A Reincarnation Romantic Comedy Of A Hero And A Witch

Chapter 27: 2.1

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Chapter 2 – How to Be Social, Fireworks Festival


Part 1


I had a shift today.


I started to regret taking too many shifts during this lovely summer vacation.



“For senpai to sigh like that, it’s a rare sight.”


Kawasaki, who was washing the dishes next to me, stared at me with a serious look.


“I thought you were like a machine built for working.”

“I’m a human being, thank you very much. I could get into a mood like this sometimes too.”

“…That’s new to me.”

“Why do you look so surprised?!”


I’d understand if someone were to react like this to my previous life’s self, but I wasn’t like that anymore!


Also, back then, I was a subject of human experiment, so it was doubtful that I was a human in the first place.


Well, one could call me a human, depending on their views on the definition of a human being. Wait, I’m getting too philosophical.


When I was thinking about this nonsense, Kawasaki called out to me. It seemed like she noticed something.


“Could it be… Did you get rejected, senpai?”

“How the hell did you come to that conclusion?”


I swear to god, I was just feeling a little under the weather.


“I mean, it’s summer. Summer is the season for blooming love!”

“I see, so you’ve watched that one movie.”

“Yes! I’m weak against that kind of emotional movie—”


Then, she proceeded to talk about the movie that was airing in the theater with a twinkle in her eyes. I gave an ear to her while doing my job. There were barely any customers here, so we had the leisure to chat idly like this.


“Jeez, listen to me, senpai!”
“I am, I am. So that one guy got dumped by a girl for some reason and then?”

“Don’t leave out the details! The details are important!”


Kawasaki started to complain while puffing out her cheeks. Her gesture looked flawless, but I knew that she did it consciously. Since I was used to Shiina doing the same thing, though that girl did it unconsciously, Kawasaki’s gesture had no effect on me.


I made a smug look, but Kawasaki ignored it and said something else to me,


“Ah, by the way, senpai, I remember you said that you aren’t really interested in romance movies, right?”



Rather than not interested in them, I just didn’t understand them when I watched them.


Back then, I didn’t know what being in love felt like, so I couldn’t relate to those movies at all.


…But, I think I’d find those movies a little bit interesting now. I mean, I understand a little about love, after all.


At least, I knew that I loved Shiina.


Though, I wasn’t a hundred percent sure that I really loved her. I had never fallen in love with anyone, so I couldn’t really tell.


That was why I wanted to make sure that I really loved her before confessing. Besides, if I were to confess to her now, I doubt that I’d be able to say the words properly to her.


“Have you ever been in love, Kawasaki?…”


When I asked her that, she stopped working and stared at me.


I looked at her face closely. She had a well-defined face. With a face like that, she was definitely a popular girl. If so, she’d be bound to be experienced with love.


“Well, yeah. Back in grade school, I liked this classmate of mine who was really good at soccer. Then, back in middle school, there was a quiet boy who I took a liking to.”

“Both are different types of people.”

“The person I fell in love with became the type of person that I like.”


Those words were shallow, but at the same time, it felt deep.


“So, what happened to them?”

“I got disillusioned and my love just disappeared. Takahashi-kun, the boy who was really good at soccer, had no delicacy. Hoshino-kun, the quiet boy, was a chuunibyou who just tried to look cool.”


“Well, that’s how it is. I fell in love and fell out of it on my own. Such is love~”


Was that how love worked?


Well, it was Kawasaki who said it, so it must be right.


As I nodded my head, she suddenly spoke in a quieter voice.


“…My love is always faint. It never grew too big, so it cooled off quickly. I don’t think I’m the right person to ask about something like this. I mean, I’m still looking for that one special person myself.”


She spoke to me in a serious manner, which was rare for her.


“It was just an idle question, you know? I-It isn’t like I’m looking for advice or anything…”

“Senpai, do you know that you’re an easy person to read?”


It seemed like everyone could tell what I was thinking about these days.


She was as perceptive as Shinji.


“That one special person, huh?…”


Suddenly, Shiina’s face came to my mind.


…Huh? Why did her face come up in this situation?


I started to be flustered because of my thoughts. Suddenly, Kawasaki let out a sad smile at me.


“I was hoping that it would work out this time…”


…Did she have someone in mind already?


When I tried to ask her what she meant by that, she shook her head.


“Don’t mind me. My feeling is just a crush. I can’t win no matter how hard I try.”


She continued and changed the topic,


“So, who did you fall in love with, senpai?”

“…How did you know?”

“Because this isn’t something that you’d normally ask.”


Then, she asked with twinkling eyes.


“Tell me, tell me. Who is she? Is she going to the same school as us? Is she pretty? What’s her name? I’m curious! Since you fell in love with her, is she a weirdo like you, senpai?”

“S-Stop with the barrage of questions! W-Well, it’s true that she is a weirdo…”


When I tried to answer them, I faltered instead. My reaction triggered something in Kawasaki as she smirked while saying, “Woah, you actually fell in love with someone~”. Seriously, what’s wrong with her?!


