A prologue for a imaginary series

Chapter 9: 8. Headon

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The walk to Izuna was extremely boring. Leonard almost didn't talk at all, and Tom constantly rambled about fighting. 

 The snake didn't offer any new spells, content in watching me struggle on soul protect. 

 But eventually after catching a green bunny the size of a shih tzu and a few herbs from the ground because none of us brought food, we made it. We were greeted by an old lady, her tanned skin earned from working fields. 

 "Hello, Helloo, Hellooo! Thank you for coming, are you here for the Drokel or just passing through?"

 Leon pulled out the request paper, from the two days I've known him he has been the most organized of us. "Drokel."

 "I see, well you will be guarding our livestock. They always take them to their nest." 

 The elder guides us through the village, showing us the cows and a few pigs.

  "They have already killed five pigs. We fended them off a few times but they are fast. And our hoes and bows don't do much to them." She explained.


 Circling the pin area she finished up her monologue "But that's why we hire you people to guard our shit and kill the Drokel queen. So guard our stock till someone capable of killing the queen arrives."

 With that she leaves us with the sheep, not even giving us time to ask questions. Tomathy's face grew more annoyed with each step she took away, while Leonard stayed neutral. Come to think of it, he said he was from a school back during the test, maybe he knew something about these bugs and that is why he pushed this one…

 "The pins are not big. Only one needs to watch them. The problem would be constant watch. How do we split up? I suggest you two in the day and me watching the night, unless the bugs are nocturnal. Then I may need a buddy." I suggested to the two, trying to get them out of their thoughts.

 "Will you be able to pull an all-nighter and still be ok to fight?" 

"The king of it. But I do wonder where the inn or tavern is. Y'all want some food?"

 Asking an idle man I was directed to a wider hut than the rest, only a step away from being a longhouse. The inside had several tables but only one was being used by two men. Which made sense, it's around 2 P.M. most would still be working or busy with hobbies… that weren't drinking. 

 The barmaid was pouring two cups for the men sitting. "I'll be with you soon, just sit."

 With an order of three sandwiches for a white coin and two coppers I was back out. They took their food, thanked me and went back to watching the sheep. While I found a suitable tree close by to climb and watch from.

 'Hey snake, do you have a name? Snake would be boring to call you in, like, a week.' I looked at my sandwich pitifully, it only had vegetables and a bit of egg.

 'A name, no. I was made like three days ago. Why, you want to name me? Such a kind servant you are. *Fake crying noises*'

 Alright nevermind it's not snake, worm is your new name.'

 '*Gasp* the heartlessness! How cruel.' The hognose materialized, coiling around my arm and slithered to my lap dramatically.

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 'But in all seriousness a name would be nice. But it has to be something cool like Super Kami God, Ultra Kage, Qiān Rénmìng, or fucking Lord Jugemu-jugemu Gokōnosur-'

 "No, none of that, normal ass name." I cut it off, if I ever name something with such crazy titles I will time travel just to stab myself.

 'But imagine the fear I can instill! You- shrouded in darkness firing spell after spell accurately stabbing everything in its heart, and me- doing the exact same thing… but cooler!'

 "No, I will never allow it."

 No one said anything for a while after that. Just watching sheep, only when night fell and Leon and Tom left the snake speak again.

 "Hedon then. I want to be Hedon."

 "Like the ism? Why even that?"

 "I'm surprised you know what hedonism is. But no, it just sounds nice."

 Nodding "I can respect that. Much better than just 'snake'."

 "But worse than 'Eternal Blossom of Fiery Love'. Actually I want compensation for being baited, I never thought of a name until you asked and then you rejected it? I'm not going to teach you any spells until you meet my demands!" Hedon squirmed on the tree playfully.

 I doubted he could actually withhold spells since he was literally made to teach me by orange, but I decided to play along. "What do you want? Robbing me of the so few coins I still don't understand." 'I really need a book explaining the currency…'

 Hedon sways thinking of reparations. "Eight of those sandwiches but with way more meat." He flick his tongue. If snakes would salivate this would be the time.

 I don't know how much meat actually costs but with how little was on mine, it must be pricey. "Eight?! I need to eat too, my purse can't survive that. Pick something else"

 "Pah if you couldn't pay the fine why did you do the crime? Fine, then one of those big lizards you ate at the manor, it certainly is cheaper, yes?"

 "I don't even know where their habitat is, it would be weeks before you get your pay, the interest would be outrageous!"

 This negotiation continued till the sun came up and Leon came back, taking over the watch while I got some much needed sleep.

When I woke up to seven grotesque insects the size of an elk but no Leonard or Tomathy anywhere in sight, I asked the question every online gamer askes once in their life. "Where the fuck is my team?"

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