A Storyteller in the Naruto World

Chapter 10: [Arc IV] Chapter 2

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Konohagakure, as she expected, is still as loud as ever, though not as densely populated.

"I am a samurai." She tells the guards by the gate. "I am here to replenish my supplies."

She wonders if that would suffice for a reason. She wonders if the samurai at the era were as her father and her grandfather had told her, respected and held in high regard. She shows them Yuukou no Sato's crest at her sword's pommel just to be sure. Yuukou no Sato had already been established by this time, right? So, they would–

"Of course." One of them spoke. "We welcome all people hailing from the samurai countries."

"You have my thanks." She bows.

"We shall inform Hashirama-sama about your arrival..." He trails off, perhaps asking for her name.

"Amakuni." She says her father's name, or in this time, her great-grandfather's. "Amakuni Shikai."

"Yes, we shall inform him of your arrival, Amakuni-dono. Please."

One of them steps forward, perhaps to escort her.

She frowns internally, knowing there isn't another way out of this.

"As per protocol." He adds.

She wonders what this protocol is and why it matters for a passing samurai.

"Of course, the protocol." She mutters to herself. "Let's go." She tells the man.

Only later does she become fully aware of what said protocol entailed when she comes face-to-face with the legend himself.

"You are looking for Murai, correct?"

She's shocked beyond reason.

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The hermit claimed he could go back in time.

"I've little patience for your charade, old man, if at all."

She told him that at the foot of the mountain he resided in.

It was sunset, and she had best reach Murai's place of residence before darkness envelops the island. She quickens her pace, rushes past trees and past rocks, not minding the branches that snag at her clothes, nor the mud that sticks to her skin.

She gave up a life of luxury and ease for a life of fame and adventure.

"Murai." The name clings to her mouth. "You will be mine, and I will be worthy."

She climbs higher and higher, reaches a clearing and looks up.

It's like the sky hasn't changed.


That can't be right. She was at the foot of the mountain at dusk, surely by now it would have been...

"It would have been quite dark by this time, wouldn't it?" The old hermit appeared from the trees.

"An illusion!" She was about to strike him when he held his hand out.

"It is not mine. It is the island's."

She narrows her eyes at him.

"Come. I will show you."

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