“There aren’t many people who’re as pure as you nowadays, senpai.”

“…S-Shut up. She’s my first love, okay?!”

“Huh, I see. No wonder you’re acting like this. C’mon, stop sulking~”


She giggled, trying to cheer me up. It made me wonder who was the older one between us. If I were to count my previous life, I would be significantly older than her…


“…Her name is Shiina Mai.”


When I told her this, she nodded in understanding.


“Ah, the transfer student. The boys in my year talked about how cute she is.”

“Is that so?”


It was true that Shiina was cute. Whenever she walked down the street, everyone would steal glances at her.


That was why I wasn’t really surprised to hear that the first-years were talking about her.


Even if I were to compare her to the ‘idols’, she would be among the better looking ones.


…I was sure that men would be all over her.


Of course, I didn’t want anyone to take her away from me. I wonder if this is what they call possessiveness.


At first, I thought that I didn’t need to be in a hurry, but looking at the situation, I realized that I couldn’t take it easy.


“Kawasaki, can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“I want to know if I really love her. Just to be sure, you know? Since you know a lot about love.”

“H-How could you say that embarrassing line.”


She looked unusually embarrassed.



“B-Besides, I never had a boyfriend to begin with, so it isn’t like I know a lot about the matter either. But, sure, if you really need this onee-san’s help, I’ll gladly help you~ Come closer~”


She puffed out her chest. What a dependable girl.


I’m not sure about referring to herself as an ‘onee-san’, but I knew that she was more experienced than me in this regard.


Since I was a newcomer in this battle, I knew nothing about it. I had no techniques nor confidence to tread on it. That was why I’d welcome any kind of help.


And so, I told her about my feelings toward Shiina and what I had been through up to the time when I realized my feelings toward her. Of course, I omitted the part about our previous life.


“Well, that’s the gist of it— Huh, what’s wrong?”


When I looked at Kawasaki, she was hiding her face with both hands. For some reason her ears were dyed red.


“W-Why don’t you try putting yourself in my shoes?”


She fanned her face for some reason.


“You like her so much that you end up thinking about her all the time? What the hell?! If that isn’t love then what is?! What are you so confused about?!”


“It’s obvious that you’re in love.” muttered Kawasaki.


I see… Honestly, I didn’t know the difference between liking and loving someone. Well, if Kawasaki said that my feeling was love, then it must be it.


“So, what should I do now?”

“Just ask her out already.”


So she said, but I didn’t even know where to begin. In the first place, I didn’t even understand the concept of ‘going out’. I knew that it was necessary to make me and Shiina become even closer, but that was it.


“But, I don’t know where to start…”

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“Well, from what I understood, you two are on good terms already, so it should be easy. All you need to do is to make her conscious about you. To do that… Try asking her on a date.”

“J-Just the two of us? That would be embarrassing!”

“Why are you even embarrassed over this?!”


When I tried to imagine the scene where I asked Shiina out on a date, I suddenly got cold feet. Yes, we were on good terms, but she could still reject me.


What if I screwed it up and she still treated me as a friend after everything was over? Just thinking about that made me feel embarrassed to the point that I almost rolled on the floor. Lucky that I still held on to my sanity.


“B-Besides… I don’t know what to do for a date…”


Could I just do the same thing as when I hang out with my friends?


If that was allowed, then it would be easy, but I doubt that our relationship could progress like that.


Suddenly, Kawasaki seemed like she got a flash of inspiration as she tapped her palm with her fist.


“Right! There’s a firework festival this weekend! Try to invite her to that.”


Come to think of it, she was right. There will be a firework festival this Saturday.


I planned to go with Hina like usual this year, but I should do what Kawasaki suggested instead. 


Since Shiina liked pretty things, she’d definitely love fireworks too.


…Though, she hates the crowds. I guess I’d need some time to convince her first.


“Got it. I’ll try doing that.”


When I nodded, Kawasaki quickly spoke,


“Later, when the mood is good, make sure to hold her hand tightly. If she doesn’t mind, you could drag her to a secluded place and hug each other there. After that, bring her to a hotel and–”


Kawasaki let out a creepy laugh as she went on with her fantasy. I noticed the manager approaching us, so I quietly went back to work.


“What are you talking about at work?”


“If there are no customers to take care of, follow what Shiraishi is doing and clean up the place!”



Kawasaki stared at me with a resentful gaze as she responded to him.


I knew nothing about love, but even I knew that your fantasy was too far-fetched, Kawasaki.


*   *   *


Shiina’s PoV


…I wonder what he is doing right now?


Whenever I let my mind wander around like this, I always ended up thinking about Godou.


“Godou…” I muttered his name. Somehow, it felt embarrassing when I did that.


I used to call him ‘Hero’, but he insisted that he wasn’t a hero anymore, so I called him by his name instead. I knew it was too late to mull over this, but I still didn’t know why I called him ‘Godou’ instead of ‘Shiraishi.’


Well, that didn’t really matter as I felt comfortable calling him ‘Godou’.


