A Summoner Awakens [A Card-Based GameLit Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 24: Chapter 24 [Scrap of Truth]

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I breathed heavily as I focused on the link and removed the Inspection Spell from my Deck. Sweat dripped down my brow, and I clenched my teeth, wishing I had a Relic to ease the pain. Inspection had been part of my Deck for years, having been one of the Cards passed down from my father, and though it didn't have as much influence as Levels, removing a Card that had been ingrained in my soul for such an extended period wasn't easy.

Once the removal was successful, I placed the Card gingerly to the side. It wouldn't go in the pile of others removed that I would have Crook sell in the shop. There was a small sitting room upstairs adjacent to the library, and I hoped to frame this Card along with Pierce and Intelligence to keep on the desk as a remembrance. I'd also removed the Level 1 Perception, but it wasn't a Card I held a great attachment to. 

Not that I've removed Pierce yet. It can stick around until I find a higher Ranked version for sale. It's just too common to waste Promotion on it, even if it is sentimental.

With a sigh, I lifted the small stack I'd built beside me and mixed it with the pile that would go to Crook. Inspection, Healing, Throw, Howl, Dodge, Stamina, and Constitution were all there. With the build I had in mind, they were either Cards that I didn't need or their Ranks were too low, and it would make more sense to purchase the superior form.

The first removals hadn't been terrible, only leaving me with minor headaches for a matter of minutes, but the impacts after that gradually increased. Intelligence was the worst. Removing a Foundation was... less than pleasant. My mind felt sluggish in addition to the pain, and all I wanted to do was rest. As for Perception, I hardly noticed the loss of hearing and vision.

The next part would more than make up for the hardship. I closed my eyes and massaged my temples, patiently waiting for the pain to recede before equipping the new Cards. I'd like to say I was using this time to further plan my build or contemplate the structure of my future party, but it was all I could do to stay conscious.

Finally, after a bit over a half hour, the pain receded. I plucked the small batch of new Cards off the floor and flipped through them until I located the Level 3 Intelligence Card included among them. It was the one with the most Essence invested, sitting at just under eighty-thousand of the required one-hundred thousand to reach Level 4. For the other Cards I'd chosen, I similarly made sure to take those closest to the next Level. 

The Card slid easily into one of the empty slots, and I could instantly feel the change. The fuzziness vanished, replaced by a tirade of ideas that threatened to tear apart my mind. These thoughts pooled together, coming and going with such a swiftness that I could hardly concentrate. 

This build can undoubtedly work, but wouldn't I be more powerful if every one of my Cards were a Summon?! What if I had an army of those mammoths from the Fifth Floor? I could... wait, that reminds me. I still need to get a Tame Creature Card. Without that, my Origin Card might as well be... Card... Card... That's right!

I shook my head wildly to chase away the flurry of thoughts. I'd known this would happen, and having anticipated this, the Level 3 Wisdom Foundation was already in my hand. Before another idea could distract me, I slid the Level 3 Wisdom Foundation into one of the empty slots.

My mind expanded, and I felt clarity I hadn't experienced in years. The thoughts and ideas didn't slow, but my mind processed them almost instantaneously and compartmentalised them into easily accessible areas for me to visit later. 

Additionally, I could vaguely feel the outline of my soul... or rather, the receptacle in which my being was contained. Whether or not it was a genuine soul was still a topic of debate.

Slightly dazed by the sudden increase in mental capability, I closed my eyes and concentrated on breathing. The steady rhythm of carefully timed breaths calmed me, and after a few minutes, I pulled the next Card from the top of the pile.

There was a reason I worked in this specific order. If I hadn't started with my mind, the drastic changes to my body would have been overwhelming. It took a strong Will to handle the physical changes, and equipping a high-Level Will without the Wisdom or Intelligence to utilise it was dangerous.

Though it hadn't happened often, there were a few known cases of Wielders getting their hands on a high-Level Deck, usually passed down from their deceased relatives, and they drove themselves crazy when introducing their body to its contents. 

Will without Intelligence, for example, could lull the Wielder into a state of excessive serenity. If one's Strength was high, yet their Endurance fell short, they could hurt themselves through simple actions. Perception without Wisdom was exceptionally dangerous. Each Foundation needed another to remain balanced after certain Levels.

