Absolute Sword Goddess

Chapter 9: Chapter 9-Making Preparations Part 1

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“This… This… What’s going on?”

Elizabeth muttered in shock as she stared at the newly formed Mana Pathways and Mana Core in her unborn child. 

Not only that, but for some reason, she couldn’t help but think these Pathways and Core were beautiful. Not in color but in functionality and how perfect they looked. Elizabeth has never seen someone with a beautiful pair of Mana Pathways and Mana Core. 

Even her Mana Pathways and Core could only be described as trash in front of her unborn child, and she is one of the strongest beings in the Country!

Naturally, Elizabeth knew what this meant. Her child is a genius, not just any genius, but one never before seen in Human History! 

It’s common knowledge now that Human children are not born with Mana Pathways or a Mana Core. They have to form those later in life, and most parents don’t let their children start that process until they mature enough, so they don’t make any mistakes during this process. 

One’s Mana Pathways and Mana Core determine one’s potential, and any small mistake during this process can decrease that potential. 

Not only that, but Mana Pathways also determine the speed at which one can cultivate, cast spells, and many other factors. 

Needless to say, this is one of the, if not the most important, part of Mana Cultivation.

Now, you might be wondering, if it’s so important, why leave such an important task up to a little brat? Why not wait until they become an adult?

The answer to this is quite surprising. Studies have shown there is no real difference between an adult forming their Mana Pathways and Core and a mature teenager. 

Adults might have a slight statistical advantage compared to kids because they know their bodies better and have had more time to lay out their Mana Pathways, but quantifying this is quite difficult.

Mana Pathways and Core might be a major factor in determining one's potential, but it’s not everything. It’s more like one’s Mana Pathways and Core are the tools required to realize one’s potential. It’s just that these tools, once created, can’t be changed.

However, in exchange for a slight statistical advantage, the adults forming their Mana Pathways and Core have already lost several precious years of cultivation.

Another incredibly important fact is that one’s Mana Pathways and Core actually grow along with the host. While this might not seem helpful at first glance, this actually allows the body to grow accustomed to having Mana Pathways and a Core. 

Once one’s Mana Pathways and Core are formed, they are engraved into one’s genetic code and force the human body on the path of evolution. The body needs some time to adapt to this, and a child’s or a teenager’s body can adapt much quicker than an adult’s.

So, it goes without saying that the earlier one forms their Mana Pathways and Core, the better. 

However, children under 10 often make too many mistakes during this process and ruin their potential. 

This process is complicated as even being a few microns off can produce flaws that can ruin one’s potential. How can such a thing possibly be left in the hands of a young child?

Therefore, children usually don’t start cultivating until their teens, as that’s proven to be the optimal time for one to form their Mana Pathways and Core.

However, what about a child who formed their Pathways and Core better than any adult ever could while still in the womb?

The potential of such a child could only be described in a single word: Monstrous. 

Although Elizabeth would never call her children monsters, she wasn’t so naive to think others would feel the same. 

Jealousy, envy, hatred, anger, greed, lust, selfishness. All of these are emotions common in every human. From the poorest commoner to the King himself, none of them are free from these emotions. 

Elizabeth knew that most humans are inherently selfish and would choose themselves over their race if given a choice. She knew because she was the exact same. 

If she were forced to choose between this country and her family, she wouldn’t hesitate to choose her family. 

So, in a Universe where power reigns supreme, if her unborn child’s talent is exposed before it gets a chance to bloom, then its life would be over before it even begins. 

The best case in that scenario will be if it is killed. 

No pain. No suffering. Only eternal bliss.

Worst case scenario, it is used as some sort of lab rat, and when it has served its purpose, it will either be imprisoned, crippled, killed, or turned into a mindless drone used for war.

Elizabeth’s blood chilled when she thought of all those possibilities. 

Her eyes narrowed and turned ice-cold, and a bloody pressure started to exude around her, a stark contrast to her normal cheery and loving appearance. 

Right now, she looked more like a goddess of death than a loving wife.

