A Woven Tale

Chapter 5: Room mates :3

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“little one. It’s time we had a little talk. Hmm?”
Ana adjusted xara in her lap, until they were facing.

“You have been such a good girl for Avala and me.” Ana said with kind eyes
“little xaxa” Avala spoke “You have made the both of us very happy.”
Stimming in their laps, flapping her hands and twisting her wrists with blushy smiles

Avala captures xaxa’s cheeks in her hands “You are just the cutest little floret in the whole wide universe!” squidging her face against xaxa in an overflowing show of affection.
“Be careful darling, we want to keep our flower verbal <3”

little xaxa came back from all those overwhelming feelings and touchings.
Her body following after Avala, attracted to the Affini like a magnet pulling at her heart.
xara fell face first into a full body hug.
Arms spread so wide to love someone so big

Holding her precious with so much love to give, Avala tapped out a message into Ana’s weave ‘I just can’t let her slip out my vines. I need to make her mine.’
‘Patience, she will be ours soon’

She smells so nice, so planty and green.

“little one.” Ana stated, drawing her attention. “xaxa”
the girl looked in her face with a happy little smile.
“We were wondering whether you would like to live with us..
Avala and I know that sometimes you struggle with things and need help”
Avala’s hands were palming the petal’s back, rubbing in a circular motion.
Her back so soft and relaxed.
“We would love to help you in any way we can. And have lots of cuddles”

Nod nod nod nod went xara’s head, eyes closed, clearly enjoying Avala’s ministrations.
“We don’t have to figure out our label right now”
“Room mates!” xaxa exclaimed
Jumping backwards to fall against Ana’s chest, sitting in her lap.
“Room mates” Ana murmured as she held her darling in her vines, stroking a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

little xara took Avala’s vines in her hands and pulled the big Affini into a xara sandwich.
it took just a teeny bit of tugging.
Avala couldn’t resist someone so cute and insistent demanding cuddles.
Coming to a rest embracing her two favourite sophonts.
Looking into Ana’s eyes with unspoken need.
‘Patience, we will make her ours’
“...room mates”

Apparently that was enough of a discussion for xaxa. who went back to face rubbing against her two favourite people.


The trio were still sitting at the couch, watching a whole bunch of ‘nature porn’.
Trees growing before her eyes, a whole herd of xuhe ambling through the plains, fauns playing chasey and exploring, schools of glittering fish in colourful coral reefs.

Avala was half watching the documentary, half watching her petal.
‘Should I just push? She’s so passive and accepting. But I want her to come to us.’
Avala had already spent some time gaming out the different scenarios xara’s domestication could go.
The little one was half domestic anyway.
Spending time with her Affini supports and their florets.
Switching between a cocktail of xenodrugs as the mood took her.
Obviously having a massive crush on the two of us. Pulling closer to Ana and xara, earning a small gnaw on a chewy vine.

It wasn’t fair.. Avala thought, slowly feeding petal another berry, stroking open her cheek.
A vine ringing around the juicy purple berry.
Pressing the berry to her open lips touching the rim of her vine.
Staring at the screen at a polar bear mum cuddling with her cubs.
Imagining all the things she could do with xara if she possessed her.
She wouldn’t even need to ask.
xara sat there waiting, massaging the vine with her lips to try and wake it up.
pulling her lips against the berry trying to wriggle it free with no hands, trying to squish the juice from the very ripe fruit.
Earning a firm Affini word and a few vines holding her mouth open.

It just isn’t fair, Avala sighed. Poor little petal doesn’t know what she wants.
Piercing the berry with just a vine tip, a single drop pooling.
Dripping in the mouth of her xaxa.
Such a cute protesting little moan.
Turning to face the girl.
neither are focused on the screen.
Avalas eyes are drinking in the little one, wanting to make her voice sing in pleasure. Ecstasy.

Her little xaxa.

xara really wanted the berry, but she wasn’t allowed
and Avala was looking at her with a hunger in her eyes that made xara’s tummy feel funny. Like excitement and danger and trust and joy. Like going on a rollercoaster ride that wasn’t too scary.
she may have a crush on her room mate.


Umm, okay, so I may be growing feelings for them..
And I can totally feel myself being drawn into their power.
Little xara Wriggled a little nervously in Avala’s lap.

Ana is cutting vegetables on the other side of the kitchen bench, behind the lounge, much too high for xaxa, she pouted
Like, I’m mentally okay with relinquishing control, being into psychedelics and all.

