl want more?”

“Yes....” I panted.

“Good. Because so do I.” And with that, she swung herself around so that her head was poised directly above the monster between my legs and then she paused just long enough to make eye contact with me before swallowing it in a single, practised motion.

My eyes flew open and I writhed beneath her, my torso rising as far off the bed as my restraints would allow. I could feel her tongue moving inside her mouth, lapping up and down my shaft, twisting circles around the head with unnatural dexterity. If before I had been overwhelmed by the intensity of a simple motion, now I was overwhelmed by their multiplicity; she was everywhere at once – caressing me, soothing me, teasing me, urging me – her lips and tongue dancing all across the surface of my erection.

My breath came in gasps. My muscles strained. It didn’t matter that I’d just come a minute earlier; I needed to come again. I needed to come down her throat. I needed-

And then, just as abruptly as she’d began, Kalysta pulled her mouth back off my cock, leaving me with a single slow caress of her tongue and a playful kiss on the head.

I felt dizzy with passion.

“That was... I was... I...”

Kalysta’s laugh was like warm chocolate. “Gods, I love it when a girl’s mind is too full of fuck to even talk properly. Just so you know, I’ll be expecting you to return the favor before the night’s out, missy.”

“I... I don’t really have much experience,” I panted, still quivering in the aftershocks of the edge she’d hurled me towards.

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll do fine,” she said. “You’ve got some nymph in you now, remember; we have a way with these things. Also, you’re hot as fuck.”

“I... am?” I felt a sudden tugging at my heartstrings – strong enough that even my arousal was forgotten for a moment. “Like, for real?”

“For real,” she nodded. “You are 100%, verifiable smoking cutie – one part nerd and two parts sex. The kind of girl you’d want to teach you calculus and then smother you in her tits. I mean, have a look for yourself.”

She slipped two fingers down between her tits and then somehow her cell phone was back in her hands again, almost like a magic trick. Or maybe it really was magic, who knows? She tapped the screen a few times and then flipped it around to hold in front of my face. I took a shallow breath.

Was that... me?

The phone claimed it was showing me the video from the front camera, but it was a face I’d never seen before. And yet... it had just enough familiarity to its shape to feel like I knew it. Like I could wear it and feel like it was mine – softer, rounder, with ruddier cheeks and more freckles, but... comfortable, somehow.

I eyed the camera warily, then wiggled my nose and scrunched my mouth from side to side, as if testing that it really was myself I was looking at and not a video feed of some other woman colluding in an elaborate joke at my expense – even now, I couldn’t quite bring myself to trust this impossibility. But the face in the screen wiggled back at me, made every silly face that I made in perfect synchrony. I smiled unconsciously at how ridiculous this all looked and she smiled right back at me. She was radiant. She was hot.

I was hot.

I felt a strange upwelling of emotion and tears began to form in the corner of my eyes. I didn’t even notice until my vision started to grow blurry and I felt the wetness of them sliding down my cheek.

Was this... joy? Relief? It felt as though a weight upon my psyche had suddenly lifted – a weight I’d been carrying around for so long that I could only notice it by its absence. I’d thought it was normal to feel the way I did. I mean, everyone is at least a little discontent with themselves, aren’t they? But when I looked at my new face, at the way it looked when I smiled, the world itself suddenly felt more vibrant. It was absurd, impossible, and yet I was that girl in the camera now and no one would ever be able to think otherwise about me ever again.

“Thank you,” I breathed softly. “I mean, I still don’t really know if any of this is real, but thank youghsdfedfs-”

My words were cut off in a strangled gasp as I felt Kalysta’s lips wrap around my dick again – apparently not even an interlude as emotional as this one was enough to make my new endowment soften.

You are reading story A Nymph in the Night at novel35.com

“You can thank me by cumming down my throat,” she said matter-of-factly, pulling herself just far enough off of me to speak. “We’ll call that a ‘win-win’.” And then she swallowed me again.

Her ministrations were gentler this time, like being carried on a warm river of pleasure instead of hurled head-first over a cliff. I might have objected to her interrupting such a profound and personal moment so bluntly, but frankly her tongue felt too good to care. Somehow I still needed this. I wasn’t just high on the euphoria of becoming, I was drenched in lust of a hue and texture that I’d never known before.

Kalysta gave my balls a gentle squeeze and I groaned. Just minutes ago, they’d pumped out a bigger load than they ever had in my whole life, and yet they still felt so full. She pressed her lips worshipfully against them as she stroked my shaft and this time my breath escaped in a moan.

“Y’know....” she drawled, gently bouncing my heavy testicles between her palms, “Since I’ve got my hands very full down here, why don’t you play with your tits this time? Give those new sweater puppies of yours a proper test drive. You like the sound of that?”

I did very much.

With a sly grin, Kalysta snapped her fingers and the ribbons binding my wrists went slack and dissolved into stardust. I rubbed the faint indents they’d left in my skin for a moment and then took a deep breath and looked down at the massive swell of my own breasts. I hesitated for a moment, even now just a little afraid they might be a mirage which would dissolve upon the slightest contact.

Kalysta looked up at me – a strand of saliva still linking her lips to to the head of my dick – and grinned incorrigibly. “What’re you waiting for, girl? Do it.”

I did it.

The first contact was so electric that my eyes squeezed shut with a whimper. This was nothing like all the times I’d played with my nipples before – their size, their texture, the bountiful swell of flesh beneath them. These were a woman’s breasts. A woman’s tits massive and aching and shaped like sex.

My tits.

God, it felt incredible – everything felt incredible. The fingers on my nipples, the mouth on my dick, the knowledge that this body was mine now. Every sensation was experienced in meticulous detail: the softness of my skin, the way my hands sank deep into my bosom as I pressed against it, the stiffness of my nipples and how it felt to rub and squeeze and twist them, as well as the wetness and texture of the nymph’s skillful tongue as it tended to the insistent erotic pressure between my legs.

I cupped my hands beneath my bosom, trying to gauge the weight of it and how it would feel to carry around for the rest of my life – how they would sway when I walked or dangle when I bent over or bounce when I skipped down stairs. Yet somehow I knew that no matter how heavy, I would relish their weight – that even as a burden, they would be a blessing. If I felt their pull with every step I took from now on, that just meant I’d never be able to forget I was a woman.

