A Ranger’s Tensei

Chapter 13: Chapter 003 : First Things First In The Morning, Part.3 (End)

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~Point of View : Rudeus~








We all got prepared, with Paul sheathing his metal sword and bringing the wooden swords for us three, and Laws who is just waiting for us with his Bows and Arrows in the ready.




Paul's horse and Laws' is waiting for when we get out of the gate again, which I'm still feeling a little odd from getting out of.


Zenith : "Don't be late for dinner, honey!". Zenith sends us a safe journey as I'm being put above Matsukaze.




Getting a hold of himself above the horse, he waves at the women as we are now going out of home yet again. The only difference now being, is that we could possibly encounter these Beasts and gets injured in the process or experience something I don't want to experience ever again, Death.


Paul : "I'll try my best to skewer through the beast faster just for that, honey!"




I'll be riding with Laws, a total stranger which I really don't know where to start the conversation with since I can barely hold it in to ask whether he has a daughter or female acquaintances.


Laws : "Well then, see you two again!". He is a very friendly-looking guy and his attitude is that of one.




He waves at them once again, before heading off with us to teach us what they know of.


Paul : "Alright then, take care of the house for us. Hyah!"








The horses then starts to walk to then pitter-pattering the dry dirt that is untouched by civilization in ever.


Trekking back to a settlement with some wells and swings at the trees with the people living their lives out of their house near a flowing river and a bridge above it, Paul and Laws waves at them, and as the kid of this village manager, I and later Eyn waves at them with a smile.


Though I want to say something to them, the current speed at which we're going at doesn't allow us to stop without a full-on halt, and so we pass by them in a matter of seconds.




Laws : "Hey, Paul, can we go to my wife and daughter a bit?". He said something that I unconditionally got myself excited for, to have female friends that I can further develop a friendship with and turn them into the next level when we get to mature by a decade or so.




I stop myself from getting worked from this fact as I pinch my cheeks, seeing that I don't even know what she looks like or if she's an adult already, since Elves lives a rather long life. 'Ah well, maybe after we got back from this outdoor activity'




Eyn who is riding Matsukaze alongside Paul just beside us, notices this and almost got disappointed with this slight mention of his kid, in which he crosses his arm to tell me a No, No, NO.


Paul : "What for?"




We're going up, with the road getting a bit more steep.


Laws : "Just to meet them again, is there really any other reasons why?"




There is a visible lone tree that might suit me more if I want to go out and have a race with Eyn.


Paul : " Uh, yeah, maybe grabbing the Daggers and Swords you forgot, sure~!"




Getting down, there is a wide field of grains until some point they vanish from our side of view.


Laws : "Ah! You saved me there, so…"




Paul : "Yes, yes, we're going to greet them now, turning around, right awa~y…". He tells Matsukaze to speed it up a notch, and wind is now hurling at my ears as I get to feel what racing with a ride is again, since bicycles doesn't exist in the medieval era.








There is a certain beauty in not having a conversation and just enjoying the solemn along the way, as we let the horses do their jobs of having us switching places.




Minutes passes by along the road, and I see some house with a woman who's out drying grains in some sheets.


We got closer, and he drops first while putting me down, letting me get a closer look at her :


Black long hair that is covered by her wearing a farmer's summer hat, white smooth face that's not too plump for a mother of a child like Zenith has it, and brown eyes that is how I remember people from Japan used to have as the most often eye-color everywhere I go before shutting myself in my room for decades.


Dressing in a white and brown gown similar to that of a noble's cote down to her footwear, she looks like those farmers from Medieval Europe that are described as Peasants.




He approaches her with his arms open, as he hugs her and puts on a stiff face for once.


Laws : "Bea! Can I go and see Sylphiette?"




Her, seeing this, puts his hands away and notices that we're waiting for them.


Bea : "Sylphy!! Your Dad Is Here!"




Sylphiette : "Yes, Mo~m!!". A girly scream is heard from inside the house they're living in.




Laws : "Also, I have forgotten to bring the swords and daggers so, you might want to introduce yourselves to the kids as I grab them from the house". He walks past her as he goes to their house.




Bea : " *Sighs*. You're lucky you're with Paul". She closes in on us two, as she unveils her hat and bows down to our level.




This, of course, makes her Boobas bounce and I gulp down a hard to swallow saliva from being aroused to this.


Eyn : "(whisper) Oy, Get It Together!". Eyn shoved me like this morning when I stared at Zenith's.




I clear my image to not creep her out from my perversion.


Bea : "Ooh, seems that Paul isn't kidding when he said he got himself a twin. Nice to meet you two! I assume the big one is Rudy and the little one is Eynor, right?". She looks at us, smiling while patting our head.




Me and Eynor : "It Is / That's Right, Miss". We both answered in unison, in which she nods in agreement over something while facing Paul, with a satisfied look on her face.




She then later switches from being happy to a little regretful to us all, and bows down in apology.


Bea : "I am, Sorry for my husband's, Mister Laws' memory that serves you all a halt in your journey"




He puts her back from bowing, and steps back while putting his hands over both our head.


Paul : "It's alright, and it's better than having him in stitches when we got back"




She clenches her hands close to her chest, now feeling relieved that Paul isn't as mad as she might've thought he would be.


Bea : "… Yes, thankfully you reminded him of this"








There is an awful sound of a heavy something being slowed down in its road, and that turns out to be Laws, who is bringing with him his equipment and someone behind him.


Laws : "Sorry to keep you all waiting, because of this little one dragging my clothes her-"




Sylphiette : "NO!!! Don't Go, Please, Don't Go!". His daughter high-pitched scream turns my head inside out with stars, even after I cover them with my hands.

