A Way to Return Home

Chapter 25: (Rewrite) Chapter 1

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Ilos: Kingdom of Eswart: Mistwhild

January 30 145 AA


Sunlight peered through the window, gently caressing an elf's sleeping face.

 She yawned and sat upright before stretching her arms; After rubbing her eyes, she could see a bit more clearly but was still a little groggy after having woken up. Standing up she looked around the place and saw herself in a well-furnished room with candles lighting up the places the sunlight didn't touch.

"Mistress Emilia, Are you awake?" a person outside the room asked

"Yes, Yes, I'm awake" Emilia responded

"Queen Esta wants your highness to prepare for the festival. Should I assist you with your clothes?" the maid asked

"No, I'm Fine, tell my mother I'll be there soon," Emilia said with a hint of dismay. It was the time of year she dreaded the most. Although she didn't particularly hate the festival, it was just that, by tradition, at the end of it there would be a tournament and whoever was the victor would have her hand in marriage.

As the Princess of the Kingdom of Eswart, a kingdom of Elves whose culture was centered around nature and warfare, she had to partake in this. It was a tradition for them that any female that was born in the Royal Family of Eswart would be married in this way, regardless if the victor of this tournament was of a different species. 

She sighed in annoyance and wished that, by some miracle, no one would show up for the tournament, but she knew it was unlikely. That was why she was building her reputation as a Cold and Harsh person towards men. Although it worked, many men would still try to join this competition for her hand.

After cleaning herself and dressing up for the occasion with her usual garb; a green blouse, a black long skirt, and to top it off a metal chest plate that was molded to her figure.

"Good Morning Mother," Emilia said, trying to be cheery

"Good Morning Darling, Come, breakfast is ready" her mother answered

Emilia sat down on a chair and servants soon placed food on the table. before she began eating her mother asked her a question:

 "Why aren't you wearing your dress? The festival is about to begin." 

"Mom, As much as I love the festival, I don't want to marry anyone and if I do, I don't want to marry a man I do not love, I doubt any man that wants to marry is because of love," she said, before taking a sip from a glass of water.

"You know, I was also like that when I was your age. Your father won the tournament and at first, I didn't like him, but I eventually got to know him better, and wel…l the rest is history" Queen Esta said with a smile, remembering the days when his husband has to court her even though they are already married.

Emilia rolled her eyes. She had heard her mother tell their love story many times now, to the point she could recount it word by word.

"Still, my point stands, and I don't want anything to do with someone I do not know," she said, raising her voice a little.

 Her mother just smiled before taking a bite of the food in front of them. Suddenly the doors opened and two women walked in; they were Emilia's friends Annie and Marie. Annie was a Catwoman and the Princess of the United Beastmen Kingdoms while Marie was a Bunnywoman and hailed from the same kingdom, but was the daughter of a Duke.

The 2 beastwomen were there because they wanted to see the festival and were invited by Emilia. Although she sent many invites to her other friends the 2 were the only ones that arrived early.

"Good Morning Auntie Esta, Good Morning Emi." Annie said cheerfully

The two Elves greeted the two Beastwomen back, before proceeding to eat breakfast together. After the meal Emilia, Annie, and Marie then wander around the capital of the Eswart, The Mistwhild, with Queen Esta's permission. 

Emilia walked around the capital's plaza with her friends behind her and the security detail in tow. The plaza was full of decorations, stores, and people. Although Eswart was an Elven kingdom, there were a good number of humans, dwarves, beastmen, and other species living in the city walls, and because she was Royalty people recognized her and started bowing every time Emilia passes by. She also noticed that there are more male adventurers, nobles, and knights than usual.

"Oh My, looks like there are many suiters have gathered, Emi" Marie teased the Royal Elf while eyeing a group of men

Emilia replied with an unamused face "I bet they just want to marry me for money, status, or like a trophy of some sort"

"Come on Emi maybe there might be someone here that you might like," Annie said trying to cheer her up

"I doubt that" Emilia simply replied while walking aimlessly through the crowd

"Come on Annie, No one with a right mind would marry Emi. Especially because she’s so harsh towards all her suitors, and let’s not speak about her figure!" Marie said continuing to tease Emilia

"And what do you mean by that Marie?" Emilia said raising her eyebrow and a little bit annoyed

Marie puff her breast out and said with a smirk "You know what I mean"

Emilia let out a sigh of annoyance "Let's get this festival over with"



Ilos: Los Magian Empire: Ennervae

 There are only 2 kingdoms that accept non-human races such as elves, dwarves, and more. One of these kingdoms is the Los Magian Empire, which its population compromises 43% Humans, 24% Elves, and 20% Beastmen, and the rest is the other races that populate Ilos. The Empire was the center of magic, research, and development in Ilos. 

Ennervae, the capital of the Los Magian Empire, was bustling with activity as its residence prepares to greet Royal guests from different kingdoms. People busy themselves by cleaning, decorating or just doing their day-to-day routines. The Archmage, the leader of the Los Magian Empire, sat in his workplace. Archmage Magos was busy preparing for the arrival of his guest when suddenly a girl came bursting through his doors.

