A Soldier Got Lost In Another World

Chapter 2: A Strange Encounter (Part 1)

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Chapter 1: A Strange Encounter (Part 1)

I had already been there, at the area that SA had told me to go to, I was now hiding in a bush, watching the situation.

The sounds of fighting could be heard from where I was hiding, I still waiting for what would happen next.

I saw something! There were two girls, I didn't know how to say but they were all wearing armors.

But the red-haired one wore iron armor and the blonde-haired one wore the leather armor they also brought swords. They were running around me as if to hide away from something. 

Luckily I was now in a bush so they didn't see me, they were hiding from something.

The girls were now sneaking behind a tree, I saw ten people coming out from where those girls ran earlier. They were searching for the girls. 

The girls were now stepping closer behind the tree they were hiding. 

One of those people found the girls, but the red-haired girl swung a sword at his throat, that man died instantly.

The girls were now surrounded by remaining people, those girls were struggling to fight for their lives. 

The curly long blond-haired girl from one of those girls didn't notice there was a man who was close to her from behind.

That man swung a sword's hilt to the girl's head with a strong blow and that girl passed out after getting hit. 

The other girl, the red-haired one that had the long hair to her left shoulder was now very panicked when she saw her comrade passed out.

Then the girl swung her sword repeatedly at the attackers, she quickly exhausted, trying to take her breath.

The girl was trying to take her breath while doing a guarding stance with her sword. 

One of the attackers managed to get behind her when she was not attention.

He was about to thrust his sword into the girl's heart or to raise his sword above to swing down her head from behind.


I fired a shot, how could I stand there to let those people hurt the women, and also the people who got attacked! 

The attentions were now toward me, the attacker that I shot, it was a headshot so he dropped dead instantly.

The red-haired girl and the other attackers were now panicking at the gunshot, four of the attackers running away but I also shoot them all.

I managed to shoot through the heads because they were very close to me. 

That red-haired girl who was shocked at the gunshots had calmed down and took that chance to slice the remaining attackers.

All ten attackers were now dead, even if they were wearing armor, they cannot stand against guns. 

The red-haired girl was now pointing her sword toward me, she slowly stepped back to her friend, trying to pick up her with high caution.

"Hey, girl! I'm not your enemy! I just, just lost directions, you know?"

"Do you know where is this place? I need to know how to return to Virginia, I've lost my way about less than an hour ago."

"And why do those people attack you and your friend, you and they wear very strange clothes you know? You were filming and acting with them?"

"I know I will face the laws because of killing people but they had tried to kill you and your friend, or the way you people acted in the fight scene was so real to me so!" 

"So I think if they were trying to hurt you for real, then I have made the right choice to save you two."

"Otherwise, I have killed people and have to face the laws, I'm sorry if I killed your co-workers!"

The girl kept staring at me, not saying a word, she tilted her head as if to figure out what I was saying. 

Then finally she spoke a word but that word was very strange.

"Wh ar yo? Wher di yo com fro? Wha kin o magi weapo yo ar holdin i you hand?" ( Who are you? Where did you come from? What kind of magic weapon you are holding in your hands) - The girl asked me in panic

"I'm not your enemy! I just lost my way!"

"Kee you distanc! Sta awa fro He Highnes! D no ge close!" ( Keep your distance! Stay away from Her Highness! Do not get closer!)

I didn't know what was the girl saying but I tried to be friendly.

A few minutes had passed, the girl didn't see me have any hostility to her so she slowly lowered her sword and later returned it to her scabbard.

Then she carried her friend with two hands, going back to the place where they were running. 

Oh! I was a bit shocked, there were about 20 - 30 corpses around the place, and some of the corpses were around the trail. 

Looked like about ten of the corpses were that red-haired girl's people, there was a carriage got stuck there.

The red-haired girl then placed her friend on a tree nearby, checking her wounds.

I was now curious, why did those girls wear armors? Why did they bring swords like the attackers, did I just get back in the past?

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I must keep silent in these situations, must have more info before doing anything!

