A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Chapter 28: Vol. 2 Chapter 11 : Adventurer’s Qualification Test

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Just like the dragon race, the demon race was not that friendly towards the other races either.

Though meeting a demon is not as rare as meeting a dragon, it was true that most people would live through their whole lives but were would not be able to meet someone from the demon race.

It was acknowledged that the demons were evil and vile creatures that sought destruction and chaos which was proven by the fact that every time they appeared, disasters on a scale of either large or small would occur.

But Revlo didn't trust and believe every single thing that he read and what people say, he wouldn't make such a drastic conclusion unless he experienced it himself.

Even if he found out that a demon was in their midst, he didn't call him out or warn anyone.

Not because he thought that the demon wouldn't do anything bad, it's because he was curious about what the demon would do and to see if what the people said about them is true.

At least he couldn't sense any malicious intentions coming from that demon.

He had been in over a thousand different worlds and saw many different variations of the same species, there were some worlds that existed where the goblins are friendly while some are not, there were also some worlds where the demons were the good guys and humans were the bad guys.

Appearances and designs could also be different depending on the world, like in his second life how the orcs looked more likes pigs compared to the orcs in the fallen star world that had more human-like features.

At first glance, people could tell that demon was only in the third-class of intermediate-rank but Revlo scanned him thoroughly with his spiritual sense and could tell that the demon was a super first-class expert ranked champion.

'There are several layers of magic casted on him that prevent others from distinguishing his rank properly'

He then glanced at the guildmaster sitting somewhere in the stands from the corner of his eye.

'Looks like even the guildmaster doesn't know'

Concealment magic that could fool even a master-rank like Hendrick, the person that casted this level of magic should at least be a master-rank himself.

Revlo was confident that the messy red-haired boy didn't cast the concealment magic himself, Revlo could tell that the demon in front of him was a swordsman, not a mage.

'At least two people are cooperating here'

He then glanced at Browny standing right beside him.

'Be on guard against that person' 

Revlo sent a spiritual transmission to the bear, Browny turned his head and looked down on his master, and nodded. Even though he could not understand the words that Revlo just said, he could at least understand the meaning behind them.

Revlo wouldn't be stupid enough to not be on guard on a potential enemy and silently casted some defensive magic on him.

'Well no matter what happens, Browny and the guildmaster are here after all'

Even if that red-haired demon made any sort of trouble, he was only an expert rank at the end of the day, he wouldn't be able to do much against when master ranks are present, the one that Revlo was wary of is his partner.

'Where is he?' 

Revlo said in his thoughts as he scanned the surroundings, trying to find someone suspicious amongst the spectators.

'There he is' 

After some subtle scanning, he found magical energy that is very similar to the red-haired demon participating in the adventurer's test.

He spotted a person wearing a large hat that covered his face and wore baggy clothes, Revlo couldn't even tell if that person was male or female.

'First-class master rank, this person is easily the strongest in this town'

'This person also doesn't exude any malicious intentions, what is their purpose in hiding their strength?'

Revlo was puzzled and tried to think of many scenarios that could result in the two demon's circumstances, he thought of two or three possibilities that are plausible but after his name was called, he shelved these thoughts for now.

"Revlo come up to the stage" A man wearing formal attire with the guild's emblem on his front pocket said.

Revlo walked up to him, the man wasn't even surprised that someone so young wanted to become an adventurer, he was not that nosy and doesn't care about other people's circumstances.

"Place your hand on the mirror" 

The man said while he pointed at the rectangular mirror beside him, it was a magical device that can determine one's magic core rank, sure people could tell one's rank by sensing the natural mana that they emit but it would not always be accurate like one couldn't tell what sub-rank they are on.

It was also to filter people out who were hiding or lying about their strength, of course, there were numerous ways to circumvent this but finding the methods to do so would be very rare.

Revlo put his hand up in the mirror, it didn't show his reflection so it was not right to call it a mirror but it looked like one.

As his hands touched the surface of the mirror, the device started vibrating a little and glowed a very bright white light, it was not bright enough to blind people but it was still bright enough to obstruct one's vision.

After a few seconds, the mirror returned to its original state.

"You can let go now" The man said.

His fingers then touched the mirror in various points like he was typing on a keyboard and a series of letters showed up.

The man widened his eyes and his mouth was left half-open as he looked at Revlo once more than look at the mirror in front of him.

"Super first-class novice rank at age 9?" The man said, even though he did not yell, it was still loud enough for everyone he hear it.

"What? That kid?"

"Seriously? He was only 9?

"What in the..."

"Is there something wrong with the device or something?"

The people who were spectating and the people who tried to take the qualification test along with Revlo were surprised.

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"As expected..."

"So that is a child from the Mason Clan"

"9? and a super first-class at that... amazing, simply amazing"

While the ones who were in the guild earlier when Revlo caused a commotion reacted differently but were still surprised nonetheless.

"A super first-class..9 years old.. he is 4 years younger but is already stronger than me" Meona muttered, her gaze towards Revlo suddenly turned into admiration and also a bit of jealousy as well as envy.

