A Reincarnated Demon’s Tales of Wonder (Prototype)

Chapter 76: [Arc 2] Chapter 23: Operation: “Rob, Run, and Rumble”

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Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck! Why's that thing here?! It didn't wear its armor, but that sloppy, drippy creature is no way to mistaken for someone else. 

It left without checking this room, but there's no way I can go against something like that. I mean, not only seeing it with my own eyes, its presence alone is enough to send the biggest, baddest bully on the playground running to his mommy while crying. But that's not the worst part either.


Test Subject #4

Race: [Prototype Draugr]   | Level: 1

Karma Value: ---

Skills: ERROR (1)


HP: 555/555   | MP: 1/1   | SP: 600/600

STR: ***   | VIT: ***   | MAG: *

RES: **   | SPD: **  | DEX: *

INT: null   | LUC: null




Ability Skills: ERROR 

Attack Skills: ERROR 

Magic Skills: ERROR 

Crafting Skills: ERROR 

Active Skills: ERROR 

Passive Skills: ERROR 

Resistance Skills: ERROR 

Perception Skills: ERROR 

Leadership Skills: ERROR 

Racial Skills: [Remnant Dregs]


This is so wrong on so many levels. What the heck do you mean with "ERROR"? Does it have the skills, or not? And it's stats are bugged as well. Then there's INT and LUC; it's not that it has 0 of either, from the looks of it, it didn't have either stats from the beginning. 

And it's species is a "Prototype"? Then doesn't-

"Is there something wrong? You looked freaked out by that undead from before." - Carion

Undead? What's he talking about? There was no... there was! The giant! It does look like some undead. I was so freaked out, I didn't even think of what that thing was, either now, nor when I dreamed about it. Even when I had that many opportunities to think about it...

Was I that freaked out by that prophecy? It was something that Alvatria the idiot came with, so I shouldn't be... no, I would be that freaked out by it. Definitely.

Haaahhh. What's the need with curses, or supernatural skills, when you got mind tricks? That's a lesson I'll take to heart from now on. Just having high stats and rare skills, doesn't make you the king of the world. And we have Levi to demonstrate that neither does your species either.

"... I was told about a prophecy where I was killed by something like that." - Garami

Carion turned shocked, and who wouldn't. Getting your death prophecized isn't something anyone would be able to stand. Strange thing is, I'm starting to calm down. Sharing the truth helped me overcome the stress I didn't even notice I had.

Ah, come on Garami. This is just the same as the trouble of conquering the Water-Knot. Trying to weasel out a victory on your own, against a whole organization, Dungeon or cult, ain't gonna cut it. 

"H-hey, relax. Pr-prophecies ain't that bad, they are just stuff of legends. I mean, every tenth, twentieth, thirtieth legend or such, ends up with the story's protagonist surviving, you know? ...Okay, I'll stay quiet, so just say something." - Carion

If you're in trouble, gain allies that share the same goal as you. I already did that in the Water-Knot, so why did it take me so long time to think about it now?

"Khe, he-he, MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" - Garami

This whole mess is so stupid, I can't do anything but laugh at it. The #4 guy was someone else of the same race as the one in the prophecy, making him the perfect trial run for how to defeat the devil-horned one. Just getting more facts about that race may change the tide in this fated match.

"Eh, are you al-" - Carion

"Ah, be quiet, and help me go through all this stuff. We're sitting on a motherload of information here, so there's gotta be some clue to what that thing was, and its weaknesses. Besides, that's not the only one of its kind walking about." - Garami

"There's more of that?!!" - Carion

Sure. The guy from before is Test Subject #4, so there's got to be other individuals of that species, like the devil-horned one from the dreams.

"Enough goofing, get to work. We don't know when a guard shift may come here, or they discover your escape." - Garami

"Yes, ma'am!" With that, Carion started to look over the documents spread out in the room. I cleaned up the place with the cleaning spell and placed the corpses of the guards in my storage. I then summoned some Skeletons that have some intellect, to help us with going through the documents. 

Let's see if there's something groundbreaking stuff amongst this mess. Or at least, prophecy-breaking...


Mira's side

How long does it take to scout one, forgotten, miserable, temple? Argh, I just wanna charge in, and take everything that looks valuable or related to the criminal gang! The Undead Dragon is snoozing over there, while the Remnant, Jack was it? He's been spending his time watching those light beams that are connected to the alarm.

The Undead Dragon sneezed a little while ago, and whirled up some dust, and said dust made the light beams turn visible, without setting off the alarm. It must be set up to not react to simple dust. Jack was saying something about leveling up his [Detect Trap] skill or something and started to stare at them without blinking. Oh, he can't blink at all. Whoops.

If he really can level up his skill just by staring at them, then the skill must either be weak, or it's the light beams that are advanced traps. If the latter is true, then how did the Aptrganga cult get their hands on such high technology? This is the stuff that the Migrants keep yapping about. Did they have one on their side? If that's the case...


