Absolute Sword Goddess

Chapter 29: Chapter 29-[Volume 2 Chapter 1]Teleported

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Going back in time a bit to just moments before Elizabeth spotted Mika, Olivia, and Akira.

Mika was fighting off voidlings like she had been doing since she got that System Quest. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice call out to her. 

“Mika!! Olivia!! I’m so glad you’re okay! Where are your brothers?!” 

This voice clearly belonged to her Mother, Elizabeth Zoller, but the System started flashing messages in her mind before she could respond.


[The Space around the Host is unstable!]

[The System has estimated that the Host has a 0% chance of survival if the Host is left within the unstable space!]

[Searching for ways to keep the Host alive.] 





[WARNING!! No, solutions found! Activating the System’s Emergency Protocols!]

[Emergency Protocols activated!]

[After numerous simulations, the System has concluded that the invasion of the voidlings is due to the System's interference. Therefore, the System will protect the Host this time as there is nothing the Host can do in this situation.]

[Host, please prepare for forced teleportation. The System will use the disturbance in space around the Host to teleport the Host in a random direction.]

[Teleportation in 5.]



Mika heard the messages and started internally freaking out, but seeing the numbers on the screen counting down, she knew she had no time. So, she quickly pushed Olivia and Akira’s away and then left her Mother a message so she knew she’d be alright.


“Mom! This is Akira Raven! Please save her, then find Nathan and Adam! I don’t know where I’m teleporting to, but know that I love you, and we’ll see each other again!” 


[Teleportation initiated.]

With that final message, the Mika vanished into thin air right before Elizabeth’s eyes. As Mika was being launched through the void of space, she could’ve sworn she heard her Mother’s cry of despair, but that could’ve just been her imagination.

However, Mika didn’t have any time to think about such a thing, as the feeling of the System forcefully using the unstable space to teleport her wasn’t exactly pleasant. 

She was trapped inside a dark void, unable to see, hear, or feel anything, yet she felt like she had caught a glimpse into the mysteries of the universe. She didn’t know it yet, but this experience would act as the spark that set Mika down a different path than she was initially destined for. 


Countless miles away from Avalon and the Elysium Country, a small child with pitch-black eyes and fiery red hair appeared out of thin air in the middle of a large, densely packed jungle. 


Mika was so disoriented after teleporting that she immediately threw up as soon as she appeared. 

She’d never, in both her lives, experienced something so mysterious and unpleasant before. 

It took her a few minutes to reorient herself, and when she finally realized where she was, she was shocked!

“A jungle?! Did I get teleported into a fucking jungle?! The System, why the hell did you send me here?!” Mika shouted unintentionally, but she couldn’t help it. 

Although she didn’t have a particular place she preferred to be teleported, a jungle was probably the last place she wanted to be. 

[Host, it was a random teleportation. I did not have any control over the distance or direction. I merely prevented you from getting torn apart by spatial fissures.] 

The System explained, which somehow calmed Mika down a little, knowing it wouldn’t do her any good to keep blaming it.

“Fine! Then, can you at least tell me where the hell this is?” Mika asked, clearly in a bad mood.


The System’s short reply came immediately, stunning Mika.

“What?! Why?! Although I’m grateful for you saving my life, isn't it still your fault I’m here? Aren’t you supposed to help me out?” Mika argued.

[I understand what you’re saying, Host, but I’ve deemed it necessary for you to find a way out of this situation yourself. If you can’t push through this situation and survive by yourself, you aren’t worthy of walking the road to Godhood.] 

Mika couldn’t retort that even though she really wanted to. While she still didn’t know what it meant to be a God, or in her case, a Goddess, she could at least infer that it would be a long journey filled with many uncertainties. 

“Sigh… You’re right, System. I just need to survive, right? Easy! You might not know this, but in my previous life, I spent many years during my childhood and young adult years living in the wilderness! If I could do it back then, I can certainly do it right now!” Mika declared, confident in her survival instincts and strength. 

While her body might only be one and a half years old, it’s as strong as an adult male’s body! That, combined with her sword skills and experience from her past life, Mika was at least confident in her ability to protect herself. 

“First things first, I need food, water, fire, and shelter. I might have to hold off on creating a fire since I need to map out the nearby surroundings to ensure I don’t disturb some dangerous animal. I need to remember that this isn’t my old world….” Mika thought out loud and began scanning her surroundings. 

However, all she saw were trees, trees, and more trees. It was extremely humid, to the point where she could see water droplets on all the leaves. 

“I guess I don’t really have to worry about water too much. But with how much water I’m seeing, I should definitely find or create a shelter as soon as possible. I don’t really feel like walking through a jungle when it’s pouring down rain.” Mika muttered as she scoured the nearby area. 

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This jungle seemed normal, except for the fact that the trees were giant! The height of each tree seemed to range from anywhere between 50 to 150 meters, and each leaf was about as big, if not bigger, than Mika’s body. 

