A prologue for a imaginary series

Chapter 1: Prologue to the prologue to prologue the prologue

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"You need to come with us" three people in orange striped suits cornered me. The guns in their suits indicate I don't have a choice. 

 I tried looking at the one closest to me in the eyes, but my gaze always rolled off, back to their hideous outfits. I don't have anything on orange, but I don't think it works as a primary on clothes, 'specially in May.

 "Can we not do this right now, kind of busy." I say holding up bags of cookout food.

 A gargled noise that I can only assume is a "No, but we'll deliver" came from the closest one when he snatched the bags and walked off.

 'That's unfortunate… Welp good effort me. Thank you me, I tried.' they led to an alleyway before shooting me in the head.

… … …

 I woke up to a setting sun on the edge of a cliff. The orange from the sun painted everything in a strange yet fake light. 

 "Helloo Hellooo hellooooo. Welcome back from the 'Waiting World' how was meeting the other 'actors'?"

 Sitting up I looked at the talking statue, its body was silver with orange veins etched into it. "Why can't you things let me live? That was my third life already."

 The statue's eyes glowed orange as it spoke "Stop complaining, you should be honored to be our entertainment, not everyone has the soul or capacity to do this. Plus you still have 8 'shows' left before you get to 'retire'."

 "So, what now, what's the world you are sending me to now? Last time was Naruto, is it another anime or book?" I say checking my forehead for a bullet wound.

 "I don't own those worlds, that's Silver, Black, and Grey's niche. No, you will be doing a task for me in my world. It's to prepare it for the hero, by making locations of interest, events, friends, villains, you could become the villain yourself as long as their story never stagnates."

 "Fuck, that sounds like a drag. Are there any other people helping to set it up?"

 "Only two… one and a half. So you both will have ample time to get strong and what not. 25 years and two wishes should be enough to prepare whatever. Any questions or worries?"

 I rub my temples trying to quell the slowly encroaching migraine from being in this space. 'The fuck does one half mean?' "25 years… as long as the hero doesn't sit still I can do whatever I wish, yes?"

 "Yes, create a harem, sleep, fight the in-world gods, I don't care."

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 I smile, as long as the world is not some extreme dystopia I can rest after a few jobs. "What is your world like? Does it have a name?"

  Its unmoving mouth became a smile when I asked this, I guess even they get excited sharing things they made…

 "The world's name is Blank. A high fantasy world with magic, demons, mana beasts, dragons, dwarves, and beastmen. Most of those have a longer life span, like humans normal being one-twenty not eighty. Six continents though only five were discovered by them so far, four other realms Lan, Mthunzi, Chaos, and Azra-El. Magic is used by most people, either by binding a weapon or tool or by using chants. Bound weapons slowly repair themselves with the user's mana and often get a unique spell, called soul Etensèl Did I mention the gods in the-

 I got lost in my lore… you should ask your last questions so we can get to your wishes. You can't stay here long."

 I dont think I'm going to retain most of that… "How will I know where the protagonist is to send problems his way? Or if he's born or if he's close to stagnating?"

"...We will talk in your dream every five years. Your wishes."

 The headache was making it harder and harder to think. "My old body from the naruto world in its prime, and the ability to take knowledge from others, select desired pieces, not the whole thing. I don't want to be an amalgamation of others souls and memories."

 "I can't give you your old body, that would require me to talk to Grey and I'm not doing that. I could age you up to your body's prime, twenty, make it like you aren't so chubby. Pick another power."

 I look at the sun on the horizon hoping to get an idea from it or something. It looked like it was pulling and consuming all the clouds in the area… "Can I transform into a dragon?"



"Clearly you have nothing I'll choose for you."

 "No, fuck uhh, Medusa? From Soul Eater, I want her powers." Were the eyes of the statue so bright before?

 "That's fine, just sleep for now."

 A sharp pain attacked my mind, I immediately blacked out and disappeared from the cliff with a statue on it.

 The sun continued to eat a never ending stream of clouds. The statue moved in a fluent manner sitting at a desk and chair that were not there seconds ago. "I really hope he's a good prologue for this. I really need Blank to work out…"

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