A Place to Belong

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Orphanage

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It was a cloudy autumn day as a carriage speedily travelled on a rocky path. It entered through tall black steel gates, passed a black stone fountain, and stopped in front of a European-styled building standing three stories tall with blue roofs and yellowish walls.

Children's laughter could be heard in the distance as a man and a woman got out of the carriage. The woman turned back and extended her hand, but before she could do anything, an 8-year-old boy jumped out. Startled, she stepped back but the boy paid her no mind as he turned back and extended his hand. 

From inside, another head poked out, crouching down and clasping the offered hand as he slowly and carefully stepped down the steps. On the last step, the first boy extended his other hand as he lifted the other boy with some effort from under his armpits and carefully put him down with a shaky breath.


“Shall we go now?” the lady gently asked in a kind tone.


The first boy, with a blank expression on his face, nodded to her as the second boy clutched his arm. Tentatively, the second boy peaked up to reveal an identical face to the first boy. The first boy, Nathan, had nape-length dark chocolate brown hair and slightly downturned round eyes with enigmatic deep green irises, while the second boy, his younger twin brother, Ethan, had unruly short brown hair with warm amber brown eyes, just like a cute little animal.


They intertwined their fingers together as Nathan led his brother to follow the lady, Nora, a civil worker, to the third floor. Nora asked the man to keep an eye on them outside as she entered the orphanage director's office.


Although the door was poorly insulated, so they could hear the voices of the lady talking with someone, their words weren't clear, and Nathan couldn't discern their sentences. And because of the man standing guard, he couldn't get near the door.


Nathan shot an annoyed glare at the man but swiftly diverted his gaze as the man glanced toward them. 


Nathan is a Reincarnator. Yes, that's right. A Reincarnator. As in someone who died and then got reborn as a baby while still remembering the memories of his previous life.


At first, Nathan was very startled and didn't know what to do. He had one second, been a 27-year-old man, getting off his job, on the way to return to his lonely apartment. And the next second, a car swerved on the road, crashing into a van which sent him flying. But, he did not die from the hit. Instead, he fell on the road just in front of a high-speed truck which crushed his body.


All he could remember was the feeling of unreality. Everything happened so fast. Since the van was so close, he didn't even have the chance to dodge as he rolled over to the road. He watched as the truck crushed him. It was as if he could feel his bones breaking. But for some reason, he couldn’t scream.


And then everything was in slow motion as the crowd surrounded him. He could even see some people start to record on their mobile phones, their flashlights blinding him, and thunderous voices deafening him. The worst thing was he was alive when the paramedics and the police arrived, and he still didn't lose consciousness until he was put onto the stretcher and an oxygen mask was pulled on.


Maybe it was because at that time I couldn't release my emotions. 

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A red glint flashed in Nathan's eyes. He snapped out of his daze when Ethan clutched his arm, looking worriedly at him. The blank expression on his face softened with an imperceptible smile and there was infinite tenderness in his eyes as he clenched his hand back. Ethan reassured, smiled softly. Instantly a metaphorical arrow pierced through Nathan’s heart.


If it weren't for the extra person in the room, Nathan wouldn't have controlled himself and would have pulled Ethan into a bear hug. Instead, he used his free hand and put it over Ethan’s hand, which was grasping the sleeves of his warm brown sweater under his olive green cape coat.


Suddenly, the door opened and Nora came out. She whispered something to the man as he left. Nora crouched down, coming to eye level with the twins.


“Nathan, Ethan, from now on you will be living in this place. Here no one will hurt you and you can make lots and lots of friends, eat delicious food, and wear nice clothes. And you could even have a newer, nicer mommy and daddy. But you will have to behave and be good, nice, obedient children. Do you understand? Hmm? ”Nora asked in a sweet voice.


“Yes.” Nathan answered with a nod, which Ethan copied with a quiet hmm.


Looking at their cute actions, Nora couldn't help smiling. She took out two small leather pouches from her bag, handing them to Nathen. 


She has been with the twins for five days now and understands that when dealing with the twins she should address her attention towards Nathan and not speak with Eathen directly. Not only because Nathan would not allow it, but Ethan would also duck and hide.


Because of what they had been through, Nathan had an overly overprotective personality, while Ethan had a timid, meek, and antisocial personality and refused to communicate with anyone other than his brother. Talking to him is the same as talking with a rock, ince he gives a cold shoulder to all others except his brother.


Nora had tried to interact with him but had to retreat under Nathan's disapproving glare and Ethan's quiet rejection.


"Thank you for all you have done for us, Miss Nora."


Although Nathan said this, there was no gratefulness or attachment in his tone. It was the same nonchalance, with no fluctuations at all. This caused a shiver to run up her spine. Before a frown could appear on her face, she stood up.


At this time, a man exited the door adjacent to the director's office.

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