A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder (Prototype)

Chapter 104: [Arc 3] Chapter 1: The Dimension Merchant

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"So, we're gonna watch over the guy now?" - Mira

"Long story short, yes." - Garami

We're currently at the foot of the Yanxiong mountain range. After the initial shock from seeing this guy's, Marc's, skills, I escorted him down the mountain to meet up with the girls. The introductions were painless, as Migrants gets a weak auto-translator with the Migrant title. 

"Sure, why not." - Mira

Eh? That was easy. I was expecting her to start asking him to pay us back afterward.

"The members of the Adventurers Guild have a duty to protect Migrants that arrives in this world in the wilderness." - Mira

Ah, there was something like that. I had completely forgotten it.

"That's the deal. So, we're going our way to a big city in the mountains... you hear me?" - Garami

"D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-" - Marc


"D-d-d-dragon!!!" - Marc

...Why didn't I see this coming?

"Hah? You got a problem with Levi, huh?" - Lily

And why are you trying to sound like a mafia member?

"Calm down, both of you. Lily, in his world, monsters like dragons didn't exist, so it's obvious that he would freak out. Even a rank E monster is enough to make him freak out." - Garami

"Fiiiiine." - Lily

"And Marc, this is Levi, my tamed monster. She's probably the most harmless out of us all when looking only at the personality." - Garami

"Y-y-y-y-yes..." - Marc

This ain't any good. He's gotta get used to Levi, or this trip's gonna be one big pain. I need to change the current mood, or we'll get nowhere.

"I told you to calm down already. No dragons, or undeads, or dinosaurs are gonna be able to even touch you with me and Levi as your guard." - Garami

"Undeads!? Dinosaurs!?" - Marc

Oops. That backfired.

"Rather than that, is there any worth guarding the guy? I have nothing against doing it for free, but with some rewards..." - Mira

You're definitely only doing this for some rewards.

"I-I have some... nothing." - Marc

Documents from Earth's probably got no value here after all. The suit may be worth something, but the one Marc's wearing is of the cheap type, so it's probably worth that much.

"T-then what if I used that skill to earn money?" - Marc

Why you idiot! Don't say-!

"That 'Unique Skill'?" - Marc

another... damn. Too late.

"Unique Skill!?" - Mira & Lily

"Garami! Explain, now!" - Mira

"Aw, dammit. He's got a little bugger known as [Dimension Merchant]. Not sure what it does... but what do we have to lose? Try using it a little." - Garami

I said that last bit to Marc, and giving him a crash-course in how to use a skill. After trying some times, he succeeded in activating the skill.

"...What's this?" - Lily

"...A shopping site?" - Marc

He's right. A holographic window similar to the one [Appraisal] makes came up, but the contents look no different from those shopping web sites on Earth. Like A**zonas.

The logo in the top-left corner was a D.M.LV1 in golden writing, and to the right of that was twelve marble-like symbols, with eleven of them being grey, while the second from the left is milky white. D.M. must stand for Dimension Merchant, and then the skill level, but what do the marbles stand for?

"Hey, it's showing some stuff." - Lily

She's talking about the goods that Marc can probably buy. There are different vegetables, several types of bread, simple clothing, beverages, seasonings... wait a sec! These are products from Earth!

"What's this supposed to be? I've never seen most of it before." - Mira

"There's lots of food, but no meat..." - Lily

And the window is operatable for others than Marc. But they can't add anything to the cart. Wait, how are you supposed to pay for this stuff anyway? And how do you get it?

"Ehm, Garami? I have a stupid question: how am I able to read the letters here? I've never seen them before, but I can still understand them." - Marc

"Migrants get an auto-translator power limited to Terrarian when they arrive at Terra Sol. More importantly, should we try to buy something from this thing?" - Garami

Marc selected a few cheap items, like a bottle of water and some plates with chocolate. He then proceeded to the purchase.

Insufficient funds. Please add more funds.

A message like that came up. After checking the window a little more, we found a three-dimensional opening in the window. It was big enough for putting the sol coins into it, but anything else just fell through it. I inserted a Silver coin (100 sol) into the opening, and the "wallet" increased with a 100 sol. 

