A Soldier Got Lost In Another World

Chapter 10: The Discussion

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Chapter 9: The Discussion

It's night already, the crowds that were chasing us are now gone, but sometimes when I look out of the windows. I still see some people walking pass the Inn glaring at my room when they see me.

We are now about to have dinner together, Prince Hoster told me this Inn belongs to the mayor that controls the town. Its price is very expensive, and only high-ranking nobles can stay here.

He also told me that the currency that the Attenta Kingdom and the Warsaw Kingdom use are different, but every trade market in every place of any country on this continent is having currency converters.

We are now waiting for the dinner, the owner of this Inn and her daughter are making the meals in the kitchen for us.

Of course! Hoster rented the entire dinner as a priority and served his people and me first.

Shera, Reimi and Hoster are now sitting together at a table waiting for the meal, the Warsaw soldiers are sitting separated from them.

The soldiers don't have the authority to sit together with their rulers. 

About Reimi, she is an exception, she is very trusted by Princess Shera.

About me, instead of sitting with Shera, I chose an empty table and sat at it. Hoster had ordered to be served with the most priced meals so the preparation for the dinner must take lots of time.

About 30 minutes later, seems like the dinner is ready, the owner of the Inn and her daughter are bringing the meals to us.

I can smell the food flavors from here, the food must be very delicious!

"Yes! Yes! Sorry for making you customers wait! Here are your meals!" - The owner's daughter is bringing the bowls with meals to the soldiers, she seems very happy

Then in a short time, the meals are being brought out completely, Shera and her soldiers are enjoying the meals.

About me, I wonder why my meal is being prepared so long, after waiting for 3 minutes, the meal is being brought to me by the Inn's owner.

"Here is your meal, mister! Enjoy!"

When I look at my meal, I notice that the foods are very poorly made, it also stinks.

The owner that brought me the meal then went away, I heard her whisper something before she go.

"Powerless are just useless! Enjoy the dog's food!" - The owner whispered from behind, she even glared at me a few times before she got away

I don't think the racism toward the powerless is very complicated like that but I ignored that problem. 

At least you must fill your stomach with something first before thinking to do the other things.

"Hey, mister! Didn't your meal need to be made better?" - A little girl, the owner's daughter asked me, she seems very pure

"That's okay for me, kid! I don't want to trouble your mom!"

"Okay?" - The little girl seems curious about my word

"That word means alright in my homeland!"

"You are strange, mister! But anyway, if you have anything unsatisfied with our meal, please say that problem to my mom, she will take care of it for you!" - The little girl ran towards her mother after saying to me

"Mom! Can I go to sleep now? I feel very sleepy!"

"Of course, you can! You have done your work very well today, Reya! Just go sleep!" - Her mom said to her


Then Reya runs upstairs to her room and sleeps

Princess Shera, who was supposed to eat with her people is now looking at me, she feels odd when I didn't sit with her, she stands up and goes towards my table.

"Sir Rigen! What's wrong? You didn't sit with me? Did I make any problems that you see annoying?" - Shera sat next to me, she asked me lightly

"No, Princess! I just want to be alone for a while!"

"Oh, that's so? I'm sorry if I bothered you, Sir Rigen!" - Shera deeply apologized to me, though she did nothing wrong

When Shera was about to go back to her people, she looked at my meal, her face now seems a little enrage when she noticed that my meal is made very carelessly, it also has a very bad smell.

Of course! I didn't intend to put any of those "poisonous" flours in my mouth. I was just thinking about heading upstairs and taking some of my MRE packs.

"Hey! You woman of this Inn! Why did you treat Sir Rigen so badly like that? Apologize him now and make him another meal!" - Shera shouted loud to the Inn's owner

The atmosphere before that was very bustle and cheerful, but after the words of Shera, the atmosphere seems a little bit tense.

After hearing what Shera said, the Inn's owner slowly walks towards her, she also glared at my meal while walking, she is now standing very close to Shera.

"Miss! Why did you care so much about that powerless? I think that meal is the most deserving that he worth for!" - The owner also spilled her spit into my meal after saying those words

"Don't act like you are a Princess or a Queen, Miss! You may be a woman who has power, who is a high-ranking aristocrat but that does not mean I will obey every of your word!"

"Remember, my husband is the mayor of this town!"

"You rudeness!" - Reimi yelled angrily

Reimi then throws her meal onto the ground, she walks towards the Inn's owner with her right hand holding tight her sword and about to draw it out of the scabbard.

"The woman standing before you is Princess Shera Sonne of Warsaw Kingdom! Your rudeness is not worth being forgiven, I will kill you here!" Reimi threatened the owner

After hearing what Reimi said, the owner shook, she breathed fast, her eyes groggy, and she kneeled on the floor, grabbing Reimi's right leg and begging her for forgiveness.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I don't want to die, please! I swear I will do anything Her Highness told me to! Please don't kill me!" - That woman is now sweating a lot, she breaths faster, about to breathless

Reimi is now out of her limit, she punching powerful blows with her fists to that owner's face. The woman's face is now bruised, and her mouth is full of blood.

