A Whole New World To Transform

Chapter 15: 14 – Interlude: Meanwhile In Heaven

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First Point of View: Lise

The name given to me by Him is Lise which means either ‘Pledged to God’ or ‘God’s Promise’. Perhaps because He wished I would follow His every will. Despite this, I disobeyed His will, despite him supposedly knowing what everyone and everything under Him will do. The story of Helel and The Son comes to mind of course. Knowing that perhaps He always knew I would betray His will and allow humans a chance?

“Are you struck by your own betrayal?” An angel far above me asked as he floated down. Shocked, I looked above me to see that it was in fact, Satan. Unlike modern misinterpretations by humans, Satan is not another name for Lucifer or even the Devil, it was just a word to describe an accuser or advisory in a story and thus many separated entities were called as such by the original texts. Even an angel which in this case is actually their name is the one who made a game over a man’s life with Him. “Truly you didn’t think all you did wouldn’t be found out, no?”

“No, even when I was doing it I thought I would be struck down at a moment’s notice. Yet I wasn’t until far after when you found me, so did He know all about it all along?” I asked as Satan landed next to me. Satan was one of His most loyal angels ever since they lost the game all those centuries ago, some say they were perhaps even more loyal than Metatron and the Four Archangels. “If so then He must have silently approved, if so why am I to be cast out?”

Satan merely chuckled. “He knew Helel, or Lucifer as they liked to be called now, would begin a rebellion in Heaven yet He let it proceed until Lucifer was struck down by Michael. Does that mean he secretly approved? No!” Satan shouted as a glow began to appear behind his eyes. “Much like then He did the same here, consider yourself lucky that your punishment won’t be as grave as Lucifer’s.”

I eyed them wearily. “So… I won’t be cast down to Hell?” I asked as I tried to choke back my hopes and maybe even tears. I knew I would be punished but I feared I would be cast down to Hell as if I was a fallen angel or even a demon. “I will only be tossed down to the mortal realm?”

Satan nodded their head. “He has already cast the punishment, you will be stripped of your angelic gifts and put down into Hell.” After they said that their head swiveled, most likely being spoken to directly by Him. “It has been decided, Mephisto and the twin children of Leto and Zeus have been tasked with punishing your dungeon. They will choose champions who will purge your dungeon before the year is over.”

My eyes widened at that in both fear and shock. “He has given a mission to the ‘lesser gods’!? Their mission also was to purge my dungeon!? While I-!” I let my emotions get the better of me and realizing this I stopped myself in the middle of my rant.

Satan slightly smirked at me before returning to their usual neutral expression. “Ever since your tampering with His plan, He has allowed the ‘lesser gods’ to choose champions or build dungeons, of course, they could do both but right now they had to choose between one and the other. He has simply tasked those three to ‘test’ your dungeon, which I take as Him simply wishing to purge it.” Satan explained. “The human Darius was meant to be taken up to Heaven and joined by his daughter and step-sister when they also perished with even his daughter planning to join us angels.”

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“Of course, I knew about this. Why would you think I would trust him with aiding me in my plan?” I asked with a bit of annoyance. Every mortal had their life planned out by Him though few mortals' fates were known by lesser angels, the exception of course were future angels. “Do you take me as a fool that I simply stumbled on the father of a future angel?”

Annalise means ‘Graced with God’s Bounty’, a combination of Anna and Lise. Of course, I would take an interest in her and her mortal life, it was the start of my growing love of humanity in fact. Before then I simply did my duty without even bothering to understand humans but then after looking into Annalise and her family I grew more and more against His original plan for humanity. “I said nothing of the sort, only exposing what you have taken away from Darius and possibly even Annalise if things continue this route.” Satan said calmly.

I knew that as well but it was a necessary sacrifice in order to save humanity, or rather the mortal kind in general, and progress them as a species. First, they will be challenged by dungeons like the former human Darius, while also being protected from a similar disaster like the one 10 years ago caused by unchecked Mana, and in the future most likely improving most of humanity to such a degree they could be considered separate species. Besides now that I will be cast down to Earth I can potentially join them myself down there. “I didn’t see the downside of it.” I told them plainly.

Satan narrowed their eyes at that. “Then perhaps you should be cast down to Hell, however, the judgment has already been cast.” Satan said with concealed anger in their voice as a scroll of paper appeared before them. “As I said before, your punishment is to be stripped of your divine gifts and struck down to Earth. This is goodbye Lise, and may your punishment be as damning as He sees fit.”

If it were any other being, besides Him of course, this punishment would perhaps require a specific chant or even a heightening of their voice. Satan had no need for it as if they were dismissing a small fly they could easily force me down from Heaven. I was suddenly freefalling as I swiveled my head to see that I was stripped of my wings in an instant painlessly. I suppose I could thank Satan for that, He knows how much pain the slow way is. I looked down to see I was indeed plunging into the Earth.

Closing my eyes as I fell and crashed into the Earth. Tumbling through the ground I skidded to a halt in the wild woods far from any humans. Stumbling to my feet I was thankful a second time that Satan at least kept me immortal until I was done with falling from Heaven. Hurrying I found a clear river and looked upon it. “That’s… Different.”

Not only was I no longer covered by my angelic wear, but my form also seemed to be altered as well. My breasts seemed to have grown larger into the upper echelons of human female boobs while my hair has grown longer and even stylized as well in human fashion. It also seemed I had more fat on me in general as well. Not nearly enough to make me unfit or anything, in fact, but more than enough for it to be unwise to call me ‘petite’ as I was before. All in all, I looked to be at my peak in terms of human attractiveness.

Pulling out a screen, it seemed I still had some things from my time as an angel, I realized I was in some untamed forest in South America. A shame since the Dungeon formerly known as Darius is in the United States, looks like I have to do some work to get to him. I giggled at myself as I thought to myself, ‘We still need to choose a name for you.’ Despite my situation, I got to my feet with a smile on my face, and a pep in my step, and began to head toward North America to find him. Sticking to as much of the unused wilderness as I could I hoped to avoid any unnecessary risk of running into any other human.

Despite my love for them, I knew that seeing a naked woman would cause them to either call the cops on me or try and care for me themselves. Something unneeded for what I must do that would simply hamper my progress. Evading the local animals like I have been to this place a billion times I walked through the wild terrain as if it was solid ground. Perhaps another ability He and Satan allowed me to keep? I wonder why they allowed me to keep such quirks in the back of my mind as I surely make my way through the wilds.

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