A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Chapter 33: Vol. 2 Chapter 16 : Recruitment Offers

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The weaker adventurers worked together to fight against a single troll while the group leaders fought the trolls one-on-one by themselves with some support from here and there.

With the curse magic acting on the trolls that greatly weakened them and the assistance provided by their lower-ranked teammates, although the battles were tough, no one was struggling that much, despite the trolls being labeled as 'intermediate-rank champion killers'.

Due to their monstrous self-healing abilities, trolls were generally difficult to kill despite being only intermediate ranked monsters but it looks like everyone here was playing their roles correctly, they seemed to be familiar with fighting trolls as well, their years of experience were bearing fruit in this battle.

'So this is teamwork huh' Revlo analyzed his surroundings as he watched how the adventurers fought.

The only ones that seemed to be different were Carla's adventurer group, they didn't provide support nor assistance to the other adventurer groups and only helped themselves but in Revlo's eyes, they didn't lag behind in terms of performance and contribution.

'Out of the adventurer groups here, Carla's adventurer group is the undisputed strongest, the second strongest would be Golg's group'

He didn't judge their group strength based on the individual strength of their leaders, the teamwork ability and the overall quality, strengths, and numbers of their members played a huge factor as well, Carla's group has 3 other expert ranks while Golg's group has 2 other expert ranks as well.

While the rest only has 1 or 2 expert ranks in their numbers.

The one with the best performance was the village chief, despite not being an adventurer himself, he was not a pushover.

Revlo witnessed the sight of the latter making a thrusting motion with his spear that was infused with dense mana and impaled the troll in front of him without mercy.

A fist-sized hole appeared in the middle of the troll's head and chest, rendering it dead for good, even its remarkable self-healing abilities could not save it.

He leaped forward again to fight another troll that was headed his way.

An explosion of fire enveloped a certain spot, as Carla emerged from the fiery blaze, she tightly gripped a troll by the neck, its skin was burnt and charred like charcoal, but despite the condition that it was in, it was still breathing albeit with difficulty.

White smoke was coming out of the troll's body, this was not due to Carla's flames but it was the healing ability of the troll, the black skin was slowly returning to its green color but Carla was not flustered by this event.

With a straight face, she raised her dagger and stabbed the troll right in the chest, hitting its magic core and the troll immediately screamed in pain and perished.

She threw the corpse on the ground without even sparing a glance at it and targeted another troll that was unfortunate enough to be near her location.

"Rooooooaaaar" Browny roared as his rampage was unstoppable. He slew trolls one after another, along with Revlo, they had already slain 8 helpless trolls in total that were unfortunate to stand in their way.

Browny opened its large jaw, sharp teeth exposed, and bit down on a troll's neck and decapitated its head as its body was smacked away like garbage.

He killed another troll, that makes it nine in total.

Browny's performance drew the interest of the crowd, its savage battle style was terrifying to witness, but the adventurers didn't mind, out of all the people here, Browny killed the highest number of trolls by far.

"One more and its mission complete" Revlo said.

To be honest, Revlo was not doing much, he let Browny do all the work while providing some assistance here and there.

But it was still enough to get a nod of approval from others, they already knew that Revlo was only a novice rank but he still managed to keep up with the others and didn't become a burden. 

Revlo didn't grimace at the fact he was unable to personally kill a single troll, his performance could already be considered good enough for his rank in this level of battle.

Although he witnessed Browny's death battle against those bloodwolves, Revlo wanted to see what Browny was capable of.

Another troll suddenly snuck up behind Revlo as it hurriedly swung its weapon at him.

Revlo crouched to avoid the attack, mana gathered in his right leg as he kicked the troll in the knee causing its legs to bend backward.


The troll screamed in agony, it endured the pain, with bloodshot eyes, it raised its wooden club and tried to attack Revlo once again but was met by Browny's paws before it could successfully engage its attack.

Its head got smacked and rotated 180 degrees, its neck got twisted with its face facing backward but surprisingly, it didn't die.

"What insane vitality" Revlo commented as he swung his sword upwards.

"Enchantment Effect: Extreme Sharpness"

The Fate Destroyer sword glowed in a mesmerizing color as the blade bisected the troll in half, finally killing his 10th and final troll.

"Mission complete" he said.

The guildmaster who was watching this spectacle sighed, he suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion enveloping his body even though the latter didn't move an inch.

"The one who got the hardest mission was the one who completed his mission first, aye, now I regret not having a more difficult mission to assign him with, I should have given him the dungeon mission"

The guildmaster shook his head.

His eyebrows suddenly shot up and turned his head in a certain direction to look at another screen.

A red-haired sword-wielding young man was sitting on top of a monster corpse while eating a snack, blood covered his face and body but it was not his blood, it was the monster's blood.

"To think those two completed their respective missions at the same time" 

The guildmaster muttered under his breath as his gaze alternated between the two large holographic screens floating in the air.

He then heard discontented groans and joyful exclamations on the other side of the spectating area, he turned his head and saw a bunch of gamblers who were either wearing happy or sad faces.

They were betting on which test taker would complete their respective missions first and the people who betted on Revlo had smiles on their faces while the others who betted on the other participants were dejected.

The guildmaster ignored them and continued to stare at the holographic screens, Revlo's mission could be considered to be completed so focused his attention on the screen that showed Meona's mission progress.


A hammer came crashing down on the troll's head, crushing its skull into a million pieces, this was the last of the trolls left alive.

