A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Chapter 53: Vol. 2 Chapter 35: Dungeon Outbreak!

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Solar Flare

A magic that is an amalgamation of both fire and light magic.

The solar flare spell of this world contains the power of the sun.

It was common sense that vampires are afraid of the sunlight, which is the reason why most of them tend to wear black cloaks all over their bodies.

Even though the light of the moon technically comes from the sun, the level of light was too low for it to cause harmful effects on a vampire.


The necromancer coated himself in some form of dark red energy to shield himself from the effects of the Solar Flare spell.

There were visible burnt marks all over his body as sizzling sounds entered his ears.

An intense amount of bright light pretty much lit up everything that even at a distance, one could even see a large pillar of light piercing the sky.

"What is happening, didn't it just turn night? Is it morning already?"

"Hey look at that, what on earth is happening over there?"

"Holy, the sky... its turning into daytime?"

A commotion had spread among the citizens of Turron Town.

The brightness of the Solar Flare spell was so intense that some people had thought that morning had come.

The night sky had turned into a blue sky during the day.

After spitting out the marble, Browny quickly grabbed the vice-guild master's body and fled to Revlo's direction.

"Magic Array: Teleportation."

After finishing his preparations, the magic array beneath his feet lit up in blue light and covered their bodies, their figures started to blur and vanished on the spot.


In Revlo's room in May's Inn, Revlo, Browny, and the vice-guildmaster suddenly appeared seemingly out of thin air.

Revlo looked around the room and after seeing that nothing seemed to be out of place, he shifted his gaze to look that the tiny totem-shaped array plate in his hands had turned into black ash.

'The burden of using such an advanced magic such as teleportation was too much for it to handle.'

Revlo thought and looked at the vice-guildmaster who was still bleeding in Browny's arms.

He had also noticed some sort of black substance began to spread all around the vice-guild master's body but he had no time to think about it as he went outside.

After stopping for a bit to look in the direction of his home village, Revlo and Browny ran forward towards the guild headquarters.

In a wooden house somewhere in the mountains...

"What is that?"

Vorne made a puzzled expression on his face, with his vision he could see a flash of light in the distance that lit up a portion of the sky.

"That is my Solar Flare spell."

Celine stood up abruptly and squinted her eyes.

"Is someone trying to harm my son?"

The mana in the surroundings suddenly froze over, Celine's voice was so cold that even Vorne's body shivered in fright.

"I re-established contact with him."

Vorne said, he used his magic senses to scan everything and so did Celine, their magic sense was pretty much close to being nearly omniscient at this point(as long as it is within the continent), so it was not surprising for them to figure out the situation pretty quickly.

Revlo knew that his parents would be worried about him when he used that magic marble, so he deactivated the ability to block off their magic sense to talk to them.

"Vampire Race??? Looks like they wanted to be extinct for good!"

The mountain visibly shook as Celine unintentionally released an overwhelming amount of pressure.

Vorne had to concentrate and manipulated the mana in the surroundings to isolate the space between Celine and the villagers and his home to prevent them from being affected by this pressure.

'Mom, calm down.'

Revlo's voice suddenly echoed in their ears.

Celine calmed down immediately and the pressure that she involuntarily released immediately disappeared.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?"

Celine said in a worried voice.

'Yes, you don't need to worry.'

Revlo's monotone voice rang inside her head.

"Looks like the enemy is a former vampire lord, even though his magic core is pretty much busted, he still has the strength of a master rank champion, do you want me to take care of him?"

Vorne said as he stood up and continued to stare in the direction where Turron Town was, he magnified his vision as his eyes were firmly locked on the necromancer with a hostile gaze.

Turron Town was not that far from where they come from, with their speed and power level, both Vorne and Celine could immediately arrive there in a blink of an eye.

'No, I'll take care of it.'

Revlo said with a voice filled with an indifferent cadence.

"Are you sure? I know you are a reincarnator and all, but this is a former vampire lord we are talking about, his rank may have deteriorated to a master rank but his strength is on a level where most master-ranked champions would not even be his match"

Vorne tried to persuade Revlo with reason.

'I said I'll take care of it, I already have a plan in mind'

Revlo pretty much treated the former vampire lord as a whetstone to loosen the bottleneck on his soul's growth.

Vorne wore a look of hesitation, he knew that Revlo was not a reckless person, he trusted that Revlo had the capabilities to handle the former vampire lord but as his parent, he couldn't help but become worried.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to persuade Revlo once more, Celine's loud voice entered his ears.