"Then give Sir Rigen a proper meal!" - Shera ordered the owner

"Yes! Right away, Princess!" - That woman rushing towards the kitchen though she is injured

After 15 minutes later, my meal is being brought out, and it is better than before, Shera and Reimi are now sitting next to me, they didn't want to see me in that hard time anymore.

The meal is great, actually! But I don't have the mood to enjoy its taste every time I think of that earlier incident.

Then about 1 hour after that dinner, I'm now in my room, Princess Shera and Reimi are now with me, they want to check up on me to make sure that I will be safe.

I'm now about to sleep but I notice Shera's people are not doing that, they're all gathering in Prince Hoster's room.

"I'm very sorry to let you be treated like that in that dinner, Sir Rigen!" - Shera apologized to me again though she didn't do anything wrong

"I'm also s-" - Reimi also doing that but I stopped her

"That incident was not predictable! You two did nothing wrong! Princess, Reimi, you two should take more care of yourselves!"

"I know, Sir Rigen! But anyway, are you about to sleep right now?" - Shera asked me


"I'm about to discuss with my brother, I don't know what the details of that discussion are about!"

"I hope our conversation won't bother your sleep, Sir Rigen!" - Shera said as if she is apologizes to me, again

"That alright, Princess! I don't want to bother you any longer, please get back to your brother's room! Everyone is waiting for you!"

Then Shera closes the door and goes back to her brother's room, Reimi also bows her head to me and keeps up with Shera.

"Advisor! You can do eavesdropping, aren't you?"

"Of course, John!"

"Shera said she didn't know about what her brother is about to say to her in that discussion, they may talk about me, I want you to record their conversation fully to me!"

"Roger that!" - Advisor goes on its duty right away

Shera's perspective

After the meal, my brother said to me that he wanted to discuss with me something, I wonder what it is.

I'm now going with Reimi to my brother's room.

Here we are, my brother's room is in front of my eyes, and there is a soldier standing guard outside.

After seeing me and Reimi, he bows and opens the door for us, seems like my brother is about to say to me something important.

I go inside the room, there are my brother, his soldiers and a middle-aged man with a brown-haired ponytail in it, that man has a full beard, that's my brother's right hand, General Algen Dunkel.

"Alright! You soldiers stay outside and do the guard, I want to stay here to discuss with my sister, Reimi and Dunkel some problem!"

"Do not get inside without my permission!" - My brother ordered his soldiers

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"Yes, my Lord!" - The soldiers bowed their heads to my brother and also while going outside, they did the same to me

"Take a seat, my dear sister! I want to talk something to you!" - My brother said to me

Then I a take a seat opposite my brother, Reimi is standing beside me, and also General Dunkel does the same to my brother.

"My dear little sister, the discussion I want to talk to you tonight is about John Rigen! Can you tell me anything you know about that man?" - My brother asked me

"What do you want to know about most, brother?"

"His ability, is there anything special?"

"Brother, at first Sir Rigen didn't know how to speak our native language but by some miraculous, he had learned it in about 2 days since the time we met him!" 

"What? In only 2 days! Now I understand why the way he speaks is a bit different from other people, did you ask him how could he did that?" - My brother asked me with his surprising face

"I don't know how he could do that, but I and Reimi had heard Sir Rigen speaks his homeland language before, we don't understand but his language is a bit similar to us!"

"Forget about the language, I want to hear more about his fighting ability!"

"Sir Rigen doesn't know how to use a sword, he even doesn't know the basic things of using it, but his skill of using a knife is a bit different, he had shown me and Reimi his knife skill."

"The way he uses it is very fast and deadly, probably he is trained well to use it, most of the techniques he using are for killing the enemy with only one hit!"

"Was he an assassin?" 

"No! Sir Rigen didn't say that to me, brother! He said those techniques belong to the training programs of his homeland's army!"

"Sir Rigen said to me that the army he belongs to is named United States Marine Corps!"

"I don't know much about the meaning of the name of his army organization but the name itself seems powerful!"

"Sir Rigen said that most of our weapons and our tactics in wars are not used by his homeland military anymore."

"Sir Rigen said that our military doctrine is very obsolete if compared to his homeland, his military organization's weapons are more advanced than us!"

"Sir Rigen didn't say much about his homeland's weapons but he said knives are the only weapons that are left in his old-time homeland's history still being used in wars, that's why he didn't know to use the sword!"

"Continue, Shera! I want to hear more!" - My brother said to me

"At first, I didn't believe what he told me, I cannot imagine how an army fights without forming their formations, didn't use spears, swords and also bows, but from what he showed to me this morning, I was completely convinced!"

"You may know about this, brother! Sir Rigen is powerless!"

