A story of the changeling

Chapter 7: Chapter 7. New experiences

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Tsilonee slowly stripped Felix's clothes while they sat on the smooth sheet of covering of bed. Her lips caressing his lips on the surface. Felix let her do as she pleased; this kind of sex was completely foreign for him. In a woman's figure, he could only watch and learn how a real professional would do the job.

Felix was pushed onto the bed softly after he was fully undressed. His night partner was still half-naked. Tsilonee lay onto his body, locking his whole frame with her arms and legs, breasts pressed against breasts.

"It will be a long lesson this time, my dear student. So I teach you detail by detail," she said in a low, seductive voice into his ears using her tutor tone.

She started with gentle kisses on Felix's chin, unhurriedly moving down to his throat, occasionally running her teeth on his smooth womanly skin.

Felix was now breathing labouringly, feeling totally new sensations. Of course, he had had sex as a man with women before, but definitely not as a woman, and not with a skilled medieval age prostitute. His now soft skin made his sensitive flesh even more tender when touched, licked, and bitten.

When Tsilonee finally reached her breasts, Felix gasped involuntarily. She massaged his breasts with her delicate fingers while her tongue circled around one of the peaks, sometimes teasing him with mild bites, forcing his new slim entity to squirm with pleasure under the woman’s erotic actions. Still, his female form yearned for more, for more sensations there were.

After she finished torturing Felix on the bosom, Tsilonee slowly went even lower, running her wetted lips on Felix's belly, which made him arch her back and enlightened his body even more. His hands wanted to make a dash to woman’s head to easy her pace, but he distracted them by making them hold the bed sheet.

The head prostitute took her time exploring around Felix's navel, tickling him with her playful tongue and lips, breathing deeply as she inhaled Felix's scent through her nose.

"You know what? At first, I thought you to be a slave girl escaped from her owner. You don't smell as our men do," she whispered, and approached the lowest part and peak of ecstasy point which Felix had been wondering how it would feel ever since he learned about his ability.

"And as a woman..." she trailed off before inhaling deeply the place Felix's manhood had occupied some time ago.

Felix became still with anticipation, his mind was blank in pleasure and his body felt too light like a feather, as he was expecting the sensation he could never achieve in his man form. Tsilonee's hot breath spread though his new genitalia, then her even hotter tongue slowly slid down to the place begging for care. Now he felt it closely, it was wet with womanly juice. Felix's own womanly juice, he could barely believe it.

Felix was taking very shallow, faint breaths, and his body didn't even stir, as though he was in a frozen state. His eyes were unfocusedly staring at the ceiling but not registering what he was seeing.

Then, finally, Tsilonee's tongue got through the limitations, forcing him gasp for air that seemed he only now remembered to inhale. And when the prostitute started licking up and down sluggishly, he nailed his fingers to the blanket below, barely managing them from rushing down to the woman's head to stop her. The wanting to prevent her from going any further and the desire to let her continue enclosed him.

Tsilonee dug deeper and deeper with her tongue through Felix's womanhood. He started moaning in bliss while his head thrown aback, his throat hoarsely conducting air to his fluttering lungs.

When Felix was certain no pleasure could surpass beyond this height of euphoria, Tsilonee gently put her one finger into his womanly hole, making him scream with a jolt of rapture. She just had to stimulate the insides a few times while her tongue was busy exploring the surface area before Felix started thrashing as waves after waves of ecstasy shot through his whole body.

This lasted about a dozen seconds when finally his body calmed down. His mind was in oblivion from the highest level of pleasure he had ever felt.

His muscles refused to function for a while after that and his mouth was agape.

Tsilonee moved up and lay on the side of his slender figure. She slowly ran her wet finger across Felix's left cheek with amusement on her face, while lazily licking her own lips with lust.

"I will make you this happy as long as you're with me. I may even take you as my personal disciple," she said and kissed his upper lip with lust before rising up. "Sleep well."

After putting on her outer robe and grabbing other clothes, she approached the door and took a last glance at Felix's condition with a small smirk on her lips before leaving.

Felix kept lying on a motionless state, his gaze still refusing to cut contact with the ceiling. He let his mind float adrift like a directionless boat in a vast ocean, to savor the tiredness of the recent delicious experience his new body went through.

At last, after minutes of lying like a statue, he started piecing thoughts when he was sure every ounce of pleasure was spent by her body.

The ability of turning into various beasts. The chance of fighting without the concern of sentenced to jail for crime. New heights of pleasure... What other marvelous experiences could be waiting for me in the future of this magical realm?