Equipping Will went smoothly, and this time, I could somewhat feel a change in my 'soul.' The outer layer shuddered, and though it didn't expand, I suddenly felt... heavier. I'd been able to notice subtle changes in my previous life, but I'd never once gone from not having a Foundation to having one jump to Level 3.

Unhurriedly, I equipped Endurance and Dexterity, followed by Perception, which was instantly discernible. The lights in the room grew brighter, I could hear my own heart beating in my chest, and I could feel the sweat accumulating on my skin. It dripped slowly, tickling the tiny hairs on my arms as it passed. After taking a solid ten minutes to familiarise myself with the changes, I looked at the last of the Foundation Cards and whistled.

[Card Name: Vitality] 

[Class: Foundation] 

[Level: 4] 

[Essence: 13,320/1,000,000] 

[Effect: Increases the Wielder's ability to physically recover. This includes both stamina and health. Speed of recovery increased by 150%]

I'm glad I chose to use Rend on that miscreant. If I'd used Pierce or simply slashed him, he might have healed with this and his build. If I wanted to be a tanker, I'd be all set.

I smiled, marvelling at my good fortune before sliding the Card comfortably into my Deck Box. A surge of energy rippled through me, and even with the morning I'd had, I felt that I could run from here to town and back at least a dozen times. 

Once the Foundations were equipped, I added the Beetle and Golem Summons. Unlike the Foundations, I couldn't feel a difference within my soul, even after many minutes of focus. 

The same held true for Appraisal, Greater Healing, Threat Acuity, Incantation, Featherfall, Hex, and Shroud. I could feel a connection to each of the Cards through my Deck Box, but there were no apparent changes to my being. Mastery, however, was another story.

When the Card was comfortably socketed into the Deck slot, I could feel the surge of enhanced power through each of my Foundations. As for the Card, there was nothing remarkable, only the same feeling of existence as each of the others.

That was exhilarating. Now.. the groundwork is laid, leaving me with twenty-three slots available. Before investing any Essence into these, I should check the Circuits.

I glanced at the top of the pedestal shining dimly before me. Over 150 of the 200 Essence had already been consumed, and the design beneath was only partially lit. With a sigh, I sifted through the pile of crystals gained from the Skull and plucked out one of the larger ones, casting Appraisal as I did so.

This may be enough to revivify up to the outer gate. If not, it should be close.



[The accumulated Plagued energy of a being compressed into physical form] 

The words appeared floating above the crystal, and the same occurred for every item within my peripheral. If it weren't for my new Foundations, I was sure the information would be overwhelming.








[Mid Quality Backpack]

[Card Name: Strength]

[Armored Door. Relic. Grade 3]




The list continued, and I had to force myself to focus on the object before me, which wasn't an overly burdensome task with my increased Wisdom. I placed the crystal in the centre of the platform and stepped away, frowning at the sluggish disbursement of the energy. 

The circuits that split off into the manor were lit, but only the small percentage of them that made up the basement, ground, and first floors had spread outside the room. At this rate, it would take another hour or two for the manor to be wholly powered... and at least a week for the Essence to reach the gate.

No matter. I doubt the squatter will return. They'd been staying here for a while, so whatever nonsense they'd been up to must have been finished, right? 

I frowned. What had they been up to? And why only stay in the attic? There were plenty of beds on the other floors.

Well, I'm in peak condition and now have the means to examine the area. Might as well take a break. How long have I been down here now?


Only a half-hour past noon... so around five or six hours? 

There hadn't been any disturbances on the ground floor, or one of the circuits would have been activated. Before leaving, I cleaned up the chamber, neatly placing the strongbox in the corner to hold my valuables and organising the plethora of spare Cards to be taken to Crook later. 

The only objects that made it inside the safe were my Dad's Cards and the spare necklaces I'd nabbed from the Skull brothers. As for the Essence, I neatly fit the three larger crystals in the bottom of my backpack while scooping the rest into my pouch. With the assistance of the still active Appraisal, I estimated that I had just over 215,000 Essence left, including that I'd farmed on the First Floor.

You are reading story A Summoner Awakens [A Card-Based GameLit Progression Fantasy] at novel35.com

All right. Now I can just...

My thoughts trailed off when I reached for my cane. Like every other object in the room, its information showed in my vision, but what it had to say left me dumbfounded.