I took gentle hold of one breast with both hands and raised it towards my lips, reaching out my tongue to tentatively lick across the surface of my nipple.


My girlcock twitched hard enough at the sensation that I felt it slap Kalypsa in the cheek. She laughed.

“Woah, somebody liked that.” She ran her tongue from base to tip again and then looked me straight in the eyes. “I think you should try sucking on it.”

The nipple was inside my mouth immediately and I sucked and squirmed and sucked some more.

“Both of them at once.”

It was a little trickier to raise the second nipple to my lips without letting the first slip out, but I did as I was told and it felt gloriously wanton – stuffing as much tit into my mouth as it could hold, nipples rubbing back and forth deliciously against each other as I suckled at my breasts like a starving whore. I could feel myself rapidly nearing the edge of orgasm again, a tell-tale tingling beginning to rise up my shaft as Kalysta worked it with her expert mouth. I was going to cum again. I was going to cum with my legs bound to my bed and my own tits in my mouth and I loved every part of this.

Oh god... Oh god, oh god, oh god...

And then Kalysta just... stopped. The sheen of her saliva on my dick felt chilly without her lips and tongue to warm it. I glanced up at her, seeing her watching me with an unreadable expression on her face. I was panting.

“I’m so close...” I breathed; it almost sounded like pleading.

“I know you are! But first I want to see you do just one more little thing for me.”

“Name it.” I think I would have done almost anything for her at this point.

“Oh, don’t worry; I think you’ll like this one.” She twirled two fingertips through the air and the ribbons binding my ankles sprang to life and rearranged themselves in a whirl of pastel starlight. They released their grip on my mattress and coiled further up my legs, forcibly spreading them and raising them into the air above me before I could even think of moving. The fairy’s wings fluttered intently as she wove elaborate patterns in the air with her fingertips, playing cat’s cradle on threads of magic only she could see. I felt a ribbon slide beneath my shoulders and pull me forward even as the ones around my legs guided them backwards until my feet were past my head and I was flaunting my ass like a gymnast begging to be buttfucked.

...did I want to be buttfucked?

And then a last few ribbons caught my wrists and secured them against my legs and I was well and truly bound in place.

Correction: I was in bondage.

If Kalysta had pulled this stunt a half hour ago, I think it would have snapped my back in half, but it barely even felt uncomfortable now. At the very least, my joints ached far less than my erection still did, even now twitching in pursuit of the orgasm it had been denied by a hair’s breadth. My dick was so long now and I was bent so far forward that it nearly brushed my face. I could see the precum dangling from the slit. I could... smell it – tangy and potent and faintly floral. It was the scent of a desperately aroused woman, the kind of scent that made you want to bury yourself between her thighs and satisfy her needs.

Shit, I was turned on by my own smell now.

I glanced up at my captor, who just grinned enigmatically down at me. There was a moment of pointed silence, broken only by my own labored breathing. And then another. And another. When was she going to-

“Finish yourself off with your own mouth.”

I didn’t even hesitate. The moment the words were spoken, I bent my body the rest of the distance and wrapped my lips around my rigid, quivering cock.


The head felt almost molten in my mouth, so engorged and wet it was. I could taste myself, I could taste Kalysta, I could even taste a hint of the load I was about to let loose. I wanted it, needed it – whether to cum or to be filled with cum, I wasn’t even sure anymore. But as I lapped at my slit and ran my tongue in rapid circles around the base of the glans, I felt myself pass the point of no return and my balls begin to pump.

Oh god. Oh goddddddd....

I held on for dear life as my orgasm seized me, licking and sucking myself through a second incredible climax of the night. Blast after blast of scalding cum splattered against my tongue and down my throat and yet somehow I neither flinched or gagged or let even a single drop spill. I’d never sucked a cock in my life before, but somehow I felt ready for this. I was hungry for this.

There was a gorgeous woman in my bed – bound in ribbons, ass in the air, taking a huge load in her mouth and moaning in shameless ecstasy while she did so – and that woman was me. Had I always wanted to be this kind of a slut and just lacked the confidence to express it? Or would a body like this make anyone a slut?

“Now be a good girl and share.” Kalysta leaned in and stroked my hair, and then gently pushed my head off my own cock – I let go of it with surprising reluctance. But she replaced it with her lips immediately, pressing into me with a ravenous kiss, tongue searching my mouth for any parts of my load I hadn’t yet had the chance to swallow.

I could feel a last few drops of semen dribbling out of my cock onto my tummy while we Frenched over a mouthful of my own cum, the hot stickiness of it getting steadily smeared between our tongues as they danced. When she pulled away, a thick white strand of it dangled between our mouths, linking them together like a perverted thread of fate.

“Did you like that?” she asked.

“I loved that.”

“Glad to see you being more honest.” She ruffled my hair and gave me a playful flick on the forehead. “It feels pretty good to be honest, doesn’t it?”

“I spent a lot of years being honest with a lot of people and it never got me tits before.”

She snickered. “Yeah, well, the world’s a bitch and I’m just one nymph. But hey, I do what I can.” Then she stretched out her arms and cracked her knuckles. “Anywho, I don’t think you’re planning to run off anymore.” She snapped her fingers and the ribbons binding me all dissolved into glitter, resulting in a very graceless flop onto the bed with my limbs splayed in all directions. I gave them a few experimental stretches before pulling myself upright again; I was still trembling slightly in the aftershocks of orgasm.

Kalypsa plopped her generous butt down on the bed beside me as I did so, making the both of us bounce on the mattress.

“So... how’re you feeling?” she asked softly.

“High on my own body.” I traced a finger through the few drops of cum that had dripped onto my tummy and then started to lick it clean; the salty tang of my fluids was remarkably pleasant. “Did you also make me into a cumslut with that magic of yours, I wonder?”

“Would you be upset if I said I had?”

“Probably not,” I admitted. It felt silly to harbor any shame about that sort of thing right now. I’d moved through fear and disbelief, into euphoria and naked arousal, and now I was someplace quieter. Still turned on, but... quieter. Contented, almost?

Kalypsa shrugged. “Cum’s fun. On my face, down my throat, between my tits, there’s nothing better than making a cute girl explode all over you, imo. And I hope you don’t think I’m a bad act to follow.”