She already thought that reaching the novice rank at 11 years old was already a great achievement, people called her a genius with a bright future because of this, even though she knew that there are people out there that are even more talented than her, she thought that some of the rumors were exaggerated, she acknowledged that there are people out there are even more talented than her but at the same time she doesn't acknowledge it.

It was a weird contradicting feeling that could not be described easily but when she compared herself to Revlo, she suddenly felt inferior, a bitter feeling that no one would want to feel.

She had her pride as a genius in this small town so it was inevitable to develop an ego, so it was not that strange that she would develop some sort of jealousy and envy when she meets someone even more talented than her.

Her confidence and pride had received a huge blow, because she was the town lord's daughter in addition to being recognized as a genius, people often showered her with praises which in turn, made her conceited.

She then felt the sudden urge to compete with him but remembering the intense aura that came out of Revlo when he confronted that rude adventurer, that competitive spirit suddenly died down.

She clenched her fist tightly and her gaze never left Revlo's body even after he left the stage.

The commotion amongst the crowd didn't die down as well, a 9-year-old reaching the peak of the Novice Rank, a character like that only appears in those prestigious and famous academies that they keep hearing about once in a while.

Sure, they have heard of people that achieved the same thing that Revlo did but that only appeared in legends, people who achieved the novice rank at 9 years or younger were now people with great reputations and statuses and had plenty of great stories and rumors plastered around them.

When Revlo returned to the line, he was obviously the focus of everyone's gazes, even the demons were not an exception but he completely ignored them and the man on the stage continued to call people up and had their ranks inspected.

'As expected' 

Revlo said in his thoughts as the red-haired demon managed to bypass the magical mirror's function, it was unable to detect his true strength and still identified him to be someone who is only at the intermediate rank instead of the expert rank.

'If it even managed to avoid the senses of the guildmaster then the mirror would be unable to do the same'

Meona was up next and as expected the mirror showed her true rank at the second-class novice-rank.

If it weren't for Revlo's presence, the crowd would've showered her with praises by now but she just seemed so lacking compared to Revlo that people did not react one bit.

Nevertheless, Meona wasn't bothered by this and continued to show a smile.

"You are amazing, huh, and here I thought I was someone talented" 

Meona said, even though she was smiling on the outside, Revlo managed to pick up a hint of jealousy as well as self-deprecation hidden in her tone.

Revlo knew what she was feeling, he felt the same way when he was reincarnated for the first time, the frustration, the belittling, undervaluing, disparaging of one's self. Some people just couldn't help but feel this way when they meet someone better than them, it was human nature to compare yourself to others, especially for geniuses being compared to another genius.

She lived her life thinking that she was better than others and when she met someone better than her, an unfamiliar feeling of inferiority silently grew in her heart, it was very uncomfortable and difficult to adapt to. 

Simply put, her worldview was very narrow, she lived her entire life in this small town so she unconsciously thought that this small town was very similar to the rest of the world.

'She is inferior to Elvina in every way, whether in talent and mentality'

Revlo said in his thoughts, it was not a wrong assessment, when Elvina met someone even more talented than her, whether it was Revlo or John Hancock, she was not discouraged at all unlike Meona, and instead used that to motivate herself to become an even better version of herself.

'In a way, Elvina is even superior to me'

It took a while for him to get used to that feeling of inferiority while Elvina took almost an instant.

He quickly lost interest in her and focused on the task at hand, the adventurer's qualification test.

Unlike most fantasy novels that had adventurer guilds where they just accept anyone right away, this world is strict with its methods in hiring adventurers.

Being an adventurer is a tough job where they had to experience things most people would be unable to experience, life and death could come anytime, they also had to do various jobs like fighting monsters, escorting someone to another place, providing protection, etc. 

They had to be strict and careful in their selection process and pick only the most capable people to hire as an adventurer.

Hiring someone incompetent and unskilled could lead to heavy losses and could cost many lives, so they developed a qualification test for those who wanted to become an adventurer.

Its purpose was to gauge their skillset and abilities to see if they are capable enough to become adventurers.

"Now that we know your level of strength, the test is simple, we will provide you a mission that you have to complete, the difficulty depends on your strength, so for those that have a higher champion rank, expect that your mission will be much harder compared to those with lower champion ranks"

"Come forward and receive your mission"

The instructor called out their names and the participants received their missions one by one.

"I almost forgot, there will be members of the guild that will follow you around and score you depending on your performance, even if you failed your mission if you score just high enough, then there is a chance you could still pass the test"

The test takers listened to the instructor's words and nodded, they opened up their papers to know what their mission was.

Some groaned in dissatisfaction while some smiled, looks like some people liked the mission they got assigned to while some did not.

Revlo opened up the folded paper that contained his mission and started reading it.

"Isn't this a bit too hard for a novice rank?"

Revlo raised his brows at the difficulty of the mission, he lowered the paper while looking at the guildmaster sitting somewhere in the spectator seats, when he saw Revlo staring straight at him, he smiled mischievously and waved his arms.

"This old man, he did something didn't he?" Revlo said.

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