The trunks were thick and tough. She tried peeling off some bark, but even with her strength, she found it challenging. 

Fortunately, the leaves were easy to pluck. However, the problem with them was that Mika was too short to reach them! Though, this would still be a problem, even if she were taller. 

Most of the leaves were at least a few meters off the ground, so if Mika wanted access to water, she’d have to climb a tree a few meters to have a sip.

“It’s almost not even worth climbing these trees for a sip of water!” Mika complained, but she still felt fortunate that water was accessible. 

Next up on her list was food! To Mika, food was as important, if not more, than water. 

While water is necessary for her survival, it’s food that keeps her body growing. Not just in height but in weight and density as well. She needs food not only to survive but also to grow big and strong! 

The keyword: strong!

That’s right! Even in this unknown and possibly perilous situation, Mika didn’t stop thinking about training! 

In fact, training occupied even more of Mika’s mind since she’ll only feel safe as long as she had a certain level of strength. 

“System, can you help me identify some of these plants? Or can you at least tell me if they are poisonous or not?” Mika asked.


But the System didn’t reply immediately.


[Why don’t you just treat everything as poisonous?] 

The System suddenly asked.

Mika was puzzled by the sudden question but answered anyway, “Because everything might not be poisonous. I don’t know when I’ll be able to get my hands on some meat, so I can only settle with roots, vegetables, and berries.”

[You should just treat everything as poisonous, Host. It’ll make life much simpler]

Mika found it odd how the System kept saying this, so she asked, “Why? Is everything poisonous?”


Mika groaned, and her mind worked faster than she ever thought possible to find a solution. 

“How poisonous are we talking? Like, I’ll die instantly if I eat them, or maybe just some mild diarrhea?”

[None of them will kill you instantly…]

Mika’s ears perked up at this, but the System wasn’t done talking.

[...instead, they’ll kill you slowly and painfully.]

Mika’s face went black, and she felt like cursing, but she somehow calmed herself down and asked, “Okay, is there anything that won’t kill me?”

[Yes, but I don’t recommend you eat them. If you do, at the very least, try to eat them in small quantities. After enough time, you’ll be able to build up a tolerance against these plants.]

Mika felt what the System said was reasonable and nodded her head. 

“Then, can you help me identify which plants won’t kill me if I eat them?” 

[Before I answer that, I have a suggestion.]

“Oh? What is it?” 

[You recently completed the Invasion emergency quest since you’ve survived against the voidlings. The rewards for the quest were: Information about the Voidlings, 50 Initial-Stage Mana Stones, and a Personalized Kimono. You’ve also earned a bonus reward for killing so many voidlings. With those 50 Initial-Stage Mana Stones, you can buy food and various other items in the System Shop. Although you can’t buy anything grand, 1 Mana Stone should be able to buy you about a month’s worth of F Rank Nutritional Serums. Of course, if you want to train and strengthen your body, it might only last you a week or two.]

Mika was stunned by this as she had almost forgotten about the quest! 

“So, you’re saying I can survive in this jungle for around four years with just my 50 mana stones alone?” Mika clarified as she was too shocked and confused right now.

[That’s right. However, the amount of nutrition you’ll receive from the F Rank Nutritional Serums will only be enough to keep your body alive for around four years. On the other hand, you will partially stunt your body’s growth and your Body Cultivation.]

Mika thought for a moment, then nodded her head. 

“That makes a bit more sense, but can you explain to me what an F Rank Nutritional Serum is? And what does F Rank even mean?” Mika asked.

[A Nutritional Serum is a vial containing all the necessary nourishment you need to consume daily. This includes vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, salt, and many other things. The F Rank in the name is just there to let you know that the item is meant for those at the lowest cultivation Realm, your realm. The Ranks go from F to SSS and then finally to EX.]

Mika didn’t quite understand all that. The only thing she understood from what the System said was that a vial of F Rank Nutritional Serum would give her all of her daily nutrition. 

She thought about the System’s suggestion and then looked around her. Seeing nothing but trees for as far as the eye can see, which in her current circumstance isn’t very far, and having nothing actually edible around her, she made a decision. 

She would do what the System suggested since she was very reluctant to eat things that poison her. Even if they don’t kill her, she can’t risk getting sick or incapacitated in this unknown environment.

“I guess now I need to find or create a shelter. A fire would also be nice, but it’s unlikely I’ll be able to create one in this damp environment.” Mika muttered.

[You have an affinity with Fire, Host. There’s no need for you to make one.]

The System suddenly said, causing Mika’s eyes to light up. 

“It seems I still haven’t recovered from the teleportation and am still disoriented since I could not remember I have a fire affinity!” Mira exclaimed, happy that she didn’t need to worry about creating a fire!

Now, with all that out of the way, she can focus on finding a nice place to set up camp!

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