“You’re a bombshell.”

“So are you.” The fairy slowly intertwined her fingers with mine and flashed me a smile that would have melted my heart in seconds if it wasn’t already floating away in the clouds somewhere. And then she guided that hand onto her thigh, tracing the hem of her booty shorts all the way up to the waistband. And then – without breaking eye contact – she slipped those fingers beneath the elastic of her panties and down to cup her pussy.

Her incredibly wet pussy.

“You feel that?” she asked. “That’s your fault, girl. Every squishy, dripping inch of it.”

‘Wet’ didn’t feel adequate to describe the slick heat I felt against my palm. It felt like she’d made a bigger mess between her thighs than I had tonight and I’d already spurted twice; I was surprised it wasn’t running down her leg by this point. Or maybe it was and I’d just been too busy being blown to notice?

“Well, babe?” She leaned into me and whispered huskily in my ear. “You gonna take responsibility for this?”

“P- pardon?”

Kalysta rolled her eyes and flicked me playfully across the forehead. “That means frig me, you sexy dumbstruck kitten.”

I practically squeaked. “Oh! Right! Obviously!”

I began rubbing my palm up and down across her mound, tentatively feeling out the shape of it beneath her shorts with my fingers – the incredible plumpness of her outer lips, the soft muscle of her inner thighs, the way even the smallest motions made squelching sounds between her legs. My hand brushed over something rigid in its explorations and Kalysta’s thighs clenched around my wrist.

“Yeah, that’s the stuff,” she groaned. “Blessed Aphrodite, you have no idea how hard it was not to play with myself while you were tied up like that, but I wanted to save all of this for you. Consider it... positive reinforcement.”

“For what?”

“For being, babe,” she laughed. “I don’t think you’ve quite gotten it through your head yet the kind of effect you’re going to have on people – especially the ones you’ve got the hots for. And so I’m gonna help you with that.”

I swallowed hard.

If she’d only said it with words, I might have found some way to disbelieve it, even now – ‘I must have misheard her’, ‘She’s just laying it on thick to be nice’, ‘She must be desperate and I’m the only one in arm’s reach’. And yet...

I’d drifted through so many years of my life like a brown cardboard box – occasionally useful, never exciting, usually folded in a corner somewhere trying not to take up space. I’d even stopped noticing it, like it was some indelible quality of myself as a person; the sky was blue, the sun rose in the East, and no one would ever desire me.

And yet, I could feel the heat of Kalysta’s desire leaking all over my palm as I held it against her. She wanted me. She was aroused by me – whether by my body or my voice or the way I melted in her hands, it scarcely mattered.

...she’d called me cute.

Maybe the sun really was rising in the west now and the sky was vivid with every rainbow hue of a better life. A life where I stopped acting like it was safer not to want things, where I left behind the confines I’d built brick-by-brick around myself for too many years now to count. If the world was going see me as someone different from now on, then maybe this was my chance to decide who that someone was going to be.

“Less daydreaming, more fingering.”

“Sorry, sorry!” I squeaked and redoubled my efforts inside her panties. I didn’t exactly have confidence in my ladykilling skills, but I had watched a lot of practical demonstrations over the years and I applied that knowledge with the diligence of a woman who had something to prove to herself. And from the way Kalysta started squirming and the doofy smile tugging at the corner of her mouth, she seemed to be enjoying it. Her wings brushed lightly against my shoulders whenever she twitched and I could feel the wonderful fullness of her breasts pressing into my side.

I ran my free hand through her hair and then hesitated only a moment before pulling the fairy in for a kiss; Kalysta’s tongue was inside me immediately, waltzing its consent with my own. I could still faintly taste my semen upon her lips, but there was also cinnamon and something even spicier. I pressed a finger into her clit while we kissed and felt her moan all the way down my throat.

It was a good feeling. I made her do it again.

When she finally pulled her lips away from mine, she was gasping from breath; I was too, I realized.

“God, you’re great,” she said.

“I am?”

“I mean, you’re clearly an amateur at this, but you’re earnest and adorable and with a bod that could tempt a sacred virgin.” She winked at me. “Aren’t ya glad I’m so good at this job?”


“Gods above, I’m gonna fuck you completely and utterly dry before this night is out, missy. You may think your balls are bottomless now, but by the time I’m done with you tonight, even you’ll be shooting blanks. That’s a promise.”

She cupped a hand around my scrotum and I abruptly realized I was at full-mast again without even being touched. But before I could come up with anything to say in reply, my seductress just laughed and bopped me on the nose. “Cutie. Now how about you help me out of these shorts, hmm? I mean, this pussy isn’t gonna eat itself.”

“R- right!”

She raised herself off the bed just far enough for me to pull her shorts down over her prodigious ass, and her underwear along with them. Gooey threads of the nymph’s arousal glistened like a perverse spiderweb as I slowly peeled the fabric away from her skin; some of them were so thick that they didn’t break until I’d worked her panties down below her knees.

I vaguely searched about with one hand for a clear spot on the ground to place her clothing – unwilling to take my eyes away from the nymph’s naked body for even a moment. Kalysta leaned back with a knowing grin on her face and spread her legs to give me a better view as I kneeled in front of her.

“This is your first time seeing a real live pussy, isn’t it? Y’know, not counting porn and all.”

I nodded mutely.

“Not a lot of action going on in the closet, after all,” she quipped. “Is it as good as you’d fantasized about?”

“Better.” I found myself thinking suddenly of all the poets throughout the centuries who’d grasped for words to describe impossible, unearthly beauty and felt myself in league with them; even an angel’s countenance could be no more sublime than this flower whose nectar still clung to my fingers. Every inch of Kalysta’s inner thighs was slick and shiny with it and her mound was more picture-perfect than I’d even thought possible, like the gods themselves had sculpted it from the raw essence of sex. Her outer lips were puffy and swollen with arousal, her inner lips a delicate pink, and her clit so shamelessly prominent that even a blind virgin could find it.

And the smell was... intense, like wild apricots mixed with fresh-cut cedar and hot mulled wine – cloying and primal and heady with desire. If I’d been turned on by the scent of my own arousal, then hers was thrice as strong; I could feel it filling my head and my consciousness drifting away with it.