The adventurer looked around only to see bodies of trolls lying everywhere, some adventurers that got injured were being treated by the healers but otherwise, not a single adventurer died.

He wiped off the sweat on his forehead and sat down on the ground as his butt kissed the grassy floor.

'This was much easier than I anticipated' the adventurer thought.

His eyes darted around and stopped to look at Revlo and the Horned Bear.

'Well, their involvement certainly played a big role'

The adventurer acknowledged that thanks to Browny killing the most amount of trolls out of everyone here, this mission suddenly felt a lot easier than it was initially.

'The kid was not bad either' he thought and closed his eyes.

"I can sense a couple of trolls inside but they are really weak, only at the novice rank, there are even some who are only at crystallization" One of the group leaders who was an angel said as he pointed in a certain direction.

"They must be the children then" An adventurer commented.

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"Oh man, I don't like this part of the job" One of the adventurers with a weaker heart, frowned.

"What are ya feeling sorry for? Those bastards are gonna grow up to be killing machines in the future, it's best to kill them right now and be done with it" An adventurer growled grumpily.

"Okay, let's go" The angel leader said as he lead the adventurers.

Only a handful had gone with him, there were only the children that were left behind so there was no need for the entire expedition to join them.

Revlo was disinterested in their conversation, he completed his mission so there was no reason to continue going along with them, he rested for a while, even though Browny did most of the work.

A shadow loomed over, he turned his head and saw that Golg was approaching him with a friendly smile.

Revlo knew what he was here for but chose to stay silent.

"You did better than I thought kid, I didn't think that you were a swordsman as well" Golg said.

Revlo nodded, he didn't utter a single word in response but Golg continued to talk.

"It looks like you completed your mission, with your abilities, it is pretty much guaranteed that you'll pass, heck I bet you'll even skip the stone tier and go straight to the bronze tier instead" 

The adventurer guild has its own set of ranks as well, each rank determines your level of ability that is not just limited to your strength.

Rank doesn't just correspond to someone's fighting abilities, contribution, history, competency, and trust were also part of the criteria that contributes to one's adventurer rank as well.

These ranks are.

1. Stone

2. Bronze

3. Iron

4. Gold, required to be at least at the Master-Rank

5. Diamond

6. Platinum, required to be at least be an International Master-Rank

7. Mythril

8. Orichalcum, required to be at least at the Grandmaster-Rank

9. Adamantium

10. Fantarium, required to be at least at the Saint-Rank

The highest-ranking adventurer in the Turron Town guild branch is obviously at the Gold tier, which is the guildmaster and two other people.

Golg evaluating Revlo as a bronze-tier adventurer was already a high enough assessment, skipping adventurer ranks was already a rare occurrence but Golg thought that Revlo was more than deserving enough of such a rank.

Revlo nodded again but still refused to say anything as he patted Browny's head while the latter made a contented expression.

'I knew it, this horned bear is stronger than me, it should be at least be a super first-class expert'

Golg thought as he scrutinized Browny up and down with his gaze.

Golg then shifted his gaze to look at Revlo and coughed to get his attention and said.

"Would you like to join my adventurer group? If you do, we promise to share the reward that we get from this mission"

Golg made an offer to Revlo, since Revlo was going through his qualification test, even if he contributed the most in this troll extermination quest, he would not be able to receive the corresponding rewards since Revlo was not an adventurer yet, in addition, he had not registered himself to take up said quest.

In all fairness, Golg's adventurer group had achieved some fame in Turron Town, any solo adventurers would gladly take up the offer to join his group without hesitation, in this town, an adventurer group that consists of 3 expert ranks could be considered as an elite force.

But Golg had a feeling that getting Revlo to join was not gonna be that easy, so he made an offer to entice him in hopes to get him to join.

However, the other group leaders eavesdropped on their conversation and their ears perked up when Golg offered Revlo to join his group.

The rest of the leaders gathered around Revlo and asked him to join their adventurer group as well.

"Hey kid, you shouldn't join up with grandpa over here, it's better to join my adventurer group"

"Hey! who are you calling a grandpa?" Golg glared at the adventurer who just said that but the latter tried to ignore his glare and continue to stare at Revlo with shining eyes.

"Blegh, it's obvious that this kid has a bright future ahead of him, that's why he should join my squad instead" A charismatic group leader said with folded arms.

"You people are completely shameless, just let the lad choose for himself" Another group leader said while glaring daggers at the other group leaders.

Seeing this event being played out, the village chief shook his head and muttered to no one in particular.

"The kid looks like he doesn't want to join in any adventurer group yet these guys still came up to him"

But then he flinched and turned his head and saw that a red-haired woman walking towards them with a slow gait.

Golg and the rest of the group leaders sensed an incoming powerful magical aura approaching behind them and turned their heads to look.

"So even the Blaze Witch..." Golg said.

The rest of the group leaders took a step backward like they were opening a path for her.

Her eyes locked on Revlo's sitting figure that was patting Browny's head.

"Would you like to join my Blazing Flames Adventurer Squad?" 

This was the first time that Revlo hear her talk, her voice was strangely cold and filled with authority, Revlo could see some similarities between her and Meona, it was like she was used to being in a high position.

'A fallen noble?' 

Revlo thought.

It was not uncommon for nobles whose households had fallen to work as adventurers, the way she talked, walked and the dignified aura that she naturally gave off, Revlo was confident in his assumption.

Revlo looked at the group leaders that surrounded him one by one, Revlo's gaze strangely made them shiver for some reason but they chose to ignore it.

Revlo opened his mouth to say his answer.

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