Cain, who was in the middle of cooking food for his pregnant wife, suddenly jumped when he felt the bloodlust coming from his wife. He immediately stopped what he was doing and rushed to her side. Though, he was strong enough that such an action didn’t even take a second before he was by his wife’s side.

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“Honey, what’s wrong?! Are you okay?! Was someone trying to hurt you?!”

Cain asked with worry visible in his eyes.

Elizabeth calmed down at the sight of her husband and was about to start telling him what she saw, but she immediately stopped. She didn’t know who might be listening and didn’t want to take any chances.

She soon took out several noise-cancellation devices and used her mana to cover the area as an added layer of protection. 

Cain did the same despite the serious look in his wife’s eyes. Although he didn’t know what was happening, he trusted his wife.

Once Elizabeth felt they were safe from prying eyes, she… didn’t even start talking. She instead formed a mental connection with Cain as the last layer of protection. 

Normally, one can’t hear a mental conversation between two people, but both know people with such an ability. 

Also, if one is strong enough, one can simply listen in on their conversation without having to do anything. 

Though Cain and Elizabeth are strong enough that only a select few people in the country can do such a thing to them.

Only when the mental connection was formed did Elizabeth start to speak.

“Alright, now that we’re safe from any unwanted listeners, let me tell you what I found. So it all started when I felt something was happening to the child in my belly….”

Elizabeth then replayed everything she had just witnessed to Cain. Although there wasn’t a change in his outward expression, Elizabeth knew him long enough to know what he was feeling.

First, he was worried about something happening to his child. 

Then he was ecstatic when he heard nothing was wrong and was even happier to know that he would have such a talented child. 

All of his children are extremely talented, and although he’d love them even if they weren’t, what kind of parents would they be if they didn’t want their children to be talented? 

However, it was when Elizabeth explained the severity of the situation did he finally understand her concerns. 

It’s not that he didn’t understand human emotions. 

How can the head of a Duke’s Household possibly be so naive? 

In fact, most of his work deals with the dark underbelly of humanity, so he knows what could happen to those who stick out from the rest. 

While his other children were undoubtedly talents that could grow up to be even stronger than him, they weren’t the kind of people who could shake the foundation of humanity or even the Universe. 

“If what you’re saying is true, and I don’t doubt you for even a second, but if this is true, then we need to start planning now. We need to start preparing tools that can hide her Core and Pathways. Having something that can hide her cultivation level wouldn’t hurt either. We might also need to find or create an item that will show a fake set of Mana Pathways and Core so nobody will get suspicious of her.”

Elizabeth nodded as she was thinking the same thing. 

“We’d also have to educate our child never to share these things with people other than us. Not even her older siblings can know about this until our unborn child reaches a certain level of power. It’s not that I don’t trust them. That’s simply not the case at all. We just can’t take any risks here. I hate doing this to my little baby, but unfortunately, sometimes being too talented is more of a curse than a blessing.”

Cain nodded at his wife’s words, and although he understood the reason why it still pained him to know that his baby won’t be able to grow up like every other child. Still, it’s better than just imprisoning his child inside the estate. Not only would that be more suspicious to those around him, but it might also cause his child to resent him in the future.

The two soon finished up their mental conversation, took down all sound suppression devices, and returned to their normal loving selves.

Cain returned to cooking a meal for his wife while Elizabeth went back to observing her child. She didn’t want to reveal her baby’s gender, so she avoided anything that might indicate that. 

Suddenly, she felt her mana slowly drain after a few minutes, and her baby seemed to consume more of her nutrients than before. 

Luckily, she was a high-level cultivator and always ate highly-nutritious food, or else she might shrivel up in just a few hours at her child’s newfound appetite!

She immediately began meditating so her baby could take as much mana as she needed to grow, but before getting too engrossed in her meditation, she yelled to her husband.

“Hubby, you might want to make a few extra servings. It seems like the baby is hungry.”

“Will do!”

Little did they know that their child was currently undergoing an evolution to enter the 1st Realm of a Unique Body Cultivation Path and was devouring the necessary resources from Elizabeth to sustain this evolution. 

Mika could only thank the System for being born from such a strong woman because a normal woman definitely wouldn’t be able to survive for very long under such conditions.

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