A Record of Ash & Ruin: The Grieving Lands

Chapter 15: Chapter 14 (II) – The Master Dwarf

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Of all the other races I find the dwarves closest to us the race of true men. Though slightly longer lived they are not as eternal as the elves, yet for all of that, they have always seemed to me to be more solid, more of the earth. What truly brings us close is our love for the fruit of the deep ground, the sparkle of gems, and the lure of gold. It is through mutual greed that we find common parlance.

- Attributed to Duchess Jessalyn the Unifier of the Lost Duchy circa 240 AC

I gripped my mining pick in my hands, its solid weight comforting to me. Attacking the guards now would be foolish, I needed more information before I could make a move. Gripping the handle harder I trudged on vowing that I would someday be free.

Slowly we descended down the gaping maw of the mineshaft, the air cooler as we proceeded further down. Wooden solid support beams held up the shaft at regular ten-meter intervals, and echoes of our footsteps and clanking chains could be heard down the passage. A dull blue light shone from the ceiling of the shaft, an opal-colored gem emitting soft pulsing light. My curiosity got the better of me and I decided to cast Identify on it.

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