“Well, I’ll have you know that nymph pussy is the best damn pussy in the whole wide world,” she continued. “You should feel privileged that you get to have this for your first.” Then she threw me an absolutely smouldering gaze. “Eat me.”

I buried my face between her thighs without hesitation. Kalysta groaned.

“That’s right.” She gripped the back of my head and pressed it tight against herself. “Eat me like the starving lesbian you are.”

Even with my mouth pressed against her cunt, I couldn’t help but smile. Lesbian.’ I’m a lesbian.’ It had a nice ring to it. And if she was going to taste this good, then I wasn’t about to stop starving until she drowned me.

I ran my tongue greedily up and down Kalysta’s slit, trailing kisses on every soft and sensitive part of her flesh. I savored the taste, the smell, the sounds she made as I serviced her. I even savored the shamelessness of how empty my mind felt now of any other thought beyond worshipping pussy; I existed in this moment solely to bring another woman sexual pleasure and my soul resounded with joy that I was allowed to. If I’d been able to pull my eyes away from her molten slickness, I might have noticed how flushed Kalysta’s face had rapidly become, or the way her fingers squirmed and intermittently clutched at the bedsheets, but the entire universe now existed solely between her thighs.

“That’s it,” she panted. “Y- you’re doing great, kitten. Keep it up, j- just like that. Feels so good to finally-”

I took the ample hardness of her clit between my lips and sucked.

Oh shit-

I ran my tongue in circles around it, savoring the texture of her rigid flesh and the contrast with the soft folds that surrounded it.

Shit, shit, shit, I barely even-”

I felt Kalysta’s thighs clench against my cheeks and I just started licking faster, suckling like a whore who hadn’t had pussy in a decade – which, strictly speaking, was true.

Sweet slutty Sappho, I needed this,” she cried. “You made me need this so bad, kitten. You and your cute little face and your perfect tits and your huge fucking- godsdamnit, I’m cumming! Don’t stop! Don’t you dare stop!

I ate the fairy through her orgasm, my face pressed so tight against her mound that I could feel every orgasmic contraction pulsing through it. She cried out with shameless, triumphant ecstasy – the sounds of a woman who knows what she wants and is getting it. And, frankly, I felt pretty euphoric myself, like I was awash on a river of shared delight; there was nowhere in the world I wanted to be more in that moment than between the legs of a pretty girl who was cumming.

And eventually, as both her noises and her thrashing began to quiet, I pulled just far enough away to admire my handiwork.

...and felt her legs close around my neck and pull me closer again immediately.

“I didn’t say you could stop.” Her voice was breathy, but commanding. “You don’t get to stop.” She placed a hand firmly on the back of my head and pushed it into her soaking pussy again. “I need another one and I need it right fucking now. Keep eating me, keep....” Her voice trailed off in a strangled groan as I complied, but her hands only gripped me tighter.

I lavished Kalysta’s needy cunt with all the devotion I still could muster, content to forget about oxygen entirely if I could just live off her nectar instead. At some point she started bucking back into me, grinding her slick pussy all over my face; a steady stream of expletives tumbled from her mouth as she face-fucked me, barely even coherent between all the gasps and guttural groans she was making – no, that I was forcing her to make. It was frenzied, furious lovemaking – a test of physical endurance as much as oral skill – but I was determined to give the horny fairy everything she wanted and more.

“Oh, you s- sweet little slut,” she moaned, somehow still having the composure to ruffle my hair even as she ground her cunt against my face.

Your sweet little slut,” I replied impulsively – or at least as close to a reply as anyone could manage with their mouth full of pussy. But whether because she’d actually understood my words or just from the vibrations they sent through her flesh, I felt Kalysta’s cunt clench down – hard – and a geyser of fluid sprayed out of it, like a pipe had just burst.

F- fuuuuuuuck....

Again and again, her pussy clenched in orgasm and its nectar gushed all over my face – across my forehead, down my chin, and, best of all, into my open mouth. Kalysta’s cries sounded loud enough to wake the whole neighbourhood this time and that only made me feel prouder – let them hear what I was doing to her.

When the fairy finally released her thighs’ grip on me, my hair was matted to my face and we were both panting.

“S- see?” she breathed. “Told you you’d have a knack for it.” Her legs were visibly trembling and she seemed to be having difficulty coordinating her fingers.

I took a few steadying breaths of my own and peeled a lock of wet hair away from my eye. I gave it an experimental squeeze with one hand and her juices dripped from it like I’d just stepped out of the shower.

“I’ll have you know, I only squirt for the really cute ones.” Kalysta was wearing the doofiest, contented smirk on her face. “...although it looks like I’m not the only girl here who needs to squirt,” she noted as her gaze drifted down between my legs.

I was aware of how rigidly erect I was, of course. But when I followed the fairy’s eyes further down, I saw that a tiny puddle of precum had actually formed on the floor between my legs where my cock had been freely drooling its need while I serviced her.

“That was the hottest thing I’ve seen in my life,” I said with just a twinge of self-consciousness. “Of course I’m... drippy.”

“You’re nymph-touched now, girl; you’re going to be drippy a lot.” She reached out and gave the tip of my cock a playful tap with her finger. “But that just means having extra motivation to get really good at doing something about it. So where did you wanna start?”

I watched another strand of pre-cum dangle from my glans as I searched for the words to properly articulate an answer.

“I mean, I could just tell you to jack yourself off for me and I’m sure you’d love it,” she continued lightly, as if discussing nothing more salacious than the weather. “Maybe get you to cum on my face and make a nice sloppy mess of it. We could make out afterward until you’re sloppy with it, too; I’m sure a girl like you could get off on being forced to wear her own load, now couldn’t you?”

She watched my cock for a response and it twitched honestly. She licked her lips.

“But I’ll bet that isn’t what you want the most right now, is it? Not after being smothered by your first real cunt.”

She shifted her legs on the bed, and while it could have plausibly been an attempt to get more comfortable, it was impossible not to also see it as an invitation. The fairy’s eyes twinkled. “So, what do you want to do with that dick of yours, kitten? I’m listening.”

Though I’d lapped up a flood of her nectar just moments before, my throat felt suddenly dry. I took a deep breath.

