A Record of Ash & Ruin: The Grieving Lands

Chapter 19: Chapter 17 II – Talk of the Past

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Dragonroot harvested in the depths of the most primal forests is jealousy guarded by the great Jaderock bees. According to the observations of the researchers of Quas, these giant bees need the poison produced by the flowers to raise one of their number to a new queen. Dragonroot, also known as the Widow’s Mercy, is much sought after in many alchemical concoctions. According to legend the dragon slayers of old coated their weapons in a paste made from the root to slay their scaly foes.

- The Fanciful Travels by Beron de Laney 376 A.C

When finally my shifts were over, the exhaustion I felt could still not quite dampen my good spirits. I made sure to hide my smile from the guards who looked at me as if I was deranged, and I made sure to smile at each slave who met my eyes too. Some of the poor slaves even hesitantly smiled back.

“You look to be in good spirits boy, did something good happen in those godforsaken mines? Maybe you poked about in a different shaft!” Adita jibed jovially, laughing at her own crude joke.

“No, no madam Adita. Nothing of that nature, but I see that this evening’s meal looks as delicious as ever,” I replied adroitly, my good spirits lighting my eyes.

“Told you I’m not a madam, not one of those high-nobility types, and flattery will get you nowhere!” she cackled as she dolloped an extra portion into my bowl. “Old Monta caught himself a little delicious Rockcrab by the Latifundium, threw that in today.”

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