What was that? Why's Jack knocked out on the ground like that? First, I thought we where discovered, but there was no one close by. The Undead Dragon was woken up by the noise, but it didn't look alarmed at all. Instead, it was more interested in a white bag made of cloth that was laying beside Jack... was it this thing that sent him to dreamland? Ugh, now I'm feeling mad at myself!


I tore open the cloth bag to vent some frustration, and inside, I found a black box? What's this thing? Some kind of magi-tech? There was also a note along with the box. What's written on this?

Stay put. Don't break the black box. Wait till I explain what to do next.


... Wait, did she pitched this thing from the temple? 


Garami's side

"Dead men tell no tales." - Garami


"I know there's some truth in that proverb, but did we need that as a password?" - Carion

"Just for fun." - Garami

Carion nodded in agreement, despite me just joking. Don't tell me, this guy's got some quirks like Mira...!

"Anyway, did you deliver the Communicator?" - Carion

He's talking about the walkie-talkie-like magic item I threw, alongside with an explanation, in a Thread Package to Mira and the gang.

"I think so unless they moved away from when I left them. You shouldn't look down on my aim here." - Garami

Got [Auto-Mapping] and [Shooting] after all, so a feat like that is a cakewalk.

And the reason for trying to get contact with the guys outside is because we found out where the hostages were kept, and I had an idea on how to bust them out, quite literally.

And about stuff related to the thieves that Mira's searching for, not that good. There were some documents about the supplies that were fishy, but there's not much you could learn from them.

The stuff related to the Draugr ain't recorded here either, so they must be located at the high priest's office. Bad thing is, it's located at the top floor of the temple and is constantly guarded by cult thugs. There is a way to get in there, but not on my own.

"Well then, test, test. Can you guys hear me?" - Garami

So, I'll call the cavalry.

[Wha-! Garami! Is that you? Why're you inside the box?] - Jack

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[Wait, is this one of those 'Communicators' that was just released to the public?] - Mira

Yeah, this thing works. And Jack, seriously...

"Yes, yes, I'm fine, and not in the box. I charge the thing with my mana, so nobody else should hear what we're saying, so sharpen up. We have some work to do, and we need it to be done tonight unless you want people to die." - Garami

[Hah? What's that have to do with the criminal gang that stole from uncle

"Because the only way to obtain the information we want is to save the sacrifices that the cult has kidnapped from the city. Capiche?" - Garami

['Capiche'? And the cult is kidnappers?! I didn't hear about that!] - Mira

"Hey, I didn't know anything about that either, so don't blame me. They are planning on using them to create some kind of Living Undead named Draugr." - Garami

[Living Undead? Draugr?] - Jack

[Hey! Draugr is the god that the Aptrganga cult is supposed to worship!] - Mira

["Whaaaaat!?!"] - Jack & Carion

As expected of master detective Mira, always ready when it involves her uncle, swords, or money. 

"If so, then this cult is just a sham to mass-produce these Draugr as living weapons. They have recruited thugs and scums with Criminal titles to fill their ranks. And to control them, along with the real 'believers', the true members of this sham has affected the cult members with the Mental Pollution status condition." - Garami

Why they didn't use anything like Charm or Brainwash is anyone's guess. 

"The Draugr are made with the corpses of several living beings, and their power is equal to the amount and quality of all the non-racial skills that the 'materials' had when they were alive." - Garami

[So they have all the skills of the materials? Ain't that, like, really bad news?] - Mira

"They have the skills, but they can't use them. All the Draugr has a racial skill named [Remnant Dregs], which converts those skills into the monster's own, physical power. The good news is, it can't use, nor obtain, any other skills. The second piece of good news is that it's stuck on LV1 forever, and good news nr. 3, It has just 1 MP, no matter what. It can't use it anyway, due to it's skill-lessness." - Garami

The reason for #4's status page being covered up is because the skill isn't properly registered into the World System yet since it's a racial ability of those monsters, instead of something the System came up with. That, and that the cult is keeping the Draugrs a secret.

"Also, this thing tends to eat any living beings, even the cult members that control it. To make things worse, there are at least four of these things out there, with #4 in this very temple." - Garami

[...Ah, come on.] - Mira & Jack

I understand. I understand it so much that it hurts, but we need to move on.

"These monsters look like a large humanoid made of tar, except for the skull head, which is based on a human, but with several additions such as horns. The cult is planning on making a new one with humans as the base, instead of undeads and other monsters, as they did with the prototypes. If we don't stop them now, a real Draugr may be born. Something that has tons of skills, as opposed to those who were made with monsters which have a lower skill amount than humans." - Garami

[Uegh, that sounds nasty...] - Mira

[...Tar?] - Jack

"Yes, tar. Now, while their exact status is unknown due to the racial skill I just talked about, the specimen we discovered had an HP of over 500." - Garami

[Five-!!] - Mira & Jack

"You see the problem now? If that's only a prototype, just imagine what the real deal will be able to do." - Garami

"That's something I don't wanna imagine", was the response from the two. In the background, I could hear Levi growling in dismay of the news. Even the Undead Dragon doesn't like that idea, huh.