“It’s okay to ask for what you want, Alecia,” she said gently. “I just want to hear you say it.”

That was the rub, wasn’t it? But if I was going to be the woman she’d given me the chance to be – that I wanted to be, deep in my soul – that meant leaving my old cage behind.

“...I want to put it inside you.”


I want to fuck you! I want to push my dick inside you and feel your wetness all over it. I want to suck your tits and pound your pussy and-”

“-and give me another screaming orgasm while you blast your load deep inside my cunt?” She paused just long enough to drink up my stammering. “Because I’d like that a whole damn lot.”

I nodded helplessly.


Kalysta swivelled her butt around on the bed so that there was more room for me to comfortably mount her, then laid back and gave me the smuggest little ‘come-hither’ with her finger. I followed like an obedient puppy and then carefully straddled her on the bed.

“I- I’m not going to squash your wings if I lean too hard on you, am I?” I felt suddenly hesitant; they looked so delicate on the bed beneath her.

The fairy just scoffed. “I was built for this, girl. Whatever you think you can do to me, I can take it. Now fuck me already.”

I took just a moment to admire her freckles and the way her multi-hued hair fanned out against my pillow; with her wings spread beneath her, she was a riot of color on the bed. I left a fleeting kiss on her lips and then a deeper one down the valley of her cleavage before pulling back and carefully aligning the head of my cock with her sopping entrance – even the momentary friction of brushing along its exterior was enough to make me gasp. How much more intense was it going to be inside her?

I took a deep breath.

Kalysta locked her sultry gaze with mine and grinned. “Split me in half, babe.”

I pushed inside.

Oh god....

I’d often fantasized, over the years, about what it would feel like to be inside a real pussy – the slickness of it, the texture, the way it would mould itself to my shape. And yet none of that could have prepared me for the real deal. Kalysta’s passage was molten velvet – fold upon fold of ever-changing, enveloping sensation. And despite being so drenched that friction was nearly an afterthought, it was still a tight squeeze to push into, like her muscles were actively bearing down against me as I penetrated her. Or was I just that big now?

The fairy groaned a happy duet with me as I slowly pressed deeper and deeper inside her until every last inch of me had been swallowed by her cunt.

...was that little bulge in her stomach my doing?

“Yeah, that’s the stuff,” she groaned, wiggling her butt like she was trying to adjust to my size. Even this small motion buried me in sensation – sparks of velvet electricity tingling up and down my shaft as a thousand tiny tongues lapped at its surface. My eyes squeezed shut and I started breathing shallowly.

Long seconds passed in stillness.

“Y’know,” the nymph quipped, “typically when one is doing the nasty, they use their hips a little more.”

“I... I don’t think I can.”

“Too overwhelmed to move? Or just worried that you’re gonna pop the moment you do?” She traced a finger down her tummy until it passed over the bulge I’d made in it, then pressed down.

“T- the latter,” I hissed.

The fairy’s grin was almost predatory. “Well, then I suppose I’ll just have to make you pop before we start moving.”

My eyes flew open as she started doing... something with her pussy – something incredible. It felt as though every muscle inside it was moving independently, coaxing and teasing and milking me with a deftness that surely no human could replicate – like being given a handjob with a silken glove while wet lips kissed and suckled my every contour.

There was an effortful satisfaction on Kalysta’s face as she worked her insides; I wasn’t moving, she wasn’t moving, and yet she was still unquestionably forcing me to cum. I just stared back at her helplessly as I felt my balls clench and my load begin surging irrepressibly up my shaft.

“Don’t worry, sweetie,” she whispered. “I like it when a girl can’t hold back. It’s flattering. Now spurt for me....”

C- cumming...” I gasped and trembled and impulsively twined my fingers with Kalysta’s own as I rode out my orgasm. Even while on top of her, I somehow still felt completely at her mercy; I couldn’t even muster the coordination to thrust back against her, only to experience.

“Mmmm... that’s a nice big load,” she murmured. “I’ll bet you’re going to make a lot of girls very happy.”

“Is that a- all it takes?” I started giggling through the aftershocks. “A dick that cums like a firehose: exactly what every lesbian is looking for.”

“Oh, you’d be surprised.” Kalysta licked her lips as my cock kept on pumping inside her. “I know I’m a tough act to follow, but I think you’ll be inspiring. And even if the first cutie you bring home can’t properly appreciate your... charm points, there’ll be other girls – Selene as my witness, there’ll be a lot of girls.”

“In c- case you forgot, I was a virgin when I went to bed tonight; that’s a lot of years of being bad at this stuff.”

But the fairy just shook her head. “That was just some guy who used to live here. How many girls is Alecia going to bring home and fuck on this bed?”

She patted the mattress for emphasis and I felt suddenly like Alecia very much wanted to try.

“Although speaking of which,” the fairy continued, shifting her pelvis around my dick, “you still haven’t fucked me on this bed yet and I’m getting tired of sitting still.”

“I’ve b- barely even stopped cumming,” I winced.

So what?” Kalysta pushed me backward onto the bed and straddled me cowgirl-style without letting my cock out of her silken grip. “I’m a nymph; with the proper motivation, my refractory period is basically zilch. And – at least for tonight – so is yours. So how about we make the most of that fact?”

She started moving her hips up and down on top of me – slowly at first, but rapidly picking up a mesmerizing pace. I watched as her tits began to jiggle, then bounce, then heave up and down so forcefully that they threatened to break free of the confines of her top altogether. I might even have tried to assist with that if I hadn’t been so preoccupied with writhing beneath her and trying not to hyperventilate.

“And remember,” she said, “when you feel the next load coursing up your dick, don’t do anything silly like trying to hold back. I want it all. Flood me.”

I lasted almost 45 seconds this time. Kalysta didn’t even slow down as I cried out my orgasm and soon my moans were coming out as squeals.

“Good girl,” she breathed as she rode me. “That’s number two. Let’s see how long it takes you to give me a third.”

I clung to her body for dear life as I lost myself in white. The pleasure was so enveloping, so constant, that it was hard for me to even know where my orgasm ended – or if it even had. I felt like I was floating.

...I was literally floating?

I looked around in sudden alarm as I realized that the bed was several feet below me now. I was only spared the pull of gravity – as far as I could tell – by the grip of Kalysta’s legs around my back and the hummingbird-like fluttering of her wings behind her.