"You better stay alive or I'll never forgive you... I'm keeping an eye out in case you need help, don't you dare use that weird ability that can bypass our magic senses or I'll come there personally, you hear me?"

Celine trusted that Revlo would be able to handle the necromancer as he said but somewhere at the back of her mind, she was worried that something will happen to him.

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Revlo's steps froze at his mother's words and a small smile appeared on his face.

Faced with his mother's threat, he had no choice but to let them watch him, he shook his head looking exasperated.

Revlo could feel an invisible pair of eyes looking at him, observing his every move, and felt very uncomfortable but he put up with it and continued to step forward.

He had already arrived at the front doors of the guild headquarters, he could hear whispers all around while everyone glanced at him with suspicious eyes.

'Carrying an almost dead body would bring a lot of attention.'

Revlo thoughts as he looked around and spotted that the guildmaster was running towards him.


The guildmaster had an anxious look on his face seeing that the corpse that Browny was carrying looked exactly like the vice-guildmaster.

He shifted his gaze towards Revlo with a puzzled expression.

"What happened to him?"

The guildmaster asked.

"I think it would be better for the vice-guildmaster himself to explain."

Revlo said, he raised his right arm and it lit up in a green light, he walked towards Browny and put his fingers all over the vice-guild master's chest, which had a fist-sized hole on it.

Green vine-like glowing lines covered the vice-guild master's body.

"Healing magic?"

The guild master's brows shot up and were amazed at Revlo's abilities.

'Just how many types of magic can this kid cast?'

The guild master thought, however, he didn't have much time to ponder when the vice-guild master opened his eyes.

"My friend, are you alright?"

Hendrick, the guild master, asked in a worried voice.

"Do I look like I'm alright to you?"

The vice-guild master glared at the guild master, he shifted his eyes to look at the condition of his body, a fist-sized hole on his chest and a lost arm.

His head became numb from pain, he did not even react despite the state he was in and instead looked at Revlo with a gaze full of gratitude.

"Thank you, young man, for saving this old man's life *cough."

Jason said but he coughed up blood at the end.

"Don't thank me too soon, my healing magic is too weak to heal you completely and this black thing that is spreading in your body is spreading, looks like you have been cursed"

Revlo said with an expressionless face.

He then turned his head to look at the guildmaster.

"What are you doing just standing there? Doesn't your guild staff members have any healers?"

Hendrick's body jolted, he turned his head around and looked at one of the guild staff members that stood behind him.

"Get the healers out here quick."

Hendrick shouted.

"Y-yes sir"

The man saluted and walked to the backrooms.

After a couple of seconds, several healers appeared, there were also others carrying potions as well, all of them ranging from intermediate to expert rank champions.

After being surrounded by several healers and cascaded in a relaxing green light, the pale complexion on Jason's face started to return its former colors.

There was even a magical device that functioned as a piece of medical equipment that covered the hole in his chest.

"Can you tell me what happened to you? I remember that you were guarding the dungeon entrance that just appeared right? Did a dungeon outbreak happen?"

The guild master asked with a concerned look on his face.

"A bunch of maniacs had beaten the shit out of me."

Jason said in a weak voice.

"Who would dare?"

The vice-guild master did not reply immediately and looked up towards the ceiling.

"The town is in danger."

This piece of information earned a shocked look on the guildmaster's face.

"Can you please clarify?"

The guild master inquired.

"I don't know what their motive is, but a third-class master rank and a super first-class master rank of the vampire race are going to attack the town."

"Just them? Hmph! They don't have enough power to break the defensive magic array that protects this town, what makes them think they going to be successful?"

Every single settlement whether it is a small town or a large city was equipped with a defensive magic array that covers the whole area to defend against intruders.

Turron Town was no exception, the four large towers in the corners of the town are magic structures that can set up a defensive magic array, the array itself is strong enough to last against the attacks of a master-ranked champion for a whole week.

Even though the enemy has a super first-class master rank on their side, the guild master was not that worried.

After all, the town has 4 master rank champions even if you exclude the injured vice-guild master.

Suddenly, a receptionist barged inside with an anxious look on her face.

Her sudden intrusion earned a frown from the guild master.

"A dungeon outbreak! Guild Master, our radars had spotted an army of monsters headed this way."

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