A Reincarnated Demon’s Tales of Wonder (Prototype)

Chapter 71: [Arc 2] Chapter 18: Mira the Swordswoman

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"Haaahh. Okay, so that mecha heart, the 'Eternal Heart of Mizatto', can dry up the life force of a whole country, create mutated monsters if used in the right way, and it's stolen by the worst group of criminals on Terra Sol, but it's under lock by a seal, that your uncle asked the gods to help him with. Is that all?" - Garami

"I think so?" - Mira

Don't think, know it. Geez, this thump-thump is a real headache, despite being a heart. And wasn't there something strange in that summarize?

"Wait, why didn't the gods help your uncle in destroying the heart, instead of sealing it? That would be better in the end." - Garami

"Uncle wanted that too, but... it's too sturdy." - Mira

"...Too sturdy even for the gods?" - Garami

I mean, we're talking about fellows that can curse an orichalcum wash pan to oblivion, simply as comedy relief. 

"I don't know. Uncle made the heart by a mistake, which he forgot to record. He also used some unique materials for it, so it wouldn't be strange for it to turn super strong, right?" - Mira

"Don't 'right?' me! And what were those materials? Even if it was made by a mistake, if we can figure out what the heart was made of, we can figure out how to find, and break it." - Garami

"How do you expect me to remember that stuff? I'm a Swordsman, not a crafter, I had the list of materials written on a note. Are you an idiot?" - Mira

"The idiot here is you! Why do you carry the material list of one of the world's worst items on you?" - Garami

"Ah! You called me an idiot! Hmph, I always carried it in my Item Bag." - Mira 

"You do! Then show..., why did you say 'carried', as in past tense?" - Garami

"Well, ehm, you see..., I lost my Item Bag, alongside the rest of my food and water, to the Skeletons I talked about before. Tee-hee." - Mira

......What is this Sprite even doing? Speaking of which,

"Strange that you lost to them at all. From what I can see, you could give even Levi a run for her money." - Garami

"Eh, I can? How do you even know that?" - Mira

"It's a skill different from [Appraisal] that I have. Speaking of which, when are you gonna turn off that blocking skill? I want to have a look at your stats and skills before anything else." - Garami

"Oh, okay. But to think there was someone that raised that dead skill so high..." - Mira

Just what skill did you call dead there, lady? That's the one I got from Skvalv, so apologize!

If her status page isn't too weird, then I'm planning on joining forces with her to destroy the Disaster of Life. Having something like that roaming around on the black market is like asking for an international catastrophe. 


Mira Aureola

Race: [Water Sprite]   | Level: 14

Karma Value: -97

Skills: 18

Titles: 3

Skill points: 2.4


Main Class: Swordsman LV31

Sub Class: Spy LV12

Sub Class: none


HP: 81/81   | MP: 201/201 + 20   | SP: 67/67

STR: 162   | VIT: 101   | MAG: 50

RES: 49   | SPD: 88  | DEX: 76

INT: 130   | LUC: 95




Ability Skills: [STR Enhancement LV5]

Attack Skills:  [Sword Arts LV36] [Magic Sword Arts LV4]

Magic Skills: [Water Magic LV8]

Active Skills: [Espionage LV2] [Silence LV7] 

Passive Skills: [Swordsmanship LV50] [One-Handed Swordsmanship LV3] [Swordsman's Knowledge LV3] [Dodging LV27] [Swimming LV16] [Fishing LV11] [Magic Talent LV8] [Hiding LV19] 

Resistance Skills: [Water Resistance LV22] 

Perception Skills: [Appraisal Blocking LV8]

Racial Skills: [Mana Conversion LV18] 

Elements: [Water Element LV27]



[Title Page]

[Haunt Conqueror]  [Monster Slayer]  [Sea Slayer] 


Her stats may be lower than Levi, but Mira's skills easily overcome the difference. I mean, [Swordsmanship] at LV50, is this a joke? 

The [One-Handed Swordsmanship] skill is a derivation from the normal [Swordsmanship] skill I just mentioned and is obtainable after using a One-Handed Sword for a certain amount of time and raising the original skill to its max level. More derivations are also available if one uses other types of swords.