“Don’t look so surprised,” she snickered without even slowing the relentless pounding of her ass against me. “A nymph’s at her strongest when she’s fucking. I could probably piledrive you through the floor right now if I wanted to. But I’d much rather bounce on your dick until your balls run dry. Sweet merciful Aphrodite, I love my job.

“Y- you’re absurd,” I gasped, instinctively clinging onto her even tighter. “Ridiculous. How could a- any other girl hope to compete?”

“Then you better enjoy me while you can.”

She kept on riding me with an almost feral enthusiasm; if it weren’t for all the delicious padding around her ass, I think she might have ground my pelvis into dust already. Every slam of her hips made my cock do fascinating things to the contour of her tummy and while such relentless stimulation ought to have passed from pleasurable to painful long ago, my new body felt like it could still easily take it – no, it still craved it.

“Suck on my tits,” she commanded, her voice sounding nearly as breathy with passion as my own. She grabbed the underside of her tank top with one hand and tossed it off over her head in a single heedless motion.


Something rigid struck me in the shoulder and I tensed, sending whatever it was tumbling onto the ground below us with a clattering sound.

Kalysta actually stopped fucking me for long enough to slap her own forehead. “Godsdammit.

I tried to turn around to see what had happened – a remarkably tricky maneuver when suspended in a sex position not even the Kama Sutra would have thought possible. “Oh geeze, your phone...”

So I guess it wasn’t a literal conjuring trick after all.

“It’s fine, it’s fine,” she sighed. “I mean, what’s the point of a screen protector if you never put it through its paces, right? I blame your dick being too damn big to think straight.”

I frowned. “If it’s my fault it’s broken, I promise I can pay to-”

Kalysta just tapped me gently on the forehead. “That was a compliment, not a complaint, you doofus. Though I might complain for real if you let yourself go soft over this. C’mon, eyes up here.”

She gently tilted my chin upward until my gaze was level with her tits – her massive, naked, perfect tits. As form-fitting as the fairy’s tank top had seemed, it had apparently still been constraining her true power. I felt my mouth drift open of its own accord.

“Right now,” she whispered, “the only thing you need to think about is these.”

I felt transfixed. Even without touching them, the weight of her bosom was palpable, like she could pin a girl to the bed with nothing but her breasts. They were dappled with freckles and glinting with the faintest sheen of sweat and so massive that I couldn’t have encircled even one with both my hands put together – but by all the gods that apparently existed in this world, I sure wanted to try.

“I’d say ‘Be as rough as you want’,” she continued, “but I know you’re a softie, so instead I’ll say: ‘Be rougher’.”

Her eyes glinted with a feral hunger and I responded by immediately burying my face in one breast and my hand in the other. I squeezed.

“Mmmm, that’s the stuff....” Kalysta’s eyes fluttered shut and she resumed pounding her ass against me. “Keep on groping me. Never stop groping me. Give me another orgasm, you slutty little sweetheart.”

I lost track of how many times the both of us came after that. We fucked in the air, on the bed, against the wall – from behind, beneath, beside, and several more implausible directions after that. It was an exultant, ecstatic, celebration of the sort of womanhood I had now, and by the time I really did run out of semen, I felt a deeper contentment in my soul than I’d known was possible.

Also: it kind of hurt to move.

“I didn’t even know it was possible to have this much sex in one evening,” I panted as we sprawled lazily beside each other on the bed.

“Well, I did,” Kalysta replied, “and I still thought you were incredible, babe.”

“I bet you say that to all the girls.”

“I do! But only because they’re all incredible.” She snuggled against my shoulder and played at my hair with a finger. “Though if you really want me to grade you, I’d say you were about... 71% better than the usual lay. Give or take.”

I laughed. “Gee, thanks.”

“Boosting your self-esteem is what I’m here for.”

“That and getting dicked down until your legs are jello.”

“Well, that too, obviously.” She leaned over and left a fleeting kiss on the head of my well-drained cock and even now it twitched in response; while I no longer felt a consuming physiological need to fuck, and my last two orgasms had barely produced a single drop of cum, I somehow felt like I could still muster up another one if I were given sufficient encouragement. It was kind of scary, to be honest.

“Am I... always going to be this horny now?” I asked tentatively.

“Well, it usually levels off a bit after the first night or two,” Kalysta replied, “but... a little bit, yeah. I mean, you’ve got a little piece of nymph grafted onto your soul now and that means being really fucking lusty – it’s a package deal. But hey, needing to jack it three or four times a day is a pretty small price for tits like those, don’t ya think?”

She gave one of my nipples a playful flick.

“Oh no, I get to have more and better orgasms,” I said dryly. “Gasp.”

“Word of warning: you miiiight find that masturbation isn’t enough to satisfy you anymore. Don’t get me wrong – it’ll still feel great and it’ll still take the edge off, but you’ll probably find yourself feeling a little... pent up and restless if you can’t bury it in a real girl on a regular basis. So let me give you a free tip to get you started with that. You remember Julie Park?”

I frowned uncertainly. “I’m not sure I- ...wait, you don’t mean the mousy girl who TAs some of the intro CompSci labs?” I knew her to see her, but we’d rarely interacted much; she always seemed like the type who was happier not to be talked to.

“She’s a massive lesbian.”

I blinked. “...huh?”

“And I mean massive – the kind of lesbian who makes an alt account just so she can tweet from work about how much she wishes she was being smothered by tits instead. About five times subbier than you are and she’s single; if you just go be your charming self where she can see you, I bet you could have her bent over and begging for it within a week.”

“...how do you know this?” If I side-eyed the fairy any harder, I risked having my eyeballs roll out of my skull entirely. “Have you been spying on everyone I’ve ever interacted with?”

“A good puppetmaster never spoils the illusion that everything is a part of their master plan.” She wiggled her fingers dramatically. “But you did give me the best orgasm I’ve had in weeks, so I’ll level with you – the fact I know this is actually a complete coincidence.”


She pressed a finger to my lips. “It’s also a private coincidence, so I’ll have to leave you to puzzle out exactly where this knowledge came from on your own time. Everyone loves a good mystery, right?”

...they totally fucked, didn’t they.