"What? So that's why many crowds were gathering at this Inn and shouting because of that? Princess, why did you protect that powerless man, and also why you didn't let us know?" - General Dunkel asked me, I didn't surprise by his reaction

"Watch your mouth, Dunkel! Sir Rigen is powerless but that does not mean he is useless, he saved my life, and also Reimi, if I see anyone of you rude to Sir Rigen, the punishment will be dead!" 

"Sorry, Princess!" - Dunkel's mouth said that but I don't see he will obey my words

"Sir Rigen said his homeland has very few people who can cast magic, most of them are powerless, but the people there can create magic by their knowledge though they can't cast them!"

"I can't understand that part, can you explain more simple to me, my little sister!" - My brother asked me

"I can't, brother! But Sir Rigen had shown me and Reimi a magic tool from his homeland to us, he said it is called a gun, it has very powerful destruction, that is the black colored thing he always brings with him!"

"How powerful it is?" - My brother asked me

"I don't know about it either but Reimi said to me that Sir Rigen had used that magic tool to kill 5 assassins that chased us in a blink of an eye.

"Sir Rigen also said with only that magic tool, he can kill 100 men all by himself!" 

"That's unbelievable, I doubt that! He must have exaggerated it!"

"Maybe that's enough for me, my sister!" - My brother told me to stop explaining

"But that's just a small part, I didn't even tell you about the magic item Sir Rigen wears on his right hand and also his green bag which carries a lot of strange equipment that he wears on his back!"

"I think that is enough! You don't need to say more, my little sister!"

"Dunkel, how many assassins should we hire if we want to kill John Rigen?" - My brother asked his General

"Brother! You want to kill Sir Rigen? I protest that!"

"You should reconsider this, Prince Hoster!" - Reimi also joined my side

"Our homeland just has got out of a coup, we didn't know who was behind it yet, John Rigen must be a threat to our Kingdom since I didn't know much about him!" - My brother said to me

"But don't be so worried like that, my dear little sister! I won't do anything to him at this time, you protect him, I will also do the same but I will keep my eyes on him just in case!" - My brother explained to me

"My Prince! According to Her Highness's information, I think we should double the number of assassins from 100 to 200 if we want to kill John Rigen completely, we don't lack money to hire them!"

"Anyway, I don't think that powerless can have a chance to stand against 2 Attenta assassins, Ha!" - Dunkel is smuggling about his thought

Rigen's perspective

After hearing the conversation between Shera and her brother, I'm now thinking, seems like I have gone on a death path.

"Advisor! Stay guard on high alert, during the time I sleep, if you hear anyone come to my room, even Shera or Reimi, call me immediately!"

"Roger that!" 

Advisor, my life is now up to you, hope you won't let me be killed!

Shera's perspective - 15 minutes after the discussion

After the discussion about Sir Rigen, my brother and I had discussed where Sir Rigen has lived before coming here.

To all I know from my knowledge, there are only four continents that exist around the world. Is there still a continent that we haven't discovered yet?

If what Sir Rigen said is true, then he must have come from somewhere we didn't know about.

I should hide from him the existence of those four continents then, must mix them in one. 

I will explain to Sir Rigen fully when I know enough information about the place he has lived!

I'm now so confused, I'm now with Reimi to Sir Rigen's room, I want to check up on him and also to alert him about my brother's plan.

"What should we do now, my Highness?" - Reimi is very worried about me

"Reimi, now hear me! I want you to be close to Sir Rigen every time, even when he sleeps, I don't want to see Sir Rigen dies, understand?"

"Of course! my Highness! Protect Sir Rigen's life is also protect your life!" - Reimi promised me


Then we go to Sir Rigen's room, we are now in front of the door, I slowly open the door.

"Sir Rigen, are now still awake?"

Oh! Seems like Sir Rigen is now sleeping on his bed, I slowly sneak towards him, seems like he is now sleeping very well

"Reimi, you hide inside the closet! Remember to stay guard, and don't bother Sir Rigen's sleep!"

Then Reimi slowly sneaks into the closet, I hope she will fulfill her duty, Reimi is now sleepy but she still trying to do her best, Sir Rigen's life is up to you now, Reimi!

"Sir Rigen! I feel so sorry when you got involved in my homeland's problem, I'm very sorry!"

Then I kiss Sir Rigen's forehead, I already have a feeling about him since I met him, I don't know if I'm in love or not, but anyway, I hope he won't die.

What I was saying! I love Sir Rigen?

Maybe, uh...I should not be close to Sir Rigen! He may have family, he may have married someone, I should not bother his happiness anymore!

"Hehe! John, I'm so proud of you! You've got two wives now!"

When I was about to away from Sir Rigen to go back to my room, I heard something said very small, it may come from Sir Rigen's ears.

Or does his Advisor want to talk to me about something? 

I don't really know, but if Sir Rigen's Advisor also protects him alongside with Reimi, I'm pleased now!

I go back to my room, slowly walk the steps and close Sir Rigen's room door.

I need to have a good sleep before thinking about protecting him.

I will get to Sir Rigen right away by the time I wake up tomorrow.

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