A Ranger’s Tensei

Chapter 28: Chapter 006 : Post-Bed Recovery (End)

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Awaken from my sleep, I feel the need to throw up my insides. 'Oh, you serious!?'

I descend from my bed, past the housemaid Aunt Lilia and make a run to the storage room, as it is the closest unoccupied room for me to open the window off.


I can hear Lilia getting herself out of her sleep, but I could not care less with the situation I'm in as of now.


With the window now in my sight line, I conjure Earthen magic to temporarily raises my level like some staircases from soft sands, and I let it all out.

Me :"Ngh!- *Pukes*… ". The scenery of the moon still dominating over the sheer radiance that the sun does lighting justice to most of the world helps me to cope through this process.

As I wait for myself to calm down, I can faintly hear footsteps outside the door.

Lilia :"Young Master Eyn! Do you need help?"


With her coming inside the room, I make myself a ball of water to clean my mouth off, as I undo my Earthen magic.

Me :"*Hiccup*. Sorry for that, Miss Lili-"

She checks my temperature with her hands in front of her forehead.

Lilia :"Oh, thank goodness, it seems as your sickness is slowly going away"

I touch my forehead with a palm open, and feel that it's warm as usual. 

Me :"… *Sniffles*. I can barely tell. Is the tutor still in her room?". I wondered since I had the hunch that she'll be gone in some months, what with us three skimming through her lessons day by day with high moderate of succession.

As I get the guilt of throwing up in some of the plants outside, I feel the need to go downstairs and clean them by myself.

Lilia :"No, she hasn't left this place yet, though you may know that you are left behind by just a day on her sessions". She follows me going out of the room, as she reminds me of Roxy's tutoring.


With the current state of me being fully awake. I remember the place I was sleeping from yesterday until today. 

Me :"So sorry that you had to take care of me in your own room, No less that you don't get to sleep in your own bed… "

Lilia :"*Giggle*. You remind me of Madame Zenith much rather than Lord Paul". She pats me who's down, and goes forward the stairs down before me.

I know that she'll be heating some of the leftovers while brushing the ground with a broom, so I think it's best if I'm not around when she does that. 

Me :"Well, I'll be getting outside for just a while if you're looking for me, Later!". I wave at her while letting my feet slides down the stairs one by one.

Jogging towards the exit while looking at how there are candles still lighting the room until their last breath, I turn the handle down after wearing my footwear of running boots.


The scenery is quite gray in terms of vibe and view, with the clouds still not clearing up, making me know it's around 4.30 A.M.

As the cold wind of the nearing Autumn season greets me on the outside, I am reminded of the one dream I experienced on my sleep.

I feel my chest with the heart's pumping blood works as usual, though I can't help but think that the blue-ish lights is an indicator of something that changed within me.

As I trek back to where the windows from the upper floor is located, I see the aftermath with the flowers and plants here splattered with what used to be inside of me just now. 'Ngh, got to refill my stomach after this'


Mimicing showers and water taps, I conjure Water magic with both palm directed to them as to scrub them off clean for the day.

As I feel like it's enough water sprayed to them, I put my hands away from their direction, and walk back to the insides of the house, before I get the sensation of wanting to test something. 'That thing… was it perhaps a breakthrough of my Battle Aura or Mana Capacity in general?'

And as it is quite early in the morning, I might as well try to take the water pot I always put in the morning, luckily it hasn't rained last night.

Approaching the gardens of vegetables and flowers and unripe fruits on some of the trees, I hype myself up with warming up my hands.

With the progress of us doing some weight exercises and calisthenics for muscle growth, I think it's not impossible for me to at least carry this thing by myself by dragging it across the ground. 'Here comes the freezer'

I put my hands on the sides, and feel the cold sensation sending shivers all the way to my spine, and decides to lift it up. '*Inhales*. Heave, Ho!… What?'

To my surprise, it isn't as hard as I imagine it be. Usually, it'll either be me making a temporary wheeler from Earthen magic or having Rudy help me out in the morning to drag it out to our house.

But now, the weight is, light. 

As I bring it with me towards my way back, I happen to chance upon the boulder for our power measurement. 

With my current power possibly advancing the next level, I might as well give it a try in the morning.

Putting down the pot, I conjure an Earthen sword, and feel like it's lighter in my hands like the pot does.

Standing in front of it, I sinker down all thoughts that'd weigh me down in the process of putting force on this motion I'll be doing.


I feel as if an invisible force is being coat throughout my body, noticably on the legs and arms.

As I pose myself with the sword up top, I open my eyes as to make sure I do not miss my very own moment. 'Downward Slash'


Winds are converging to all directions, and some of the almost hit my eyes, making me squint the both of them by reflex.


This sounds fairly reminiscent of brick walls getting crushed by some unstoppable force, and the boulder that is now torn in two vertically, falls down to the side.

Paul :"The Heck Is This?". I turn to see Father Paul rushing out of the house, seeing what's the commotion's all about. "Eyn? Did you just… sliced that boulder in half?"

I scratch my hair, and since I can't really ward myself off with childish excuses, I 

Me :"… Yes… ?"