We then moved to the purchase again, which was accepted. A small flash of light appeared, and in front of Marc appeared... a carton box? No, it's a treasure chest formed as a carton box. It has the same D.M logo as on the window. After opening it, we found the bottles of water and the chocolate plates. The chest (box?) disappeared like the regular treasure chests that contain the rewards after Quests.

"I-it worked!" - Marc

"...Is this even edible?" - Lily

"Wait, you need to remove the wrapping here, and unscrew the cap there, and here you go." - Marc

Lily looked at the chocolate with some suspicion, before she was convinced by the sweet smell, and took a bite. Now then, how long do you think it took before she fell in love with the sweets?

"Delish! This is too delish! Boss! Recruit him, recruit Marky right now!" - Lily

The answer is; 0.0001 seconds. Give or take a nanosecond. 

"She's right! This stuff is gonna be popular if it was sold on the market. ...Hey, Marky, wanna go into a partnership with me?" - Mira

Does he even need your help?

"Eh? It's just regular chocolate?" - Marc

"It's called that? I agree that this 'chocolate' is delish, but what's really important is this." - Mira

And what Mira held up was... the water bottle?

"Remember, this [Dimension Merchant] skill created, transported, or whatever it did, food items out of thin air, just for a few silvers. If we had this skill a few weeks ago, then Velantas drought problems wouldn't be so fatal." - Mira

......She's right! This is a freaking OP skill! A 0.5l bottle of water costs only 10 sol, so if the government decided to sponsor the skill, then it would become an inexhaustible source of water! No, even if they decided to mint more coins to fuel the skill, there's a limit to the ore needed for them, but it's still an incredible skill. 

"But, where are the items coming from then?" - Lily


"Don't look at me. This is the first time in my life I've ever used it." - Marc

"It's better to say that today's your first time on this planet. I'll double appraise the skill for you." - Garami


Skill: Dimension Merchant

Skill type: Unique Skill

Attribute: Dimension



...The Divine Realm? We're buying this from the gods? While the limitation may be fashioned after the Ultimate Gods, I think it's not from them we're buying from.

"...? Wait a sec, how's the last two one even possible?" - Lily

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"Maybe humanoids without attributes are counted as the Order-attribute, while Chaos is for monsters?" - Mira

Sounds possible. They said "elements" instead of "attribute", so they must mean something like that. But, doesn't that mean that nobody can use this skill at 100%? No way there's a guy with that many elements. Even Tres Clades will be one short of a full house. 

"Then, all these stuff are form Marky's homeworld?" - Lily

"Looks like it." - Mira

"...But no comics for sale..." - Marc

That's your reaction!?

[-y Champion, I beseech thee...] - ???


"Hey, did you hear something?" - Garami

"What? Did you hear a ghost?" - Mira

"Ghost?!" - Marc

They didn't hear that? Then... 

[My Champion, I beseech thee... give me sweets...] - Alvatria

I knew it was you! What do you want now all of a sudden?

[Choco... chooooccooooo...] - Alvatria

...Let me guess, you were the one to include this merchant-skill, cause for some reason, you gods aren't allowed to obtain sweets from other worlds yourself? And then you noticed that the guy you sent to me as harassment was the owner of said skill, so now you're shamelessly asking for offerings?

[Yes! So give me! Givemegivemegivemegivemegivemegivemegiveme!!] - Alvatria


"Garami? Is everything alright? You look a little pale." - Mira

"Ugh, no, I'm fine. Just a huge headache." - Garami

"That's not fine at all!" - Mira

"Hey, got some medicines there?" - Lily

"Ehm... doesn't seem so." - Marc

I need something more effective than medicine to get rid of this disease. And she's way too loud!!

[Fine! Then I'll take care-] - Alvatria

Uh-oh! First come, first served! Accel Leap!




Granting Title, [Kin of Garami], to Marcus Pollen.