But I’m worried that those gorgeous women are going to take care of more and more things for me, and im gonna be so passive that it’s just going to happen without a fuss
then suddenly i wake up one morning to stare up at Avala holding my wrists in a firm grasp, wound - o gosh!
xara was slipping into a fantasy being all tied up in her vines and barely realising that her imagination is imitating life.
Snapping to the present feeling the binds around her wrists and ankles.
Completely inescapable

Her heart was light, feeling flighty and vulnerable.
Throbbing beneath Avala’s vines.
Feeling the emotions Avala has caused to course through xaxa’s body as a physiological response.
It felt so real, so visceral. Heart pulsing past vines. Excited little heart
The little one’s breaths became shallow. As if she were trying to make herself as still and unnoticable as possible.

What a lovely response, not fight or flight, but freeze.
And freeze will turn into submit.
Such a beautiful little xaxa. Trailing a vine up the sides of her ribs, up her teres minor and major, trailing up her trapezus and up around her neck.

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The pet gasped and stopped breathing for a second. Music to their vines.
‘Oooh!’ Avala exclaimed in thought ‘I just found one of her erogynous zones
Ana stopped chopping her food. Set down the knife in the middle of the bench, out of reach of xaxa arms (if she stood on a chair.)
Ana stood at the back of the couch, vines combing through xara's hair.

Avala's cradling her little xara, arms and legs keeping her kept in a feotal position.
Vines exploring, her neck, chin and jaw, cheeks and cheek bones.
Her lips tried to catch the almost ticklish vines playing at them, being slightly too evasive to be caught by a very relaxed and pandered petal.

Goal directed behaviour might be a bit much for her right now.
Stroking the little ones eyelids made her lashes flutter
Running gently along the insides of her arms, the sides of her torso
finding each and every sensitive spot that made her back arch, breath get caught, or calves rub together in stims. Remembering each weakness to be exploited later.
Flipping their precious upright from laying down for complete access to their back.

Lifting up her shirt, keeping it up with an improvised harness woven around her upper torso.
Her leaves shimmering down her petal’s back leaving silvery traces of rivers running through xara’s sense of touch and body’s position in space.
“So mean,,” the little one whispered
Avala stopped what she was doing “Would you like me to stop Xara?”

She was turned to face into her gaze.
“Xara, this is important. Sometimes silence can’t be taken for consent. Would you like me to stop”
Nods with eyes closed.
“Are you feeling overwhelmed”
“Would you like me to hold you”

Wanting to get a negative answer “Would you like to eat some roasted eggplant?” Her hands scrunched up covering her eyes, pulling a yucky face.
“Shh, don’t worry, it’s okay. We aren’t going to ever have eggplant my love.” Soothing her xaxa.
“Yuck” Avala agreed.
“Yuck” Said Ana
“I’m never going to cook with eggplant xaxa” Ana promised
“Okay!” xara chimed

Showing agency for the first time in a long while, xara asked if she could be put down on the floor.
Wow! Floor time instead of Affini time.
Her two carers were watching xara’s reaction to not being held for the first time in a whole day.
She started by feeling out the zone outside her body.
starting out just past where her legs cross over
tracing little arcs out
arms gliding, fingers bouncing on the surface of the ground

unconsciously feeling out her personal space, what it was like to not have someone touching you all the time.
reaching out and grabbing one of the vines from Avala’s leg, plonking back onto the floor, draping the vine over xara’s leg, just above her knee,
The two Affini thought ‘so that’s how much touch she wants’

Looking at the plant leaning on the back of the oversized couch
“Anna, could you help me to the compliler?” looking very cute and inquisitive.
Making hands to be helped up to stand up, Ana remembered her classes on non verbal language, how to distinguish between hands held towards someone asking to be grasped in a firm hand hold and lifted to stand. And how the cute terrans will lift their arms up not pointing at anything in particular when they want to be picked up and carried

Taking xaxa’s hand in hers gently, pulling backwards and upwards till she pops to her feet with a bounce.
letting go of one hand, and walking off bit unsure of coordination, balance and strength.
Holding onto Anna as the two walked into the kitchen, Avala’s vine draping along the floor as xara dragged the one vine with them.
Over to the kitchen.
Looking up at the tall bench, the medium sized compiler all sleek and cool looking
Poking around at the screen on her wrist for a minute, speed and fumblyness of moving through the operating system was being measured on her pad, and it was currently reducing xara’s functional capacity score to midway between floret edition and independent sophont edition of user interface. Affini runes updating the operating system information in a spectrum outside of human vision.
“Could you make me these blocks please?”
Sinking to a knee, just above xara’s eye level

“Of course xara”
Looking at her wristpad tablet, seeing lots of little wooden arches and blocks, screens, doors, windows and tiny planks of wood with their own teeny wood joinery connections.
“Would you like to watch them being compiled?”
smiling nod nod nod
lifting out her arms like a penguin about to be picked up under her wings, xara watched as gas particles accreted on the compiler bed.
Miniature architectural elements were being printed
the structural make up of buildings
She could make some bucky domes!