[Swordsman's Knowledge] is a class-exclusive skill, that increases the power of sword-related moves of any kind. I asked Mira about it, and she told me that all the weapon-type, warrior classes gets such a skill at class level 30. The nasty thing about this skill is that it extends to any type of weapon that even resembles the original, meaning that [Swordsman's Knowledge] can be used on even daggers and knives. 

[Espionage] is a Spy-exclusive skill, that makes the skill holder perceived as someone that's not a threat. It's like, [Stealth] and the other skills of the family line are for not being noticed, while this one is for not being seen as a threat.

The [Appraisal Blocking] skill is something she gained during her childhood, and it allowed her to take up the Spy class. The skill's long history can be seen in how it's at LV8. No wonder it could hide almost everything on Mira's status page, even with my skill at LV8. The limit for these Appraisal-skills is at LV10, except [Appraisal Disguise], who don't have a level.

[Magic Sword Arts] is interesting. It can charge a magic skill into a blade and then release it at a zero-range distance. From the looks of her stats, I deduce that Mira only got those magic-related skills of hers for that skill.

[Dodging], [Swimming], and [Fishing] is obvious, but the second and third betrays where Mira grew up. That, and the [Sea Slayer] title.

"So you lived in a port town then?" - Garami

"How did you-! You can appraise even titles?!" - Mira

"Is that weird?" - Garami

"Weird?! Of course, it's, well, not that strange when I think about it, but there has been barely a few dozens of [Appraisal]-users that reached the level of being able to appraise titles. You usually use the highest-ranking appraisal lens' to do that. or the special equipment that the town guards and Guilds possess." - Mira

"Just wondering, how high is the 'highest-ranking'?" - Garami

"High enough to cost as much as a night at the best inn to borrow it one time. Many adventurer-parties go together and buy one for their party to share though, but only the exceptional parties can afford a lens with the same Appraisal-quality as you have. There's not many with the aptitude for [Appraisal] after all, and those who do have it, can't pass LV3 or 4 since the skill is too hard to level up from the first levels." - Mira

I guess I'm talented then. Most of the honor goes to Skvalv since he gave me the skill at LV5. Maybe I can get some work as a professional appraiser? Nah, the Guild would just come after me, either to complain or to recruit me.

"How many times did you raid a haunt by the way?" - Garami

I'm referring to the Haunt Conqueror title, which is granted when you clear 5 haunts and gives you an additional 3 skill points.

"That? Can't count. My hometown had a haunt close by, kind of a tourist attraction. It was filled with sea-based monsters, since it and the city were close to the ocean, and could be cleared by a group of 4 D-ranks, even when protecting two brats." - Mira

"So, you were one of those brats then?" - Garami

"Not only me but all the others in the orphanage too. Uncle Wayvol and three of his adventurer friends used to take us with them when they raided the haunt so that we could get fighting experience, and a skill point as well. I took the trip several times, even sometimes together with some adventurers, after I trained in the Swordsman class." - Mira

I see. That's why she has that many skills and two second-stage classes, those who need a minimum of 7 skill points to obtain, Maybe that's how humanoids get their skills and other advantages over wild monsters. I only have my amount of skills due to evolving so many times.

"Even so, it's difficult to challenge haunts all the time. There can only be one party at a time inside those, and there may be times when they're inaccessible due to low aether in that area." - Mira

"Oh yeah, haunts run on overflowing aether where they are located." - Garami

Then it's impossible to farm those things for all eternity then. Hey, wait a sec!

"Then why are you so low leveled then?" - Garami

"Huh? This is normal for a Sprite. We don't have any great powers on our own, and it's difficult to train our levels the normal way because of that. Getting strong skills first is a must for our race." - Mira

The Kigal-Note said something similar too. Are they incapable of using most of their stats then?

It may not be the best compensation in the world, but they have a large amount of MP when compared to other creatures of their level. Their Racial Skill can use that MP as a cost for their skills, instead of SP, or whatever it would need. It also reduces the needed MP for skills that use MP in the first place.