“Anyway, I should go freshen up,” she said. “Mind if I use your bathroom?”

I smiled helplessly. “My home is your home. At this point, I wouldn’t even stop you taking the last slice of cheesecake out of the fridge.”

“I might just take you up on that.” She bounced to her feet, wings fluttering lightly behind her as she began scooping up her clothing off the floor.

I watched a thick rivulet of my cum ooze out from her pussy and slowly trickle down her inner thigh.

“I, um....” I frowned, staring at it. “Since you were so, um... encouraging about it from the start, I kinda just assumed...” And I may also have been too horny to think straight. “But, just to make it completely clear and unambiguous... There’s no chance of me actually getting you pregnant, right?”

Kalysta paused to scoop up the trail of cum from her thigh and very deliberately suck that finger clean before grinning at me. “Is that a fear or a fetish, missy?”

“I’m not-”

“Wondering what I’d look like with a big swollen tummy and milk dripping from my tits? Or what it would taste like to suck it all out of me? To know that you made me like that – pumped my womb so full that the whole rest of the world couldn’t help but know.”

I swallowed slowly, but Kalysta just tapped me lightly on the nose and laughed.

“Either way, I’m on the pill; a working girl like me can’t afford to be dragging a gaggle of munchkins around and there’s no way I’m giving up fucking. But you might still be able to put a bun in some other girl’s oven, if you put your mind to it. Use this power responsibly. Or, y’know, fuck her in the butt instead.”

She spun around in place and skipped off towards the bathroom like a woman whose legs hadn’t been made to give out beneath her just 20 minutes earlier. I simply shook my head and smiled – she’d given me enough virility to put pornstars to shame and I still couldn’t hope to keep up with her.

So instead, I stretched my own sore muscles and flopped back onto the bed, rolling over onto the side where Kalysta had just been lying and lazily breathed in her scent off my pillow. Life was good. Life was bizarre and overwhelming and still a little scary, but it was good.

God, my bedsheets looked like they’d just lived through an entire orgy.

As I laid back sleepily and listened to the sound of Kalysta running water in the bathroom, my eyes alighted upon the business card she’d handed me at the start of this impossible evening. I reached over and picked it up again, idly twirling it around in my fingers.

Καλλίστη Ρασκόπουλου, Πράκτορας της Έρις

Well, she was pretty epic, I chuckled to myself. But I was struck by a sudden curiosity about what the card actually said, so I hoisted myself upright and wobbled over to fetch my own phone and pull up Google Translate.

And this was why, by the time Kalysta came out of the bathroom again, my heart had sunk clear through the ground.

“This is probably not the sort of thing you expect to get compliments on,” the fairy said as she stepped around the corner – fully clothed again and barely looking like she’d been dripping jizz just minutes earlier, “but I swear you have the fluffiest towels I’ve ever used. I gotta ask where-”

“You don’t work for Eros.”

She froze stock-still, like she’d just been slapped; from home invasion to gender inquest to mind-blowing sex marathon, I’d never seen Kalysta look so off-balance. When she finally replied, it was a slow, almost mechanical thing. “I... do not.”

“Then why did you lie to me?”

“I feel obligated to point out that I never mentioned Eros even once. You jumped to that conclusion all on your own.”

“And you didn’t correct me.”

“Yeah, well....” Her mouth worked in silence for a moment, like she was attempting to swallow a piece of asphalt. “Saying you work for the goddess of strife and discord gives people certain... assumptions about your intentions, okay?”

Correct assumptions?” I could feel the elation of this impossible evening crumbling away in front of my eyes.

Kalysta Raskopoulou, Agent of Eris

I’d triple-checked the translation and consulted a dictionary and it was still unambiguous; there were no mentions of love or sex on her business card, but only to the very personification of conflict itself. Whatever designs that goddess – or anyone who worked at her behest – had in mind for me couldn’t possibly be in my best interests.

“So what’s the catch?” I asked bitterly. “Will I wake up tomorrow as a scrawny guy again and spend the rest of my life mourning what I hadn’t even realized would feel this right? Or am I just going to end up being blamed for the murder of ‘some dude who used to live here’ and spend the next four decades in a prison cell? I’ve read those stories, you know! Or maybe I’m going to discover that my family has-”

“Babe, babe, babe.” Kalysta crossed the room while I was talking and took my trembling cheeks between her hands. I flinched slightly, but even now couldn’t muster enough anger to pull away; the look of empathy in her piercing green eyes seemed so genuine. “There is no catch. Horkos strike me dead if I have breathed a single lie about anything else to you tonight.”

Horkos did not. I wondered if he was even listening.

“This is your body now, Alecia; even another nymph couldn’t take it away from you. But... you’re right.” She sighed. “I do work for Eris. A bunch of nymphs do. I mean, who gets to be picky about that in this economy, huh?” She tried to force a laugh; I found it hard to force much of a smile back. She cleared her throat.

“Well, you’re a smart girl, so I’m not going to beat around the bush. It is our job to cause conflict in the world of mortals. To goad people into making choices they’ll spend the rest of their lives regretting. That contract you signed’s just a legal waiver for our benefit; no one at head office actually cares if you understand what you’re getting yourself into. And, well, saddling a cis guy with a giant rack and menstruation problems for the rest of their life is a pretty reliable way of causing discord in their life; I even know a few nymphs who think it’s hilarious. Personally, I’m looking forward to seeing what they think of Tartarus as a retirement spot.”

She let out a long breath and the flash of bitterness that passed across her eyes left with it.

“I don’t like punching down – not when there’s so many people out there who deserve to choke on a rusty bollard. And I think far too highly of tits to ever want to stick ‘em on someone who won’t appreciate them properly. And so I found a loophole.”

She pulled out her cellphone and started swiping through stuff while she talked.

“I was hired to cause strife in mortals by plying my nymphic charms – to wile and seduce my way into sparking a little more discord in the world with every house call I make – and you know what? That is exactly what I do. The trick is: it isn’t you girls that I’m causing strife for. It’s this dude.”

She flipped the phone around and thrust it at me. There was an avatar of a Roman marble bust on the screen beside a Twitter profile approximately 40% dog whistles by volume. I skimmed the text distastefully.

