A Reader Journey

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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 Sitting on a bench in the middle of the park, a 17 years old boy with a rather muscular body, was wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans, he has black hair and purple eyes, and he groan as he look up into the blue sky.

 I am currently very stressed, 'why me' I groan to myself with a dark look on my face.

 'Why did I get transmigrated into this godforsaken world' I thought barely able to contain my anger.

 As you can guess I am not a person from this world, 

 I was just a normal person, having a normal life, I am average, so average infact I was single like most of the readers reading this story.

 But one day when I've gone to sleep, just to be woken up in some stranger's house, with clothes that look just straight up horrendous.

 Like a pink shirt that said 'I am fabulous' and yellow pant, I thought I've been kidnapped by some kind of 3rd rate fashion designer and was being forced to become a dressing dummy.

 Fortunately or unfortunately depending on which way you look at it, I have not been kidnap, but I have been transmigrated.

 How did I know? Well had it not been for the memories merging progress that cost me a splitting headache that lasted 5 hours, plus another 2 hours of puking in the toilet, I wouldn't have figured it out.

 I figured out I have been transmigrated into a novel that I have read before called [A Hero Regret]

 It was a novel about cards... You heard me right CARD, well let me explain.


 Like 190 years ago something happen to Earth, trees were growing in the middle of the city, and it only took a couple of hours before the city became a forest,

 Giant tree growing in the middle of the sea,

 Inhuman creatures start appearing, like goblins, Giant Wolf that have the size of a tank, Fire breathing GODDAMN DINOSAUR, and they decided they want genocide, so they went and kill humans.

 The Human tried to defend themselves, the keyword 'tried', their weapon could damage and kill some weaker monster, but they couldn't even damage the stronger one.

 So what could they do? Well being the idiot that they are decided to nuke the place...

 Many cities have fallen, either by the monster or their own goddamn hands, and all hope seems lost until a protagonist-like man appears with powers unseen before, a Soul Fighter that what he call himself, with a wave of a card, a giant monster appeared and fought back other monsters, it follows every command the protag- I mean the man gave it.

 Then more and more Soul Fighters appear around the world, and they start to fight back against the monster.

 The power was called [Soul Card], the card was a manifestation of their soul only some lucky individual could become a 'Soul Fighter', each Fighter can manifest up to 3 soul card.

 1 soul card would already be occupied and 2 blank cards.

 Some people theorized that the 1 occupied soul card was their soul manifest into a different form, some said it was their guardian spirit, while some just straight up said it was the devil's work and tried to destroy the card...

 They captured monsters and did experiments on them, they found out they could use a blank card on the monster who was willing to submit to them.

 This caused a big commotion for the Soul Fighter, they started hunting monsters left right and center, but the monster was unwilling to submit, some resorted to threat, while some just torture them.

 Then another calamity came, because of course it already isn't bad enough. Demon, Undead, and humanoid monsters with intelligence started appearing, no but that is not all it seems like they have Kings, and they will mold the world into a more fitting environment until their kings arrive.

 Sh*t went from bad to worst, human was dying at an alarming rate, and all hope seems lost once again... Until another protag- *cough* I mean until some other races save them.

 Elves, Dwarves, Merfolks, and Beastmens appeared with shining armor... Save the human.

 The 4 races call themselves the Holy Alliance, it seems like something happen and merge the two worlds, the world is still slowly merging, according to them the monsters are not even strong enough to be canon fodder was making a joke out of them, and much stronger enemy will appear later as the merging progresses.

 They explain the story, how their planet used to be peaceful until the fire na- *cough* until the three kings attack.

 The Monster King, The Undead King, and the strongest of the three The Demon King.

 They are forces of evil and are trying to conquer the world and enslaved all of the race living in it.

They invited the human race to join their journey to defeat the kings because human was 'Special' 

 Each race in the alliance has something special about them

 The Elves have amazing knowledge about magic and nature

 The Dwarves are masters of the smith

 The Merfolks are the master of swords and spears, all because of the amazing technique they created.

 The Beastmens are physically strong and are natural-born masters at hand-to-hand combat, they also develop some amazing martial arts.

 Now the Human with their magical and mysterious Soul Card with a lot of untapped potentials.

 The other races train the human and help them look into their mysterious power.


