A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Chapter 5: Chapter 4 : Overcome My Destiny

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After all the reincarnations he had been through, after his 21st reincarnation, he no longer tried to get close to the families that he had been born into and never made any friends.

The pain of leaving his loved ones behind over and over again made him indifferent to relationships, this was formed because didn't want to face the sorrow of leaving them when he dies again.

He had been born into various backgrounds from the lowest in being in a family of slaves to the highest of being in a family of gods.

One quality that stayed the same with Revlo is that he still had his never give up and hardworking attitude.

Despite facing death over and over that would make most people go crazy, he didn't.

Right now, he was a completely different person from when he was in his 1st and 2nd life.

Right now, he is in his 1001st life and had gone through exactly 1000 reincarnations, seen many different types of worlds, seen many different types of people, lived through different types of societies in different times, had been in bad families that abandoned him and good families that took care of him and loved him.

His total experience and age are already over 15000 years in 1001 lifetimes!

He was lying down in a field of grass, being covered in a shade of a birch tree, he looked at the sky with no inflections in his eyes.

He then remembered the anomaly that took over him when he was about to be run over by a truck, he was pretty sure that he was not frozen due to fear that he was unable to move, the fact that he dies every time the moment he becomes 15 years old was already sketchy and was enough to conclude that there is some mysterious force that controlled things behind the scenes, someone or something must've given him a curse of perpetual reincarnation upon death.

It could be a god that was bored and played with his life by reincarnating him over and over again, just thinking of this, anger and coldness surged inside of his usually indifferent eyes, if he would one day become strong enough to break free from this curse, he would make the god that did this to him pay a thousand times over for the suffering he had been through.

"Just you wait, whoever you are, wherever you come from, when I break this damn curse of yours, I will find you and make you suffer!" He pledged in his heart and awaited for that day to come.

"The time will come, it took a thousand reincarnations but I will overcome my destiny!" He shouted.

Despite experiencing a thousand lifetimes and dying over and over, he has not given up on finding a way to break free from this reincarnation curse, even if it took a thousand more reincarnations, he won't quit.

His desire to return to Earth was no longer his sole motivation for his hunger for power, it is now to break free from his perpetual reincarnation curse and crush the people responsible for this.

He didn't give up because he can feel it, he can feel that his soul was growing stronger and stronger every time he reincarnates and he has a myriad of knowledge accumulated from different worlds.

Even though he only has 15 years to live in each world minus several years as a baby where he couldn't do anything other than poo his diapers, even though it wouldn't be enough to learn everything about those worlds, he still possesses a large library of knowledge in his head.

In his 334th life, he learned that reincarnating actually strengthened the soul, he learned this from the fact that there was a story of a god that forcefully reincarnated himself to strengthen his spirit and soul, resulting in an increment of growth in that god's strength.

As the strength of his soul increases, things like learning capabilities, memory, and critical thinking were enhanced as well.

He then had a thought that if he continued to reincarnate like this, his soul would become strong enough to break free from this curse and regain control of his life.

Only he doesn't know when will that happen, so all he needed was time and patience.

He could already feel the difference when he compared it to his 1st life and his current life, the difference was massive, even though his soul has not yet risen to the level of a god, it was close to it.

The only problem is whether the entity responsible for his predicament would notice this and end him before he could get his revenge.

He didn't just let the process of reincarnation strengthen his soul alone, he also tried various methods to actively strengthen his soul himself and although those methods pale in comparison to the improvement brought from his forced reincarnation, it was still an improvement nonetheless.

He knows the principle that stacking a grain of sand once a day in a single spot and in the future, will result in a small hill, even if the process was super slow, it was still growth and any growth is welcome to him any day.

When he died in his 999th reincarnation, he could already play a game of tug of war with that mysterious force that tried to grab his soul on an even playing field, and that tug of war lasted for 10 years!!!!

This means he lived for 25 years in his previous life!

Comparing it to his helplessness and powerlessness in his 2nd and 3rd lives, he finally had the courage of confronting those soul-snatching hands that caused him so much misery.

The only reason he died was that he gave up and couldn't get any upper hand on that mysterious force.

But he had a feeling that he could win against that mysterious force now.

If his soul level was already close to that of a god from all those nourishing, then the one who granted him this curse was at least at the level of a god himself.

However, despite this fact, he was not afraid, he wouldn't be scared if that god appeared in front of him right now, the only thing he would feel is regret.

Regret that he would be unable to take revenge and wasn't given enough time and an opportunity.

"System" he said.

He had been in over a thousand different worlds and made countless experiments throughout his many lives and that is not just limited to strengthening himself and his soul.

Since he didn't receive a cheat or a system and only got endless suffering, then he made one on his own.