Culture warrior, modern philosopher, gender realist. Will not be ‘cancelled’. I grimaced. “This dude in particular?”

“Well, him and a thousand others just like him – you know the type.” She pocketed the phone again. “Wanna know what really gets under the skin of people like this? Makes them gnash their teeth and write embarrassing diatribes at 4 in the morning? Women just like you. Women full of life and happiness and vibrancy in what they are. Woman more alive than they’ll ever be.” She snickered darkly. “Women who’ll never ever want to fuck them.”

“...so you fly around performing magical HRT because it makes transphobes angry?”

“Who doesn’t love making transphobes angry?”

“People like him being angry gets people like me killed.”

“People like him are going to lose, Alecia. Some year soon, woman like you will outnumber them 100,000 to 1 – you’ll be everywhere, in every walk of life, and there’ll be nothing they can do to stop it. There’s a culture war, alright, and I wanna make sure they lose it – one liberated cutie at a time. Management may not give a satyr’s hoof which people are at each other’s throats, but I do. And I’m not alone. Aaaaaand as a backup plan,” she demurred, spinning around on one foot, “there’s always the filing clerks.”

“Excuse me?”

“Oh, sweetie, do you have any idea how much paperwork I’ve fucked up for people out there tonight? Census bureaus, actuaries, the DMV, Equifax. A human life leaves a pretty long paper trail these days. Little tiny discords, scattered all across the globe.” She wiggled her fingers like smoke drifting through the air. “Fun fact: there’s a county in Iowa that once found so many gender errors in their records in the span of a single week that they rebuilt the whole thing from scratch. $40,000 down the drain on account of: too many hot girl.” She swivelled both fingers around to point at her smug little face. “My fault.”

I’d probably have been in awe if a different sinking feeling had not come over me while she talked. Even if I did get to keep this body... “Oh god, I’m going to be filing name change forms forever.”

“Not unless you’re feeling indecisive.” The incorrigible fairy flashed fangs at me. “I had a script ready to fire off as soon as you gave me your new name. So as far as the government is concerned, as of about... 40 minutes ago, you were always a girl.”

“You hacked the SSA!?”

“I’m proactive.”

I just stared at her – for a moment, too dumbstruck to even remember to be upset. And then my eyes slowly drifted down to the floor again.

I wanted so badly to believe what she’d said – not just because I couldn’t bear to lose what she’d given me, but because after being so intimate and vulnerable with someone for that many hours, it hurt to think I could have misjudged her so completely. I liked her – frankly, I was in awe of her. Was I just a patsy who’d fallen for a monkey’s paw with better curves?

“If you still don’t feel you can trust me right now, I won’t hold it against you.” Kalysta’s voice sounded oddly soft – almost apologetic. I wondered if I was reading too much into it. “Either way, I’m going to fly out that door in a few moments and you’re going to fall back to sleep and when you wake up tomorrow to the weight of your breasts upon your chest, you’ll get to discover for yourself what Alecia Winters’ life looks like. I just hope you’ll make it a gay one.” She winked at me. “I’ve got a reputation to keep, y’know.”


I felt my response die in my throat. Surely only a fool placed their trust in a literal agent of discord.

“I promise I’ll be the gayest girl you’ve ever banged.”

Apparently I was that sort of a fool – no, I was making the choice to be that sort of a fool for her. And I refused to regret it. I wrapped my arms around the fairy and squeezed so tight it almost hurt. “Thank you for everything.”

“Thank you, Alecia,” she replied, squeezing back just as tight. “For being a true sweetheart and a great lay and for, well... for being willing to believe I’m not my boss. Not everyone does, y’know.” There was a strange wistfulness in her smile. I couldn’t help but press my lips against it.

“But you’re still leaving,” I said as I pulled away from the kiss.

She nodded quietly.

“Will I... ever see you again?”

“I’m afraid not, kitten. It’s a big world out there; whole lotta eggs to crack. And I’m on a quota system.”

I clutched the fairy’s ass possessively and squeezed, like I was trying to imprint the feel of it on my fingertips. Kalysta just smiled gently and tousled my hair.

“There’ll be other asses, girl. I mean, none of ‘em will be this incredible, but I think you can make it up in volume; I’ve got faith in you. Plus next time, you get to top.”

She tapped me on the nose, then turned around and slowly sauntered over to my balcony door. I watched her leave with a strange detachment in my soul. She’d come into my life so abruptly and was leaving again just as quick – it almost seemed like a dream. But could a dream feel more real than the reality which preceded it? I’d spent just a few short hours in her company and yet I knew it might take years to fully process what had transpired tonight.

I watched her slide the door open. The night breeze made the her hair flutter wildly.

“I’ll never forget you!” I cried suddenly.

The fairy just laughed. “You better not! I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you! But in case you’re ever feeling sentimental, lemme leave you with a little memento of our time together.”

That familiar little smirk tugged at the corner of Kalysta’s mouth as she twirled something around her finger and then tossed it at me. I stepped forward to catch it and felt it squelch softly in my grip.

“Satin-Lycra blend, infused with 100% naturally-sourced nymph cum,” she chirped. “Yours to use in whatever perverse masturbatory fashion you desire. Or, y’know, to wear. I bet you’d look cute in them!”

“There’s no way my dick is ever going to fit inside your panties.”

“Oh, like the head of a girl’s cock peeking out the top of her waistband isn’t cute.” She stuck out her tongue at me and I couldn’t help but laugh.

This felt like a more appropriate send-off for the irrepressible gay whirlwind that she was – something raunchy and off-the-cuff instead of mournful contemplation. I smiled from the bottom of my heart.

“Best of luck out there,” I said, holding her gift against my chest.

“Girl, I make my own luck,” she replied, then stepped out onto the balcony and spread her wings. “Antío!

And then with a single bound over the railing, she was gone into the night. I watched the sky for a few minutes after she left, imagining that some speck of cloud or another might be her, but I never saw the nymph again after that. Eventually it got too cold to stay outside and I walked back into my apartment and closed the door behind me.

“What is Alecia Winters’ life going to look like?” I wondered as I flopped back onto my bed and pulled the blankets up around me, still clutching Kalysta’s panties in my hand.

“I guess tomorrow I get to find out. One little choice at a time.”

I was asleep before I even let them go.

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