 Most people now don't know about the three kings though. Only the top 500 of the Soul Fighter ranking and the higher up of the Holy Alliance know this.

 Why? Because they don't want to cause the people to worry, true that they are currently in a hard time, but explaining to them would only cause mass panic and the normal human would constantly ask the Alliance or the Spirit Fighter to do something like they aren't already trying.

 The Holy Alliance is currently amassing its force for the upcoming war.

 "Now what the f*ck should I do" I groan to myself.

 Getting transmigrated to this goddamn forsaken novel was hell.

 Why is it so bad? Well, no one is bloody safe in this novel.

 Protagonist best friend? Dead!

 Protagonist teacher? Dead!

 Protagonist girlfriend? DEAD!

 Protagonist wife and daughter? DEAD!

 Protagonist mom, dad, sister? DEAD!

 The guy the Protagonist talks to for 10 minutes at the beginning of the novel? DEAD!

 Heck even the Protagonist died in the final arc against the kings


 Victor with all his might thrust the sword into the Demon King's chest,

 The Demon King coughs out a mouthful of blood and lets out a small chuckle. "Y-you finally did it, you defeated me... Tell me... Hero, how does it feel."

 Victor looks at the Demon King with his cold and uncaring eyes, "Not enough..."

 Victor pulls his sword out of the Demon King's chest, he takes out a potion from his pocket and slashes it at the Demon King. 

 The Demon King was not surprised by this, Victor strike again, cutting his arms and legs.

 "Why aren't you screaming," Victor asks with anger in his eyes.

 The Demon King looked to be in pain but he held it in, not letting a scream or groan out. Even in this pain, he smiles "You may have defeated me... But that doesn't mean you've won, your goal wasn't to save these people, your goal was revenge, and I won't let you get the satisfaction of that"

 A giant magic circle appears beneath them, and a maniacal smile appears on the Demon King's face.

 "The war doesn't end here, Hero. Do you think just because I die the war will end? Hahaha you're too naive, my people will continue the war in my stead, and someone will rise above the others, that person will be the next Demon King"

 A scornful look appears on Victor's face as he strikes down on the Demon King, discarding his word, Victor no longer cares anymore.

 He just wants the Demon King to suffer.

"Hahaha the true war will start with our death"


 With one big explosion, both the Hero and the Demon King have fallen.


 'My luck is terrible' I thought to myself.

 I look at my watch

 [Zane Merlock

 Age: 17

 Occupation: Student of Relic Academy, Soul Fighter in Training

You are reading story A Reader Journey at novel35.com

 Soul card: 

1. King of Blood - Gwyar (Unranked/Diamond)

2. Blank,

3. Blank]

 It has been a month since I transmigrated here, and I've been training none stop.

 If I want to survive I need to suffer for it, fortunately, my body is as fit as an elephant.

I wonder how mom is doing', after coming here and got transmigrated into this body I can't help but feel guilty, even though I got his memory and emotion, I just can't stop feeling guilt, what happen to him? 

 I had to pretend to behave like him in front of his family, I can still feel his emotion, his love for his family, after sending a month with them I can't help but also fell in love this this family.

 It was something I never had in my old world, then I stop behaving like him, I start to act like myself once again, they didn't question it, they seem happy infact that their son was more out going and energetic. 

 The Original Zane was a training maniac, he keep himself inside the house and trains for hours on end, despite for a chance to awaken and become a Soul Fighter.

 I still feel guilt about taking over their son body, but it not like I can do anything about it, I didn't ask to be transmigrated here, I may be the person that took over his body but it wasn't my choice.

 But I am also happy that I was transmigrated here, I got the feel the warmth and love of family, it was... wonderful.

 A couple days after the transmigration, I awaken and became a Soul Fighter... 'my' family was happy for me, seeing how 'my' hard work paid off.

 I know I couldn't wallow in guilt, after all if I want to survive and protect the thing I care about I need to become stronger.

 'Luckily I didn't come here cheatless' I took out my Soul Card and look at it.

A transparent screen pops up

[King of Blood - Gwyar

Type: Symbiotic

Element: Blood, Shadow

Potential: Chaos

Overall Power: E-

Strength: F

Agility: F+

Endurance: F

Magic: E-

Ability: Regeneration (Passive)]

This screen only I can see it, there isn't anything like this in the novel, I've also tested it on the wild monster it also works on them, usually one must make the monster submit or acknowledge them to use a Blank Card on them,

Then they would go to an appraisal center to check its potential, this only work with the monster in Card and not the wild monster, what worst is that you only have 3 Soul Card, well 2 if you don't count the already occupied card once you awaken.