"As the finisher, both its STR and VIT stats are in the triple-digit. Exactly how much, even I don't know. So try to escape the guy if it sees you. It's movement abilities are low, so keep on running if you want this operation to succeed." - Garami

"Hmm? What's this about 'operation'?" - Carion

[Is there someone with you there?] - Jack

Oops. Forgot about that.

"This is Carion, an Earth Mage Forest elf that was captured by a different group of the cult, and therefore kept imprisoned in a different location than the rest of the hostages." - Garami

[Hah? That's like, not suspicious at all, you know.] - Mira

"He's safe to trust. The cult must have aimed at some, or something, in the city's noble district, as it was there they caught the guy. He's been a great help for me already, and is the cornerstone of freeing the hostages." - Garami

[Well, if he's gotten that Garami's approval, then he must be okay.] - Jack

[Ah, that's true.] - Mira

T-those guys... And the guy in question is nodding along with them?! And the three helpers too?!

"A-anyway, let me explain the plan I have, and your roles in it; First off, we are gonna turn off all the security alarms on the outside, so that the three of you can enter the temple grounds. Carion will meet up with you guys, along with some helpers I've summoned." - Garami

[Helpers? Ah, you mean with Summon Skeleton?] - Jack

"That's it. And these guys must be the best bones I can get out at my current level." - Garami

In the corner of the control room, stood three Skeletons, a Skeleton Shield Warrior, equipped with a great shield and short sword, a Skeleton Fire Mage, with staff and robe, and for the crucial part of the plan, a Skeleton Thief. 

[...Why is the last one even needed?] - Mira

"Here I take the time to introduce them, and this is the thanks?! The Thief got the [Lockpicking] skill! Figure the rest out yourself." - Garami

Seriously, talk about being rude. The Thief is the closest to my main class, so it feels like she's dissing me at the same time.

"Anyway, when you three group up with Carion and the three Skeletons, you will split up in two teams, the rescue team, which consists of Mira, Jack, the Fire Mage, and the Shield Warrior. The second team, the escape team, is made of the remaining Carion, Levi, and the Skeleton Thief

"After splitting up, the rescue team will move inside the temple towards the jail area. The will be provided maps over the place, so no worries. When they reach the jail, the rescue team will strike down any cult members you can see, for then barricading themselves in the jail area, and wait for the escape team.

"Meanwhile, the escape team will travel outside the temple and commandeer a set of the Golem-Horse wagons that the cult uses to transport resources to the temple. After obtaining the wagons, they will travel to the outside of the jail area, and make a hole with Carrion's Earth Magic. Then, take the hostages on board the wagons, and leave this dump behind." - Garami

["........."] - Jack, Mira & Carion

"...What? Not good enough?" - Garami

[Pst. Is Garami feeling alright? She's taking control like a storm, despite being so apathetic towards it before.] - Mira (Whispering)

[Maybe she ate something funny?] - Jack (Whispering)

"I can hear you." - Garami (Pissed off)

Geez, what's up with these guys? Are they complimenting me, or dissing me?

"Wait, what about you then?" - Carion

"Finally someone that asked about that. It is related to the second and third steps of the operation, which will run simultaneously with step 1, the jailbreak." - Garami

["And that is?"] - Jack, Mira & Carion

"It is hidden in the name of the operation; [Rob, Run, 'n Rumble]!" - Garami

[Huh? Oh, now I get it! You're gonna rob the temple while they are too busy with the jailbreak!] - Mira

"90 points. It's not that I will rob the temple when they are too busy, it's that I can't rob a certain room unless you attract the guards' attention. I'll sneak away towards the city when I'm done here. I'm the only one that can climb up to the top floor where the goods are and the only one with good enough stealth-abilities to escape on my own." - Garami

[Roger! Then, what about the 'Rumble' part?] - Mira

Smart Mira came again. Why can't she be here on full-time, instead of greedy-sword-maniac Mira?

"Well..." - Garami


[You seriously think of the most horrible ideas. Mira almost fainted. Or, she's steps away from it.] - Jack

"I know. Carion's the same. For the inhabitants of the region, who's more familiar with those guys, this idea must be the worst. However, we can't let this temple stand, even if we save all the hostages. If they keep on creating Draugrs, then they will spell more trouble than the drought." - Garami

It's mostly for reducing the odds of going head-on against the armored Draugr in the forest. But hey, these guys are a pain in the back for anyone, so why not do some demolishing of their birthplace?

[Well, you're right there, but will you be okay?] - Jack

"As long as you guys make enough noise when leaving, then I'll be fine. Just try not to fight that #4 too much." - Garami

The key part to part 3 of this operation is located at the roof of the temple, just above the high priest's office. There's no way they will allow someone to walk up to the roof, so the only way up is to climb the outside walls.

"If that's all, then let's get this show on the road! I'll turn off the alarms from here, so wake up Mira, and meet up with Carion by the door closest to your position. Part 3 must be started on first, due to how long it will take for those guys to arrive, so wait till I start up the magi-tech on the roof. I'll call you with the Communicator." - Garami

[Okay. I'll wake up Mira, and meet him there. Good luck.] - Jack

I think we all need that. Well then, operation “Rob, Run, and Rumble”, START!

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