“Tiles tiles tiles!!” the flower chanted
her pad now showing lots of little tiles to be tesselated together, to form the nettings of three dimensional shapes.
Another set of wooden patterns and building blocks to be compiled
“Now, little one” Ana’s said in a stern voice that made xara’s insides feel funny. “Did you forget to say something?”
looking sheepish at the place between Ana’s neck and shoulder.
“Could you print me the tiles please?”
“xara, can you say my name as well, please”
“Could you print the tiles please Anna?”

Turning the little one to face her face, holding an expression that seemed far too amused and enjoyed “precious xara, could you please add my title, Miss, before you say my name?”
Blushing and smiling at how mean Anna was.
“Um, okay Miss Anna”
Giving xara a small bounce “From the beginning now petal.” Ana smiled
xara let out a flustered gay sound, getting logged as an early entry in the ‘Cute xara noises’ audio files of Ana’s pad
Looking up in Anna’s expected face woven of young green vines.
“Miss Anna, could you make my please”
“Of course my cherub. Anything for you.”

The compiler emptied its bed, spilling the architectural components presorted into stackable storage containers. Her bits!
Attention focused on her new building blocks
Out of reach for now

The compiler goes dark, like a stage being set at a puppet show. The stage is dim, but lights from above set the scene.
xara watching entranced as these ornamental tiles of wood are printed with smaller patterns of wood colours interwoven in tesselations.
Layer upon layer the pattern weaves waving as the tiles climbed higher up the Z axis.
Each cross section same same but different
An Affini with a planer could slice the tiles and make lots more thinner tiles from the slices.
Hexagons, pentagons, octogons, equalaterals, right angleds, squares and triangles
In sections or as full polygons
xara can make so many polyhedra with these ::3

Soon xara was sitting on the floor with her organised containers of structural elements and euclidian tiles.
Building out a star based around hexagons
which continued for a time, till she added in equilateral triangles to the pattern with rotational symmetry, she wasn’t able to maintain folding symmetry as well, though she was very focused on trying. Determined little girl.

She’s incredibly cute, Ana was absently using her vines to construct a 3D lattice using the surface pattern of xara’s 2D pattern as a model, removing tiles to add folded angles, adding tiles to form ridges and valleys on the surface of the symmetrical ball.
Ana didn’t realise, but xara was staring at Anna’s vines and the ball she was making jealously.
xara looked at her flat tiling pattern, and she thought it looked pretty
but anna was so much better at everything, and she could make the tiles 3D and really pretty and complicated and even and round and well balanced, it’s way better than xara’s pattern
she was crying staring at the ball, feeling so useless

Ana’s leaves curled in sympathy when she saw little xaxa so upset
About to rush forward to take xara in an embrace.
But catching herself before overwhelming the poor girl.

“Darling” the tears billowing in her eyes were dried with root-vines clearing xaxa’s eyes of wetness
“xara, sweetie, what’s wrong”
“im just so useless and i can barely do anything and i was really proud of the patterns i could make because they look nice but you see the tiles and can make whatever im making a million times better”
“Aww, little one” Ana spread her arms wide, slowly moving closer for an embrace, which xaxa leans towards.
Ana wraps the girl up, holding her close with lots of compassion
“I may be young for an Affini, but I’m a lot older than you and have learned lots and lots through the years.”
“you’re just smarter and better than me”
“Sweetheart” Ana’s core was singing in sympathy
“I wanted to make something special for you, I saw your lovely pattern and I thought you would really like it if I designed a special ball for you to do tricks with.”

She drifted a little away from xara’s torso against chest weave, so she could look in her love’s face. “You designed this ball along with me. You helped me make it, inspired me, motivated me because I wanted to see how you would smile playing together with it.”
“You may not know how to make a really fancy ball like this, and it is a bit complicated if you haven’t learned geometry in the Compact.
I’ll teach you if you like, cutie ::)”
“And if you wanna build anything fancy you can tell me what you want help building and we can make it together, okay?”
xara’s head was bobbing, her arms asking for a hug again.
Embraced together, it isn’t so bad that xara can’t make a fancy ball like Anna can, she can help xara make one together

“I’m not going anywhere, and we are going to play with blocks and buildings as much as you’d like <3”
“mmmm” xara hummed, content. feelings of executive dysfunction, limitations and uselessness forgotten in the loving embrace.
“Not going anywhere” Anna soothed, rubbing xaxa’s back


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