[Class: Relic]

[Grade: 8]

[Type: Bound]

[Wielder: Wilder]

[Effect 1: Requip. The shaft is finely crafted from the carcass of a Voidcrawler. Using the Voidcrawler's warp ability and preparing the shaft with a specific set of Circuits, this item can store up to 20 other articles with the 'Gear' specification. 

To store, unsheathe the weapon and press the desired item gently into the open slot. To requip, picture the stored object and rotate thumb clockwise on the sheathe]

[Effect 2: ???]

[Effect 3: ???]

[Craftsman: ???]

[Note 1: Dear John, I know I haven't been around, and I hope you can forgive me... and I'm sorry I can't explain my absence further. If you're seeing this, you've grown either powerful or wealthy enough to know a token of the truth. This information can only be seen by those who share my blood. Also, don't concern yourself with passersby discovering the Grade. Aside from a few select individuals, the cane will appear as a Grade 2 Relic unless given to them freely by a Bonded Wielder.

That said, be careful in your endeavours. Things are not as they seem. I can not return to the Origin Floor, so I'm unlikely to see you again. I've not left you defenceless. In the attic, you'll find a crate with a few of my effects and one of my first Summons. Use it to help you climb. I'm proud of you, son. All will be revealed as you ascend. Love, Dad]

[Note 2: John, My dear boy, I knew you could do it. I hope that my Logbook and Pixie have served you well. Her assistance was vital in getting me through the early Floors. Your Will must be at least Level 5 for you to be seeing this, which means that you're ready for the next chest.

The next time you're at the manor, make sure the hub is powered. Use any kind of detection Spell or Ability in the attic. Without the circuits being powered, it won't reveal itself regardless of what Level or Rank Card you use. When you've opened the chest... I'll know. Someone will be in contact within the next month to further explain. I can't wait to see you, son. Love, Dad]

What... What is this? Was this all left by grandpa Charles? And this Effect... Amazing. When I handed that shopkeep the weapon back then... My hunch was right. The cane I'd carried all my life wasn't the same. Foolish.

I read through the Effect and the Notes again, amazed by what I was seeing. A Grade 8 Relic? This cane was more valuable than the entire estate. And the messages left behind... bloody hell. Just who was grandpa Charles?

Dad had told me stories about him. Everything I knew about the man led me to believe he was a simple man who'd ascended a few Floors in his younger days and gained some wealth before retiring.

In Dad's stories, Grandpa Charles was a kindhearted and humorous man. He made light of any situation and always kept a smile on his face. In fact, Dad even made it a point to speak about the only time he'd seen Grandpa serious.

I couldn't remember the whole story, but I did remember Dad saying he was terrified. A young bearded man wearing all black and a strange mask had visited, but it hadn't been the man that scared Dad. It was the pressure coming off of Grandpa.

That's the only story Dad ever told me where his father hadn't been making jokes or laughing, so it stood out. I tried recalling as much as I could about the man while climbing the basement, satchel tossed lazily over my shoulders and cane tapping gently along.

There was nothing else. I didn't even know what the man looked like aside from his well-described smile, height, and the bushy handlebar moustache he'd kept properly brushed to the sides. No photographs adorned the walls, and I'd never once spoken to someone who had met him. 

Well, no use thinking about it. Maybe I'll find out more when I reach the attic... Hmm... Is it possible that the squatter had been looking for whatever Grandpa Charles left behind? But how would they know to look in the attic? The rest of the house was untouched.

It couldn't be a coincidence. I definitely needed to learn more about this would-be thief. Whether they were acting solo or had been hired by someone was a matter of grave concern. An individual acting on their own, I could bear. An entire group, however... I just wasn't ready.

I can't spend too much time on the Origin Floor. Once the Circuits are active, the manor will be safe enough for me to leave. Crook can take care of the place after. If I haven't begun my ascension in one week, I'll drop whatever I'm doing and leave the following morning.

By the time my thoughts settled, I'd reached the second floor, where the Circuits had already lit the hallway and were approaching the door leading to the attic. Even with the severity of the last couple of days, I couldn't help but smile at my impeccable timing.

I opened the door and followed the Circuits as they lit the stairwell, rummaging through my pouch for a shard suitable to power the attic light while I searched for my Grandpa's inheritance. Inheritance should be the right word. Seeing as I'd never met the man in my previous life, he was likely deceased.