Zenith :"Honey, what happened?". Comes Mother who's seem to be half-asleep, and Lilia who is shocked by what I did to this piece of rock.

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Paul :"… Aha… Ahahahaha… AHA~HAHAHA!!". Father Paul keeps on laughing hysterically, like a switch is now turned on inside of him as he can't process this much information early in the morning.

Mother Zenith puts her hand on his shoulder, beaming with concerns over his well beings after the laughter dies down.

Zenith :"D-dear…? What is-"

Paul :"Zenith. Get Us Our Training Swords". He puts on his stoic face to her, and she alongside Lilia looks at each other for a moment before bolting inside. 

Going outside again is the two who is bringing a pair of wooden swords, one for Him, and one for Me. 

And it seems like there's a beating just for me, waiting to happen by this talk. 'Uh… Oh Shit'


He drops down over the hand railing, with my swords in his left hand.

He throws it towards me, and I knew that the moment I catches it, he'll dash on to me using Sword God Style.

Paul :"Brace Yourself!!"


Just like I predicted, we are now 'clashing' by each other's 'blades'.

Me :"I just woke up from the bed, you big old grunt!". And what's more, is the fact that I am nearly on par with his strength.

I jump to the back and sees that he's crouching down, pointing his swords with eyes of a hungry hound towards me.

Paul :"Ooryah!"

*Thud, Thud!, THUD!!*

Within a second, a distance closed in, and I know by experience that it's time to use this technique appropriate to someone of his size. 

Me :"Anti-Thrusting Technique!"

With my leg locking his sword in place, I feel him forcing the sword to pick up the pace again.

Paul :"Too Soon For That!"

I feel my body being flung to the air, and I sense that he's striking the stance like a batter is going to do.

Me :"Why You-". Now that it has escalated to this, it's no time to pull the punches even if it means injuries will happen. "Khh, Shockwave!"


He grins widely as he sees the Wind magic coming towards him and evades it to the side while I go on to land myself safely, rolling forwards after the fall as to minimize the pain done to my bones. 'Khh, this isn't exactly what I had in mind after getting up from bed!' 

I see him going for a run up with his hand for a downward slash, looking ecstatic throughout the fight.

Paul :"Here Comes-". Though I van care less with my full energy being put as to end this fight, first and foremost.



As I parry his one strike, I do a 180-degree turn as I swing my sword towards his arms, as to Disarm him with one of Sword God Style's Technique : Arm Chop. 

Me :"FUCK YOU". I put everything I got in this one swing, and sends to him my regards boiling with anger.


He drops his sword down, with his dominant right hand almost as if they're recovering from being hammered.

Paul :"Akh!". I decide that it is not enough, and think it's best if he gets to feel the cold by himself through the morning, and I sweep him to his feet with a kick on the back of his ankles. "Oww! Wait Wait Wait!-"

I strengthen my right arm, aiming to the veins on his neck. 



With him now slump on the grasses with his tongue out and eyes rolling back up, it seems that the 'Paralyzing Strike Technique' still works even with a caliber of my size. 'Serves you right for being a battle maniac'

I turn to see Mother Zenith, who is still having her eyes half-open in her pajamas while her hair is untidy and Lilia, who's looking ashamed from her employer lying on the ground as she scrubs her eyeglasses.

Zenith :"So, Eyn… is he asleep?"

I give them the thumbs up as he is asleep. 

Me :"Umu!"

Mother Zenith scratches her hair, and goes back inside, now not caring for Father Paul's well being.

Zenith :"Figures… I think I'll leave him be"

Me and Lilia :"Agreed / Agreed". I who is closing in on the door is met up by Aunt Lilia, as she snickers with me on my victory.


And within the span of a day, he now gets to be the one that is bedridden until morning comes. 

. . . 

. . . 

. . . 

I thought that with this incident happening, he'd harden the physical training that I'll be enduring day by day. 

And he does just that, with a spar that'll occur every single day.

Making me feel uneasy every time he's at the edge of my throat, I get to display all kinds of Defensive Techniques that the others regarded as 'unique' and 'newfound' just to knock him out of his consciousness. 

It doesn't take long for us two to reach Advanced on Swordsmanship, including North God Style.

Our body is getting somewhat buff for kids almost nearing their 5th year, and I'm pretty baffled on how I get to experience this again for the second time.

There are moments where I'd be alone with Sylphy and Rudy on the forest near the river, teaching them some Martial Arts for self-defense purposes, though it's because I thought it's best to be passed down to them who might as well be betrothed in the near future.

Chanting Magic, aside from Teleportation and Summoning Magic, have now been kept on hold at Advanced with spells and magic theories learned through and through for us two, and Sylphy can only get so far with us two being prodigies in both talent and skills.

On some ruins outside the house, I practiced on my own on new ways as to cast magic, that is Invisible and Indirect towards my target. They don't bear results currently, and when it's time for Roxy's teaching session, I have them to help me with this idea of mine. 

I had a hunch that it'd be best if I get to cherish these days, as a Premonition just happen to chance within my mind, that I'll be venturing outside the village for whatever reason it is.

. . . 

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