A prologue for a imaginary series

Chapter 7: 6. Tests

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The floating toddler sized cousin Itt thing took me to a room with three others waiting on the sidelines. "Wait here, in this room, someone will be here to evaluate you all." Finishing it's task the fur ball fazes out of existence 

 Sitting down I called out in my mind 'Hey, snake thing, if you don't want your tattoo to be stabbed and ruined I suggest you stop the soul protect.'

  'Wow self mutilation just to get me to do what you want? Aren't you the abusive boyfriend in this?'

 'Yeah, sure. And you are doing too much. Now those people are suspicious of me.'

 'Oh please don't give me that, they never trusted you, coming out a necro lair full of blood and shooting spells.' it undoes soul protect and the stuffy feeling I had goes away.

 'And by the way, even if you did stab my tattoo the only thing you would get is pain, it's not my real body. 

 Ah, but back on topic, you should try to do the protect thing on your own. You should have gotten a feel for it, unless you have brain rot.'


 I sigh and try the spell. It wasn't as good as the snake's, maybe around 40% was contained and the rest flowed out like normal. If I really concentrated I could get 50%.

 I didn't get far in practicing before a bald man with a salt and pepper beard and gray kilt came twirling through the door. "Hello everyone, I'll be the tester today, soooo let's get this done quickly" He looked down at a clipboard "Tomathy, Remmus, Neruo, annd Leonard come! We got testing to do to see you are fit for this job! Don't worry though it's nothing scary like fighting a Beliar, just some questions about your head space and strengths."

 He took the four of us to a large yard. "Alright we'll be doing some physical endurance after all it would be depressing if you died in the field because you are a terrible runner! So start running on the white line, till your heart explodes… figuratively of course. Hahaha!"

 Tomathy and Neruo were the first to end, I think they did 30ish but I wasnt counting for them. What was surprising was that I was still running, god did say he would make me less chubby but my legs dont feel tired at all. Even this after 50, i only stopped because I feared that i was actually in pain but couldn't feel it.

 Leonard, a blue tiefling, I think, with stubby horns was the only one still going, at a medium pace. The tester had to make him stop to do the next test. While we rested he asked and told us about the laws of this town and other need to knows. But it mainly focused on laws and handling disputes. 

"Ok I pretty much have a good read on y'all's physical capabilities. Buuuut just to make sure, one small test. This won't affect where I put you, however, it could check off a box that may get you promoted faster… It's combat." He summoned a club out of thin air.

 "You would be fighting me but don't worry, this is a test of your skill, I will limit myself. Any first up volunteers?"

 I didn't think I was up for a fight now. I only had vector arrow as an offensive spell. And although I think I am good with it, being able to curve or using the tail of the arrow to block, I was sure I would get my ass beat very quickly. Tomathy and Neruo glanced at each other, Neruo shrugged and Tomathy got up to fight. Leonard, who was already standing, asked where the weapons were allowed. To that the tester pointed to a weapon rack that totally wasn't there at the start of this.


 Leonard grabbed the spear and got in a ready stance. He muttered something under his breath giving his spear a faint red glow before lunging and unleashing several thrusts at the tester who parried and blocked them with the stick. Seeing his attacks fail, he went for a slash to the tester's legs, a line of red magic could be seen. Tester moved to the side before the line sparked and exploded, it wasn't big but it would have caused damage. The tester opted to dodge more than block after the dots and lines of magic continued. The chase went on but Leonard landed a hit by making a line thicker than the spearhead and detonating it immediately, it burned his sleeve but a shimmer protected his skin.

 "A hit, I'm going to attack now be prepared." Saying that tester swung back at Leonard. Blocking, the amount of explosions in the air grew, warding off many of the testers follow ups. But this didn't last forever, the lines and movements of Leonard grew slower and weaker and the match ended with a tap on the head from the tester's stick.

 "That was surprisingly difficult, you have good spear arts and your magic is very good at counter attacks. Did you have any prior training?" 

 Leonard leaned on his spear breathing "Yeah, I was, in, academy, Mylieg's spear and spell."

 "I see, well, take your rest, Tomathy you're up!" The two switched places and Tom materialized a short green sword with golden veins running through it and flicked it smiling at the tester.

 "You can attack, I want an actual fight." 

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 The tester shrugged and threw a rock at the cocky fighter. (when did he get a rock?) Tom batted it away easily and swung at the tester, who was nowhere close. A wave of green fire with gold ends rushed towards the older man. I saw his eyebrows perk up before it engulfed him. Before it could spread the flame was dissipated by violent winds. Seeing his enemy unfazed, Tomathy charged in with a horizontal slash, fire from the blade constantly spewing out. Their exchange was barely visible, green fire and dust blocked everything.

 Finally after two minutes of fire and wind blowing everywhere, everything died down revealing Tom looking very sour and the tester holding the green sword. "Remmus your next."

 I got up slowly. I don't have much knowledge on magic so I doubt I will be much of a fight. I'll distract him fighting up close and try to find a chance to shoot a vector arrow up close. My old combat style focused on speed, I don't have that anymore but fuck it. If that doesn't work I'll run away and pester him with vectors from a far because that'll totally work.

 Getting into a boxer stance I prepared myself. If I had another week I could probably learn a better spell to increase my chances but.

 'You say you need speed, I have just the right spell for you!'

 Before I had a chance to register what it said, a half a meter long thick arrow with eminence purple highlights appeared underneath me, flinging me at the tester. He didn't even bother moving as I crashed behind him.

 "Strange movement, no control…but no cast time" the tester mumbled 

 "Technical difficulties, I'm ready now." I stated getting back into stance.

 Another arrow was summoned underneath me, launched at the man I was prepared this time and charged a round house to his face, which he dodged under. The momentum putting me behind him I aim a side kick at his back blocked with his club. I aim another kick for his knee which doesn't even budge from the impact. Continuing the ineffective offense I throw a straight to his gut but stop mid way opening my hand and casting a vector arrow. 

 The spell went through with resistance, but through nonetheless. Blood fell to the ground and a deep cut was visible left below his rib. I retreated back so he could look at his wound. It only took a few seconds before he nodded for round two.

 He charged, club ready to bonk me unconscious. Knowing that I can't actually fight him in close quarters if he's attacking I urged the snake to make vector plates away from the enemy. Stumbling after getting flung back I fired another vector arrow which began our little game of cat and mouse. If he ever got close I would be flung away and he would then have to block arrows, sadly it didn't last long as I quickly ran out of mana and got a club to the ribs.

 "A bit cowardly, isn't it? To immediately run away at any sign of attack. With the moves you did I thought you would have been a fighter.

 Well whatever, Neruo, get up. Hopefully you don't do a complete switch to a weaker style midway through."

 Me and Neruo trade places. Neruo looked nervous, constantly glancing at Tomathy. Even when he molded a small golem from the floor.

 "When you're ready." The tester repeated, hopefully for the final time.

 The golem ran forward. It wasn't fast but it gave Neruo time to chant. Three spikes rose from the ground shooting at the tester. They lacked the power and speed the ones Lynn used and it was aptly blocked. The golem finally arrived punching at the other's knee, the man moved back, blocking several move spikes that were sent.

 Neruo said another chant, the golem jumped to the side of the tester and exploded, sending several more spikes.

 Seeing the extra spikes was stopped by a wall of air, the sweating Neruo gave up, saying he wished to do desk work anyway. Not hunt.

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