Placing the Essence in the centre of a cubby carved neatly into the wall at the top of the stairs, I waited patiently for the Circuits to catch up while surveying the chaos in the room. The window was still shut tight, and nothing had moved. 

Glancing down the stairs, I estimated that I had at least another ten minutes, so I cast Radiance on one of the shelves in the centre of the room and set about straightening the mess. While cleaning, I carefully looked between and under the shelves, behind the curtains, and even through the trash left behind by the squatter. 


With Radiance active, I was confident that nothing had been missed, and the intruder simply hadn't left behind a means to keep an eye on me. That being the case, it was more likely they'd been after whatever Grandpa had left behind and weren't after me at all.

After stacking the papers, I bundled all the trash onto the makeshift mattress before walking it downstairs and setting it in the hallway. By the time I returned, the glass orbs mounted to each of the walls were lit, casting bright lights across the room. And there, sitting against the back wall, were two large ornate chests that hadn't been there before.

Well, I'll be damned.

One of the chests was wide open, presumably the one my Dad had opened to receive the Pixie and Logbook. The one beside it was still shut, and neither of the containers had a spec of dust upon them.

Curious, I withdrew Radiance and watched with fascination as the chests disappeared. I cast it on the shelf again, and the trunks materialised on the back wall as if they'd never moved.

Truly fascinating. 

I smiled and approached the open chest. Finding it completely empty, I stepped in front of the closed one, unhooked the latches, and threw open the lid. 

Inside were five items. An old, leatherbound book with multiple tabs and strings sticking out from the pages. The cover read; Logbook, 21-40. That alone was enough to make me blink.

I was aware that Grandpa Charles had a successful career... but 40 Floors? He should have easily outlived Dad... and even me in my previous life.

Besides the book, there was a sealed envelope, an admirably tall black hat, and an onyx black mask. The mask was adorned with carved purple circuits and a long metal beak extended from the front with three thick leather straps on the sides and top for sporting it. 

These three objects were sitting atop a perfectly folded black suit with barely discernable purple and gold trim. I raised a brow while looking over the ensemble. It seemed my Grandfather had some rather extravagant tastes. 

Before touching the other articles, I decided to open the envelope. More than anything else, it was information that I needed. Like the notes on the cane, the letter was addressed to my father. The handwriting was rough but legible. It almost looked as if it were written in a hurry. 


My dear boy, I hope this finds you well. If you're seeing this without having spoken to me... I'm sorry. I truly am. If I'd stayed any longer, I'm afraid it would have caused you and your mother... never mind. There's too much to tell you and too little time.

You finding this with a detection skill means that either you are powerful enough to have high-Level Foundations or wealthy enough to have purchased higher Ranked Cards than the basics that can be found on the lower Floors. In either case, you are ready for another scrap of the truth.

The Order has been searching for a long time... uncovering and unlocking certain truths that many in the Tower don't want us to know. It worked in silence, quietly discovering pieces of history that had gone untouched for thousands of years... some predating the Tower itself. That knowledge led to us unlocking secrets... patterns that helped predict specific occurrences within the Tower. 

Eventually, the existence of the Order was found, and some of its secrets leaked. Over the years, its members were hunted to near extinction... tortured for the knowledge they possessed. But some lived on. 

When I was young, I left everything behind to join the remnants of the Order. I climbed the Tower slowly and deliberately, using the methods they taught to comb through each of the Floors in my ascent. Much of the information in the first Logbook contained hints on how to advance and receive the greatest benefit from each Floor. 

I left that life behind when I met your mother... but it didn't last. We were at risk of discovery, and I couldn't imagine what... I'm getting off track again. Just know that I love you, son, and I will see you again as long as you let the Logbooks guide you... and be careful who you trust.

When this chest is opened, I will receive an alert. An old acquaintance will be in touch within the month to assess you. If you pass, he will help train you further... if not, he will provide you with what's needed to survive and wipe all traces of my existence from the manor, which will remain in your possession.

The ensemble provided in this chest will authorise entry into any facility run by the Church of Damnation. A member of the Order can be found within, no matter which Floor. Though we are not associated with the Church, we act as members to throw off the members of the Church of Liberation who actively pursue us. 

In the chest pocket of my old suit, you'll find one of our emblems. If you're ever in trouble, don the outfit and look for a person with a purple lustre. You'll know what I mean when you see it, but you must be wearing the mask.

May the Truth guide your ascension.

Love, Dad

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