The next morning, Felix woke up with completely refreshed energy. Though he didn't hurry to get up yet, lay in bed, feeling his, Tsilonee's, body up close. The softness made him touch and run his fingers more and more as he examined the woman's exquisite skin. And he moved on further to the delicate parts of his new form: the breasts.

There wasn't enough time to probe the lumps the previous night due to the ‘intense lesson’ from his language teacher. Now, he slowly looked down to inspect how the view would be from a woman's perspective. Well, he rather liked more to be between these mounts than the one possessing them. However, when he sat up and made a few good strokes over them, he rethought his opinion.

In a man form, when they were hard and flat, he couldn't feel any worth sensation to touch them. In this woman's body though, their squishiness, and them giving off the urge that made him continue what he was doing... He did not want to be satisfied with simply touching.

After massaging his bosom for a good long time, he put his attention to the even lower section of his torso. It was not that alien sensation now, probably due to the extremely good introduction to his female form from the yesterday's night.

It would start craving for the familiar ecstasy in some days, he speculated. His man form had its need at least once in a week, so how long would a woman’s body endure without a release, now it tasted the sweet heights of pleasure?

Felix then stood up and tested the balance and gait of Tsilonee's physique. Apart from the swinging mass side to side when taking steps, nothing was too remarkable. In order to resemble to an actual woman's walk, he had to adjust the measure of the steps he was taking. The dangling of the lumps could be dealt with a piece of fabric as Tsilonee did when he saw her taking off her clothes yesterday.

There was a mirror missing. A large, body-tall mirror to exhibit his new appearance to himself, and to enjoy of being in an alluring sexy woman's body. He paced around the room, marveling his build from every angle.

I wonder how men's gaze feel like when they see this figure… Will it make me happy? Irritated? Will it make me jealous of myself?

Felix laughed to himself with his girlish voice, amused from his own thoughts. He wanted to experience all of these emotions there existed. Wanted to explore the two sides of life that never before experimented but just theorized in his old world. How would it feel to be a woman to men? The opposite? What about the animals? How would flying feel to birds? What about some of their vision and hearing?

What else could he do with this ability of his?

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Felix sank into deep thought while standing in the center of the room. The possibilities were immense, and he wanted to reach and at least touch the surface of them. To feel and experience various matters and situations was almost every person's dream in life. Including his.

A knock on the door brought Felix down from his daydreaming stasis and the woman whose body he was wearing stepped in through it. Tsilonee’s visage was depicting closeness between their relationships now as she approached him with a cat’s gait, reminding Felix what style of walking suited most to his current shape. In a few breaths, her face was inches away from his own.

“What a stunning sight! A beautiful lady standing stark naked in the middle of the room. Good thing the door was locked, or else anyone happened to open and entered this room would devour you alive,” Tsilonee’s words were as stimulating as it was previous night.

“Now there are two. What happens if someone enters the room and sees two ladies standing stark naked?” he teased back.

Clicking her tongue and squinting her eyes, Tsilonee replied to her replication, “Don’t be so rush. A secret of fully enjoying from any activity is to know the right time between the breaks. Give rest to… the body. We’ll have plenty of time to entertainment.”

Felix didn’t feel disappointment, instead, a wry smile appeared on his face as he made path toward the place where he put his clothes. While changing, he transformed back to his male form, feeling complete and absence at the same time. It appeared he had already managed to get used to his new figure, because the lack of two average sized sacks were quite perceptible on his chest. Nevertheless, the twitching of his little friend was giving him the feeling of wholeness on the other hand.

Afterwards, they occupied their daily places for language learning lessons. The hours flowed by while they spent time practicing words and word structures. Felix now couldn’t wait to taste other experiences this new world could offer. Studying the local language was the first step toward his freedom and afterwards to the treats his ability presented.

Felix dove down with new vigor into the process of learning as he imagined the possible fun stunts he could pull off if he was free of this prison of a brothel. What if he mastered acting properly? Along with his shapeshifting, he could do wonders. Only to himself.

Is this why counties try to control shapeshifters? Because they can become, and can do, whatever they want? Only my current proficiency is preventing me from doing things.

Tsilonee stood up and prepared to leave when their study time was over. However, Felix stared at her with eyes and a half open mouth that indicated he had a question he wanted to ask.

“Well, ah, I was wondering if you could take me out to sightseeing the town. You know, it’s really cramped here sitting all the time,” he said, expecting a positive answer.

The head prostitute’s eyes slightly widened form the sudden request. It appeared, she had truly intended to tutor him in her own ways while isolating him from the truths of this land. But sooner or later, he would know everything there was, so it was pointless to hide him from the world. She could be only delaying the inevitable while trying to achieve whatever plan she had been cooking in mind. But Felix had to act, too. Provided he succeeded to escape from this mansion, whether to remain in the town or just leave would depend on the knowledge he was to gather in this excursion. If he was allowed, of course.

