A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Chapter 38: Vol. 2 Chapter 20 : A Nonchalant Reveal

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Max finally passed out, the guildmaster had to step in to stop Jack from inflicting further damage.

The latter shrugged his shoulders and let go, he deactivated his magic, picked up his broken sword, and proceeded to walk away.

'Looks like I'll have to buy a new one'

Jack thought.

The winner was already obvious but there was no cheering, everyone stayed silent and gazed at Jack with some fear, admiration, awe, or anything in between.

Jack proved his abilities to everyone here and no one would look down on him again just because he was a newcomer.

Some of the newbies that were Max's victims in the past became his fans.

'Are you done now?'

A feminine voice sounded in Jack's head once again, but Jack could pick up that the tone was icy and contained a hint of anger.

'Sorry about that sis, I had no choice but to use my expert rank abilities for a bit, I was in a pickle there'

'You bastard, your actions resulted in the guildmaster now being suspicious of you, can't you see the way he looked at you just now? You accidentally leaked out some demonic energy, if our mission is in jeopardy because of this, you're dead meat'

'No need to be a worrywart sis, on top of being suspicious, what can he do? it's not like we'll be here for long anyway but he doesn't know that which is why that uncle will take his time'

'Surprisingly, you could think that far ahead, but it never hurts to be cautious'

The voice warned.

Jack shrugged his shoulders, he was still in a relaxed state even now.

Under everyone's gazes, Jack left the facility and walked away.

"I never thought that there was someone like that in this town" 

Meona commented as she stared in the direction where Jack just left.

She turned her head only to find that Revlo had already disappeared.

Her eyes darted around to look for him, only to see him walking towards the guildmaster.

"Hey, wait for me" 

Meona said.

The guildmaster, Hendrick, saw that Revlo was approaching him so he asked.

"What is it?"

Revlo silently stared at the guildmaster for a while with a poker face, Hendrick suddenly got nervous for some reason.

"You probably sensed it as well"

Revlo uttered.

Hendrick's brows suddenly shot up at what Revlo just said and hurriedly asked.

"You too?"

Revlo nodded.

The guildmaster sighed.

"He only showed it for a second but I can feel the ominous and sinister energy that he emitted, at first I thought it was just a regular dark-attributed magic energy but it is even more baleful and sinister than that"

The guildmaster admitted.

"I only have one thing to say, but first.."

Revlo said as he turned his head to look around.

There were still people discussing the fight earlier with enthusiastic voices, so he snapped his fingers, a transparent barrier suddenly enveloped both of them, the barrier was so clear that if one did not take the time to take a closer look, they would not notice that a barrier was casted.

"Soundproof Barrier"

'Instant chanting at the novice rank, I saw him in action at the broadcast but seeing it up close is even more impressive'

The guildmaster thought.

The guild master could also do instant chanting but that only applies to certain magic that he specialized in, he also knew that there were geniuses out there that could do instant chanting at low ranks but these people were an esteemed personage that was hailed as monstrous geniuses.

Chanting would take up too much time and could be detrimental in a battle scenario, learning how to do instant chanting is a very helpful skill to acquire, whether you are a mage or not, but not everyone could pick up on learning instant chanting easily as most could only learn that skill when they reach a higher rank.

The guildmaster specializes in light and wind magic and he is also a master rank, which means that he can instant chant at those attributes but if he wanted to cast magic outside of that then he would need to perform a long chant.

Hendrick noticed that everything suddenly turned quiet, sounds were unable to enter the barrier.

With the soundproofing that Revlo set up, whatever words that comes out of their mouths could not escape the confines of the barrier.

The guildmaster could pretty much guess what magic Revlo casted just by the name alone, he perked up his ears and listened attentively to what Revlo is gonna say.

"Now then, I know it may sound absurd but I think that Jack guy is from the demon race"

The guildmaster got taken aback and immediately replied in a loud voice.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well like you said, that ominous energy that he emitted, it felt a bit familiar although it's a little different, I am confident that it belongs to the demons since I have met a demon before"

Revlo lied, well technically it was not a lie since he met demons before but that was only from his previous lives, he never met any demons from this world before.

However, in the guildmaster's eyes, he didn't think that Revlo was lying at all, since the latter comes from the famous Mason Clan, Hendrick suspected that Revlo had seen things that ordinary people wouldn't normally experience.

Plus, Revlo's facial expression didn't have any single change at all, and the way he spoke so confidently led the guildmaster to believe in Revlo's words.

Hendrick suddenly got a headache with this new information, he only suspected it at first but after getting confirmation from Revlo, he was now sure that the energy that he sensed belonged to the demon race.

"I will conduct an investigation about this, if what you say is true, we may need to keep an eye on him from now on"

The guildmaster said.

"You may need to be careful with that"

Revlo interjected.

Hendrick frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Jack was only an intermediate rank, in the guildmaster's eyes, even if he was powerful among the people of the same rank, even if he was a demon, there was a limit on how much he could cause a disturbance with just his strength.

"He has a partner with him, he or she was sitting somewhere in the stands earlier and also..."

Revlo paused for dramatic effect.

"I suspect that person is a first-class master rank champion, someone even stronger than you guildmaster"

The guildmaster was stunned once again.

"How could you be so sure?"

He questioned Revlo, he didn't believe the latter this time, it was understandable since even himself had been unable to find this mysterious partner of Jack, no matter how talented Revlo was, surely the kid's senses could not be better than himself, an actual master rank.