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"Regardless of that, how did you lose to those Skeletons then?" - Garami

"Ugh, I was hoping you had forgotten that by now..." - Mora

"Well, I didn't. Therefore, spill it." - Garami

"Aah, fine! I was taken by surprise by a Skeleton Thief!" - Mira

"Skeleton...Thief?" - Garami

That's a new one. Wait...

"Did it use the [Steal] skill on your sword or something?" - Garami

"YES! It got my beloved Cobalt Edge on the first try! Then another Thief took my item bag as well!" - Mira

That must be the worst outcome for Mira, who can only be on the top of her game with a sword. She could only escape, but her map was inside the stolen Item Bag, so she got lost until we found her.

"Cobalt Edge. I'd always wash it before going to bed, my Cobalt Edge... My precious sword, who I'd always hug to sleep, my Cobalt Edge..." - Mira

Okay, sleeping while hugging a sword is dangerous, so stop that. That sword was that important to her? There's gotta be a catch here...

"*sob* My luck is never any good. All the rewards from the haunt raids turned out to be stuff I couldn't use or dupes of the lowest rank... Cobalt Edge was the only item I got from the repeated raids on the haunt..." - Mira

Ouch, the Desire Sensor is nasty with this one. Mira continued to cry while complaining about her bad luck and proclaiming her love for that sword. Her LCK stat isn't that bad, but apparently, it never kicks in for stuff she wishes for. Maybe my 150 in that stat isn't that great after all? Luck is an unclear concept from the beginning though.

"Then, what about joining my party for real?" - Garami

"*sniff* Huh?" - Mira

"I mean, not only for the duration of destroying the mecha heart but also after that." - Garami

"...Don't patronize me for my bad luck. Anything else is a different case, but this is something I don't want to be pitied for." - Mira

"Okay, but... wait, you don't care about being pitied for other reasons, except for the Desire Sensor thing?" - Garami

"I don't know what you mean by 'Desire Sensor', but why shouldn't I? I could drain people to the bone when they first start sympathizing with me." - Mira

...I'll ignore that last part for now. Gotta remember to be careful around this girl.

"Back to the point, I wasn't patronizing you for anything. Truth it, I don't have a single clue about the common sense of mankind. Heck, I barely know what the common sense to monsters is. Therefore, I want an assistant, someone that knows about the world, and also has some experience with adventuring." - Garami

That way, I can rely on them to get around the world. Mira, who is hunting this criminal group of hers, must be somewhat knowledgeable about the world. She also knows that I'm the one who defeated Glavras, ignoring the fact of how long I can keep that a secret, as the Ultimate Slayer title is bound to bust me the moment I'm trying to get a Guild Card of some kind.

"Uhm, isn't that a little too much for a favor? There's no reason for me to continue the party after the Heart is destroyed." - Mira

Fair point. Then, let's make the offer more tempting then. I took out two items from my storage and showed them to Mira.

"Then, as advance payment, have these." - Garami

"This is...! My Item Bag! Cobalt Edge!!" - Mira

Before I could blink, Mira had wrapped herself around the blue sword I had taken out of the storage, while I was still holding it. It was amongst the stuff Levi had collected from the Skeletons.


Item Name: Cobalt Edge

Rank: D+

Type: Sword

Durability: 111/120

ATK: 115

Weight: 30


  • STR of 80 or more
  • [Water Element] skill of LV10 or more
  • Racial Water attribute.


  • Increased Water-attribute damage: 10%
  • Increased damage towards Sea-type creatures: 3%
  • Increased damage towards Water-attribute creatures: 3%

Description: A sword made from Blurite and Cobalts, a weapon only available as a haunt-reward from the Cobalt Shore Cave haunt.

The Cobalt Edge increases the weilder's proficiency in water-related arts, and gives a small boost when fighting against creatures from the sea.


This thing was never useful for me, due to the water-related requirements, so I'm fine with returning it to her. I'll be quiet for some more time, as I'm enjoying the sensation of her clinging on me. She's surprisingly busty, which was hidden till now, due to the somewhat baggy shirt she was wearing.

