A true Patriarch

Chapter 1: Chapter 00: The Failed God

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Chapter 00: The Failed God

[Narrator - POV]

"What comes after death?": a dying man asked into the void.

"That is the one question that has been plaguing humanity for a very long time.": a man unseen by the dying one replied.

The unseen one was dressed in fine smoking but his visage was fear-inducing nonetheless.

He has red burning eyes like glowing charcoal, his facial skin is also red but riddled with scars, and finally, his mouth is riddled with rows of sharp pointy fangs.

"Some believe there is [Hell] for the wicked, [Heaven] for the righteous, and that everyone has to pay the price for their conduct or misconduct but the truth is no living person truly knows, what horrors are awaiting them.": he said with a sad undertone.

Once upon a time, he himself was faced with the unknown, with the uncertainty of death, and unlike many, he fought, clawed his way through, and reached a position of power.

"No living person knows whether a Soul truly exists or if Souls have a purpose but why should a god do something pointless as creating humans without a purpose if even humans only ever try to do things that have a purpose to them?": he asks rhetorically.

Finally, the dying man breathed out and passed the border from the living world to the world of the dead ones.

[MC - POV]

'So this is it?'

That was my first thought upon realizing that I had died.

Death does not feel all that different compared to living except that the World is burning, the shadows are moving, and a red-skinned demon is looking down on me.

"Hello.": the demon said.

"…": I couldn't come out of my shock at him speaking.

"Okay, seems like your mortal brain cannot process what is happening but honestly we have no time for you to take your time.": the demon said.

"Why?": I asked.

"In another 10 to 15 minutes someone will approach you depending on who has a claim on your soul.": the demon said.

"Claim on my soul?": I asked.

"Well, if you are Muslim then Nakīr and Munkar will show up, if you are Christian then their Angel show's up, and if you are an Atheist maybe Charon might come, either way, someone will come and judge you."

"And what about you?"

"I am Bailed the Failed God. I don't judge, I merely give people an alternative deal, one where I send them to an alternate world where they hopefully live a life that is not regretful to them."

"So you're offering a [Deal]?"

"Isekai-style reincarnation or transmigration with wishes in exchange for a price!": the demon said with a wide grin plastered on his face, showing his sharp fangs.

"What World can I choose?"

"Any World you like but depending on the World you'll face certain restrictions."

"What restrictions?": I asked him.

"Mhh logical one's like if you chose [Middle Earth] you cannot create guns, and all knowledge about their existence will be wiped from your memories."

"I see…what about the wishes?"

"You get what you are willing to pay for!"

"What's the currency I am paying with?"

"[Souls] and [Memories]…"

"Mhh how does one earn [Souls]?"


"I have only one [Soul], and that one is my own, and if I buy something with it I assume I'll probably end up in some kind of slavery-like relationship with you…so how can I earn [Souls]?"

"Oh interesting, it seems you aren't as dumb as you look." Bailed insulted/complimented me while looking at me with quite a bit of, what I assume is, interest.


"By killing, the souls of your victims will haunt you, and you can sell those haunting souls to me."

"Mhh can you fulfill any kind of wish I might have?"

"I probably could do that but I'll only fulfill three minor wishes at max, so do tell me what you want and I will tell you if it is possible or impossible."

"Okay. Does choosing the World count as a wish?"


"What about the timeline?"

"It is random as I cannot pick out a certain time…but I can only choose a time or a situation of pure Chaos as it is part of my Domain."

"So no matter what I will have to face problems?"


"Okay. My first wish is to have all the abilities and knowledge from all the Shinobi of the [Basilisk] franchise."


"My second wish is to have all the knowledge and abilities of [Alex Mercer], [James Haller], and [Anne Elizabeth Greene] from the [Prototype] franchise."


"And my final wish is to have the knowledge and abilities from the [Dishonored] franchise."

"Yeah, not happening!"


"Your [Soul] is not worth that much…"

'What can I do to make it possible?'

"Okay, can you give me a [Shop-System], one where I can sell/purchase [Knowledge], [Powers], [Items], and that comes with an [Status].".

"Now this is much more doable but what do you offer as payment?"


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"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Take all my memories except the ones about the [Naruto], [Dishonored], [Prototype], and [Basilisk] franchises, and that I am a Transmigrator."

"I assume you've chosen the [Naruto] world as your destination if you want to retain memories about it."


"Okay…time is up. I hope next time you have more to offer!"

Before I could reply I was hit with a headache…

[Narrator - POV]

The Shinobi World is one hell of a place or rather a place like a hell.

Power-hungry Daimyō's fight for resources and territory while using elite forces known as Shinobi to sabotage, assassinate, and war each other.

The mercenaries known as Shinobi as a means to protect themselves and their interests crowd together and form Clans.

The fighting and the rivalry between the Daimyō's and by extension between the different Clans nourished hatred, bigotry, and pain.