His disbelief was not purely out of pride and arrogance of his ability but it was also a logical notion as well, Revlo was only a novice rank, there was no way that he was able to sense the presence of a master rank much less being able to tell his or her sub-rank.

Revlo expected this reaction and pulled something out of his dimension pocket side bag.

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Explaining the truth would be useless.

<My spirit power actually reached the utmost limits on what mortals could achieve, so other than actual gods and the demi-gods themselves, nothing in this world could escape my senses and perception>

Who would believe those words coming out of a 9-year-old? or even a novice rank?

He had no choice but to lie once again to make the guildmaster believe in him.

A pulled up a diamond-shaped crystal in his hand, it was a transparent and almost flawless piece of stone, it perfectly reflected the lights that it was almost difficult to see with the naked eye, it almost felt like Revlo was holding a piece of thick air in his fingers.

The guildmaster however, wore a  confused expression, he had never seen a piece of stone like this before.

'What the hell is that?' he thought.

Revlo, who saw the guildmaster's puzzled expression immediately explained.

"This is called Elzmer's color-changing stone, it is made of the same properties as that magic mirror had that you guys had"

"Oh, now that I look at it, it does bear some resemblance" 

The guildmaster nodded.

"This stone will change colors depending on the rank of the person who touched it"

"It has the color of white right now because I am a novice rank, but if you touch it.."

Revlo said as he handed over Elzmer's stone to the guildmaster.

The latter carefully received it and the stone suddenly changed its color.

White for the novice rank, pink for the intermediate rank, red for the expert rank, and orange for the master rank.

The stone will change colors depending on the color of the champion's magic core.

The stone was still see-through but its color suddenly changed into orange.

The transition of colors would make one enthralled.

Hendrick handed back the stone to Revlo, he believed in Revlo's conjecture to some degree.

"But even so, even if the other side has a master rank, we have to investigate them no matter what, we have no idea on what they would do if left in their own devices"

Revlo shook his head.

"I can tell that they don't mean any harm, at least that's what I think, I couldn't sense any malicious intentions coming from them, the fact that they disguised themselves means only two things, they either have something they want to accomplish in secret or they are hiding from something or someone, it could be both"

Revlo said.

"Something as gut instincts are too vague and unreliable, demons are vile and evil creatures, common sense won't apply to them, they may have no intentions in bringing harm now but the same can't be said in the future"

Revlo stayed quiet for a while like he was contemplating something and turned around.

He snapped his fingers and the invisible barrier started dissolving, the background noise suddenly reached their ears.

"Well, good luck with that, I've told you all the necessary information that I can" 

Revlo said while waving his arm without looking back.


A girl's voice suddenly entered Revlo's ears, he didn't even need to look back to know who it is.

"What did you talk to uncle about? I didn't manage to hear anything but it looked like you were talking about something important"

Meona asked.

Revlo didn't pause his footsteps and continued to stride forward.

"It's nothing, just some random things"

Revlo replied dismissively, there was no need to inform Meona about the demons since the guildmaster was more than capable enough to handle it on his own.

"It didn't look like random business to me"

Meona retorted, she wore a frown on her face.

Revlo turned his head to look at her and said in a perplexed tone.

"Why are you following me?"

Meona ceased her steps and turned to look at Revlo.

"I don't know..." she paused for a second before continuing.

"I guess I'll take a short break and have lunch at Gwen's, the mission I received was pretty nerve-racking"

Meona said.

"Is that so" Revlo replied.

"What about you, what are you going to do next?" Meona asked.

"I'll rest up in the inn I am staying at, I got what I came here for, so there is no reason to stick around"

"What you mean is that you are gonna leave the town?"

"I only stopped by here because it was convenient, I have to continue to travel, the place I'm headed is the Freedom Magic Academy"

Revlo said.

Meona looked stunned and then nodded her head.

"Of course, someone as talented as you would have a place there, but that place is pretty far, even though the entrance exam is 3 months away. Can you even make it?"

Meona asked.

Revlo tilted his head upwards and pondered.

If he was traveling by foot, then there is no way he was going to make it in time for the entrance exam, even if he used Browny as a mount for the whole journey, the distance between the capital city of the Freedom Empire and the Turron Town is over half a million kilometers away but Revlo and his parents have already made plans.

"I'll be fine," Revlo said.

Meona finally recalled that Revlo came from the famous Mason Clan, it was the most powerful clan on the continent, and matters that involves transportation would not be a problem for them.

Meona lamented that she asked such an ignorant question, but then sparkles suddenly returned in her eyes.

"If you are from the mason clan, then have you met [The Lightning Demi-God]?"

Meona said with a tone of adulation and admiration.

She was a fan of Vorne and his tales of heroism inspired several new generations after him, Meona's generation included

Revlo could sense the respect that she had towards his father, it was not that puzzling considering that his father was hailed as a hero, and his reputation even surpassed that of the emperor himself, Revlo has read many tales and books about his father's deeds.

In the eyes of the common people, Vorne was a living legend, a hero worthy of worship and praise, Revlo scanned Meona's outfit, she wore violet-colored clothing and robes with a lightning insignia on the back.

'The way she dressed... looks like father had a big influence on her'

Her fashion sense was inspired by the way that Vorne dressed up in the past, Revlo remembered that he saw many young children and teens dressed up in a similar manner and was amused by this.

"Of course I met him, he is my father after all" 

Revlo's blunt reply was like a bomb going off in Meona's head as her entire body froze up from the shock she received.

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