A Restart with Harem System?

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 His family member

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"W-What..... the fuck? Where is this coming from? I even got three other affinities. It's not rare to get new affinities, but I got 3 at the same time, and I never heard or seen someone with time affinities." He said with shuttering lips. 

Alan was surprised when he saw his system. Many things have changed, and moreover, there was a lot of stuff that he was unfamiliar with it. 

When he thought about how to get the harem point, to his surprise the system answered his thought. Ringing the flat voice in his ear. In the past, his system only worked for the parameter, but now the system can answer him.

[Because of the Goddess of Love and Lust blessing, Harem point will be gained by having intimate act with harem member]

Sitting on the bathroom floor, he asked the system a few important questions, such as Why he was coming to this world? What is the purpose for him to live in this world? Why is he coming back to the past?

Unfortunately, the system couldn't fully answer him. The system replied with [Unable to gather specific information]

"Sigh...There is nothing I can do if the system itself doesn't know. There is no point to stress about it." He regained his composure and began to think positively.

"Alright, then how about this. Why is the harem system? Do you know about it?" He asked again.

[Harem system is selected because of your desire to save your beloved]

"Ohhhhh, that makes sense. I got the system upgrades notification when I was........ Never mind. But why is selected? It feels like there is another system."

[Unable to gather specific information]

"Haaa... Well. That's it, I guess. It's unbelievable, but I have seen and experienced many things. In this life with this kind of system, I will do it right." He said optimistically.

Releasing a short chuckle, he muttered. "A beloved, huh."

He wasn't exaggerating. He used to be close with girls. Even in his 1st life on earth, he had incestuous life with his family. Only when he possessed the king's body did he not pay attention to the opposite gender.

Then shortly after, someone knocked on the bathroom door and called him, "Alan, are you inside the bathroom?"

"Yeah, What's wrong?" He walked toward the door, opened the door slightly, and peeked outside.

He saw two beautiful women standing in front of the door, looking at him with a worried expressions. They were his mother and one of his sisters.

Alan's mother, Vivian Bismarck. A gorgeous blonde woman with blue ocean eyes, her hair is long and reaches her waist, and the back of her hair is breaded tied by a ribbon. She is a gentle and caring woman, but despite that, she likes to hide her feeling. Always has a calm and collected expression. She is 1,7 meters tall and has voluptuous curves on her body. H cup boobs with rounded buttocks. 

Alan's sister, Leona Bismarck. A beautiful blonde woman with blue ocean eyes, her hair only reaches her shoulder, but she likes to tie it to the back, making it in a ponytail style. She likes to hide her feeling too, but she is more on the fierce side. Most of the time, if there is something that she really likes she always acts as if she doesn't like it. She is 1,7 meters tall, and just like her mother, she inherited her mother figure, although it isn't superb like Vivian and her other sister.
(Black Leona, White Vivian)

[Emotional fluctuation detected]

[Vivian Bismarck has been added to the Harem Candidate]

  • Name: Vivian Bismarck
  • Age: 45
  • Affection: 109 
  • Lust: 28/100

[Leona Bismarck has been added to the Harem Candidate]

  • Name: Leona Bismarck
  • Age: 25
  • Affection: 112 
  • Lust: 12/100

"Are you alright?" Vivian asked and wanted to move closer, but Alan stopped her with a hand sign.

"Wait, I'm naked. I'm fine. What happened? Why are you here, mother?" 

"Your sister called me here," Vivian answered. 

At first, he was confused about why they acted like this, but then he realized something. When he woke up and saw his own body, he didn't notice his sister. He assumed that Leona already saw his body.

Then he said. "Wait, let me change clothes first. Can you get me a new one?" They nodded and gave him a new set of clothes.

Inside the bathroom, Alan thought about his system.

"Harem candidate? So it's automatically adding them, but is it only adding someone from my past? And their affection is..... System what does that mean?" He asked.

[Yes. For now, the user needs to upgrade the system if the user wants to manually add them]

[Both of them have unsure feelings toward the user]

His mouth was agape in shock. "Is it safe to assume that they see me more than a family? Now I get it. Why they were always questioning and nagging at me when I got a female friend. But when did they have this feeling toward me? Not that I'm complaining about this. I mean, they were my lover in the other life." 

[One of the reasons is because the Goddess of Love and Lust has an effect, causing them to desire the user]

Little did he know that they acted like a bodyguard for him, especially Leona and his other sisters. There was a time when they secretly burned an invitation for an engagement arrangement. Sometimes he felt like he was being arrested inside the house, but he didn't feel sad or bad. He had enough entertainment from home, teasing the girls every single day. 

Later, when Alan left the bathroom, he saw them staring at him from the couch. The girls were amazed by the change in his figure, and they couldn't believe the man in front of him was Alan. A day ago, he was a little boy with 1,5 meters tall. 

Alan smiled wryly. He knew he would be bombarded by a question. He walked toward them and sat between them. "Where is Helena?" 

"She is still asleep. Don't change the topic. Explain to me what happens to you." Vivian said while having a stern expression and holding his right hand.

"Yeah, I woke up because the bed was bouncing, and I saw your body was already like this. I never heard anything like this, so I called mother." Leona added.

"I don't know either. When I open my eyes, my body is already like this." Alan said, shrugging his shoulder.

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"What? Are you serious?" Leona held his head, turned to her, and stared at him.

"I Am serious," Alan grunted.

"Tch, do you think I will believe that?" Leona said, then Vivian added. "You do know that we are worried about you."