Meanwhile, the people are all aware that the cycle of hatred has no end but who is able to change the direction…

Somewhere in this rotten world a boy slowly opened his eyes while having the worst headache any person has ever had to face but after a few minutes he started remembering everything, and he became excited before immediately calming down.

"This is the Shinobi world instead of getting excited like an idiot I need the information to understand who I am, where I am, and most importantly when I am.": he talked to himself while observing his surroundings.

He was inside a hut that smelled like shit and had the bare necessities, no windows, one entry, and no light source but from under the door one could see light seeping through so at least he was aware that it was daytime.

He tried standing up and walking to the door but before even taking his second step, he fell down face-first unto the floor.

"What the actual fuck?! Why am I feeling as if this body has not eaten or drunk anything for a few days?"

He tried to stand up once more but it was pointless, so he opted to check his [System].

[Welcome to Bailed's Soul Shop]

[As a Welcome Gift we offer you one free character from the Basilisk World to get you started.]

[Shop: ]




[Status: There are shitty situations and there's your situation right now! There's absolutely no information to work with at all.]

[Items: - Gift package - Dirty rags]

[Powers: - None]

[Knowledge: - rudimentary Language ]

"Tsk it cannot be all that bad but let's open that [Gift Package]."

The moment he thought of opening the package he was suddenly confronted with a display like in [Tekken] where you have to pick your character but unlike there he had additional information about the said characters.

Altogether there were 20+ characters ten from the [Iga Clan], ten from the [Kōga Clan], and finally seven other people.

He didn't hesitate at all as he directly went into the ten options of the [Iga Clan], and started looking for [Tenzen Yakushiji].

The reason he picked him is for one part that the guy has an entity inside himself that makes him basically immortal, and the second part that the guy has 200+ years of experience being a certified asshole.

After finalizing his choice he lost consciousness and dreamt of living a whole 200+ years on autopilot, going through the thought process of Tenzen, feeling what he felt, and learning everything he learned from his own perspective.


"Life's a bitch if you are unable to appreciate it.": he finally said after having made up his mind about Tenzen Yakushiji's life.

The guy was a nihilistic sadist of superior intellect with disregard for other people, and their existence as such he was able to make decisions that normal sane people would never consider.

[Integration Process: 1%…15%….35%….100%]

"This took longer than a windows upgrade which does already feel like a week-long wait but nonetheless Hahaha…": he started laughing after the integration process was over.

He had suddenly access to all of Tenzen

Yakushiji's knowledge and memories, and as such he had all his skills and abilities.

'Huh?! Who are you? Where am I?': a voice spoke inside his mind suddenly waking him up from his happy mood.

'Who are you and how have you entered my body?': he asked countering the sudden intruder's set of questions, he was already assuming that this might be the entity inside Tenzen but what exactly it is was never explained.

'Mhh… seems like Tenzen has died and somehow I ended up with another human but that shouldn't be possible I have no contract with this one.': the entity mused to itself.

'Hey, how about you start replying, and explaining.'

'I am Atsugewi the Azakana of [The Pain of living], a Demon so to say, and I was bonded to this guy known as Tenzen but he died, and now I am somehow bonded to you. Now, answer my questions.': Atsugewi explained.

'I don't remember all too many things myself, I remember that I was dying or dead but then I suddenly woke up here, where ever this [here] is, I don't know, and I don't have a name so I cannot really introduce myself either but I think I have already a deal with a god/demon already.': he gave an explanation to Atsugewi.

'Mhh I'll call you Tenzen. My last host was named like that for one you get a name, and for the other, I don't have to remember a new name.': Atsugewi said.

'Fine with me. Names are not that important to me either, and I might have a few of them in the future.': Tenzen replied while thinking that as a Ninja he might need a few different identities.

'So Tenzen, where exactly are we?': Atsugewi asked.

'Don't know man I just woke up and I collapsed because this body is too weak, also you interrupted me from looking around or even contemplating our situation.': Tenzen replied.

'Urgh..you are right this body is nearly dying. Here let me take care of this inconvenience.': Atsugewi said before suddenly Tenzen experienced pain akin to Ants eating his flesh for a few minutes.

'What the actual fuck was that? It hurt like a bitch you idiot!': Tenzen started cursing despite knowing or rather assuming what it was.

'Oh yea sorry for that, I should have explained beforehand. The pain was part of my abilities. I healed you.': Atsugewi explained.

'Abilities?! Does that mean you've got more than just healing?'

'Well yes, I am related to [The Pain of living], meaning I can sense pain in a certain distance, I can heal/eat your and other people's pain, I can strengthen/lessen the pain others feel, and I get stronger the more pain I cause or eat as it is my source of strength.': Atsugewi explained.

'Does that mean you make me immortal because you eat pain?': Tenzen asked already aware of Atsugewi's abilities.

'Yes. I can eat the Pain and force you to keep on living so that you get to experience more Pain.': Atsugewi replied while sounding quite happy.

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