After checking the wounds, luckily that the girl that passed out didn't have any wounds. 

The red-haired girl looked very happy, she placed her friend inside the carriage, waiting for her to wake up.

I also followed the red-haired girl inside the carriage, she was still cautious about me. 

I didn't know what to say to her, how could I say to her when I didn't know anything about the language she spoke?

"John! This place is not Virginia, maybe you can find a way to go back to your place somehow but not today, just keep following the girls."

"Try to understand the girl's language, I can help you to learn but it needs more time when I have to gather the info before translating the language into English."

"Try to talk with that girl by using body language and hand language, good luck!" - SA suddenly said to me

"Waah!" - The red-haired girl stepped back farther and was about to draw her sword, she was scared when she heard a "metal box" that could talk

"Wha i tha thin? Ho di tha meta bo can tal?" (What is that thing? How did that metal box can talk) - The red-haired girl said in a panic, again

"Uhh! John, turn on the Special Conversation, that girl won't be able to calm down when she hears the things that are beyond her knowledge!"

I immediately surfed around the screen of SA to find the Special Conversation. I found it finally, and I turned it on.

"From now on, John! You will talk to me by using your brainwave, the conversation can only be heard by only you, that might help!"

The red-haired girl had now calmed down, then I heard her belly was gulping, looked to be hungry. 

That girl looked at me then looked around to find food, then I took a Chocolate Bar from my bag and gave it to her.

"Wha i tha littl meta bo?"( What is that little metal box) - The girl looked curious

Ohh! I forgot to remove the wrapper. How could I let an "ancient girl" eat the foods from the 21st century when that person didn't know about the definition of "wrapper"?

After removing the wrapper, I gave that girl the Chocolate Bar, she looked around, even sniffed it to identify whether it was dangerous or not. 

After the check progressed, she dropped the Chocolate into her mouth and ate well as if nothing happened.

After eating that Chocolate, she raised her hands, as if to beg me for more, I handed over another chocolate bar to her.

This time I didn't remove the wrapper, the girl struggled to remove the wrapper. After removing it, she also ate it well.

After eating two Chocolate bars, the red-haired girl looked full, she checked her friend again, that girl was still fine. 

I had remembered what SA told me earlier, to learn the new language. Maybe I have been sent to the past, or somewhere else, must be used to it.

At least I must introduce myself to the girl at once, must know how to call each other first.

"John, John Rigen!" - I introduced my name to the red-haired girl

That girl after hearing my name, her eyes opened wider.

"Reimi, Reimi Frieden!" - That girl also introduced her name to me

I tried to repeat Reimi's name repeatedly, and that girl also repeated my name with the curious on her face. 

A few seconds later, Reimi looked outside, seeing her dead people and then she looked at me.

"Pleas, Si Rigen! Ca yo pleas di grave fo m peopl, pleas? Whil I tak car o He Highnes!"

( Please, Sir Rigen! Can you please dig graves for my people, please! While I take care of Her Highness!) - Reimi pointed her hands out of the carriage to the corpses of her people and held my hands, as if to beg me

"Okay! Let me do that for you, Reimi! You take care of your friend, okay!"

"Okay?" - Reimi seemed curious about my answer

Then I went out of the carriage, I managed to bring my military shovel with me so it was not so hard to dig graves for Reimi's people. 1 more hour later passed.

Man! I was exhausted right now while digging alone, the graves had now maybe big enough for 10 people.

I was not as nervous as before anymore, I had calmed down a little bit. 

I was just an orphan and I didn't even have a girlfriend or someone worth to be missed back at my home so I didn't miss my homeland that much.

No! I still miss it, cannot go back to my home anymore made me a little sad. 

But I didn't have time to think, I must move on for now.

When I was about to bring Reimi's people's corpses to the graves, I heard her voice inside the carriage, looked to be very happy.

"O, M Highnes! Finall yo ar awak!" (Oh, My Highness! Finally you are awake!) - Reimi said happily, maybe I should go in to see why she did that

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