Skills, [MP Reduced Consumption LV1], [DEX Enhancement LV1]1The [DEX Enhancement (Small)] skill was evolved while Garami was training for the upcoming Alchemist exam., [Enfeebling Magic LV1], [Magic Talent LV1], [Gutting LV1]2A skill Garami picked up while working as a part-timer for the Guild's dismantler., [Golden Rule LV1], [Language Adaption], [Heretic Immunity], [Detect Presence LV1], [Demonic Vault LV1], successfully granted.

Due to [Kin Promotion LV16],

skill, [Darkness Element LV1] is granted to kin, Marcus Pollen.


[N-NOOOOOO!!] - Alvatria

Phew. Marc's saved. The 'blessing' of a god and their Champion's practically the same, and since it's impossible to stack more of the same blessing, Alvatria can't touch Marc now! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!

"What was that for? Slapping people on their back." - Marc

"Show some appreciation. I just saved you from a life of eternal torment." - Garami

"What did you say?! Just by touching my back?!" - Marc

(What's going on?) - Lily

(I think I have an idea...) - Mira

[Come on! Just give me some sweets! All the other gods get offerings from their Champions except me! Come ooooon!] - Alvatria

Argh, fine! But only if you stop asking for any more! And you owe me a favor!

[Yipiie!] - Alvatria

Doubt I'll get that favor back, but getting that sugar-hungry evil spirit quiet is a reward in itself. 

"Hey, order more of those chocolates. Plus other sweets." - Garami

I gave Marc a gold coin to use for his skill. While shocked when he saw the value of the coin, he still used it all for snacks as I asked for. I confirmed the contents without taking them out of the chest. Good. With this, even that big baby will use some time to finish this. 

I left the content of the chest as it was, closed my eyes, put my hands together, and prayed.

Ultimate Goddess of Darkness, Alvatria. Take this humble tribute, and grant us a safe trip.

I ignored the curious stares behind me while doing as Zelot taught me that rainy day. When I opened my eyes again, the chest with all its contents was gone, to the surprise of the audience behind me.

"Now, let's move. That stuff won't last for long, so I want us to reach the city of Yanxiong before that." - Garami

"Eh? What? What just happened?" - Lily

"Garami spoke the truth from before, that was what happened." - Mira

Anyway, let's get mov-["AAAHH!" - Marc]-what now?!

"I have more offers to buy with this skill now!" - Marc

Huh? I peeked at the [Dimension Merchant] screen, and yes, there were more offers on it now. I then noticed the marbles besides the skill's logo: some of them had changed colors.

The second from the left is now blue, the forth from the left is dark brown, the sixth from the left is dark purple, the first from the right is black, and the third from the right is blood-red.

Is this... our elements? If the order is the same as for the Ultimate Gods, then the blue one should be water, the brown is earth, purple for darkness, blood-red for death, white for order, and black for chaos.

...Things are turning to be interesting.


Kigal-Note/Skills/Unique Skills: Dimension Merchant

Skill: Dimension Merchant

Skill type: Unique Skill

Attribute: Dimension


Dimension Merchant. A Lost Attribute Unique Skill added to the World System by the Ultimate Goddess of Darkness and wealth, Alvatria.

The skill allows the skill user to invest money into it to buy items from the Divine Realm of the gods. The goods are provided by the gods of Terra Sol.

One can add money to the skills wallet function, but one cannot retrieve the money before the skill reaches LV4. 

To gain proficiency with this skill, one needs to buy items with it. The amount of proficiency one obtains is equal to the amount of money used for the purchase. With each level the skill gains, the amount and quality of goods one can buy increases.

The type of goods available is determined by the skill user's element, meaning their racial, basic attribute. If they have only a component attribute as their racial one, or they have two or more attributes, then the basic attribute that they are most talented in will act as their element.

In the case of the skill user not having a racial attribute, then they will be treated as having an Order element in case of them being a non-monster, and they will be treated as having a Chaos element if they are a monster species.

Note that evolutions will not affect the element in this situation. Only the element they had when they were born counts.

Order's comment: Why am I so weak to that girl's request?

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