"I-I took these back when we crushed the Skeletons that were laying in ambush around you." - Garami

Even if it was Levi who did all the dirty work, I'm the one who told her to do it, for a payment, so it's fine to say it's my achievement in obtaining Mira's stuff.

"I thought these two looked a little too fancy to be regular Skeleton stuff, but I've got a knack of obtaining rare items, so I wasn't sure first. There's sometimes I have trouble in using all of the stuff I collect." - Garami

"?! Garami, dear. You wouldn't need someone that could help you with those heavy rare items? I've always " - Mira

I thought I understood how greedy she was, but did I underestimate her? 

"Now then, about the offer I gave-" - Garami

"Swordsman Mira, reporting for duty. Whenever it's the battlefield, moneymaking business, or whatever you wish for, just leave it to me." - Mira

Yup, one nice-looking, master swordsman Sprite in the making, caught. 

"Welcome to the team, Mira. It's only the two of us now, not counting Levi." - Garami

"Yes, commander!" - Mira

"Stick to Garami. By the way, want some rewards for celebrating the start of the group?" - Garami

"Do you have some more swords!?" - Mira

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't. Better said, I don't have anyone to take out here. For now, I have an idea of something you're gonna love..." - Garami


"Welcome baaa-what's wrong with her?" - Jack

"Well, we decided to work together as a party from now on, and I gave her some stuff that her heart wasn't prepared to receive. And don't try any funny jokes; such things didn't happen." - Garami

We found Jack and Levi with a huge pile of different, low-quality weapons. One look was all I needed to understand that Levi had gone around and gathered the remaining weapon she had left behind after crushing the Skeleton ambush. They must have been bored if they started to check all those rusty weapons after some hidden jackpot.

On our hand, I had granted Mira the privilege of becoming my kin, which is a fancy way of saying that we have given her a power-up in the form of free skills. I managed to force several of them into her, but one of them turned out to be a surprise for both of us. More embarrassing than surprising for Mira though.



Ability Skills: [MP Reduced Consumption LV1] NEW [MP Auto-Recovery LV1] NEW [STR Enhancement LV5] [VIT Enhancement (Small) LV1] NEW 

Attack Skills:  [Sword Arts LV36] [Magic Sword Arts LV4] [Mana Burst (Water) LV1] NEW 

Magic Skills: [Water Magic LV8] 

Active Skills: [Espionage LV2] [Silence LV7] [Aerial Movement LV1] NEW 

Passive Skills: [Swordsmanship LV50] [One-Handed Swordsmanship LV3] [Swordsman's Knowledge LV3] [Magic Talent LV8] [Battle Continuation LV1] NEW [Dodging LV27] [Hiding LV19] [Swimming LV16] [Fishing LV11] [Golden Ratio] NEW 

Resistance Skills: [Water Resistance LV22] [Heretic Immunity] NEW 

Perception Skills: [Appraisal Blocking LV8]

Racial Skills: [Mana Conversion LV18] [Demonic Vault LV1] NEW [Lewd Demon LV1] NEW 

Elements: [Water Element LV27]


I had done the impossible and gifted 10 new skills to Mira. That's a huge increase since Raoul and Orimaru. Is it the difference between the races here? 

I'm a little unsure why [Demonic Vault] was possible to be granted, as it's a skill restricted to demons. Or are those who become a demon's kin, part demon? Like 0.1%?

The worst skill, according to Mira, is the [Lewd Demon] skill. To be honest, I can't sympathize with her, even if I was embarrassed over the skill myself. I mean, we're talking about someone that used all their money on some Incubus brothel. Just what are her criteria of embarrassment anyway? The skill isn't that bad, as it has some contraception-like effects. Just ignore the parts that are practically the opposite...

"I-I see. So you fancy woman..." - Jack

"Didn't you hear what I just said? Nothing like that happened, unfortunately..." - Garami

"Okay, I believe you. I've been in the same situation before. Got some scars from those times..." - Jack

While listing to Jack's tales of his living days may sound interesting, we were behind schedule now and needed to pick up the pace. We placed all the scrap-weapons Levi had collected while waiting into Mira's new storage-skill, and then we proceeded towards Velantas again.

If we only knew about the difficulties this last bit was gonna give us...

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