A Whole New World To Transform

Chapter 10: 9 – The New Gloria

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Gloria groaned in pain as the transformation continued, which was a considerable improvement from the screaming of before, as her scales rippled. Her already considerably long tail lengthened as it grew spikes along its length. Then two mounds of flesh began to grow, one on each shoulder, before cutting open to reveal leathery wings growing out of her skin. “T-thank you…” Gloria thanked Busta as she believed her transformation was nearing its end.

“Don’t thank me yet. As I warned you before, it isn't quite done with you yet.” Busta reminded her. After those words, Gloria felt her pain strengthen as she held her head in pain. “You are strong Gloria, you have felt some of my husband’s greatest minions, do not let this pain be the end of you.”

She was being overly dramatic of course, no matter how great the pain became it would never become enough to kill her unless she was especially weak. As Busta said she was too strong to die and she has proven that with both her attempted siege and later her attempted escape. I couldn’t tell what she was going through, of course, I couldn’t even tell what was going through my minions’ heads, but I knew she could survive. “T-thank you for believing in me.” Gloria thanked Busta between her groans of pain as horny protrusions began growing out of her head, it seemed even after everything the two were still somewhat close.

After a while, her physical and mental changes seemed to finish and she collapsed against the wall. “Here let’s get you some new clothes.” Busta said before she snapped her fingers. It was then metal that began to cloak Gloria in formfitting armor. Before Gloria could say a word Busta preemptively responded, “No need to thank me, that’s what friends are for, yes?”

Gloria didn’t answer as she stood on her own two feet seemingly recovered from her changes. She however turned to me and dropped to one knee as she bowed to me. “This humble servant requires a boon from you my Dark Lord.” She spoke to me. “I require a new name that I must acquire from my lord.”

Busta and I looked upon her with uncertainty. We each gave each other a look. It was only then that I started thinking up a new name for the changed Gloria. It needed to both fit a dragonkin but also the person she was and the minion she will be. “I shall name you… Gadra.” I finally voiced my choice.

Gloria bowed even deeper. “Thank you, my lord.” She voiced her gratitude before rising to her feet after being told she could relax. “I will repay your generosity with my eternal servitude.” The change in attitude was strange at first but it was quickly growing on me, however, I decided to task Busta with keeping an eye on her as the two go and explore the dungeon.

As I watched the two of them leave I turned my attention to changing up the dungeon. After some consideration, I decided to forgo leveling up my minions for now and focus first on expanding my dungeon. First I began by adding a second hallway this one leading to two bathrooms, divided between male and female of course, which were technically unneeded for my minions but I somehow felt a building of any kind would be incomplete without it. The hallway then stretched on and ended with a large ballroom, this one especially is needed for any selfrespecting castle.

I was then left with enough to level up a monster. ‘Hmph, who deserves such a reward? Ohsoss lasted a while but he was the one who was fooled into allowing Gloria to escape her cell. Afasa and Fieltia both slowed her down, Fieltia more so funnily enough. Then there was Klags who yet again proved he was far above what his lowly station would suggest.’ I thought to myself as I went over them all.

It was clear to me now Klags more than deserved so not only will I level him up to Level 2 and stationed him in the middle of the new hallway acting as a sort of miniboss. ‘Better make it worth their while, plus if I give them an optional reward I get some resources back to spend.’ I thought to myself as I put some gold in the ballroom Klags now guards. ‘Good, now I have enough to level up one more minion. Let’s see… Afasa is the chief and she did well enough so she deserves it.’

As I thought that I leveled up Afasa as well making her stronger too yet I kept her in place guarding the Dungeon Core room along with Fieltia. ‘Or shall I say where the new Boss Room shall be.’ I thought as I realized I had just enough to expand further. So pushing my Dungeon Core room twenty feet back I placed a boss room where the new Gadra will stay where it once was. ‘She could be my floor one boss after I expand up or down a level in the near future.’

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With all that down I turned my attention back to Busta and the former Gloria. I saw they were now in the cafeteria being surrounded by everyone else as they regaled Gloria’s escape attempt and her transformation afterward. Thankfully despite her previous behavior, it seemed Gadra recalled the memories of Gloria and spoke of them as if they were her own. ‘At least she recognizes herself as formerly Gloria at least.’ I thanked the skies above for small miracles.

"And then you put a hole into Klags right!?" Bafz asked in awe as if she were meeting her hero. After Gadra responded yes Bafz clutched her heart as she leaned back saying, "Truly a woman after my own heart!" I first thought it would only be Bafz who would find it inspiring as she hates her fellow goblins and they hate her but no it seemed everyone was equally in awe. I guess when death is so easily curable murder of their fellow goblins is considered not something to be feared but respected.

"What happened next then?" Clerd asked analytically. "When I and the others got up we saw you and Busta at the door... How did that happen?" It was true during the chase the goblins began to stir and entered the hallway around the time Gloria was stopped.

Busta was the one to reveal that tidbit as Gadra couldn't bring herself to. "Well since she was trying to escape and didn't want to fight me she turned tail, literally, and ran to the doors." Despite what Gadra and Busta may have thought instead of being disappointed they seemed understanding. "However before she could reach it I ensnared her with tentacles made of her own shadow." As she was retelling the story five familiar faces arrived at the cafeteria.

Since reviving monsters is so cheap they are done automatically after a siege or escape attempt is complete, they can't be revived during it under normal circumstances, so they were quick to rejoin them. "Ah, there you all are. Who's the newbie?" Klags asked not wise enough to realize the newbie was in fact his rival Gloria turned monster. "She's kinda hot."

Gadra blushed slightly at that, something she apparently didn't want to be doing as she punched her thigh repeatedly to try and dissuade it. Luckily for her everyone's attention was now on the returning five as Fieltia slaps Klags on the back of the head. "Idiot! That's the former Gloria transformed into Gadra the Draconic Knight, did you not read the message!?" Fieltia shouted at him as he rubbed his head in embarrassment and realization.

While the two were arguing Afasa, Ohsoss, and Dreepy sat down on the table everyone else was on. They were soon followed by the two who were still sniping insults at each other. There were now eleven monsters, enough to not quite fill one single table. "So... What's our relationship going to be like now?" Gadra asked the people around her.

"Well... Since you are now the Boss of the Boss Room you are technically above all of us except Busta." Dreepy revealed. Gadra didn't realize this so she pulled up her own screen, which was still quite new to her, and looked on in stunned awe seeing that he was right. "Other than that? I think I speak for all of us when I say we have no bad feelings. for you"

"Wait. Really!?" Gadra asked in shock as she closed the screen and looked on in even further awe. "I tore through you people and murked all but one of you. You are fine with that?"

Ohsoss chuckled at Gadra's reaction. "I am sure you figured it out but death is merely a minor setback to us. We might have got angry during the moment but that was more due to us not wanting you to escape, now that you haven't and instead joined us we all let it slide, right?" Ohsoss motioned toward the others who all nodded in agreement. "See, we are pretty chill when it comes to new allies even if they 'killed' us."

After a moment passed Afasa was the next one to speak up. "Now that's all cleared up let's have a drink everyone!" Afasa shouted out as alcoholic mugs were passed around. Everyone shoved their mugs forward as Afasa then said, "To us welcoming the newest monster and most recent boss: Gadra!" Everyone voiced their agreement before downing their mugs.

The welcoming party has just begun.

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