During his 554th life, he created a system of his own and merged it with his soul so every time he reincarnated, it would go along with him.

Though it was a pity that his stats get reset every time and couldn't find a way to keep it, it was frustrating to start all over again.

A large holographic screen appeared in front of him that displayed his status, it looked like this.


Name : Revlo Mason (1001st life)

Title : none

Age : 5 (15000+ years)

Race : Human

You are reading story A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny at novel35.com

Magic Core Progress : Novice (A+)

Strength : Novice (F)

Agility : Novice (F)

Magic : Novice (S)

Spirit : Saint-Rank (F-) '''disguised''' '''Mystic (SSS+++)'''


Though it said 'system' the only function it had was to display his status and parameters, it had no other functions, no shops, no missions, no maps, no anything.

The purpose of its creation was simple, it was because he was bored and wanted a benchmark for his strength or in general just wanted to know how strong he was.

The system automatically adjusted itself to the terms used in its specific world. For example, if the world had levels such as Lv.1 or Lv. 100 as a representation of strength, it would display his level. If the world he was in had cultivation levels such as 'qi establishment stage or something', the system would then display it on his parameters instead of Lv.

In this world's case, it has its names and titles for its various levels of combat ability. From weakest to strongest.

1. Novice

2. Intermediate

3. Expert

4. Master

5. International Master (kingdom level)

6. Grandmaster

7. Saint

8. Legendary

9. Mystic (Demi-God / Half-Step God)

10. World Class (Godhood)

These are the terms used to determine your level of strength in the Fallen Star world.

And the term used for the warriors and mages here is called 'champions' just like how superpowers in My Hero Academia are called quirks.

No matter who you are or what path you are taking, if you are a swordsman, mage, spearman, archer, etc. If you can utilize mana, you are called a champion.

Everyone in this world strives to become a champion but could have what it takes to make it through this path.

Becoming a champion is not easy and even if you don't die to monsters, you could die from mana deviation, failed magic experiments, or from other champions.

Also, not everyone has the talent to manipulate mana, this was the problem that Revlo faced in his first reincarnation but he eventually overcame it with pure hard work, he trained so hard that he worked himself to the bone until he passed out and also had the advantage of training as young as possible which made him look like he was talented in the eyes of others.

He could barely keep up with his classmates and by the time his classmates worked hard as well, he was left behind in the dust, if it wasn't for the fact that he had his knowledge of his previous life like his knowledge of how fire worked and how water worked and among other things he learned from science, he looked like a genius who uses magic in creative ways that he stood out.

And also the reason he disguised his spirit power to saint-rank despite it being mystic-rank was that he learned it the hard way.

In his 900th life where his soul reached the demi-god level, the moment he was born, he immediately got the attention of the gods that resided in that world, and as a result, he had a hard time because of this and his movements were restricted, from that day forward, he used a secret technique that he got from a past life to hide the strength of his soul.

It fooled even the gods much less his father who is at the demi-god rank.

As for why he didn't ask the gods for help with his curse, well it was already useless.

In some lives where his parents were gods themselves when he tried to reveal his secret, he immediately felt immense pain and was unable to speak, he tried various loopholes like writing on paper, secret codes, or hand signals, he even tried to block off his pain receptors but it was no use.

As long as he had the intention of revealing his secret whether directly or indirectly, it would still not work, and still feel immense pain, a pain that felt thousands of times worse than when his soul was snatched away the first time.

He gave up the idea of asking for help and just went back to try to free himself from this curse on his own.

This makes Revlo wonder, if the gods he met before didn't realize anything wrong with him like the fact that he is suffering a curse, this meant that the being that put this curse on him is at least stronger than most gods.

With this line of thinking, his facial expression still didn't change, to him, it didn't matter if the bastard that cursed him is stronger than the gods or not, it still wouldn't change the fact that he wants revenge for all the pain and hardships he was put through.

"Fallen Star World, huh" he said.

"It was called Fallen because of a war that split this world into 2 during ancient times, back then it used to be called the Rising Star World.... this world has an interesting lore to it"

"The mana here is the densest compared to the many magical worlds that I've been through, much stronger than the world in my first reincarnation"

Speaking of his first reincarnation, he remembered the mature beauties that were his mother and aunt pair, after 20 or so reincarnations, he stopped caring about familial relations.

At this point, he had already lost any motivation to return to Earth or those first 20 worlds.

"They are probably bones in the ground right about now, I don't know if there are any time dilations between the different worlds but over 15000 years have passed, no matter how slow the time runs there compared to here, they are probably either dead or old by now"

He said while continuing lying there as the wind breeze ran past his nose and he closed his eyes without a care in the world.

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