"FATHER, FATHER" the female yelled out, followed by a male seemingly the same age

"Eliza, What's the problem?" Archmage Magos said, happy to see his daughter.

"Father, Emilia invited me to go see the festival at Mistwhild," Emilia said ecstatically, delighted at the thought she can see her friend again.

"I will allow you but who will accompany you? All of our head Knights and Paladins are busy."

"Don't worry, Father, Malcador here will join me"

Magos looked at the boy who was standing beside the door. It was a long time since Magos last saw the boy. He remembered the time he was even smaller than Eliza. But now the young Prince is now a Knight and a soon-to-be Paladin.

"Ahhh, Malcador, is it okay for you to accompany my daughter?" the Archmage asked

"Of Course Uncle, Besides Emilia also sent me an invitation. Oh, I almost forgot, my father is waiting for you in one of the guest rooms" the young man said

"Alright then, Of you go so you can still reach the festival in time"

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Earth: Unified Republic of Korea: Fort Able



The sounds of beer bottles clashing with each other can be heard inside a room. In there were five men celebrating after a successful operation. Drinking beer and chatting with each other the six had their well-deserved rest. Although the mission was compromised by 4 unknown fire-breathing creatures the team managed to evacuate intact and finished the mission. For now, those things are the least of their concerns as they busy themselves having fun. 

"Looks like the war is beginning to end." 02 or rather First Sergeant Jenkins said before taking another swig of beer

"Yeah, can't wait to return home to my wife and kids," 06 or Specialist Micheal said

"Speaking of family, here they are calling, Micheal." 03 or First Sergeant Roger said before tossing Michael's phone

"Thanks," Michael said before leaving the room 

"By the way, Jenkins I have a question." 04 or Sergeant First Class Robert said

"Okay, Shoot." Jenkins said

"It's about Anderson, you've been friends with him since you were kids right?"

"Yeah, Why?"

"I somehow read his file, and we've been calling him by his last name Anderson but on the file, he is a Bonavides"

"Wait as in Bonavides, the rich family that owns a fuck ton of businesses?" 05 or Sergeant Benjamin suddenly interjected

"Yup the, Bonavides, and his full name is Alexander A. Bonavides. The reason he chose Anderson is that he doesn't want the attention he is receiving just because of his family name" Jenkins explained

"By the way, where is Anderson anyways?" Michael asked

"At a meeting with Maxwell," Jenkins said

As if on cue Michael opened the door and entered followed by Anderson then Maxwell. Everybody in the room stood up and saluted the General.

"At Ease," Maxwell said prompting everybody to sit down.

"I take it you are taking a good night's rest?" Maxwell said before being handed a bottle of beer

"Yes sir, Any News from the front line?" Robert asked

"Well, Russian Separatist groups are still being a nuisance, Chinese influence in the Middle East is being squashed by the combined force of European and Indian armies, and the Filipino, Australian, and U.S. forces finally liberated Taiwan. The Japs are finishing off any Chinese invading force on their country and the remaining Koreans that are still loyal to the North Korean Government are finally captured."

"Looks like things are looking up for us," Benjamin said opening another bottle

"Don't jinx it, Benjamin. You have a habit of doing that" Roger said with a smirk

"Smartass" Benjamin retorded

"Well, we'll be busy in the following days. The only real threat is Mainland China right now but they refuse to surrender. The UN council agrees that the war should end ASAP, Easier said than done" Maxwell said finishing his beer

"Any plans on how to do that? The Chinese are determined to make this bloody. They won't give up a meter of land without giving us a hard time." Jenkins asked

"We already surrounded Mainland China. Russia is currently occupied by the U.S. and European Coalition Amy. Taiwan is liberated by South East Asian countries with our aid. The Indians are ready to march toward China and We currently occupy Korea. So High Command agreed to invade China from multiple points. Lastly by tomorrow, we will be receiving additional reinforcements from Japan, the Philippines, Australia, and Korea to prepare for the invasion. So we are expecting our forces to be at least 150 to 200 thousand and we'll be receiving additionally armored and aerial units"

Robert whistled after hearing what Maxwell said

"Anyways, the Major here has some news for you guys," Maxwell said pointing to Anderson

"You got promoted?" the Deltas asked in unison

"Yep, but let’s focus on the business for now..."  The Deltas settled down and listen to Anderson before he continued "Thanks to Benjamin's gathered information we found a Place of Interest. It's a Chemical Lab of some sort just 9 klicks away from the Nuclear Launch Facility we raided earlier. We are to investigate the site and gather as much info as we can, The Chinese must have cooked up some biological or chemical weapons so it is our job to stop it if that is the case. Further details will be given at a later date, any questions?" 

"Will be there more of those things?" Roger asked implying the flying creatures

"No clue yet"

"Any support?"

"The Lab is very deep in Chinese Territory, so our options are low and risky but Korean Spec-Ops will be joining us"

The 5 Operatives have varied reactions but nod in agreement. Before concluding the briefing Jenkins asked the question everyone had in mind.

"When do we move out?"





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