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Laws puts down his belongings and drops down to face her head on, which I don't clearly see what kind of figure she really is.


Laws :" It won't be long, no~w, it's just until afternoon or the night!"




Sylphiette : " *Sniffs*… Promise?". His words of encouragement for her to stop pulling him down works as she let go of his clothes.




Laws : "Promise". He looks at us and got his face brightened up a little, especially to us two. "Say, do you want to meet Mister Paul's boys?"




She cowers behind his father from our sights that is not able to see her looks.


Sylphiette : "No~… No, I'm scared that they'll throw mud at me again"




Me, seeing this opportunity of self-introduction, starts to take a step forward but is pulled by Eyn, who is giving a Stoic face.


Eynor : "Whatever kind of image you want to give to them, try to be sincere and nice, alright? It's for your own good, Rudy". He pats me as he walks alongside me. "Trust Me"




Seeing him act like he genuinely gives off an adult-vibe, I turn to the side as I agree that I have to abandon my immature side, or I can only go down again in this world, in a much and much worse way.


Me : "… I'll, *Inhales* Yeah, I'll try"




He smiled for me while closing his eyes, nodding a few times.


Eynor : "Good, now go on and greet her first". He shoves me to where Laws and Sylphiette are facing, making me unnerves myself from being weird and the likes.




I try to approach her, though she chooses to stay away from being seen by us all.


Me : "Hi There. Nice to meet you, I'm Rudeus Greyrat!". I hold my hand out for her to shake, and she hesitantly peaks her head to see it.




Taking a step closer to me, she finally shows her hand from his father's figure.


Sylphiette : "N-n-nice T-to M-m-meet, You I-I, My Name Is Sylphiette!". She stuttered way too much from what I expected, like an Introvert suddenly being thrust in society and told that he has to try to change for him to be able to live in such a world.




And that person, coincidentally, is me who used to be one, and I don't want to hurt her feelings by welcoming her hand.


Me : "Nice to meet you, Sylphiette! Your name sure sounds, Majestic, in my ears!"




Still having her looks veiled within her father's figure, she turns to face Laws while pulling his clothes from behind.


Sylphiette : "Majjeshtiik? What does that mean, Dad?"




This makes him close in to her to be able to say in a word to her.


Laws : "It means that you are Beautiful, and Rudy likes to be your first friend because of this"




Sylphiette : "F… Friend?…"




I took the initiative to be aggressive this time, and approaches her, who is still left agape from his father's words.


Me : "Yeah, I'd Like To!"







The scattering wind of the day shows what she fully looks like : The Purest Form of A Female Elf.


Her short emerald green spiky hair is almost like a rare phenomenon, similar to those of the albinos of animals, that is a sight to behold, and a treasure to hold. Her ruby red eyes which she takes off her father is attracting me to how clean from the ugliness of the world as a whole. Furthermore, her face is still that of a normal girl, though I have the hunch that given the time, she'll be the most angelic incarnation of a Goddess one can witness, and I want to be the one who savors it to my eyes first. And most important of all, Long Elf Ears.


She wears on her upper body a sleeved gray robed jacket that hides her face just now that have some caps for her to lock in place and a rope inside it that can further make it tighter. On her lower parts, she wears a black trouser with two yellow strips down to her thighs, and a pair of wooden sandals that seems inconvenient for running despite the clothing she wears as a whole. 'Whoah… What time of the year is it, really?'




She puts the biggest smile I've ever seen in a child's face.


Sylphiette : "Umu! I Want To Be Friends With You, Rudy!". She shakes my hands frantically, in result making me disoriented and swaying left and right after letting go of her hand.




Eynor : "Nice to meet you, Sylphiette. I'm Eynor or in short, Eyn, little brother of Rudeus in case you don't know who I am, since he doesn't get to introduce me to you". Eyn approaches us readying for a handshake himself while smirking at me for accomplishing a rather successful self introduction fully.




Sylphiette : "Yes! Let's Be Friends Too, Eyn!". She later handshakes him a rough one too, a little calmer this time.




Though that didn't stop him from swaying a little before getting besides me.


Paul : "Kids!! You finished yet?"




Eynor : "Coming!! Well then, let's get going, Rudy". He puts his hand off of my shoulder.




She now pouts while looking at her mother, getting her ears twitching up and down, reminding me of cats and dogs who're sad over their master's absence for a certain time.


Sylphiette : "Owh... Can we play when we meet again?"




We both nods and waves at them two a good day behind our back while running to our steads.


Me and Eynor : "Maybe after this, Sylphy! / This afternoon, Sylphiette!"




Arriving near the horses, I let my hands open for Laws to pick up and put me on his horse again.


The same goes for Eyn, and Paul gives me a wicked smile as he gives me a thumbs up.


Paul : "Nice, Rudy!"




Eyn lifts his shoulders, being neutral about this, though Laws stiffens his face from being unable to decipher our conversation.


Laws : "... PAUL...? What Do You Mean By That...?"




Paul shrugs like he doesn't want to reveal what it is we're talking about.


Paul : " *Chuckles*. I'm not telling you, where's the fun in that?"




Laws raised his eyebrows because of this, and later surrendering trying to guess what they are.


Laws : "Ngh, at least I get to bring my equipment"




He prepares to lead on the front again, as he commands Matsukaze to march on again.


Paul : "That you do, my friend. Hyah!"




*Clip-clop, Clip-clop*




We wave at the two who are seeing us wander off in the distance, with Slyphiette's smile giving me the energy to go with these adults who'll be bringing us to someplace we might be needed to be wary of in the meantime.




. . .

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