…On the contrary, I felt miffed that he kept calling me ‘Shiina’. It was better than him calling me ‘Witch’ at least, but, you know…


I called him ‘Godou’, so he should start calling me ‘Mai’.


…Wait, did that even make sense? Calm down, me! It felt unfair, yes, but I shouldn’t think about something like that!


I imagined Godou calling me by my name.




I let out a strange moan and rolled on the bed.


Then, I took one of my plushies and hugged it tightly.


The trip to the pool was fun.


I couldn’t swim, so I just spent my time floating around with a floatie, but with Godou and everyone there, there was never a dull moment. Being around with friends that I could trust felt fun and refreshing.


…Though, I didn’t feel happy enough to cry.


I felt the muscles on my face relaxed as I remembered Godou’s silly looking crying face.


Lately, I felt something strange happening in me. My heart would throb without warning.


Was I sick?


No, of course not. It was probably the ‘curse’ that was eating away my heart.


I recalled the face of the person who ‘cursed’ me, Godou. Whenever I tried to think about him, my mind went blank involuntarily.


Ever since that day…


The day when he asked me to be his friend…


Our relationship grew strange. Whenever I made eye contact with him, I’d involuntarily look away. Whenever I stayed together with him, my cheeks would grow hotter and I’d become fidgety. For some reason, I’d find myself staring at him without realizing it. Was this the side effect of friendship?


If that’s so, then friendship is amazing. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


I wanted to see him again. When would we be able to meet again?


Even though I was ‘cursed’, I found the cure to it already.


For the first time in my life, I felt blessed even though I was ‘cursed’.


As I was rolling in my bed while thinking about such things, my phone rang.


I immediately stood up and grabbed it, thinking that it was from Godou. Sadly, it wasn’t. I wasn’t disappointed by it much, though.


It was Kirishima-san who called me.


I took a deep breath before answering it. A cheerful voice came from the other side.


{Ah, heya, Mai-chan~ How are you?~}

“I-I’m good… I-It’s just, it’s so hot outside, so I have been staying inside my room…”


Ever since the trip to the pool, I’ve been trying to talk to them more casually.


When I unintentionally shifted to my normal tone back when I denied being an airhead, both Kirishima-san and Shindou-san welcomed it with excitement. That was why I had been trying to treat them more casually.


…It felt like I became even closer to them. It felt good.


However, I still felt nervous about treating everyone casually like that.


While I was feeling conflicted, I heard Kirishima-san’s voice.


{Ahaha, I feel you! Honestly, if I didn’t have club activities, I’d do the same as you!}


So she went to her club today too. Kirishima-san sure was amazing. If I were her, I wouldn’t even attempt to run in the middle of this kind of heat.


Actually, I would have fainted the moment I attempted to do so.


{Right, Mai-chan, you like novels, right? Have you read that one novel yet? The one that’s trending right now?}


What novel was she talking about? She didn’t mention the title at all.


I took a wild guess and mentioned a popular title that was trending because it got a live action adaptation. It seemed like my guess was correct. Actually, that one was one of my favorite titles of all time. Even though I mostly read light novels these days, I usually read that kind of book too.


Romance was one of my favorite genres. I always found myself looking for one whenever I went to a bookstore.


{You know the movie is currently airing, right? So, Yuuka and I were talking about watching it together. Do you want to go with us?}

“Y-Yes! I-I’d love to!”


When I answered that, I could hear her excited squeal from the other side.


Lately, Kirishima-san has been calling me like this to invite me to hang out.


By chance, did she like me? If so, I’d be so happy!


Could I consider her as my friend? I wonder if she’d mind me as her friend.


If only she’d tell me outright like Godou did.


Then again, you didn’t normally say this thing out loud, right?


That was what Godou told me anyway. Unlike me, he had a lot of friends, so he should know a lot about this.


Oh right, I should ask Kirishima-san about that.


“…Will you invite Godou and Kudou-kun?”
{Ah… Well, they don’t really like romance movies. Even if we invite them, they’ll just refuse. I haven’t asked Godou yet, Yuuka hasn’t asked Shinji too, I assume.}

“I see…”


I was looking forward to watching the movie since I liked the novel. But I felt a little disappointed because Godou wouldn’t be there.


Come to think of it, back in his previous life, he said that he didn’t really understand love stories.


Even though love was a beautiful emotion. It was a shame that he couldn’t understand the feeling.


…Then again, I’ve never fallen in love either, so I didn’t really understand it.


Suddenly, Godou’s face came to my mind. I shook my head frantically.


W-What am I thinking?! He’s just a friend!


Besides, even though we were friends, we were enemies back in our previous life. There was no way that he’d think of me like that.


{…What’s wrong?}


While I was making such excuses in my head, Kirishima-san called out to me.


“N-Nothing. Don’t mind me.”




Did I do something strange? Kirishima-san went quiet for a while…


{Anyway, do you want to meet up now? I just got back from my club.}


I agreed to meet up with her. Unlike her or Godou, I had no club activities or part-time job, so I had a lot of free time.

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