A Villainess For The Tyrant

Chapter 122: 122

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Chapter 122 - 101 Necessities



“Irene Revenan greets Your Majesty, the empress,” Irene said while curtsying in Cecile’s presence. “I have come forth to serve as your handmaiden… with honor.”


Cecile felt like crying from the injustice. Irene was finally able to formally present herself after the earlier chaos had died down, but Cecile swore she detected a slight waver in Irene’s voice when she said ‘with honor.’


Moments before, while everyone had stood frozen gaping at the scene, Cecile hid her embarrassment and commanded, “Everyone out.” It wasn’t until after they had scrambled out of the room that Cecile realized they must have imagined an unspoken order to ‘not interrupt her fun.’ When the room was cleared, Cecile had warned Richard, “I’ll send immediate word to His Majesty if you ever pull a stunt like this again. So, please, let’s act with some care, capiche?”


Using Estian as a threat had been the correct choice—Richard immediately turned compliant, promising he would only do as told… although he hadn’t fully given up on his play-acting. She shot him a furious look. Now, the mage lord was standing in the corner clutching at the loosened buttons on his top, with a drooping head and lashes wet with tears. His appearance elicited pitiful gazes from the attendants standing nearby.


‘No! Don’t be fooled by him! Seriously, why can’t anyone see that it’s Richard?’ Cecile gritted her teeth. She’d previously thought it strange when Estian expressed surprise that she recognized the mage lord in one glance, but apparently no one else had seen through his disguise, including several attendants that had served him before. Irene was still pale from shock and wore a stiff expression, which distressed Cecile. ‘What a horrible first impression I’ve made. It’s times like these that I’m glad to be rumored as a villainess.‘


Thinking back, hadn’t someone whistled when the doors were flung open? If Cecile hadn’t been a part of the mess, she might’ve reacted in the same manner too. Who wouldn’t admire the sight of a woman wielding a whip and disrobing a handsome boy? Still, it wasn’t a laughing matter, since this time it involved her. Still, there’s no use in crying over spilled milk. It was more important to take charge and contain the damage. She didn’t have time to waste on the likes of Richard; she had to pay attention to Irene.


“You need not pay much heed to the earlier happenings. And just so that you are aware, that lunatic ma— ah, I mean, attendant was assigned to me by His Majesty, so there’s no cause for concern,” Cecile began cautiously.

Irene replied that she understood, but despite the polite tone, her rigid expression remained unchanged. Was there no hope in recovering from a disastrous first impression after all? Just as Cecile felt all hope was lost, Irene spoke up again in a softer tone.


“I do not know everything, but… I am sure Your Majesty has your own circumstances. I understand. Do not mind it too much. People wish to act freely sometimes. Pay me no heed, empress, and do as you wish.”


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Cecile felt deeply touched—her earlier display must’ve been shocking, yet her handmaiden spoke of understanding instead of running away with disgust. Her affection for Irene shot up like a rocket. ‘She really does seem like a wonderful person. I hope to become even closer with her!’

* * *

Irene struggled to hide her clenched fists beneath her sleeves. How could the truth be worse than the rumors? She had heard all about the bizarre acts of the empress, so Irene thought nothing would surprise her, and yet… this woman had gone and snagged herself some paramour the minute His Majesty was away!


Irene’s eyes shifted towards the handsome boy standing off in the corner, who was supposedly placed by Estian at the empress’s side. He oozed of salaciousness; even when standing still, he managed to stir up indecent urges within those who laid eyes upon him. Estian left a boy like that next to the empress? Preposterous! ‘He’s a slave kept as a bedfellow for sure. The kind used for venting particular desires!’


The thoughts Irene entertained as she bit her lips would have impressed even Richard. She contemplated whether to run and testify everything she’d seen to Estian now, and beg him to depose the empress, but soon gave up on the notion. She didn’t have evidence, and it would be difficult to catch up to His Majesty who had already departed on his campaign. If the empress disposed of the handsome boy and silenced the attendants while she was away, no witnesses of her depravity would remain.

‘No, that won’t do. Rather, this is an opportunity.’ As the empress’s handmaiden, Irene would have plenty of chances to accumulate evidence while the empress’s guard was lowered during Estian’s absence. Irene was certain His Majesty would regain his senses by the time he returned. So, what should she do until then? The answer was simple. ‘I should let the empress run wild.’


Irene had a good handle on the type of person Empress Cecile was based on the scene she’d witnessed today. Only a day had passed since Estian’s departure, and already the empress had created a mess. If she danced to the empress’s tune and humored her whims, then the empress would be emboldened and cause even greater incidents. Irene was banking on it.


‘Meanwhile, I’ll be handling the empress’s work perfectly in her place. Then everyone will know who suits the seat of empress!’ Irene was sure standing next to a hellion of an empress would only enhance her image. ‘…Although admittedly I may lose out a bit in terms of looks.’ It had to be the woman’s beauty that had bewitched Estian. Irene didn’t overreact the way many others did, but even she couldn’t deny her heart raced a little when she gazed at Cecile.


“Lady Irene? Is there something wrong with my face?” Cecile asked.


“N-not at all, Your Majesty. If you will allow me, may I begin speaking to future matters?”


“Of course,” Cecile readily agreed.

As soon as Cecile gave permission, Irene ordered the maids to hang up a large booklet on the wall. Scrawled in large font up top was the title: 101 Necessities To Becoming An Outstanding Empress. Following it was a list of items that Irene had written out long ago as part of her own empress education. Irene gazed with pride at her handiwork, and inwardly, couldn’t help but praise herself for her preparedness. This is how Irene intended to show the empress the depth of her character.

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