“Why not? I was planning to show you the town actually,” she gave her reply at last, after weighing the situation. “Maybe tomorrow, or the day after is a good time for this, I think.”

Wow, that was fast. I’m still rusty at the local tongue, so the possibility of me running away is low. Maybe she will protest in a month or so. Felix processed his options pleasantly.

“That would be great. It’s been some time since I last saw the sun,” Felix commented.

“I’ll be sure to take you to the most demonstrable places. The town is located at the far edge of The Empire, so don’t expect too much,” she forewarned him with her usual gentle smile.

“Anything is fine. I haven’t seen this world’s town and other people up close yet, so no worries about it,” he assured her, excitement in his voice.

“Good. But I want you to be in the appearance of one of the women in my brothel, not to make people go to wrong conclusions. Is it all right with you?”

“Sure, I don’t mind,” he answered after a brief pause of contemplation.

“Oh, want to feel other women’s smooth bodies as well?” Tsilonee asked, trying to find of a hidden meaning in Felix’s respond.

“Ah… I don’t know what you are talking about?” Felix laughed mildly.

Tsilonee squinted her eyes at his reaction to the inquiry. After some moments of staring, she came close to him, wearing a small smirk on her cherry lips. Both of her hands took hold of his cheeks, caressing gently.

“There are very few women who can compete in beauty with me in this mansion. And those who can, I don’t like keeping them in my company that much. So, don’t expect as attractive woman as me this time,” she said in a low voice, her lips grazing the border of his mouth.

Taking a last seductive glance behind, Tsilonee left the room. Felix kept standing where he stayed, speculating about the trip he was to take part in a day or two. The actual objective wasn’t to better know the town or its places. He had been honing his shapeshifting ability rather hard lately, along with his mana reserves. It seemed he had a large store of mana supply. Shifting wasn’t a burden even after he changed form four times in an hour.

The problem was his control of mana usage. Turning into a huge barghest was an easy feat to him now, as he merely had to extract a large amount of mana from the mana source. However, making his limbs and torso smaller was causing an annoying issue. He had only managed to convert his body into a lion cub’s shape from trying to change into a cat that he had borrowed from Tsilonee. Transforming into the alpha barghest has currently become effortless, but the smaller animals could cause a headache when a time came. Therefore, he needed to search for a new subject to experiment his ability. Something that smaller than a cat.

In some nights, the watchers who had been keeping an eye on him would occasionally be absent from their concealed bunker. At those times, Felix would exploit the given opportunity to train his power. Mostly, boosting his physical prowess was the center of his attention, as he hadn’t spoken a word about this skill of his. He had doubts that Tsilonee and her bodyguard perfectly knew about his body strengthening capability. They must have been keeping their mouths shut, realizing that uttering a word of it could result in them having to teach him the original methods. The real question was whether they were aware of his nightly training or not.

Tsilonee herself would give pointers sometimes based on her own mana control expertise. She had told that many outer mana users were naturally good at directing their mana. He had also heard about the different sources the mana users draw their energy from. Inner types extracted their power from their mana source, which located below their abdomen, and the outer types generated their power in their brain. For this exact reason, it was far easier for magicians to control their mana efficiently.

If clear thinking was a fundamental aspect for the excellent usage of mana in outer users, practicing a lot was the basic need for inner users. In other words, Felix had to focus solely on training.

That afternoon Felix ate his meal alone. There were cases some VIP would show up and Tsilonee would be busy taking care of them. As for what kind of care that was, he didn’t care to ask. The only things interested him about her were her knowledge of this realm and the skill of communicating with people. The knowledge that related to this world’s affairs and the skill now he really felt necessity after learning how to change into other humans. Acting as Tsilonee could be a key point for his escaping.

He went through his writings in the common language for the rest of the afternoon. Along with some exercises at shapeshifting, he made it to the evening. He still didn’t show off very much of his capability under the watch of his observer, but sometimes he would ‘luckily’ make some achievements in his field of expertise. This would force his spectator’s heart rate increase a bit, presumably in concentration for learning his progress in detail.

The day came to its end after Felix had his dinner in the evening. He collapsed onto his bed with a heavy hanging head on his shoulder. Because his main goal was language learning, he divided major part of his daytime into study. Although a heavy sleep was his daily habit, waking up and checking his watchman at midnight if he was present was in his schedule as well. Becoming in a cat’s form made this even easier. Therefore, he made a mental alarm as usual before going to sleep.

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