"I know, but I don't feel anything bad now, and last night I didn't see any nightmares like I used to, so you don't need to worry if I feel something bad. I will tell everyone." 

"Now, you mentioned last night you didn't scream or shout. After we celebrated your birthday, I didn't go to sleep immediately. I was watching you sleeping for a while."

It wasn't the right time to tell them the truth. Alan wanted to figure out his system first. Even though they knew he was lying, but he was stubborn, so they could only wait for him to tell the truth.

"Sigh... all right, then make sure to tell us if something bad happens."

"Alan, Stand up for a while. I want to compare your height." Leona said while massaging Alan's bicep.

"Uggh... You are actually higher than me now. I want my little brother back." She snorted. Complaining about the height even though it was only a few inches different.

Alan chuckled, then shrugged his shoulder. "Can't help it. It's not my fault." 

While Leona and Alan were talking, Vivian looked at him and lost in thought, "What he would be like when he was older. Who will be the lucky girl that will be loved by him." 

Her hand unconsciously slid inside his shirt, and touched Alan's stomach, feeling his abs, but she didn't take a long time because Alan grabbed her wrist to stop her, or else he would have a bulge in his pants. He was surprised. After he got his system just from a gentle touch, things reacted differently.

Realizing what she was doing, she immediately pulled her hand and looked away, avoiding his gaze. "You are really changed. You have grown." 

Alan and Leona chuckled when they saw their mother trying her best to not show her feeling. Then they sat back on the couch. 

Soon, They heard a faint female voice come from the door. It was coming from Alan's second sister who just had woken up. She still had a sleepy face and half-open eyes. She yawned and said, "Ho......hmmm....... Why is everyone here?" 

"Hey......, Why are you waking up this early?" Alan said after he saw another notification for her.

[Emotional fluctuation detected]

[Helena Bismarck has been added to the Harem Candidate]

  • Name: Helena Bismarck
  • Age: 19
  • Affection: 116 
  • Lust: 9/100

[has a slight obsession feeling toward the user]
(Helena in the middle)

Helena Bismarck, his other big sister, the last addition to the Bismarck family. She has the same hair and eye color. Despite only 1,5 meters tall, She also inherited her mother figure. She is a lovely, doting, and clingy sister. Though the way she acts towards Alan is unique in some way, sometimes the role is reversed. Alan is like her big brother, and she is his little sister. Different from her mother and sister, she is pretty honest. Her cute face makes him feel like he always wants to protect her, and she likes to cling to him. 

She walked toward them and sat on his lap, resting her back on his chest, but then she felt something wrong. She got up, looked at him, surprised, and rubbed her own eyes in disbelief. "W-what?" her reaction was the same as the others, so they spent some time until it was time for breakfast.

Later, in the dining room.

As usual, there were only four of them on the table. Eating the luxury food that had been cooked by a maid. Only 2 maids lived with them inside the house, and there wasn't any guard since the protection was coming from a Magic spell. It was called "Protection runes or formation." No one without permission could enter the house. Though they had a few other maids that worked as carriage drivers. They lived in a different place not that far from the mansion.

Not only that, but these maids were actually strong. One of them is the leader of Vivian's secret force. Alan knew about their existence from Vivian story in the past, but he had never met them. Thus, they didn't get added to the harem candidate by the system, even though they had high affection toward him.

Yuna Kraum and Luna Kraum, that's what their name is. A Demi-human, cat kind. They have one pair of fluffy ears on top of their head, blend with smooth black hair, and just like other Demi-human, they have a long tail. They have blood-colored eyes and that unique pinkish marks on their cheeks. 

They are pretty similar to each other since they are mother and daughter. Yuna is a mother, a gentle and heartwarming woman. She is 1,65 meters tall and has a gorgeous body. Even when she wears her maid uniform, it doesn't hide her curves. Her daughter Yuna, a cute and lovely girl,

shorter than Helena by a few inches, 1,4 meters, and also one year younger than Helena. Her body development shows that she will be like her mother just in a few years. Her body is well developed.

They had a dark past, and Vivian was the one who saved them from that dark moment. A long time ago, Yuna was pregnant, and her village was destroyed by a bandit. Being a Demi-human, a cat kind, she got captured. The bandit wanted to sell her as a slave. No Kingdoms allowed slavery, but there was always a dark side below the surface.

Fortunately, at that time, Vivian was targeting the same bandit group and managed to save her and the other girls captured by them. 

Had nowhere else to go, Vivian offered them to work with her. They were trained under Vivian. Yuna was the most promising one, and Vivian decided to take her into the house alongside her daughter Luna.

"Your cooking is always delicious, aunt," Alan said while giving a thumbs up to Yuna.

"Thank you, young master. I try my best to make everyone satisfied. Thanks to my lady, I could learn a lot." She said while bowing. Her ears kept twitching as a sign she was genuinely happy.

"Eyyy. Didn't I tell you to just call me Alan? How many times do i.........." His word was interrupted by Luna who was standing beside him.

"Bro......Young master here is your drink." She poured a hot drink into his cup.

"Ohh, thanks, Luna......" He said while patting Luna's head. 

"Ehehehe" Feeling his hand rubbing her head and ears, she just laughed. It tickled her.

Seeing Alan and Luna interaction, Vivian and Yuna just smiled while Leona only stole a glance, but kept eating her food, and Helena puffed her cheeks. She seemed jealous. Despite caring for each other, they were like cats and dogs.

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