If you get one with trash potential then it would be devastating, because you will be stuck with it forever.

There are 3 types of cards in this world.

Summon, Armament, and Symbiotic.

Summon are the most common, they just Summon the monster.

Summon monsters come in many shapes and forms, whether it's a {Harpy}, {goblin}, or even a {succubus}.

 Armament is rarer when the Soul Card is used, instead of summoning a monster, the Armor will cover to user's body, the user will gain the all physical and some magical ability skills and strength of the Armament Card to fight, and the Card can't speak or make any noise like the Summon but the user can feel the Card emotion when equipped.

 One usually obtains an Armament Soul Card by making heavy armor monster submit, monsters like {Living armor}, {Dullahan}, {Death Knight}, or any monster from the heavy armored category, but they won't always be guaranteed.

If you try to get an Armament Soul Card and go after the monster from the heavy armor category then the chance of you getting one is 1/20.

Which is a really bad chance considering you only have 2 Blank Card.

Then the rarest the Symbiotic type, when used instead of armor or equipping anything, it will be the user's body that changes, whenever they gain a third eye, their skin turns green or they just straight up turn into a furry. 

 The user race will also change whenever the Card is in use, the user could become a {Vampire}, {Demon}, to even a {Golem}.

 The user will gain the physical and magical capabilities of the Card, the user body will also change and develop the more the user uses the Symbiotic Card.

 To even be able to use some weaker version of the Active skill and ability even without using the Card, and the Passive ability from the Symbiotic Card is always on even when not in use.

 Also the fact the user can hear a voice inside their head.

 They can obtain this by making any monster submit the rest is all luck the chance of getting a Symbiotic is 1/500.

 And then the Potential goes from Unranked - Iron - Bronze - Silver -Gold - Platinum - Diamond.

 There is also Chaos Potential but humans haven't gotten there yet.

 Potential is how strong the Soul Card can become, the more monster you kill, the stronger the Card becomes, basically using the monster's soul to nourish the Soul Card.

  From the information he have collected from the status screen so far was

 Unranked stat is F - E

 Iron is D

 Bronze is C

 Silver is B

 He haven't seen any Rank above Silver yet but seeing this, he could guess what the next is going to be.

 Gold would be A

 Platinum would be S

 Diamond most likely to be SS

 Chaos would be SSS, but this may not be correct because he haven't seen a monster above Silver Rank yet

 Humans still didn't know there was a rank above Diamond at the moment, their technology couldn't detect it because it isn't known so my rank on the watch said it was Diamond. But they will know about it in the future.

 Now it sounds tempting but Chaos is bad news.

 Especially when it is a Symbiotic type, Chaos Potential tends to go Rampage when provoked, or when the user is heavily injured.

 If it is a Summon or Armament type the user can just unsummon them

 But for Symbiotic the user would lose all reasoning and will think the answer to everything is genocide and will do it with a smile on their face.

 'What should I do' I am really worried I might so berserk and decapitate someone and eat them whole.

 With the title King of Blood, you can never be too sure.

 'According to what I have so far, King of Blood Gwyar is a Vampire type Symbiotic, and he is very sadistic, everytime I was fighting a monster or anything, he would go and say to break their leg, gouge out their eyes, crush their manhood until they beg more mercy and then swiftly end their miserable existence'.

{"Oh quit being such a Drama Queen"}

 'Another bad part about Chaos Symbiotic that wasn't mentioned in the novel, is that they can still talk inside your head even if the card isn't active'

 I could hear a chuckle inside my head {"Stop being reliant on that novel knowledge of your, after all this is the real world little man, things would be different, not to mention your entire existence will and probably already has derailed the future you know, but I guess that is what make it more... Exciting"}

 I shivered at every single word he said, 'I hate your voice so god damn much'

 I am not kidding, his voice sounds like he is currently aroused and wants to r*p* some little boy.

 He is currently giving Hisoka vibe and I f*ck*ng hate it

 {"That man from your memory has some fine taste"}, 'Please god stop talking you creepy f*ck'

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